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Enthrall Her

Page 16

by Vanessa Fewings

  “Sir?” I whispered.

  Cameron shook his head and blinked down at me. “Beautifully executed.”

  I beamed up at him.

  “I shall have to thank Chef,” he said huskily. “Looks like the crème brulee was a hit.”


  INTRIGUE CAME WITH the early morning.

  I’d stayed in Cameron’s guest bedroom, unable to sleep, rolling around and around in that big bed, my mind racing with all that had happened. I went over every interaction, every detail from dinner last night with his family, trying to remember if I’d embarrassed myself.

  The highlight of the evening was dessert with Cameron in the kitchen. My sex clenched when I thought of it. I was actually enjoying my first days as his submissive. It wasn’t as scary as I’d anticipated. Though the plan to leave for Chrysalis later this morning made it hard to relax too much.

  Dressed in this plush robe I’d found in the bathroom, I went off exploring, down the central staircase, through the main foyer and along the hall. More paintings were hung here, and these too were religious themed. None of the images were in any way comforting. A conscious decision on Cameron’s part probably. No one looked happy in any of them. Maybe that was the point, the message being that abstaining from temptation brought unhappiness. And as though right on cue, the end painting was of a young, pale maiden being taken by a white winged angel, his halo illuminating the canvas. I stared at his muscular physique. The way her head was thrown back in ecstasy. This one had to be about God’s blessing on young lovers, or so the artist had perhaps led us to believe.

  I continued along. This place was vast. I wondered if Cameron ever got lonely.

  The strangest noise—

  It sounded like metal clanging against metal and feet skidding along a hardwood floor. After pausing for a few seconds, I opened the door.

  This was a gym with hardwood floors and bright florescent lighting. At the far end were two men and they were fencing, their faces hidden beneath meshed white masks and both of them dressed in white. The tension was taut between them. They lunged at each other, their feet making quick work of leaping forward and backward with lightning speed. Their thin long swords were held out before them as they struck their opponent’s weapon again and again, the clanging echoing. Aggressively they plunged at each other with a swift grace.

  “On guard!” the taller man shouted, and again he tucked his left arm behind him, his right holding his sword out in front. He jabbed his opponent on the shoulder and leaped back.

  I slid just inside the door, mesmerized.

  More agile strikes—

  This was fierce. Violent. And yet beautiful. Sexy even. Their male physiques warred with one another in a dance of death.

  They stopped in their tracks and their masked stares fell on me.

  “Sorry,” my voice echoed. “I was having a look around.” As if that made it any better.

  The shorter man removed his mask, revealing a young, handsome face.

  He strolled towards me, taking his time to amble across the sparseness of the hall. “I was losing anyway. You did me a favor.” He slipped off his glove and held his hand out. “Shay Gardner.” His handshake felt firm.

  “Mia Lauren.”

  It was hard not to be thrown by his grin and that handshake that went on a little too long. His outfit was so masculine. The other man pulled off his mask. It was Cameron, looking fine in his fencing suit and swaggering with the stride of the victor.

  “I was going in for the kill, Mia,” said Cameron. “You arrived just in time.”

  “Cole,” said Shay. “This lucky streak will end, you do realize that?”

  Cameron gave a low bow. “Always a pleasure, Mr. Gardner.”

  “I’ll see you later at Chrysalis, Mia,” said Shay. “I hear it’s your first day?”

  “Technically yesterday was Mia’s first day,” said Cameron.

  A tingle of nerves resonated from my chest and outward and I blushed wildly.

  Shay headed out. It was nice to know there’d be a familiar face at Chrysalis. He seemed friendly enough. I wondered if he was one of the dominants. He certainly used a sword like one.

  “That was very impressive,” I said.

  Cameron flipped his sword downward. “We’ll have to get you into the sport, Mia. Something tells me you’d excel at a parry.” And on my confused stare, he added, “A blade work maneuver to deflect or block an attack.”

  I gave a wry smile. “It’s very early.”

  He shrugged. “We have a long day ahead.”

  Cameron showed an odd indifference, as though last night’s mischief with me and a pot of crème brulee never happened.

  “Is your family still here?” I said.

  “They left early this morning.”

  The Cole’s were all early risers it seemed. Still, at least I didn’t need to make polite conversation over breakfast and pretend like I wasn’t off to a BDSM manor that their son owned.

  “Sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye,” I said.

  “They send their regards. Breakfast?”

  “Yes please.”

  He headed towards the door. “Freddie will prepare you something. I’ll meet you in half an hour in the foyer. We have a car picking us up at 8AM. You will find a dress in your wardrobe. Wear it.”

  “You’re not eating breakfast with me?”

  He looked surprised. “Why would I?”

  I turned and looked back at the room. This show of manliness was probably a good representation of what I had to look forward to. All this testosterone and strength vying for power.

  After eating only a few bites of yogurt and muesli, I hurried out of the kitchen, thanking Chef Freddie for my breakfast as well as the delicious coffee, and ran to my room to get ready. The last thing I needed was to be late and incur a punishment right out of the gate.

  I grabbed my handbag and made my way down.

  I found a stern looking Cameron waiting for me in the foyer at five minutes to 8AM, and I followed him out to the waiting Lincoln Town car.

  The journey to Chrysalis felt dreamlike.

  Sitting beside him in the back of the car with my hand in his made me feel safe and readier than ever for my new adventure. I stole glances his way, admiring how serene he looked, how peaceful.

  The fingers of his right hand scrolled down his Blackberry while his left hand held mine, his thumb caressing and relaxing me.

  He wore a three piece suit and his hair was neatly combed this morning, reflecting a level of control that was unnerving. Everything about him, even his highly polished shoes, looked flawless. So well thought out yet effortless.

  I’d dressed in this Ralph Lauren sleeveless Pointelle-knit flare dress, matching it with strappy heels. L.A.’s mild weather was going to be a blessing if Cameron was going to continue to dress me like this. Luckily his taste was exquisite.

  Just as it was for music. A string quartet oozed from surround sound speakers. Everything with Cameron seemed masterfully orchestrated. This elegant music was part of that and it caused chills to prickle the tiny hairs on my forearms as it emphasized the foreignness of his world.

  I felt my power slipping away.

  “Warm enough?” said Cameron.

  I gave a nod that I was and resisted the urge to scoot closer to him and snuggle.

  This crackling electricity between us was impossible to ignore. Not that I wanted to pretend it wasn’t there, and from the way Cameron’s gaze lingered on me from time to time he must have sensed it too. Entering into this agreement had taken the kind of courage I didn’t know I had, and feeling this connection with him, seeing glimpses of his affection, made it easier.

  Chrysalis appeared on the horizon, and just like that came the return of Cameron’s brooding intensity, his hand lifting from mine and his demeanor authoritative again. Caressing my right hand, I soothed the ache of having him no longer holding it, missing the warmth of his touch.

  The land surrounding the m
anor provided the kind of privacy only the rich could afford, as did the services offered within. Clients booked themselves in here for weeks, and a few for months at a time apparently, and I was about to join these daring guests as I too took up the challenge of learning to become a good submissive.

  The Lincoln came to a stop outside the front of Chrysalis and I stared out of the window to admire the vast hilltop Bel Air property that looked more like a grand hotel than a private house. And I suppose in many ways it was. Soft lighting highlighted the French styled château with its high arched windows and pristine pillars.

  Fear lodged in my throat, quickly followed by doubt. That air conditioning had overly chilled the car.

  Cameron leaned forward. “Leo, please inform the staff we’re here.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He handed Leo my handbag. “Have this taken to Ms. Lauren’s room, please.”

  “Sir.” Leo tucked it under his arm.

  Cameron settled back and waited for him to exit and then turned to face me. “How are you feeling?”

  I exhaled in a rush. “Good. Excited. Ready.”

  “I’m looking forward to beginning your training too,” he said. “Your discipline is well overdue.”

  Low in my belly came that familiar quiver, a delicious anticipation, and Cameron gave a nod of appreciation as though he’d picked up on it.

  “Does my training begin now?” I said.

  “It begins when I say it begins. Your attitude in the past has been unacceptable. Rebellious. Disrespectful.”

  “But I—”

  He raised a hand. “Never interrupt me again. Are we clear?”

  I shrank back, and despite some part of my brain telling me it was wrong to allow him to talk to me like this, it felt exhilarating and strangely safe. “I was merely going to say—”

  “Mia, this is not a game of who the fuck is in charge,” he snapped. “Do I have your attention?”

  I gave a quick sharp nod.

  “Good.” He gave each cuff a tug. “To enter this house one must abide by its rules. Each and every person entering Chrysalis must first undergo a background check. They also sign an NDA. No one, and I mean no one, enters this property without my express permission. Doing so results in being expelled.”

  “I understand,” I murmured.

  “This is no ordinary house. This is no ordinary life you are embarking on. From the moment you enter those doors, you will strive to be a willing and well-behaved submissive.”

  Never had I felt more ready to enter those doors. I’d visited here only once before and caught a glimpse of what went on inside. I was so happy to have Cameron by my side, even if his master persona was a little terrifying right now. His alpha-maleness was off the charts and it was making me giddy. I tried to fight off this arousal, fearing it might cause me to lose control or say something embarrassing, like beg him to take me right now, right here in the car, like a wanton hussy. My body ached for him, and even though he was close I needed him closer. My hands trembled with need.

  “No rebellious response?” He sounded surprised.

  “I thought you wanted me to be good?” I’d been around his pheromones too long and they were addling my brain.

  “I’m not used to your obedience.” He gave a roguish smile. “Before we go in, I’d like to explain Chrysalis.” He reached for a bottle of water and unscrewed the top. He handed it to me.

  I looked around for a glass.

  “Society deems that drinking from a glass is most appropriate,” he said. “Certain cultures have deemed sexuality merely a mechanism for reproduction.”

  “Like the Catholic Church?”

  “Many, many religions, in fact. Imagine if you will, that you discover at a young age you have a predilection that society deems evil.” He waved his hand. “I’m only referring to acts involving consenting adults. Here at Chrysalis we only role-play with healthy minded men and women who want to play safely. As well as care for those with certain sexual dysfunctions, impotence for example, or the inability to orgasm. As a way of ensuring a cure.”

  “People come here for treatment?”

  “Some,” he said. “Very often clients have tried everything else. Some have even undergone painful surgical procedures. All of which failed.”

  “So their issues can be either psychological or physical?”

  “One affects the other. The work we do here is controversial but we have a high success rate.”

  “It’s like a clinic then?”

  He gave me a sympathetic look.

  “Or perhaps something else all together?” I said.

  “We do love to put labels on people and places, don’t we?” he said. “I’m not talking about you personally but society in general.” Cameron’s voice sounded clipped, intense. “Let me tell you a little about our heritage. Our founder was threatened with imprisonment in London in 1905 because of his unusual fetish. He came to America and later began a secret society for like-minded individuals.”

  “What was his fetish?”

  “Never ask anyone here that question. Understand?”

  “Oh, okay. Will you always be this controlling?”

  “Mia, I will parade you through the house naked if you continue to push back.”

  “I’m sorry… can’t help it.”

  “You will learn to.”

  I bit my lip, trying to suppress this low ache in my belly, and lower still that delicious tingling, that longing to be touched by him.

  “That’s better,” he said. “I see in your future a public punishment if you continue with this rebellion.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, but it didn’t help.

  “Do I have your attention?” he said firmly.

  My eyes shot open and I gave a nod.

  “Throughout history, men and women have been persecuted for their inherent sexual desires.”

  “Why did they tell people about them?”

  “Their innate desire to see their fantasy realized brought the wrong kind of attention.”

  “People can be cruel, can’t they?”

  “You were so sheltered in Charlotte,” he said. “Sometimes I think you’re younger than you are. It’s not a criticism, just an observation.”

  “You seem older too,” I said.

  “Older than what?”


  “I’m thirty-four.”

  “But you went to Harvard with Richard?”

  “We weren’t in the same year, Mia.”

  I felt stupid and held back on a blush. “Don’t change your mind about me. I so want to be here.”


  This revelation stunned me, not only because I’d assumed they were both in the same year at university but also because he was thirteen years older than me. A man of the world, a sophisticate, and he’d proven on more than one occasion nothing fazed him.

  “You’ve never been married?” I asked.

  He seemed unaffected by the question. “No.”

  For some reason that made me happy.

  Cameron continued, “Chrysalis is considered a sanctuary. We have guests visit from all around the world. It’s an exclusive society that has a detailed screening process for members.” He removed his BlackBerry from his pocket and glanced at the screen. He shot off a text and returned his phone to his pocket.

  “Human sexuality is complex,” he went on. “A kaleidoscope of erotic colors, ever changing, ever evolving—” He took the bottle of water from me and unscrewed the lid. “During your time here, you will be introduced to every aspect.”

  I stared at the water like it was the last bottle on earth.

  Cameron took a sip, his lips encircling the tip, and though he may not have known it he even made that look sensuous. “Chrysalis is a safe, nurturing house that offers its inhabitants the opportunity to live out their desires, needs, and predictions in a non-judgmental environment.” He raised the bottle. “Spring water. Delicious. It’s refreshing, don’t you agree?”



  “You have a need? A thirst that needs to be quenched?”

  I gave a nod.

  “What if I told you that you would never drink water again?” Cameron peered out of his side window and looked up at Chrysalis. “You would feel as though you were dying.”

  “I understand.”

  “Here we honor those whom society has yet to understand.”

  “If they can afford it.” I regretted that one.

  “Our members tend to have a higher level of intelligence and therefore lean towards the upper salary bracket. We welcome bright, beautiful, and open-minded individuals.”

  My attention drifted to the front door. Soon I’d be meeting many of those members and mingling with them for weeks. I hoped they’d like me and I them. If they were anything like the guests at Enthrall, I was going to like it here.

  Cameron looked thoughtful. “During the Second World War, a young code breaker was hired by the British government at their code breaking center in Bletchley Park. By all accounts, he was a sweet, kind man. He was remarkably intelligent, so much so that he flourished in the field of cryptanalysis…”

  I was working hard at following his words, but it was a challenge with my imagination scaring me over what we might be getting up to soon. Where was he going with this?

  Cameron paused, as though sensing my daydreaming. “His name was Alan Turing. Alan devised a number of ways to break the enemy’s ciphers, or codes. He was mainly responsible for decoding the Enigma machine. Now, the Enigma contained all of Germany’s codes.”

  I sat forward, riveted

  “The Enigma was brought back from Poland after Germany invaded. It was stolen by some very brave men off a Nazi U boat. When Hitler sent a message in the way of a command to his U boats, Britain could pick up that message, interpret it, and learn of Germany’s plans. Such knowledge allowed the British government to instigate counterintelligence actions that would save millions of lives.”

  I stared at Cameron in awe and excitement with how much he knew and everything I’d learn from him.

  “Considering the critical work Turing did for an entire nation,” Cameron added, “essentially helping Britain win the Second World War, can you imagine how he was rewarded?”


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