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Enthrall Her

Page 11

by Vanessa Fewings

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  I wanted to ask about Jasmine. About that text. My mouth froze.

  “Mia,” he said. “This is a wonderful opportunity.”

  You’re getting rid of me? Getting me out of the way?

  “I told you I like my submissives already trained,” he said. “You have specific needs that require a specific set of skills—”

  “Give me more time.”

  “I’m doing this for you. For us.”

  “I thought we came from the same fucking star!”


  “I went to Cameron to see if he might help me get through to you. To see if he might persuade you.”

  “And to learn how to become a good submissive too. That’s what you told him.”

  “I might have given him that impression.”

  “Some part of you wants him to train you.” He raised his hand. “It’s okay to admit that.”

  My body betrayed me by responding to facing Cameron again. This ache low in my belly, this longing, a yearning so intense I dared not turn my attention to it for fear of losing myself within the vortex that was Cameron Cole.

  I wasn’t ready for him. I’d never be ready for someone like him. Fantasizing about a BDSM relationship with Cameron was one thing. The reality of it was completely another. This man was hardcore. A self confessed sadist.

  Richard gestured to the contract. “Read it and sign it.”

  I stared at Cameron’s name as though his signature held equal power.

  “Cameron is a world renowned dominant,” said Richard. “You’re a very lucky young lady.”

  Dizziness came in waves. “Why can’t you train me?”

  “All the reasons I’ve explained. I’m too close to you.”

  “You doubt my obedience?”

  “You could say that. Mia, you just told the director you hate him.”

  Oh fuck, I did.

  “You’re impossible to train,” he said. “Cameron is the only one who can. He’s the only man who can tame you.”

  “I don’t need taming.”

  “In my world you do.” He swept his hand threw his hair. “You’re out of control.”

  “Because I got a tattoo?”

  “It’s on your body. I love everything about your body.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I promised to love you. Protect you. Die for you, and right now I’m failing you.” He stepped back. “I can’t stand to see you hold onto this pain any more. I can’t get to it, Mia, and God knows I’ve tried.”

  “If you love me how can you give me to another?”

  “It’s because I love you.”

  “Do you really believe he can help me?”

  “Most ardently.”

  I’d beaten myself up believing I’d let Richard down, yet he’d given me over to Cameron like a plaything. Something to be shared like that tortilla chip that Richard had dipped into that creamy guacamole on Cameron’s plate. Sharing me had always been a given. I was nothing more than an erotic delicacy.

  I feared Cameron, yet that low dull ache tightened in anticipation of the pleasures he’d bring, and to prove it my panties were getting wetter by the second. My sex throbbed delightfully with thoughts of Cameron.


  I tussled with trust. Refused myself the pleasure of what I wanted most. This impossible dream was coming true and it terrified me.

  “Mia?” Richard shook me from my thoughts.


  “As far as I’m concerned you’re not ready for someone of this caliber,” he said. “Prove me wrong.”

  He came into focus again and I fought this sensation of slow motion.

  “Cameron sees your potential,” he said.

  Cameron wore his arrogance like a shield, and from what I’d gathered he used it to keep everyone at arm’s length. He was the last person on earth who could save me. Even if everyone raved about him. Worshiped him, for goodness sake.

  “There is no alternative,” said Richard. “Your new dominant and I have made this decision for you.”

  The sting of defeat.

  “Your actions from here on are imperative,” he said.

  My voice lost its will to speak.

  “After two weeks, you will be returned to me,” he said. “Primed. Obedient. A perfect submissive.”

  A thrill of excitement at the possibilities. Would I be trained at Chrysalis? Would I sleep in Cameron’s bed? Wake with him? Eat breakfast with him? Be near him at all times? Would he hold me in his arms and tell me he’d protect me? Soothe me. Not push me away like Richard was doing now.

  Trust this Mia, go with this, you want this…

  No, the truth was glaring. I’d be handed back to Richard when Cameron had gotten bored with me. And what happened when Richard became bored with me too? I’d be replaced with that pretty young thing Richard had taken to Pendulum. A girl not as rebellious. A better fit.

  Yet my body insisted there was only one man who could get to me, get to this, whatever this was, only one man who knew the art of surrender.



  I refused to let go of this resistance, forbade myself to give away my power.

  It’s all you have left.

  “Do you like your collar?” he said, handing me the contract.

  “Yes,” I said, weighing this small victory.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” He pointed to the contract. “Give this to Cameron.”

  Slowly, I turned and made my way into the kitchen.

  I prepared their drinks in a blur.

  Finding that silver tray in the top left cupboard that Cameron had been so specific about, I placed beside it two crystal tumblers and filled them to the brim with bourbon and threw in reckless chucks of ice.

  The scrape of ripping paper sounded impossibly loud as I tore up the contract into a hundred little pieces. I glanced back to make sure Richard wasn’t watching. He was still in his office, probably assuming I’d obediently headed off to my new master.

  After scattering the pieces upon the tray, I rested both tumblers upon the torn up fragments of delicious rebellion. I picked up the tray and headed out into the garden.

  Passing small crowds of guests, some eyed me with curiosity, others were too engrossed in conversation to notice me. Rounding the blue pool that I had wanted to dive into all night and swim laps in, I headed towards the left hand corner of the garden, admiring the twinkling string lights and their attempt at emanating mystery.

  With my head held high, I approached Cameron and Ethan. They still chatted away. They turned to look at me.

  “Mia, that’s a fine piece of jewelry,” said Ethan. “A beautiful collar.”

  “Thank you.” I raised the tray. “Sir.”

  Cameron lifted one of the glasses and handed it to Ethan. He took the other one for himself. Both he and Ethan dipped their fingers into their tumblers to scoop out chucks of ice and threw them onto the grass behind them.

  Satisfied their drinks were now in better shape, they sipped their liquor as though nothing was out of the ordinary and I hadn’t drenched their bourbon in daring cubes of defiance.

  Ethan grinned. “Chilled to perfection.”

  “There’s room for improvement,” said Cameron.

  “So you say.” I raised my chin higher.

  Cameron gestured to the tray. “That’s our contract I take it?”

  “Sure is.”

  Cameron held out his hand to Ethan. “Lighter.”

  Ethan reached inside his pants pocket and handed his cigarette lighter to Cameron.

  “Mia, bring it over here please,” said Cameron, gesturing for me to set the tray on the table.

  I took the few short steps alongside him and placed it down, heart fluttering, watching with fascination. Cameron flicked open the lighter and clicked it several times, bringing it close to the tray. A small flame kissed one of the pieces of paper and a flash of flames burst up as the others
caught fire too. Orange and yellows licked the air searching for oxygen—

  Like my lungs were doing now.

  Black smoke billowed. The silver base was singed with a pungent scent. He’d escalated my attempt at rebellion.

  “I never signed it,” I said breathlessly.

  Cameron towered over me. “That’s a given.”

  Whispers carried…

  “I take it you don’t approve,” I said.


  I raised my chin high. “The arrogance of genius.”

  “And how would you know?”

  This was like playing chess with a master.

  “Ms. Lauren,” said Cameron, his glare intense. “When you change your mind, and trust me you will, you will present yourself to me and offer your most sincere apology. You will of course be naked, wearing only your collar. And maybe, just maybe, I will reconsider my offer.”

  “To train me like a dog?”

  Gasps resonated around us.

  “To fuck your pain into oblivion, Mia,” said Cameron fiercely. “Should I ever deem you worthy of me again.”


  LIGHTS FROM THE party blinded me.

  The same ones I’d lovingly hung from one end of the garden to the other, taking my time to get them just perfect. The beam so bright it placed me at center stage.

  With my heart twisted in knots, I took the walk of shame away from Cameron and the other guests, disorientated, shaken, lost and made my way down towards the end of the garden. Clicking open the latch, I trudged down the pathway that led to the beach.

  I’d ruined my chance of being taken under Cameron’s wing, and had no idea why. Self-examining my angst, I tried to reason with my will.

  My need to hold onto my control.

  For weeks I’d wanted what Cameron had just offered, yet I’d reacted so aggressively to him. Fear had taken over and sabotaged my moment, along with mistrust that gnawed into my heart. My thoughts were too foggy to see through.

  The evening breeze caught my tears and stung my face.

  I reasoned that revelatory text from Jasmine had given me every right to be mad. It proved my suspicions.

  Turning slightly, I looked back up at Richard’s home. It emphasized his wealth and privilege. I should have known my relationship with a member of high society could never last. I’d merely been a distraction. A gift given by another man to ease Richard’s heartache, and once he’d healed I’d be no longer needed here. There was no room for a commoner like me in his world.

  Kicking off my shoes, my feet sunk into the sand and I walked towards lapping waves. The ocean made me feel even smaller and truly insignificant; nature’s statement of supremacy. Over the last few months I’d come to know a thing or two about supremacy in a society I’d never fit into.

  Swiping away tears, I failed to hold back these sobs.

  The ocean’s grayness went on forever and waves crashed over the shoreline, lapping over my feet, stinging my ankles with its coldness. The sound of rolling waves seemed even louder at night. Foam frothed over my feet, only to be drawn back again in a watery tease.

  I’d pushed back so violently I conjured fury in Cameron. Or perhaps his expression had been disappointment? Anger maybe? Well earned disgrace? I’d rebelled in front of all his friends and was sure to have ruined our friendship. I’d never be able to face him or Richard ever again.

  I’d lost everything, probably my job too.

  “How’s the water?”

  It was Scarlet, and she was right behind me, having snuck up quietly. In one hand she held a bottle of champagne and in the other two crystal flutes.

  “Cold,” I said, stepping back onto dry sand.

  “Apparently glass is forbidden down here.” She beamed mischievously. “But being naughty feels so damn good doesn’t it?” She raised the glasses. “Thought we’d celebrate.”

  Surely she could see I’d been crying? She wasn’t showing any sign of annoyance, so maybe she hadn’t overheard my outburst.

  “Not sure I have anything to celebrate,” I said, wondering if she’d been sent down here by Cameron to chastise me.

  Being berated by a dominatrix was going to round out this evening nicely.

  “I love your collar,” she said. “It’s exquisite.”

  My fingers traced the edge. Despite its snugness, I’d forgotten I was wearing it. “I can’t keep it.”

  “Why ever not?”

  “Well…” my voice wavered with emotion.

  “It was gifted to you. Of course you can.” She stepped closer. “Mia, you do realize those are real diamonds?”

  “Richard mentioned something about them being real.”

  Scarlet shook her head. “Those boys are so decadent.”

  “How much do you think it cost?”

  “Several million.”

  “Dollars?” My legs almost buckled.

  I had a vision of Richard stomping over the sand and demanding this choker back. Maybe that was why Scarlet was here. To make sure I didn’t run off with it.

  Tipping the champagne bottle, she poured two glasses of bubbly and handed me one. Taking a sip, it tasted refreshing, and I took several more gulps, needing the buzz to kick in and take off the edge. With my left hand, I reached around to the back of the collar and fiddled for the catch.

  “No, don’t take it off.” She took a sip. “You look beautiful in it.”

  I dropped my hand to my side. “I won’t be allowed to keep it. Maybe you can give it back to Cameron for me?”

  “Only your master may remove it. Surely you know that?”

  “He’s not my master,” I said. “I screwed up—”

  “If you don’t learn to love yourself, Mia, you’ll end up hating yourself, and if that’s the message you’re sending out into the universe, God help you.”

  “You were in the garden a few minutes ago?” I said.

  “I was, yes. I overheard everything.”

  “Between me and Cameron?”

  “Yes,” she said. “It was an interesting interaction between a master and his new submissive.”

  “I’m not his submissive.” I blew that chance.

  “Then why are you still wearing his collar?” she said.

  “He’ll probably tell me to take it off.”

  “Did he?” She took in the ocean. “I never heard him say that.”

  “I made him angry.”

  She smirked. “You certainly gave him good reason to deliver the mother of all punishments.”

  I swallowed hard.

  “The ultimate punishment,” she said. “The ultimate gift.”

  I marveled at her belief I’d not blown this chance.

  “Once you’ve signed your contract, you’ll be hot housed at Chrysalis,” she said.

  “I ripped it up.”

  “Print off another one.”

  I blinked at her. “This hot housing is what exactly?”

  “T.P.E.” On my confused stare, she added, “Total power exchange.”

  “All the time?”


  “So I’ll stay at Chrysalis?”

  “For at least two weeks,” she said. “Under Cameron’s supervision.”

  “What kind of things will I be asked to do?”

  “Whatever your master deems necessary. He’ll go over his expectations.”

  “Did Cameron send you down here?”

  “No. As your mistress at Enthrall, and as your friend, I want you to make the best decision.” She mirrored my stance. “I want you to be happy.”

  “I want that too.”

  “What’s holding you back?”

  “I’m scared of losing control.”

  “Cameron will guide you through the process of handing over all control to him.”

  “What if I lose myself?”

  “First you have to find yourself.” She measured her words. “Have you?”


  “Chrysalis is a place where such an endeavor is
possible.” She threw in a smile. “And in L.A., that’s quite something.”

  “How do you know who you really are?” I said.

  “Well, if you have to ask.”

  A small rogue wave washed over my feet.

  “You push the boundaries of your existence,” she said.

  I was in awe of her. Her beauty, her confidence, her worldliness.

  Scarlet’s expression softened and kindness exuded from her beautiful face. “Mia, I’m twice your age and know a thing or two about life.” She raised her hand in protest to my reaction. “I’ve lived all over the world. I’ve flown in private jets and hung out with movie stars. Spanked quite a few of them too.” She winked, her sassy expression turning serious once more. “I’ve scuba dived in the warm waters of Bali and eaten lobster from china plates in Dubai.” She raised her hand in a warning. “I’ve prayed in the temples of Nepal and I’ve swum the shores off a private Hawaiian island at dawn, alongside wild dolphins. And yet nothing, and I mean nothing, equals the high of being with a master who can take you to the height of pleasure and hold you in a state of bliss for hours.” She stepped closer. “Love is the only true treasure in this world. And along with it, blinding sexual pleasure. The master who gave you that collar is the only one who is capable of releasing that love within you.” She downed the rest of her drink. “Cameron’s an extraordinary man. He’s also the only one who can ensure you reach your full potential. He just offered you the chance of a lifetime. Don’t fuck it up.”

  “I just did.”

  “That’s not what I witnessed.”

  “What did you see?”

  “His greatest challenge.”

  “And Cameron doesn’t mind that?”

  “He finds the opportunity exhilarating.”

  “Have there been others like me?”

  “You are amongst the privileged.”

  “Why now? Why are you encouraging me to submit to Cameron when all I’ve ever heard from all of you is to avoid him?”

  “Because, Mia, you weren’t ready for him before.”

  “And now I am?”

  “He deems you ready. That’s all we need to be assured you are.”

  “Is Cameron everything you say he is?”

  “You have two choices: undergo Cameron’s method or remain in therapy for many years and hope it works eventually.”

  “He’s that good?”


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