Jake Mitchell

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Jake Mitchell Page 8

by Jennifer Foor

  “The snow must have brought down a power line. The live wire probably hit the wet snow and blew the box. I didn’t see smoke or anything. We’re not in danger.”

  “Why aren’t they buried? Don’t most places bury their lines?”

  “We’re too high on the mountain to have them put underground. The snow is havoc when it builds up. After shoveling it, I can tell you it’s pretty heavy.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “What now?”

  I laughed at myself before I could say it. “We light some candles and keep filling the woodstove. That’s all we can do. There’s a generator, but I didn’t bring any gas. Jax was supposed to do it.”

  At the same time as me Reese burst into hysterics. Lighting candles was something that people did to add ambiance and romance. We were trying to avoid that. “It’s like the world is against us.”

  “Yeah.” What was I supposed to say to that in response? “Maybe we should both get some sleep. The morning light will be enough to see around this cabin. Let’s put this night into the books and start over in the morning.”

  Reese nodded, even though I sensed a hint of disappointment. “Okay. I’ll see you in the morning then.”

  I watched her walk up the stairs, feeling content with the distance we were putting between each other.

  Since I’d have to keep feeding the fire, I stayed downstairs, settled on sleeping on the large leather sofa. I pulled a blanket over my body, and placed my ball cap over my eyes. The crackling of the flames was relaxing to listen to. Sleep came easy, even though my dreams were full of Reese.

  When the sun began to rise I got up and walked outside to use the bathroom. Without power the water pump was out of order. Upon coming back in, I saw Reese standing in the living room. She appeared to be freezing. “What’s wrong?”

  “The fire is almost burned out. It’s so cold upstairs.” Her reply reminded me how I hadn’t gotten up to load the woodstove. Even though it was much warmer than outside, upstairs wasn’t getting enough heat to keep the large cabin at a good temperature.

  “Shit. I’ll get it started back up. Grab my phone off the table and scroll down until you see my Uncle Colt’s number. I need to let him know the power’s out.”

  She walked over to fetch it and came back with it in her hand. “It’s dead.”

  “Didn’t you bring a charger?” I asked.

  “No. It’s in Jax’s Jeep.”

  “Do you have any battery left?”

  “My phone died last night. It was half dead when we got here.”

  I rubbed my face. “This can’t be happening. Now we have no way to get in touch with anyone. Jax will freak out if he can’t reach us.”

  “He knows we’re safe. He knows you’ll keep me safe.”

  If my brother only knew the things I wanted to do to his girlfriend. “Yeah, I suppose.”

  Lucky for me the fire was hot enough to get going again with little effort. I left the door open so the heat would reach us faster. Reese sat next to me on the couch, sharing the cover I’d used to sleep with.

  “How do you feel?” I questioned.

  “Fine. You?”

  My real question was if she remembered everything. “Well, it’s still snowing. We have no power to call anyone, and if I have to spend another night in this cabin alone with you I don’t know how I’ll survive.”

  She giggled and leaned her head on my shoulder. “I could think of worse.”

  “What? Like Jax showing up with a rifle to end my life?”

  “No. Jake, you’ve seen it outside. Nobody is coming. We’ll make a pact and stick to it. No funny business. We’re friends and that’s it.”

  We pinky shook, but remained in the same position. With my arm wrapping around her I pulled her closer to me. “I’ll be like a brother.”

  She looked up at me and I could feel that fire starting in my toes and radiating to my lips. We were both vulnerable, and she was probably a little afraid. Even my four-wheel drive vehicle wouldn’t get us out of this mess.

  I pulled away once again, right before I made a grave mistake. While standing over her I swung my arms around. “Okay, we need better boundaries.”

  She looked away. “Obviously.”

  I tossed my hat down and ran my hands through my thick hair. “I thought today would be easier. It’s getting worse.”

  Reese got on her knees on the couch, while still staring at me. She looked to be thinking of a solution, even though none would come. “I’m going to put another layer of clothes on and brush my teeth. I’ll be back down in a bit.”

  I took the time she was away to freshen my breath with some toothpaste and a bottle of water I got from the kitchen. I couldn’t go upstairs and be near her.

  When she took a while to come back down, I put my outdoor clothes on and grabbed a hunting rifle out of the gun cabinet. If I couldn’t be inside with her, then I was going to go outside and shoot something.

  I’d walked a good bit before deciding I was far enough away for her to not be able to find me. It was pathetic that I had to run away in order to keep my life in order. The draw we had toward each other was so intense that I couldn’t focus on right from wrong.

  The snow was still coming down, and my beanie cap wasn’t water proof. After sitting in the cold for nearly twenty minutes I knew nothing was going to come out for me to shoot. Animals were obviously smarter than me in this instance. While they burrowed up to keep warm, I was outside weathering the storm to avoid sleeping with my brother’s girlfriend. How fucked up was that?

  Still, the quiet of the woods left me feeling better. Like it or not I was stuck spending another night with Reese. Even if I continued to dig my truck out, we’d never make it down the mountain. With no way to charge our phones I had no means of finding out when the snow would stop, and temperatures would rise. My coach was going to shit a brick if I didn’t show up for practice. At least the star quarterback would be there. There were plenty of other tight ends that needed more help than me. Jax and I could play football with each other with our eyes closed. As long as I was on the bus Friday morning all would be good, so I hoped.

  My walk back to the cabin was enlightening. The more I thought about being stuck with Reese, the less I felt like I’d been cursed. I needed this time with her, because I was literally going crazy at home. Something had to give.

  It was time for me to make a decision. For so long I’d thought of other people first. I’d suffered unimaginable pain because of it. My heart was like an open road, having gone through years of wear and tear. It was time to stand my ground and take what I deserved.

  Chapter 10

  Anger filled my senses, leaving me determined to conquer one goal. I’d been the good brother. I’d pushed her away. I’d denied myself the chance to be happy.

  We were all alone. The only thing stopping us was me, and that was about to change.

  I burst through the door startling her. She put her hand to her heart and stood up. “What’s the matter?”

  I tossed my gloves to the floor and shook out of my coat, never taking my eyes from hers. “Come here,” I demanded.

  Every step she took toward me left me ample time to change my mind. When we were face to face I grabbed her chin with my hand making sure she couldn’t look away.

  “Every time I’ve wanted to reach for you, you were unattainable. I’m tired of holding on to nothing but emptiness. I’m letting go of all the second guessing. I’ve had enough. I can’t keep avoiding this, Reese. I’m tired of fighting. Just say the word and I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  Her fingers found the small pockets of my jeans, and she used them to pull me closer. I could feel her breath as she spoke, reminding me our lips were only inches apart from touching. I watched as Reese’s began to tremble. Tears filled her eyes, but she refused to look away. “I know I shouldn’t, and I’ll probably be ruining my life, but I can’t deny how different I am when I’m with you. I need to feel it, Jake.”

; “What do you need to feel?” I had to hear confirmation.

  “Your love.” Her tears fell down her cheeks. “I’m going to burn in hell for it, but I need to give in. My heart feels so restless. It’s wrong, and I know what’s at stake, but I can’t help it. I want you so bad. I know it with every bone in my body. When I close my eyes all I see is you touching me, and I-.”

  I didn’t let her finish. The anticipation was killing me. I’d denied myself the opportunity to explore this woman for the last time. We were worried about consequences, and this certainly wasn’t because of alcohol. She’d asked me to show her my love, and I intended to give it to her, knowing the repercussions, but choosing to ignore them.

  Her yielding lips welcomed mine against them. We were both shaking profusely, knowing exactly how dangerous this affair was to go through with, though we couldn’t stop ourselves. The taste of her sweet kiss beckoned me. Our tongues traipsed, and instantly I seized the moment, lifting both hands up to hold either side of her face. I’d never felt so much passion in kissing a female before. Even though I knew it was only the beginning, I could have stood there for hours savoring just this.

  It was as if we were in total sync. Our mouths moved in harmony, while our tongues gently meshed. After a few moments, when we were gasping for air, we pulled away and separated. Reese bit down on her swelling bottom lip and tugged on my shirt. My hands found the sides of her arms, staying fixed there, because I was afraid to make a move. I was on a mission to take this as far as she’d let me. I’d take my time, making sure I memorized every curve on her satin skin. There wouldn’t be anything left to wonder about when I was done with Reese. I was prepared to give her my best, even though I knew it would never be enough.

  It wasn’t shocking when she lifted my shirt. Provoked by need, I tugged it over my head and let it fall beneath our feet. Her cool hands ran up my naked chest, dragging over my nipples. I watched her narrowing in on one of them and lapping it with her tongue. My eyes closed for a second while I took a deep breath to try and remain calm. It was impossible to not get turned on. This was Reese; someone I’d longed to have this experience with. She wanted me, and that alone was enough to become senseless. When her mouth found mine again, I repositioned my head in order to speak. My arms secured tightly around her back and I began lifting. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  I held onto her ass while carrying her over to the furry rug. Her weight was nothing for someone of my physique. I could curl her weight with one hand. Besides, I was too captivated to worry about hurting my back. This was happening. Hell or high water, I wasn’t letting anything stop this. This woman took my breath away. Being this close to her, feeling her return that same longing fueled me to continue.

  She was all I wanted and needed; sacrificing everything else felt worth it to experience this moment of perpetual bliss.

  As I eased her down onto the carpet, my hands coursed over her ass. Even though I’d seen her naked before, this time it was going to be for my benefit alone. Reese was giving herself to me, and I was going to make damn sure it was an experience that neither of us would ever forget.

  This wasn’t some game to win her over. I knew my place in her life. This was my own craving, like a carnivore pounces on it’s prey. She wanted my love, and I’d take my time giving it to her.

  While kneeling down together, I pushed her hair off her shoulders, but didn’t go right in to kiss her bare skin. She caught my gaze and enthralled me with her composure. Reese took my hand and brought it to her lips, dragging my fingers against them. I’d only ever done this a couple of times, yet she’d understood how much it meant to touch her there. With her tongue grazing over my fingers, I leaned forward, hoping to replace my hand with my mouth. Before we connected again in a kiss that would spark our own fire, I whispered near her ear. “Close your eyes.”

  She did as I requested, trusting me with what was to come. I nuzzled my face into her neck, placing gentle pecks all around. She turned to the side, allowing me ample room to explore her skin.

  I used my fingers, while still making my way down her collarbone, to massage my hand into her hair. Lightly I pulled back on a clump of hair, grabbing her attention. Her lids opened, and I watched her long eyelashes batting as she looked at me curiously. “Shh!” I whispered against her skin, tugging down the front of her shirt to savor more of her silky skin. I brought my mouth back up to hers, craving another tantalizing taste. Our lips smacked together, the kiss intensifying with each passionate stroke of our tongues. Being in awe of her was an understatement. While enjoying being this close, one hand lingered around to her back. The fabric of her shirt bunched up, allowing me to easily take ahold and begin lifting it. Reese pulled away from our kiss, but only to lift her arms above her head. Then there was only a bra in between me and those perfect tits that I was craving to suck. Our skin smacked together with another brush of groping. She readily laid flat on her back, allowing me to see everything I needed to tend to. As I hovered over Reese, she tugged at the button on my jeans. Her intentions were to the point, and though we were both still shaking, I knew I wasn’t going to back down.

  I stood up, unfastening my pants and allowing them to fall at my feet. Once I’d stepped out of them, I crouched back down, leaning on my elbow, while sitting beside her. I ran my index finger in between her breasts, until her bra stopped me. I watched her diaphragm inhale and exhale, seeing how irregular her breathing had become. Through the thin fabric of her bra I could see her tart nipples protruding. I leaned down and licked over the dry fabric. My heart was pounding against my own chest as her hard tip trailed against my bottom lip. I lapped it up again, this time sucking on it, making the sheer material see-through.

  She gasped as I kept doing it, tracing her erect point until she arched her back. My hand slid down, nearing the elastic of her pajama pants. I reached up to kiss her, while driving my fingers under her panties. The warmth of her skin was overwhelming, because I knew what waited beneath was going to be even hotter. My hand explored the skin over her hips, gradually making it’s way to her honey pot. To my delight she was freshly shaved. While progressing down further, where I knew her treasure was waiting to be claimed, I felt as if I were about to break down.

  She grasped my arm, forcing me to halt movement and look into my eyes. “You’re shaking.”

  I let my forehead fall against hers. “I’m scared I won’t be good enough for you. I know we can be great, but I’m afraid there’s not enough time.” I pulled away and shook my head. “Not time. What I mean is that all we have is right now. I don’t want to forget anything. I need it to be perfect, so that when we leave this place I’ll know it was worth the risk. I’ll know I gave it my all.”

  Reese pulled my hand out of her pants. She stood up quickly, placing her legs on either side of my body. I watched her reach behind her back and unhook her bra. She held it out, positioning it to fall near my face. I caught it and watched as she shimmied both her underwear and pants down over her hips. I could almost see the beginning skin of her pussy. Reese stepped out of one leg, and then other, keeping her focus on the way I was taking her in. She sank down over top of me, right away feeling both of my hands running over her ass. “I’m scared too.”

  “We should stop then, before there’s no turning back.”

  She lowered her lips to mine, sucking on my tongue as she finished. “Please don’t stop, Jake.”

  I flipped us over so she was on her back. Then I sat up. I took her hand into mine and lifted it to my lips, kissing it passionately before letting go. “Are you sure, Reese? You need to be positive? I don’t want to ruin your life.”

  She nodded. “I know, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want you.”

  Chapter 11


  Jake couldn’t understand how all this had made me feel. He didn’t know of all the nights I’d cried myself to sleep because I thought he hated me. For so many months I’d searched for reasons to figure out what was tearing our friends
hip apart.

  Didn’t he feel our connection when we first met? Couldn’t he see excitement in my eyes when we realized we shared so many courses? Was it not apparent when I picked him to be my study partner instead of anyone else?

  Yes, I was already dating his brother, and perhaps that’s why it was overlooked, but all of the signs were there. I felt connected to him, especially since we shared so many of the same aspirations. Even though I loved his brother, I wasn’t about to deny the deep feelings I got when he told me he’d pushed me away because he loved me himself.

  In some ways I should have considered myself lucky, having two men that would bend over backwards for me. Unfortunately the news brought me nothing but pain. One way or another I was going to hurt one of them. Without exploring my feelings for Jake, I’d never be able to feel sure that Jax was the man I was supposed to be with. We’d been fighting our attraction for an entire day, and after considering the risks, I knew exactly what I wanted.

  Jake didn’t have to keep asking if I was sure. I’d never been so sure in my life. Would we have regrets? I’m sure I would. The idea of doing something so taboo and unethical made some parts of me feel terrible, while the rest of my body longed to become one with Jake. I couldn’t explain the pull that each of them had on me.

  I meant what I’d said to Jake the night before. I would have chosen him in the beginning. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind. Jake was my dream guy, but it just so happened that I’d fallen in love with his brother. Now I didn’t know what I was going to do.

  I watched Jake remove his boxer briefs, leaving us both naked and vulnerable. He’d seen me naked before, but never this close. My body temperature continued to rise as I followed his eyes that were making sure he didn’t miss seeing anything. “You’re making me feel insecure.”

  “Don’t. You’re beautiful, Reese.” He ran his fingers over my abdomen. “You’re so god damn beautiful.”


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