Book Read Free

Jake Mitchell

Page 14

by Jennifer Foor

  Before I started my truck I got a text from a weird number. I recognized the area code being from Kentucky so I opened the message.

  Hey, this is Amber. Your cousin just invited me to come watch your game. - A

  Did she tell you anything else? - J

  Am I posing as your girlfriend? – A

  Sort of. Is that weird? – J

  I’m sure you have your reasons. Lucky for you I trust your cousin. She’s been good to me. If she says she needs a favor I’ll do it. – A

  I promise no funny stuff. – J

  I guess I’ll see you this weekend. – A

  Thanks for this. I really appreciate it – J

  Even though it was illegal, I called Reese while I started driving to my parent’s house.

  “Did he know you were talking to me?” Was how she answered.


  “I was freaking out.”

  I pulled out of the University parking lot with a grin on my face. “So, Jax is in a foul mood. You might get lucky and he’ll fuck everything up himself.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I didn’t want to feel like she cared, but I could hear the concern in her voice.

  “Nothing. He’s planning on going out tonight and getting hammered.”


  “And he might have mentioned that you weren’t putting out enough.”

  “Jesus, how can you sit there with a straight face when he tells you that?”

  “It’s not without effort. Anyway, I’m on my way to the farm. I’ve lined up someone to come and pretend to be my girlfriend for this weekend. It’s my cousin’s friend.”

  “Is she pretty?”

  “Does it make you jealous?”

  “Very.” I liked hearing that from her, especially since it was impossible to not want the ability that Jax had to be around her.

  “Good. It lets me know you care.”

  “Did he talk about cheating on me, Jake?” Her question came out of left field. “I need to know. Is that what’s going to happen if he goes out tonight?”

  “Why do you care? It would make all of this easier. We could be together.”

  I could hear her breaking down. In all the times I wanted to comfort her this wasn’t one of them. I was pissed, no, I was elated. I thought we were on the same page.

  “I’m not his fucking keeper, alright. Look, I’m driving so I’m hanging up now. It’s obvious you aren’t ready to end things with him, and I’m not about to ruin my life on someone who can’t make her mind up.”

  I hung up the phone and tossed it on the seat beside me. I wasn’t about to be cool with her worrying about his actions, not after all we’d done together.

  Instead of going home I pulled back into the school parking lot. I didn’t need to be around family. I needed a beer and the company of someone that would make me forget how bad she was hurting me. She was never going to leave my brother. It was so obvious.

  I left my phone on the seat of the truck and walked toward the common area. Right away I saw a football buddy sitting on the brick wall with his girlfriend. He nodded as I got closer. “What’s up, Jake? Did you hear about the party tonight?”

  “Yeah, man. My brother said something about it. When does it start?”

  “It’s probably already going on. I’m not sure we’re going. Coach will kick my ass if I’m not up to par in the morning for practice. I’m not made of steel like you and Jax are.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “That’s so far from the truth, man. Anyway, I’m headed to check it out. You mind telling me where I need to go?”

  “Third frat house on the left. You’ll hear the music.”

  “I know exactly who’s throwing it. Thanks, dude.”

  The short walk left my mind to roam. I pictured Reese getting dressed and coming out to spy on Jax. It made me so upset I felt like hurting someone. She had me by the balls, and I needed to free them before I lost myself to the void of never being able to have her.

  I was welcomed graciously with a beer as soon as I entered the house. People I recognized were standing outside, and the music was pretty contained to inside. After saying a few quick hellos I sat down and finished off my first drink. There weren’t a ton of people there yet, but it was still pretty early.

  In the kitchen I found the good stuff, and began helping myself to it. Shot after shot my body began to calm down.

  Then I heard his voice. My brother had showed up. Since I wasn’t particularly mad at him, I walked out to let him know I’d stuck around. Holding onto his hand was none other than Reese, and the look on her face let me know she never suspected I’d be there.

  On the other hand, Jax was stoked. He came right over and gave me a pat on the back. “Damn, dude, I thought you were heading home.”

  “Yeah, change of plans. “

  “Reese, say hi to my brother. It’s not every day he comes out to hang with us.”

  She refused to look me in the eyes. “Hi, Jake.” Then she turned to look at Jax. “Where’s the bathroom?”

  Jax walked her to it, instead of telling her directions. I was annoyed, and unwilling to let myself get involved with her anymore tonight. I needed a distraction.

  A cute brunette that I’d partied with a couple times waved to me. I fetched myself a whole bottle of whiskey and sauntered over to where she stood. While she spoke, I looked out at everyone else who was there. How she was dressed didn’t matter to me. In fact, nothing did. Somewhere Reese was with my brother, not me.

  As soon as they came back into the room I twisted around and started a conversation with Britney. “It’s been a long time.”

  “Like three months. You said you were going to call. Did you lose my number?”

  I ran my fingers through her hair and dipped my head down to whisper in her ear. “Maybe you should give it to me again.”

  When I pulled away she was all smiles. To be honest I couldn’t even remember what this chick looked like naked. She was just a means to an end. If Reese wanted to rip out my heart I wasn’t going to let her know she’d done it.

  I kept messing with Britney’s mind, making her think I wanted to hook up. I’d already gotten laid earlier, and since I knew nothing could compare, it was pointless to do it again.

  As the crowd doubled in size I kept an eye on Reese and Jax. Every time I looked their way she was staring at me, while Jax had his hands all over her.

  The rage was taking over, so I decided to play my own game of jealousy. I grabbed Britney and picked up her, backing her into the far wall of the room. I kissed her hard, like I couldn’t wait to rip her clothes off. Her legs hugged my ass as we continued our very public makeout session.

  In the background I heard my brother whistling. It was sad that he was rooting me on. I was an asshole.

  When I turned to smile at him I saw the hurt in her eyes. I can’t explain what came over me when she went running out of the room, leaving my brother curious, and me a wreck.

  Since I couldn’t exactly follow after her, I pulled Britney along with me, like I was taking her upstairs. Jax slapped my ass when we passed him, but I said nothing. He was going home with the person I gave my heart to. I couldn’t let go of the way that made me feel.

  Britney seemed excited when I pulled her into an upstairs bedroom and shut the door behind us. “I forgot a rubber. I’ll be right back. Stay here and take your clothes off. I want to see you naked when I return.”

  I had no intentions of going back into that room. My only concern was finding Reese. Luckily I didn’t have to look far. I could hear her crying from out in the hallway. I knocked on the door after finding it locked. “Reese, it’s me. Open the door.”

  “Go away! I hate you so much right now.”

  It hurt. I’m not going to lie. It crushed me. “Please. I was angry. It was a show.”

  “Bullshit. Get out of here, Jake. Go find your brother and tell him I’m going home.”

  I leaned my head on the door. “You’ve got n
o right to be mad at me. You came here with Jax. You’ll probably fuck him tonight too. I’m done with this shit. Don’t fucking call me, Reese. Don’t come crying to me when he fucks up too. Maybe one day you’ll learn that this world ain’t perfect like you think it is.”

  I didn’t stop to tell Jax that I was leaving. For all he knew I was getting my dick wet by Britney.

  By the time I reached my truck I knew I had to get out of there fast. My mood was fucked to hell, and if I didn’t calm down I was going to say or do something I’d regret.

  Reaching the farm didn’t make me feel any better. Instead of heading inside of my warm house, I drove over to my sister’s place. If anyone could calm me down it was her. Maybe she’d be able to talk some sense into me. I was running out of options.

  Chapter 20


  How could he do that in front of me? What had I done to deserve it?

  When Jax showed up at my apartment I was a mess. I’d just hung up from a disagreement with Jake, so it wasn’t like I could explain why I was crying. Desperate, I made up the first thing that came to mind.

  I told him that I’d gotten my period, and was over-emotional. He told me he didn’t want to leave me alone like that, and begged me to come with him. Since I didn’t want him drinking and getting into trouble before his big game, I felt that it was necessary to be his babysitter.

  Then I started thinking about my earlier fight with Jake. He hung up on me before I could explain myself. I’d tried to call him back and even sent him a text, but he refused to reply.

  I had no idea that I’d walk into the party and see him standing there. If that wasn’t bad I had to watch him groping all over some chick. It made me sick. He’d made love to me, and already had his hands up another girl’s shirt. How could I have been so blind to think he was the right guy for me?

  A knock on the bathroom startled me. I knew Jake well enough to know he wouldn’t come back a second time, not after what I’d said to him. He was probably off banging that skank, telling her he loved her too.

  “Reese, are you in there? Did you get sick?”

  I looked in the mirror and wiped my eyes, noticing that most of my makeup had smeared off. “Yeah, just a second.”

  When I opened the door Jax seemed sad. “What’s the matter?”

  “My stomach hurts. I just threw up.” It was the only excuse I could think of for my makeup looking so terrible.

  “Damn. I’m sorry for dragging you out. Come on. Let’s get you back to bed.”

  I tried not think about Jake as I held Jax’s hand back to my dorm. It was difficult to not wonder where he was or who he was doing. My faith in love was vanishing, that’s for sure.

  “I’m sorry for being a dick earlier today. It just feels like ever since you went to the cabin you’ve been pissed at me. I know being stuck with my brother wasn’t your idea of a good time. He said he wasn’t mean to you. I just can’t figure out what’s wrong.”

  I turned to face Jax. I put my hands up to his face and stroked both sides. “Nothing’s wrong. We’re fine. Everything is fine.”

  It was like I was trying to convince myself.

  Jax didn’t ask anymore questions, and I didn’t divulge anything either. Eventually, after watching a couple movies, he fell asleep. I just laid there next to him, watching him so peacefully resting, unknowing that I’d slept with his brother on this same bed.

  Feeling utterly confused, I took my phone into the bathroom hoping there would be a message from Jake. I don’t know why I still cared, but I couldn’t leave things so terrible.

  When there was nothing I took it upon myself to call him. After locking the door and turning on the water to the shower, I dialed the number and prayed he’d answer.

  “This is Jake’s phone. He can’t come to the phone right now because he’s busy getting fucked over. Leave a message after the beep.”

  “Jake, don’t hang up. Please.”

  “I’ve got nothing to say to you, Reese.”

  “Did you sleep with her?”

  “Why do you care?” He was slurring his words. It was obvious he’d been drinking.

  “I do.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Where’s my brother? How’d you get away to call me? Did you fuck him until he fell asleep? I know what it’s like. It’s hard work keeping you satisfied. That’s why he tries so hard. You’re a challenge.”

  “Stop it. That’s not even true.”

  “Did you fuck him?”

  I pinched my nose and tried my best not to raise my voice. “I need to see you.”

  “Fuck you. I’m done with it all, Reese. Your head games are giving me whiplash. You can’t want me and be jealous of him. It don’t work that way.”

  I couldn’t be sure, but it sounded like he was starting to cry. I felt terrible. “I wasn’t jealous, I swear. I was hurt, but I wasn’t jealous. Trust me, after seeing you with that whore earlier I knew the difference.”

  “You showed up with him. You fucking showed up with him.”

  “He made me go. I didn’t want to.”

  The line got quiet and I thought he’d hung up on me.

  “I didn’t fuck Britney. I just wanted to piss you off.”

  Tears welled up in my eyes. “Really?”

  “You’ve got me so messed up. I can’t take it anymore. Being around you kills me. I hate the way you make me feel.”

  “Jake, please don’t cry.”

  “I wish I didn’t love you so much.”

  “Where are you?” I stood up prepared to seek him out and apologize until he believed me.

  “I’m at the farm. I’ll be fine.” I could hear him sniffling. “I’m going to sleep it off.”

  “I’m so sorry for earlier. You hung up on me without letting me explain.”

  “It doesn’t matter. This game we’re playing can’t be won. It’s doomed to fail. You’re better off staying with my brother. I can’t give you what he can. I’m a cheater, Reese. I’ll get tired of being with one person. I can’t be tied down to one woman. You and I both know it too.”

  “Why are you saying this? Are you trying to push me away again?”

  “Don’t call me anymore, Reese. Pretend we never happened. It’s better for everyone.”

  When he hung up I had to cover my mouth to prevent Jax from hearing my sobs. It was too much to handle. To hear him saying he didn’t want me crushed every part of my soul. He had to be lying to protect me. I couldn’t accept that he was telling me the truth.

  I took a long shower to calm down. Instead of climbing into bed next to Jax I slept on my couch. If he thought for one second I could forget about him, he had another thing coming. If this was another lie to keep me away, he wasn’t going to hear the end of it. I wasn’t going to play games with him.

  Chapter 21


  There are some days where I don’t feel like getting up and going to football practice. The moment my phone started going off while it was still dark outside let me know it was going to be one of those days.

  My sister and Rusty happened to be at my parents when I arrived, so I spent the rest of the night alone in the barn, sulking in a pool of my own mistakes.

  I managed to get up and take a leak before my phone rang. I knew who was calling, because he hadn’t seen me leave the party.

  “I’m up and on my way in.”

  “What happened to you last night?”

  “I got pissed at some chick and drove home to the farm, where I finished off a pint of some shit dad had in the barn.”

  “Dude, you’ve got issues. I’ll meet you in the locker room then.”

  After we hung up I came face to face with my dad. He was up to start work, but I could tell he wasn’t going anywhere until we cleared the air. “Jake, what are you doing home?”

  “I came home last night and crashed in here.”

  I started to walk by him, but he prevented me. “Hold it. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. I’m going t
o be late for practice.”

  “It’s that girl isn’t it?”

  “No. You’re being ridiculous. There is no girl; not for me anyway. Now can I go?”

  He threw up his hands. “Don’t say I didn’t try to help.”

  I waved before climbing into my truck. “I won’t.”

  Practice kicked my ass. I worked hard to keep up, but was glad once the whistle blew. While in the locker room I stood next to my brother, who was having a belly rolling contest with a linebacker we called horse. Jax looked like an idiot, but it was fun watching the two of them.

  Afterwards we decided to go out and get a bite to eat, since I didn’t have class until a little later. I was a bit leery to be alone with him considering what I was going through, and the things I’d done.

  After driving to our favorite burger joint, we sat down and started filling our bodies with empty calories. We’d burn it off playing football, so it wasn’t really a big deal. Jax sat his burger down, halfway through and folded his hands together. “Bro, I need to talk to you about something, and you’re probably going to lose your shit.”

  I sat my burger down and looked across the table at my twin. “Lay it on me.”

  “I think Reese is pregnant.”

  I didn’t see that coming. “Come again?”

  “It can’t be anything else. She’s been sick for days, and she won’t stop crying. I swear it’s all she does.” It was difficult to keep my composure when I knew this wasn’t her predicament.

  “I thought you use protection.”

  “I do. I’ve never slipped, not even with Reese. I guess the bitch broke or something.” He shook his head and covered his face. “What am I going to do, Jake? She hasn’t even told me. What if she’s planning on getting an abortion? What if she’s waiting to tell me until she’s too far along for one? I can’t have a kid right now.”

  I placed my hands on the table and tried not to think about Reese in any other aspect than my brother’s girlfriend. “You don’t even know for sure if she is pregnant. I think you’re jumping the gun.”


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