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Enthrall Her

Page 35

by Vanessa Fewings

  “Fuck you,” I said. “If you so much as touch me again, I’ll report you to the police.”

  He laughed. “In less than a minute, you’re going to ask me to fuck you.”

  “You’re delusional.”

  “Richard Booth… Sheppard,” he said. “Ah, see, we have a reaction.”

  “What about Richard?” I tried to stay calm, stay focused.

  “What if the general public, namely those who lost their homes and investments due to his father’s illegal activity, find out that Richard lives in Los Angeles now?”

  “You wouldn’t do that,” I said. “You’re his friend.”

  “Do we look like friends?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Please, Lance.”

  “You will address me as Sir.”

  “This is not how it’s done, Sir. We’re meant to trust each other.”

  “Look around you.”

  My eyes darted around, hating his connotation. “Please, I can’t.”

  “You have thirty seconds to consider my offer,” he said.

  Lance seemingly got his answer. He busied himself, choosing the music for what was about to become the soundtrack to my pain. The atmosphere was set, the lights dimmed, the hypnotic lyrics flowed in a language I couldn’t understand.

  I screamed.

  “Is that your answer?” he said, and he was back, tracing a forefinger across my throat.

  The door opened.

  He walked in with the sternness of a predator. The intensity of a man who knew he ruled the room and was ready to take the power back.


  Richard was right behind him, as was Scarlet, Dominic, and Shay.

  “Cameron,” I called out to him.

  He gave me a look of reassurance. “Has he touched you?”

  I gave a shake of my head.

  “That’s lucky for you,” said Cameron to Lance. “Get her out of this.”

  Richard rested his face in the crook of my neck, his expression full of relief. Fiddling with the leather straps, he quickly freed me. “Are you all right?”

  “Mia consented,” said Lance. “Didn’t you?” He gave me the longest glare that shared his silent intent.

  That threat still between us.

  My lips trembled. “Yes, Sir, I did consent.”

  Confusion marred Cameron’s face. “I doubt that.”

  “Tell them you want to come with me,” said Lance. “That you’re coming home with me. I won you in the auction. Tell them you are thrilled to be going home with your new master.”

  It was too late for me.

  “Mia?” said Cameron, fracturing the silence.

  “I want to go with Lance,” I said. “It’s what I want.”

  Cameron lifted my chin. “What did he say to you?”

  “It’s for the best,” I said, throwing a glance at Richard.

  Tears stung my eyes, but there was no choice. No way out. Richard was in too much danger if I refused to leave with Lance. The enemies of his father would come after him.

  A flash of fury shone in Cameron’s eyes. He stormed to the back of the room, pulling open metal drawer after drawer, searching, a clang of instruments, his fingers trailing through them. He came at me with a knife.

  Lance staggered out of the way.

  I flinched, gasping.

  “The rope, Mia,” said Cameron calmly, sawing through the Shibari knot on my shoulder, loosening it, and unraveling the others until he’d freed me. “I’m still your master,” he said firmly. “I decide what you want and when you get it. Do you remember that?”

  “Yes, but—”

  He shook his head. “No negotiation.” He looked over at the others. “Out.” He rested his hand on Richard’s shoulder. “You too, buddy.”

  “I’m not leaving,” said Richard.

  “Yes, you are. Dominic, you’re staying,” said Cameron.

  Richard looked uncomfortable. His stare left me and found the manila envelope Dominic held. He shared a stare with Cameron.

  They exited the room, leaving Dominic behind. I wished I could have followed.

  “Lance,” said Cameron. “Your money will be refunded.”

  “I don’t want it,” said Lance. “I want her.”

  “This is not going to happen,” said Cameron.

  “How about,” began Lance, “you agree to open another house in L.A. and brand it with Chrysalis’s logo? I run it.”

  “Out of the question,” said Cameron. “We’ve discussed this. You’ve been given my answer.”

  “What happens when members hear about how you and Richard bend the rules to serve your own needs?” said Lance.

  “There will be no further mention of this,” said Cameron. “Mia is coming with me.”

  “Everyone will hear about how you really treat your patients,” said Lance. “The rumors of how you counsel your damaged clients. The Board of Medicine is going to have a field day with this revelation.”

  “Sir,” I said. “Let me go with him.”

  “Mia,” said Cameron. “I do not remember giving you permission to speak.”

  “It’s over for you, Cole,” said Lance.

  “Or.” Cameron reached out his hand.

  Dominic placed that manila envelope into it.

  Cameron slid out a piece of paper and held it up for Lance to see. It contained the image of a dove with a long sprig of green and gold between its beak.

  Lance glared at the symbol. “I take it you have something like this on each one of us?”

  “Insurance,” said Cameron.

  Lance gave me a sideways glance. “And what happens when the board finds out you’re keeping secrets that threaten each and every one of us in this manner?”

  “They won’t,” said Cameron. “Because you won’t tell them. Your membership is withdrawn. You are no longer welcome.”

  “I’m a member of the board,” said Lance.

  “Were,” said Cameron. “And if I ever see you near any member ever again, I will personally see that each and every one of your shareholders find out where their money is actually going.”

  Dominic stepped forwards. “Transfer all the money from the Cayman Islands,” he said, “and return it to those whom it belongs to.”

  “That’s extortion,” said Lance.

  “That’s not the definition of extortion,” said Cameron, grabbing hold of my arm and pulling me towards him. “This is the result of you threatening what is mine.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her,” said Lance.

  “No, this is me protecting you from her,” said Cameron. “If I let go, you’re in trouble.”

  “Fuck you,” said Lance.

  Cameron studied my face “Mia?” He caressed my lip with his thumb. “Is that a bruise?”

  Lance cringed.

  Cameron’s nostrils flared, and rage filled his eyes. He swung wide, punching Lance hard in the face, sending him flying backward. “Ever touch any of my friends again and I will end you.”

  Hand in hand, Cameron and I strolled out of there, leaving Dominic to deal with what was left of Lance’s eviscerated ego.

  We stepped into the elevator.

  And ascended.

  In silence.

  Cameron shrugged out of his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. The welcome warmth reminded me that even my bones had been chilled.

  We jolted to a stop.

  Cameron grabbed my wrist and led me out. The others were waiting in the foyer.

  “Get her coat,” he snapped to Scarlet.

  “I’ll take her home,” said Richard.

  “No,” said Cameron, “you had your chance.”

  “What are you talking about?” said Richard.

  “You call this protecting?” Cameron pointed to the elevator.

  “You can’t blame that on me,” said Richard. “The auction went wrong.”

  “I’m taking her somewhere safe,” said Cameron. “She needs time to recover.”

  “That much is
clear.” Richard pressed his hand to Cameron’s chest. “Thank you for coming so quickly. I’ve got it now.”

  Scarlet removed Cameron’s jacket and wrapped a coat around my shoulders. “It’s mine,” she told me. “Keep it.” She handed Cameron his jacket back.

  Cameron led me across the foyer and towards the front door.

  “Where are you taking her?” said Richard.

  “She’s just been threatened.” Cameron glared at him. “Get out of our way.”

  Richard neared me. “Is this what you want, Mia?”

  “I can’t think straight,” I said.

  The fresh air hit us with a burst of cold. Cameron’s BMW was idling right out front, guarded by a valet. He’d literally driven here and run inside. He guided me around to the passenger seat and opened the door, nudging me in. He rounded the car, climbing behind the wheel.

  Richard banged on my window. “Get out of the car, Mia.”

  In a haze of confusion, I reached for the handle, but my door was locked. The BMW took off, shoving me back into my seat—

  Leaving behind Richard, Dominic, Scarlet, and Shay on the steps.

  Chrysalis, this cocoon of safety I’d grown to love, was soon behind us.

  “Where are we going?” I said, tugging my seatbelt round.

  “I should never have let you come back,” said Cameron. “What the fuck was I thinking?”

  “It wasn’t Richard’s fault,” I said.

  Richard’s face, when we’d driven off, was haunting me, yet here was Cameron, driving with the passion I longed for. Accelerating around the corners too tight, our frantic speed matching his mood.

  “You’re angry with me?” I said. “Because I went willingly?”

  He flashed a sideways glance. “I sent you away, Mia. I forced you away with cruel words that I didn’t mean.” That wave of his hand was a warning this conversation was over.

  Gently, and trying to be discreet, I eased off those sapphire nipple rings, cringing at the awful ache where blood flooded back in. I tucked them into my coat pocket.

  We drove on in silence.

  Until I couldn’t cope with the tension between us. “You have a gallow,” I said. “Why do you have a fucking gallow?”

  “They’re pieces from around the world,” he said, flashing an amused glance my way. “My predecessor collected them. They aren’t used.”

  “They better not be,” I said. “They look very dangerous.”

  “Prisoners were actually put to death on those things.”

  “You told me there aren’t any ghosts in Chrysalis.”

  “Are you suggesting that discarnate souls followed the piece of equipment that they’re killed on all the way from London to America?”

  I shifted in my seat. “Have you never seen an episode of Ghost Explorers?”


  “Maybe you should.”

  He reached out and grabbed my hand. “God I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” I reached for his hand and kissed it, pressing it against my lips, needing this to soothe me.

  “Can I have my hand back?” He smiled at me. “I need to make a call.”

  I let go and settled back, listening to him speak with a concierge, asking about a suite. He was booking us into a hotel.

  He hung up and gave a nod, as though satisfied with that decision.

  “What was that symbol you showed Lance?” I asked.

  “It’s represents a bank in the Cayman Islands,” said Cameron. “I’m sure you got the gist of what he’s been up to.”

  “He stole all those people’s money?”

  “I was waiting for the right time to spring it on him,” he said with a degree satisfaction. “You brought my agenda forward.”

  “Thank you for saving me.”

  He shook his head and said softly, “Mia, it’s you who’s saving me.”


  STRETCHING LANGUIDLY, I awakened from sleep greeted with the scent of coffee.

  The bed dipped and Cameron sat beside me, holding a cup. “Here you are.”

  I shifted up the bed frame and took it from him, wiping sleepiness from my eyes. “What’s the time?”

  “10 AM,” he said. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

  Looking around, I got my bearings. That’s right. We’d gotten a room at the L’Ermitage in Beverly Hills.

  He ran his thumb over my lip. “You have a bruise. People will think I did that to you.” He shrugged. “How did you sleep?”

  “Well, and you?” I blew on my coffee.

  “Careful, it’s hot,” he said. “I slept a few hours.”

  I reached up to touch his face and brushed my fingers over his stubble. “You didn’t sleep, did you?”

  He seemed to relax with that. “Why, look at that?” He flashed surprise as he eyed the clothes on the chair. Brand new jeans and a cashmere sweater, and matching underwear. A new coat.

  “Where did those come from?”

  “The hotel fairy.”

  “Are shops open at this time?”

  He gave me a look. For him, everything was open.

  Cameron squeezed my hand. “I called Richard. Told him you’re safe. We talked for a while. He understands.”


  He scratched his chin. “He wants what’s best for you.”

  “Richard didn’t take it well, did he?” I said.

  “I told him I need more time.”

  “And how did he react to that?”

  Cameron dragged his teeth over his bottom lip. “With the creative use of expletives.”

  “He freaked out?”

  Cameron raised his brows.

  “Oh God.”

  “I’ll handle it. This is my doing.”

  “Perhaps I should call him?”

  “He’s not the only one who needs protecting, Mia. You do too.”

  “What’s the plan?”


  I gave a nod, allowing him these temporary moments to drag out, trying to avoid the inevitable that seemed to be stalking us.

  Cameron took my mug from me and set it down. “I have something to tell you.”


  He gave a nod and leaned in, cupping my chin and kissing me fiercely. I melted into him, giving myself over, our mouths tussling, our tongues caressing. His hands now gripped either side of my head. His mouth forced mine open. That lash of his tongue made my insides melt. My heart coiled from a sudden shiver.

  He broke away and said, “You are extraordinary.”

  His words were laden with meaning.

  “Your happiness is all I care about,” I said.

  “Then choose us something off the menu.” He beamed at me. “I’ll order room service.”

  A wave of joy. “Thank you, Sir.”

  We ate breakfast in bed.

  Waffles, and strawberries, and more fresh coffee. And I licked syrup from his fingertips after he’d dipped a strawberry in it and fed the fruit to me.

  I couldn’t remember ever being happier.

  We checked out of our room by merely leaving the key in there. We rode the elevator in silence.

  Thoughts of leaving him again caused my insides to ache. I’d never hated the unknown more.

  We stepped out of the hotel foyer, greeted by crisp morning air. Standing on the steps of the L’Ermitage, we waited for the valet to bring round Cameron’s BMW.

  We cuddled.

  “You never did work out how nature truly thinks,” he said. “Did you?”

  “I have an idea. Not that I’m sharing it with you though.”

  “Keeping secrets from me?”

  “Perhaps that’s the way nature thinks,” I said sheepishly.

  “Very clever, Ms. Lauren.”

  “That’s not the answer though, is it?”

  He kissed my forehead.

  “Well I’m going to say it, even if you won’t,” I said.

  Cameron looked down.

  I prodded his
stomach. “Those were damn fine waffles, Sir.”

  He shook his head, laughing off my mischief. “I have a gift for you.” He reached inside his jacket pocket. He handed me a small gift wrapped in silver paper.

  Ripping it open, I pulled out the trinket. “A key ring.” I admired the diamond encrusted double decker bus. “It’s adorable.” I wrapped my arms around him again. “It’ll go everywhere with me.”

  “Actually, it’s a clue.” He broke away to tip the valet.


  He lifted my chin. “Our plane is fueled and ready at LAX.”

  “Passport,” I said. “I don’t have…”

  But from his expression, I gathered he’d already thought of that. Somehow he’d gotten it out of the Malibu house, and I wondered, “Does Richard know?”

  “He’s invited.”

  I blinked up at him. “We’re going now? Right this second?”

  “Travel inspires the soul.” He gestured to the car.

  A million butterflies were fluttering in my chest. “We don’t have any luggage.”

  “We’ll shop. Harrods is fun. Selfridges. No trip’s complete without a visit to Carnaby Street. And I’m sure the Savoy will have a Christmas tree,” he said with a smirk. “Even tinsel. The blue kind. The stuff banned at Enthrall.”

  My thoughts swirled. “We’re staying at the Savoy?”

  This is all so fast.

  My thumb caressed the keychain. “Will we get to ride on a double decker bus?”

  “The moment we arrive,” he said. “And I thought you might like to visit The Tower of London. There’s plenty of interesting antique torturous devices in there for you to peruse. I saw the way your eyes lit up when you saw that guillotine.”

  I laughed. “Please tell me it’s not the same one Henry the Eighth used to cut off Anne Boleyn’s head?”

  “No, King Henry used a gifted swordsman.”

  “For a second there, I thought it had a tragic ending.”

  He grinned. “You are an obsession I never want to end, Mia.”

  “Sir, are you taking full ownership of me?”

  He led me towards the car. “How does a man take what he already possesses?”

  I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, letting him know I wanted this more than anything. “Thank you, Sir. For everything.”

  “This transformation is mutual, Mia.”

  I stared at him in wonder, recalling the mention of Carl Jung. “How does nature think?”


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