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Enthrall Her

Page 8

by Vanessa Fewings

  My hands were trembling.

  Richard came in. “Karl just gave me an earful about my unruly submissive.”

  “I caught Karl beating up his friend,” I said, finding my voice.

  “Bret’s going through a hard time coming off drugs. Karl is sticking with him. Very honorable. Not sure I would.”

  Throw Richard’s phone at him, my muse screamed at me, and then the fucking chair.

  “He was very complimentary about you,” said Richard.

  “He asked if I was your submissive.”

  Richard came towards me, his expression tense. “I’ve been giving that a lot of thought.”


  “I can’t wait for everyone to go so you and I can talk privately.”

  My mouth went dry. “Talk?”

  A break up talk?

  “You look incredible tonight.” He reached out and grabbed my waist, pulling me towards him. “You’ve just stepped into a five hour hug.”

  Overwhelmed, I softened against him, spacing out and trying to make sense of that text. “You shouldn’t leave your wallet out,” I muttered. “Anyone could just wander in and steal it.”

  Or read your private texts.

  “Everyone here is very honest,” he said, kissing my forehead. “They don’t need the money.”

  I went rigid against him. “It makes me nervous.” You make me nervous.

  “If they want my stuff they can have it.”

  I broke away. “If they got hold of your cards you’d be in trouble.”

  “Are you pre-menstrual?”

  I gawped at him.

  “That was dangerous.” He laughed. “Looks like my death wish is back.” His eyes widened in wonder and he beamed a drop dead smile. The kind that always had me weakening. Bastard.

  Ask him about Jasmine. Go on, face your fear. Face the pain. Get it over with.

  “Baby, you look a little pale,” he said.

  Jasmine had called him baby. Did that mean he called her that too?

  “You okay? Karl wasn’t rude to you was he?” His accent was now flawlessly English. “I’ll punch his lights out if he was.”

  “No. I’m starving, that’s all,” I said. “I’m going to grab myself a bite to eat.”

  “I just fed you a ton of Beluga. Still, your appetite is back. That’s reassuring.”

  And the Oscar for most convincing happy person goes to…moi.

  “I’ll catch up with you,” he said.

  Relieved to put some distance between us, I made my way into the kitchen and headed into the pantry. Running my fingers along the full wine rack, I took my time selecting something special. Something mind numbing.

  Just give me a few more hours with him, my heart begged. The chance to savor these last few moments of us. Soon you’ll be heading back to your old life and living in a studio apartment once again and eating noodles. A far cry from champagne, salmon thingys, and caviar.

  There really was no rush to get back to that life. No, no rush at all.

  I found it. That bottle of Domain Leroy Clos de Bougeot from France, the one Richard had been saving for a special occasion. Reverently, I carried it out of the pantry and placed it on the kitchen counter and sat it beneath the Brookstone bottle opener and uncorked the sucker.

  Hell yes, if I was going to be replaced by Ms. Victoria’s Slutsville I was going to seek revenge first. And this overly expensive wine was the way to go. There’d be no casualties and Richard wouldn’t realize it until I was long gone.

  Pain was heading my way like a hundred foot tsunami. Sucking back tears, I poured a large glass of the deep red liquor and tasted it. Its sharp tanginess stung my taste buds. Several gulps later, I sensed someone’s eyes on me.

  Cameron walked passed me, frowning. “Steady on, Mia.” He caught sight of the label. “Have you any idea how much that costs?”

  “Tastes the same as any other. Looks like Richard was ripped off.”

  “Maybe if you’d given it time to breathe.” Cameron pointed at me. “Cork it and put it back where you found it.”

  “Okay then.”

  He ambled off around the corner. I poked my tongue out at him. Childish, I know, but the rebellion felt fantastic. I looked around to make sure no one caught it.

  “Put it back, Mia,” Cameron shouted from the hallway.

  After pouring my second glass and taking another sip, I realized there was something to be said for leaving it uncorked for a while. It was tasty. My thoughts drifted and I wondered how long before this ache in my heart would be soothed by the impending buzz. Champagne and red wine were a potent mix.

  Now was a good time to speak with Cameron privately. If one person had an inkling of Richard’s plan for me, it would be him. Perhaps he would help me convince Richard to keep me on at Enthrall, even if we weren’t dating.

  I charged around the corner and bumped right into Cameron, tipping my glass of wine against his chest and drenching his shirt red.

  I slapped my hand over my mouth to hide my horror.

  Cameron peered down and tugged the clinging material away from his torso. “Please tell me that wasn’t the Domain Leroy.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I blushed. “I’ll get some napkins.”

  Cameron’s glare rose to meet mine and he blinked at me several times before turning sharp on his heels and heading back the way he’d come, down and along the hallway.

  Mortified, I followed, cringing all the way down. He headed into Richard’s bedroom and disappeared inside the walk-in wardrobe.

  He reappeared with a fresh shirt on a hanger. “One of mine,” he said, making his way into the bathroom en suite.

  Why the hell did he keep one of his shirts in Richard’s wardrobe?

  Joining him inside the bathroom, I feigned interest in the floor tile when he unbuttoned his shirt. He pulled it off, revealing well defined shoulders, that sculptured torso, his black pants hanging low and revealing a hint of a perfectly formed V.

  I snapped my gaping mouth shut.

  I’d seen Cameron naked once before from the waist up, that time I’d gone to his home in Venice Beach, but he’d wrapped a towel around himself, concealing the true beauty of his body. If Cameron knew I was dumbstruck he didn’t act like it.

  He threw the shirt onto the counter. “I’ll get it dry-cleaned.” His mirrored reflection offered reassurance as he dabbed his chest with a wet cloth. “Don’t want to smell like a wino.”

  A tuft of dark hair teased and that six-pack rippled as the washcloth swept over his torso. “Best hide the Domain Leroy before Richard sees it.” He arched a brow. “We’ll get another bottle to replace it.”

  I tore my gaze away from his perfection and tried to concentrate on his face. “Why do you have a spare shirt here?”

  “I sleep over sometimes.”

  I wasn’t sure I was ready to hear anymore.

  Cameron looked amused. “If there’s a late game on and we drink too much. No drinking and driving. Very responsible, wouldn’t you say?”

  “What about Leo?” I said. “He could take you home.”

  “Having him wait around always feels selfish. He has a family with two young boys. Besides, I like crashing here. And it’s easier to head straight to the office and avoid morning traffic. Since you moved in I’ve been giving you both the space you deserve. New romance and all that.”

  “Where do you sleep?” There, I said it.

  “In the spare bedroom.” He turned to face me. “Mia, Richard and I have never had sex. Not together, anyway. Of course I’ve had the pleasure of watching him have sex, as he has me.” He looked amused. “Hope I cleared that up.”

  Oh yeah, thanks for that.

  Of course I suspected this. After all, these two were the grand gods of sex, the dark lords of Chrysalis, but hearing it confirmed was something else. My mind turned cartwheels trying to imagine just what they’d gotten up to. A thrill shot between my thighs as wild images came to mind of these two and some lucky girl caught
in their fuck-web.

  He was turning me on.


  Cameron always did this. Seducing me with merely the arch of a brow, making me tingle deliciously down there. This highly charged sexual chemistry might be fun for him but it was a real curse, threatening to soak my panties. My brain warned me to leave, like right now, this second, only my legs and the warm fuzzy feeling down there wasn’t getting the message.

  He reached for a towel and dabbed his chest dry. “You’re forgiven.”

  At least he’d removed this nagging doubt about just how close these guys really were. Still, now I knew Cameron liked to watch Richard doing it, and I had a brand new doubt to replace the last. Who had the girl been that he’d watched Richard doing? His last submissive? Jasmine, the texting whore?

  “Don’t be upset.” Cameron shrugged. “I bumped into you.”

  I brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes. My scorching cheeks burned less.

  Cameron buttoned his fresh shirt and tucked it into his pants. “Let’s see if anyone mentions it. You’d be surprised how something so obvious goes unnoticed.”

  “If you have a moment,” I said, “I wanted to talk to you about Richard.”

  “I’d rather he were here.”

  “Well, it’s kind of about him and me.”

  “Of all the women in Richard’s life, you mean the most to him,” said Cameron from out of nowhere.

  Had he just confirmed my fear? I wrapped my arms around myself.

  Cameron turned around to face me and leaned back against the counter top, his hands resting on the edge, all perfect styled hair and dashing smile. “Do you want to talk about anything else?”

  “No. Why?”

  He scrutinized me. “I love that dress on you. Very pretty.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m here for you anytime you want to talk.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Let’s grab Richard later and have that chat you need?”


  Cameron went for the exit. I stepped aside and watched him leave. The waft of his cologne was the only evidence he’d been here. That, and his soiled shirt sitting on the bathroom counter.

  Feeling guilty over the wine spilling saga, I made my way over to the sink and reached for it. If I ran it under cold water it would get most of the wine out. I flicked the collar and stole a glance at the Dolce and Gabbana label. It was definitely worth a try. The material was soft, proving along with the label it was expensive.

  I hoped I’d never get used to all this wealth. I’d promised myself I’d keep this sense of value and not become spoiled and wasteful. Last week, Richard had bought me several hundred dollar T-shirts from a Rodeo Drive store and the cost had made my toes curl. Not that I wasn’t grateful. One of them was a gorgeous royal blue Gucci top, the price hiked because of the label that no one would see.

  After spilling five hundred dollars worth of wine on this shirt, I really needed to reel in my judgment of the wealthy and their irreverent waste.

  Having spent my entire life living in poverty, I was still getting used to being around two millionaires. Though, according to Richard, Cameron was a billionaire, set to inherit the entire Cole Tea Industries estate. Cameron never talked about it. And he certainly never acted superior. I suppose he didn’t have anything to prove.

  Lifting his shirt to my nose, I inhaled the essence of Cameron, burying my face in the material and swooning at his soft cologne mixed with his sexy scent. It sent a shiver through me. Eyes closed, I found comfort in knowing this man was in my life. The most exciting friend a girl could have. Other than Richard of course. Cameron always knew what to say and when to put me at ease. He knew how to handle Richard. He could handle anything.

  Scrunching up the material, I let my senses fill with him. Every part of me tingled and my heart fluttered. Cameron was so desirable. So irresistible. I loved Richard with every part of my being, though Cameron was a mystery I couldn’t help but obsess over. I may not have been cheating on Richard, like he was on me, but I was as sure as hell betraying him with these thoughts.

  I shoved them away. Or tried to.

  The material felt smooth against my lips, soft, sensual even, and I closed my eyes and breathed him in again.

  Oh no—

  Cameron stood in the doorway and he was staring at me, his expression unreadable. Had I not learned my lesson from that day at Enthrall when he’d caught me on Scarlet’s spanking bench? From the way he was staring, all steely and unfazed, it was an easy no. The floor beneath my feet became unsteady and I hoped this imaginary earthquake would crack open the ground and swallow me.

  Cameron said nothing. He merely dragged out this torturous embarrassment as though measuring his words. “Mia.” His tone was deep, seductive.


  This was the first time I’d seen him speechless.

  The door bumped Cameron forward.

  It was Richard. “Am I invited to this party?”

  He’d sunburned his forehead earlier, despite applying sunblock. That flushed skin would soon turn golden, enhancing those deep ocean blue eyes.

  “I was washing it out.” I looked to Cameron for confirmation.

  Cameron arched a brow.

  “Someone opened my bottle of Domain Leroy,” said Richard.

  I sprang into action and turned the cold tap on, preferring to stare at running water than continue to be held in this line of fire by the all-seeing Richard. Or Cameron.

  “What am I missing?” said Richard.

  Damn, how did they always see beyond what was right in front of them?

  Shooting Cameron a warning glance, I said, “It was my fault. I bumped into him and accidently spilled my drink over his shirt. I can save it though.”

  “I can get it dry cleaned,” said Cameron. “I told you that.”

  Scrubbing the material together, I was grateful for the distraction. The water went from a deep red to a pinkish hue. “It’s almost out.” I held it up. “See?”

  “Mia,” said Cameron with sincerity, “has something she wants to talk to you about, Richard.”

  I flashed a confused glance his way. “No I don’t.”

  Cameron arched a questioning brow.

  I held up the shirt. “I kind of did you a favor.”

  “Oh really?”

  Oh shit, I’d awoken the beast that was Cameron Cole.

  Richard laughed. “Please don’t tell me that’s my all time favorite saved for a special day bottle of wine.”

  Unable to look at him, I scrubbed away like an old washer woman.

  Richard shook his head in surprise. “And to add insult to injury Cole, that’s your favorite shirt isn’t it?”

  “All time favorite,” said Cameron. “Weaved by monks atop the Himalayas. My trek up there to find it was legendary. Grueling too. Took six months. Lost good men along the way.”

  “Very funny,” I said.

  “Mia,” said Cameron. “I’ll buy another. Please don’t worry about it.”

  “The wine’s replaceable,” said Richard.

  “I’m so clumsy,” I said. “I should drink white.” Staring down at the sopping material, I kept my focus away from them.

  “What do you think of Mia’s tattoo?” asked Richard.

  I’d forgotten about that. My hummingbird itched feeling their scrutiny.

  “I rather like it,” said Cameron. “It perfectly represents her.”

  “What an interesting observation,” said Richard, his right hand reaching out into the ether before him. “Mia’s exactly like a hummingbird. Hovering right in front of you, yet you can’t quite ever capture a hummingbird.” He closed his fingers into a fist. “No matter how much you want to. And then of course there’s the fear that if you do, you’ll somehow—”

  “Mia,” said Cameron. “Next time you make a big decision like this you’ll talk to us about it.”

  “I promise.” I stared at Richard, trying to see if he was hurt.
br />   “What are you thinking, Booth?” said Cameron.

  “Any suggestions?” said Richard.

  “A public spanking might teach her some respect,” said Cameron.

  “As if.” I turned off the tap.

  Cameron gave Richard a pat on his back before heading out to leave us to cope with the fallout.

  Richard also knew a thing or two about silence. He stood there watching me, waiting for goodness knows what. I’d been so excited about hosting this party with him and now all I felt was awkward. Betrayed. Out of control. My lack of social graces raised their ugly head yet again.

  Richard pried the shirt out of my grip and threw it into the linen basket. He replaced the lid to hide the evidence.

  “He’s wants to get it dry cleaned,” I said.

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  Leaning into him, I rested my head against his chest.

  Tell me she’s nothing to you.

  His grip tightened. “Baby, it’s just a shirt.”

  “I’m sorry about the wine.”

  “Anything of mine is yours. I’ve told you that.” He gripped my shoulders and pushed me back to better see my face. “What’s going on with you?”

  I looked up at him. “Am I good enough for you?”

  “Too good.” He kissed the end of my nose. “I’m more at risk of losing you. I’ve seen the way you drool over Enthrall’s gardener.”

  I giggled. “Juan’s fifty.”

  “Juan? First name terms?” He gave a crooked smile. “You’re not exactly helping your case, Mia.”


  “I’m sure our Mediterranean, tanned and studly gardener is much younger than that,” he said. “Must be all the sun.”

  “Are we even talking about the same person?”

  He feigned mock horror. “There’s more than one?”

  I poked his chest. “Juan doesn’t speak a word of English.”

  “Sounds perfect to me. Less chance of arguments.”

  I threw my head back in a laugh. He really was my funny Richard. And I was about to lose him. I pressed my face against his chest.

  He hugged me back. “Mia, I love you more than life itself and nothing you say or do will ever change that.”

  Richard’s words rendered me useless and I nuzzled in. His scent of a fresh ocean was soothing and safe.


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