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In Covenant with Ezra (Love Unaccounted Book 1)

Page 26

by Love Belvin

  At the small of my back, Ezra urged me to follow them. And… Goddamn! I’d never seen elegance such as I had on this private plane—not even in pictures. The interior was spacious and especially long with plush ivory leather seats, enough to fit at least a dozen passengers. I stopped at what I could only assume would be our seats based on the blankets and pillows lain on them and the only powered on television. Hesitantly, I lowered myself into the oversized seat as Ezra stowed his things on a vanity tray near our seats with familiarity.

  What type of shit is Ezra into that he can afford luxury like this?

  A shiver of wonder coursed my spine.



  “Are you okay?” Ezra asked, his warm hands clasped my bare shoulder.

  I nodded my head, swallowing hard. “Yeah. Just chilly, I guess.” My eye bounced around the craft as I spoke.

  The next thing I felt was a heavy cloth being laid gently on my shoulders. It was Ezra’s tuxedo jacket.

  “Please,” he gestured to a woman approaching, holding a tray. “Could we adjust the air? Seems like my wife is a bit chilled.” Ezra requested with authoritative comfort. Clearly this wasn’t his first time on the rodeo. “Also, could we dim the lights? As you can imagine, it’s been a long day.”

  “Sure, Mr. Carmichael.” The blonde woman with legs just as long as mine smiled. “Right away.” She took off immediately.

  Then the captain announced lift off, requesting we sit and buckle in.

  “Beloved, you may sit here.” He gestured to the other oversized plush, swivel chair further from where he was setting up his things.

  I lowered myself in the chair, grateful for his jacket against the cool leather. Ezra emptied his pockets and sat across from me. Again, I could sense something happening behind his eyes. Before I could ask about it, the overhead lights were slowly lowered until they were off, and we were off down the runway. I turned to glance out of the window to the right of me and caught the rapidly speeding cement. Man, they sure move fast. When we ascended, I braced the arms of my chair and tried relaxing. I felt the warmth of heavy skin over my hand. It was Ezra, reaching over, offering comfort. His palm remained until the plane leveled and we were coasting evenly.

  The stewardess appeared again.

  “I was able to make those adjustments for your comfort.” She smiled warmly, like a trained animal. “Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael, and congratulations. My name is Melody and I’ll be your flight attendant this trip. As you’re aware, we have a long flight ahead of us.” She gave us equal eye contact. Good. “And Mr. Carmichael has requested we start off with dinner. That is warm and waiting for your pleasure, but how about we start with beverages? What would you like?”

  “My wife will have,” I realized how comfortable he’d become and so quickly with that title. “a glass of malbec, and I’ll have San Pellegrino…regular.”

  He’d ordered for me. I took a moment to think about that.

  “I hope that’s okay with you, beloved.” Ezra must have picked up on my contemplation, something he did quite often.

  My head shook softly as my lids fluttered. “No. That’s fine.”

  I didn’t want to stir up trouble, especially because I wasn’t on my toes enough to take him on.

  I’m fucking married!

  “So, did you have the wedding of your dreams,” Ezra pushed his devices to the far side of the table between us. “or was it the one of my mother’s dreams?” His lips twitched into a wry smile.

  “I think Mary managed to squeeze in a few of my fairy tale fantasies along with hers,” I nodded coolly, teasing. Ezra snorted his amusement at that. “No, Ezra, all jokes aside; I couldn’t complain about a detail of today even if I wanted to. Your family…you”—I pointed to him with my forehead—“have been so generous. I could never dream up a wedding with all the fanciness of today, much less pay—”

  “No.” He cut me off. “We won’t have talk about the expenses of today. Again, my parents only have one child. They’ve been awaiting this occasion for at least fifteen years. I’m sure even they feel some level of achievement from this day.”

  “But it wasn’t cheap, Ezra. Don’t try to convince me otherwise. I mean…” My eyes roved around the luxury cabin. “How much did this plane set them back?”

  Ezra didn’t answer right away. Instead he sat back and unfastened his bowtie. That simple move made me feel self-conscious, as though I was intruding on his personal space. I diverted my eyes across the room.

  His fingertips were at my chin urging me to face him.

  “You belong to me now. There’s no need for you to feel embarrassed when I’m undressing. We’ll deal with that adjustment soon enough.” His penetrative and admonitory gaze pierced right through me.

  Melody arrived with our drinks and not a moment too soon to break the tension between Ezra and me. No sooner than my drink hit the table, I grabbed it and took a big gulp. But the moment she left, Ezra continued seamlessly.

  “Let’s get one thing straight.” He leveled his gaze with mine. “I could have paid for our wedding without flinching. Allowing my parents to do it was a favor to them. And they didn’t expense everything.”

  “Them covering this flight, all for us to stay at a Motel 8 is enough. Or did you pay for it?”

  “This flight is a gift to us from a friend of mine.” He went for his glass.


  Ezra took a slow draw of his drink before answering. “Stenton Rogers.”

  “What the—” I had to get a hold to myself. “Stenton Rogers was not only a member of my wedding party, but he paid for a private flight to my honeymoon?” As easy as it was to recite that, I couldn’t surmise it in my mind.

  “Yes, Alexis. It’s hardly a big deal. It’s a generous gift from a trusted friend.”

  Yeah… And about that… “Do you really know him like that?”

  “I counseled him for years. And now we’re confidants,” he informed so nonchalantly.

  “My life is not my own,” I murmured out loud before taking another gulp.

  “Trust me, you have nothing to feel inadequate about, beloved. Nothing in life is free, except for God’s grace, mercy, and friendship. What’s mine is now yours to a large degree.”

  That stipulation left a lump in my throat.

  Melody returned with our dinner. My stomach growled with the return of my appetite once she neared. For me, she served an assortment of sushi. My eyes lit with glee. Ezra had lobster and steak with potatoes, mixed vegetables and some sauce I didn’t recognize.

  “This is delicious,” I noted midway through our meal.

  Ezra forked a striped bass from my plate.

  “Uhhhhh… I think you should sample something cooked.”

  I clasped a California roll in my chopsticks and placed it on his plate.

  “Thanks,” he murmured before going for it.

  I ate until I couldn’t anymore. Eventually he had Melody take our plates and we turned to face a plasma television. I watched an old flick starring Jamie Foxx and featuring Morris Chestnut, wondering why I’d never heard of it before now. Apparently, I got lost in it because I hadn’t realized Ezra was no longer with me.

  “Alexis,” his deep tenor drizzled over me magically at some point in the flight. There was something even headier to his timbre this time, though I didn’t know why.

  I glanced up and found him standing beyond the set of posh seats with his long arm stretched toward me, requesting my hand. Ezra looked devastatingly handsome under the soft glow of the overhead lamps with his vest now removed, sleeves detached and rolled a quarter up his thick twilled forearms, the buttons undone well into his neck revealing a small peek at his lightly dusted chest, and his shoes were removed, feet only covered in black dress socks. Ezra was damn comfortable and exuding his usual level of confidence.

  I swallowed hard.

  “Come,” he ordered with patient authority.

  Without thought, I stood and met his
hot hand. He ushered me toward the back of the plane, and I found a very large bedroom. I didn’t even know planes came with them. In the center of the room was a large bed framed by nightstands, and across from it was a mounted plasma television streaming love ballads. The one flowing, I couldn’t quite grasp, but Carl Thomas came to mind as I heard, “Lady, lay your body.”

  Shit! This is really happening.

  I was married, and at the night of my wedding day. Of course we’d come to this. What did I think? Now was the time he’d see if this wild and irrational chase was worth it. It would be when all the shit talking I’d done over the past few months would be tested. Strangely, it was also when many of my curiosities would be laid to rest.

  My eyes roved up to meet Ezra’s. And through his pools of chocolate I could see pure, unadulterated lust.

  “Are we go-going to fuck now?” I stammered. “I mean… you know…”

  Ezra chuckled throatily then shook his head. “No, beloved.” He did it again. That tongue dashed and swiped his top teeth, beginning at his canine, all the way to the other side. “I think that’s the one time you’ve used that word and I don’t feel the raging need to correct you.” My breath caught in my chest. “But let that be the last time, Alexis. You are now officially mine to do as I please, do remember.” My eyes bulged and lips parted. “But to answer your question; no. Our first time together won’t be mid-Pacific. I’d like to preserve the ounce of traditionalism I do have in me.” His fingers were deftly at the zipper of my gown, just underneath my armpit, pulling south. How he knew where to unhook it was beyond me. “I’m just going to jumpstart our legal intimacy here.” My gown pooled around my trembling legs. “Step out, beloved.”

  I did as he asked and Ezra slipped the gown from under my lifted feet with practiced efficiency. He stood back to examine me in a white corset, a matching satin thong and sparkling, open-toe sling-backs. My chest heaved with swelling anxiety. I didn’t know if I should join him in exploring. Something deep inside told me to follow his navigation. But there was still that inch of stubbornness that told me I should follow up all the shit talking I’d done, and I reached out to the waist of his pants.

  Ezra smoothly backed out of my reach. “Uhn-uhn,” he tutted as his chin swung left to right. Oh, fuck! He tutted! “You need to know, here’s where I lead without assistance from you. I know you’ve been infuriatingly patient with my preference to wait until tonight, and because of that, I must put your concerns to rest. But you must understand, I lead in this arena; not we, not you, but me.” He leaned into me, tracing the shell of my ear with his tongue. I grabbed him at the globes of his biceps to keep from falling, my knees had gone out on me. “I’ll also stop speaking now and would prefer you do the same and just trust me. I’m going to fulfill one of your fantasies tonight. Just to warm you up. Okay?” his words were no more than a sharp push of sensual air into my ear.

  I nodded my consent, heart racing from my chest and heated blood rushing audibly in my head.

  Then I felt his hands brushing slowly around my back, releasing the hooks of my corset adroitly, seamlessly freeing my heavy breasts, as I throbbed achingly from the apex. Once that was tossed to the side, Ezra kissed the center of my chest, and made circles with the tip of his tongue. An incomprehensible cry ripped from my belly. From the push of air hitting my sensitive skin, I could sense his chuckle. Slowly, his tongue trailed down my sternum to my belly button as he dropped to his haunches. My panties were lowered down gently and pulled from under my heels. Then the Loubs were removed, and finally I was totally bare to him for the second time, but the first as his wife. By this time I was dizzied with the teasing of his soft touches and tender lickings of my skin. Ezra gently pulled on my pubic hairs before standing. I didn’t understand why, but discerned it would be inappropriate to question it.

  Before I could finish my thought, he took me at the sides of my face and pushed his tongue into my mouth, devouring me hungrily, even more fiercely than he had during our handful of times of embracing orally. Then Ezra’s busy hands were at my head releasing the pins holding my ponytail. He pulled out each one with noted impatience as his tongue twirled savagely in my mouth until they were all out and he was gripping my scalp. Prickles of pleasure shot through my swaying frame from my head to the flats of my feet.

  Next, I was being lifted to his waist where I clawed his big frame, fighting against my need to thrust into him. He smelled so fucking good and his hands were insanely masterful on my needy body like a skilled pianist to keys. Every stroke seemed to have elicited an embedded sensation. I barely felt myself being lowered on the bed as I endured his enthused tongue diving into my hungry mouth. In this moment, Ezra was everything and could do whatever he pleased if it caused me to float in euphoria like this. I no longer dreaded the end of this venture when I’d have to conclude he was like the men in my past who couldn’t take me places I hadn’t taken myself. As he pushed my arms over my head once my back hit the mattress, I decided, with this buildup of anticipation, I’d been satisfied and could forgive the empty efforts he’d make beyond this point—

  I heard the first of a familiar clink of metal before I felt the cool texture on my left wrist. Ezra continued with his lewd tongue thrusts that deluded my processes against the sharp sounds of intoxicating music. Then another clink around my right wrist. That’s when Ezra withdrew and swiftly yet, gently took to my ankles, applying the same restraints. I knew then, I was being bound to the bed just like I had back in my own bed after he’d extracted me from the club. This time I didn’t panic. Oddly, my arousal soared exponentially. My back bowed off the bed in my attempt to regain his mouth, suddenly needing it desperately, not wanting my desire to wan just yet. But the cuffs around my wrists snapped me back onto the mattress.

  “You don’t have a wide range of mobility, beloved.” Ezra snorted his amusement. “That’s the point of being restrained.”

  His head ducked abruptly and he nipped at my right nipple causing a sharp spike of pain that rushed to a level of pleasure when he ran his tongue against the bite pattern. My back arched over the mattress again. I watched as he stood on his knees between my thighs that vibrated with unadulterated and distressed need. I’d never been so crazed by lust before.

  “You like that?” he asked, and before I could center my mind to reply, he repeated the same assault on my left nipple.

  That thwart was more painful and the chasing rush of dark pleasure was more potent.

  “Ezzzzzra!” I moaned like an injured animal.

  He peered down at me intensely from between my thighs.

  “Christ, Alexisssssss,” his susurration laced with hunger like I’d never heard from him. “You’re like a kitten caught in a ball of yawn with your lithesome stretches.

  I moaned again, unbearably aroused. I’d never been more ready to go. I needed him to touch me as forcefully as he’d done with his tongue when he kissed me.

  “Ezra!” I purred again, unable to recognize my voice.

  Damn, he’s fucking with my head!

  “Yes, kitten?”

  That feline reference sounded sweet to my ears, caught up in this mind-numbing lechery with him.

  “To-touch me,” I sputtered again. “Please…” I begged, my head lolling against the mattress.

  “Where should I touch you, baby?” he inquired softly. “Here?” His fingers traced a circle in my abdomen. I pulled at the restraints above my head wishing I could be free to straddle and fuck him. I glared him directly in the eyes, angrily pleading with him. Even through the disguise of his amusement, I could tell Ezra was heavily aroused. “Or here?” The tip of his index finger flicked my clitoris, casually, sending volts of pleasure up my spine then right back down to my toes.

  “Yessssss!” I breathed. “Please!” I begged unrepentantly.

  “Before I do, I need you to understand something of grave importance, beloved. When God created this,” he brushed my swollenness again, “he may have placed it on your body, but fr
om the day you were implanted into your mother’s womb, it was assigned to me. I don’t care who has tasted it or explored it, it and all of you belong to me and me alone. All of your pleasure. All of your pain. All of your desires. Even when you’re bleeding, your pussy belongs to me. Not even you are allowed to pleasure it without my knowledge and consent. Is this understood, Alexis?”

  Ezra said ‘pussy’…and so fluently. Fuck!

  That single word of vulgarity was so exotic coming from him. It was delivered with a practiced tongue. The one I wanted him to touch it with. I felt a gush of arousal between my quivering legs. At that my back bowed over the mattress. My eyes squeezed shut, delightfully tortured. But I’d heard his edict, had understood his command.

  “All be-belongs to yo-you,” I moaned disjointedly.

  “Very well, beloved. Your wish is my pleasure,” he growled just before deftly shifting down onto his stomach and his face pushed into my sex.

  His tongue started at the circumference of the target, forcing me to push desperate air thrusts into him. I felt mists of sweat forming on my arms, head, chest and thighs. His tongue was gentle, explorative. When he dipped into my canal my entire being shivered. He drove an erect tongue into me against the pushing of my pelvis. The sensation was so intense I lost control of a dollop of saliva, barely catching it before it dropped down my windpipe, I pushed up a thick choke, narrowly escaping a possible life-threatening tragedy, not to mention a serious mood-buster.

  However, I didn’t miss when his tongue withdrew and worked up to my pulsing nub. Ezra swiped once and then twice before my pelvis suspended in the air against his tongue. On the third firm lash, my whole body exploded terrifyingly. My entire mid-section jolted violently in manic successions in the air. My shoulders vibrated with little care of being bound. My fists clenched, nails threatening my flesh. My toes coiled, pushing into the bed. And I screamed insanely, desperately trying to claw at gravity as I ascended higher than the plane we were in flew over the clouds. I’d never risen to these heights of bliss. Never taken off so intensely to the point of feeling nothing but warmth and unidentifiable sensations beginning at the core of me.


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