Jake Mitchell

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Jake Mitchell Page 20

by Jennifer Foor

  I nodded my head. “I know. Trust me, I know.” We inched closer, and I knew what was about to happen. “Just tell me to stop. Tell me you have to leave.”

  “I do.” She nodded and parted her lips, welcoming mine in. The moment we touched our connection ignited. I’d never desired her this bad before. Her warm hands touched my bare skin, making me immediately need her to be naked. We backed up until my legs hit the first bed. I fell back with her in my arms, appreciating her body landing on top of me. “Jake, I can’t stay.”

  “Please,” I whispered. “I’m doing everything I can to keep going, but it would be a lie if I said I was okay without you. You see, I’ve had a taste. Now you’re all I crave.

  She gasped and threw her head back as I licked up her neck. My hand traveled from her throat down to her right breast. I cupped it over the fabric. When that wasn’t enough I made her sit up straight. She lifted her shirt over her head and came right back down for another insatiable kiss. With my hands holding her against me, Reese lifted up her head, breaking our embrace. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “You know we can’t. Your whole family is here.”

  “They’re out doing their own thing. I don’t even know where their rooms are,” I defended.

  She started reaching for her shirt. “I don’t want to get caught.”

  I wasn’t angry, but I also wasn’t happy, especially since I was hard as a rock. “So you’re just going to leave me like this?” I pointed down at my predicament.

  I could tell she was really considering it. Reese took two fingers and traced it over my shorts. I made it jump, causing her to giggle. “Is that your way of telling me to stay?”

  I nodded. “It’s his way. His name is Elfranco Mendez.”

  She covered her mouth and burst into a laughing fit. “Are you serious?”

  I shook my head and cackled myself. “No, I’m just fucking with you. I like to call him Yo. I’m like Yo, get the fuck up. Yo, get back down. Nobody knows I’m talking to my dick. It’s great.”

  “I miss you, Jake. I really do.”

  “So about this predicament.” I kept pointing downward, while shaking my eyebrows.

  “I’m sharing a room with Jax. He’s probably looking for me right now.”

  I fell down on the bed and brought my arms up above my head. “Here we go again. It’s like a rollercoaster I can’t seem to stop riding.”

  “Jake, don’t be like that.” she leaned forward and kissed me softly. “I’ll find a way to come back.”


  She nodded and slid down off the bed. Before I could sit up, I felt her sliding a hand up my shorts. She took my cock in her hand and started stroking it. I had to stop her, because if I let her go another second there was no way I was letting her walk out of the room. “Okay, okay. I’ll wait.” I climbed off the bed and handed her my room key. “Just come in.”

  When I leaned forward to kiss her she took her fingers and ran them through the back of my hair, using her strength to hold our lips together. I talked while we stayed close. “Keep it up, and I’ll tie you to the bed and make you stay.”

  She left with one more chaste kiss and a very ornery smile. “I might like that.”

  “I love you,” I whispered when the door opened.

  She peeked back in. “You better.”

  For a while I paced around. When I became impatient. I decided to start prank calling random room numbers. I started with Jax.


  I changed my voice to sound like a female. “Hi, this is Vivian Garfunkel. Are you needing pillow service tonight, sir?”

  “No, we’re fine, Jake. You, dumb-shit. Don’t you have a hot blonde to tend to, or were you done in two minutes?”

  “Sir, this is Vivian Garfunkel from the front desk.”

  I could hear him shuffling. “Seriously?”

  “No, fuckstick, it’s me. Sweet dreams. Hug your blankie. I love you, boo.”

  After calling Jax I started just dialing numbers. This foreign guy picked up next, so I tried to mimic his accent, which sounded Russian.


  “Hello, this is Vlad Montopopopo. Is your toilet flushing properly?”

  “Who is this?” He demanded.

  “It’s Vlad. You know me. We spent that summer together, naked under the stars.”

  He hung up on me.

  I was getting bored.

  I pulled out my phone to look for the room number of my aunt and uncle. Once I’d found it I dialed their number. I knew they were still out, so I left them a message.

  Once again I pretended to be a woman. I made my voice high-pitched as I spoke. “Hello, this is Wilma Peckerton. I want to come massage your balls. I like them hairy and old. I also offer genital grooming. It’s free of charge. Just dial the operator and ask for Jax. He’s our go-to guy.”

  I kept checking my phone for both the time and possibly a new message from Reese. When she hadn’t showed up I kept at it. Next I called the front desk and ordered seventeen pillows. I also called them back and ordered a two a.m. wake up call for my brother’s and Christian’s rooms. At first they said they couldn’t do it, until I told them I was my father, who had paid for most of the rooms with his credit card.

  When someone knocked on my door I shot up and ran to answer it. “It took you long…Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else.” The housekeeper shook her head and shoved a pile of pillows in my face. When I only counted four, I called back to the front desk and raised hell.

  Then I couldn’t take it any longer. I couldn’t sit in my room waiting when I knew she was with him. I left my room and knocked on their door, using a female voice as I spoke. “Housekeeping, you want hot towels?”

  Jax opened the door. “It’s fresh towels, dickhead.”

  I walked right in and jumped on the bed where Reese was sitting up watching television. I could tell she was shocked to see me. “Stop, Jake.” She gave me a weird look, like I was being a goof and making it obvious something was up.

  I hopped onto the other bed so Jax wouldn’t flip. He sat down in the single chair at the far corner of the room, tossing a football up in the air. “You can’t sleep either?”

  “No, I’m too wired.”

  “I figured after you hit that pussy you’d fall asleep like a little baby.”

  “Yeah, I thought so too.” I looked at Reese as I answered. “So what are you two doing?”

  “What does it look like,” she snapped.

  “What does it look like,” I mocked in a squeaky voice.

  She gave me the finger.

  “We’re watching porn.”

  “Yeah, right. Dad would beat your ass if that was on his bill.”

  “Hey, I could have roomed with one of the guys.” He defended. “Dad said he wanted us to be comfortable and well-rested.”

  “Well, I can’t sleep over there. That chick snores,” I lied. “I’m staying over here with you.”

  “No way!” Reese looked shocked at my comment.

  “He can stay here. It’s not a big deal. We’re only using one bed anyway.”

  I looked over at Reese. “Oh really? I thought you were just pretending to be together.”

  “We’re friends, Jake. You wouldn’t know what that’s like,” She announced.

  I wanted to laugh, because I knew she was trying her best not to freak out because I was in the room. “I was hoping we could all three cuddle up together on one bed.”

  A pillow came flying toward my head. “I’d rather eat manure,” she proclaimed.

  “That’s sick. Then you’ll have shit breath.”

  Reese turned around and got under the covers. Jax slapped me five before climbing in next to her. Sure, I hated it, but at least I wasn’t sitting in my room wondering what they were doing. After climbing into the empty double bed beside them Jax turned off the light.

  I used my lady voice again. “Goodnight, Jax. Dream of lots of guys in jockstraps. Goodnight, Reese. Dream of b
eing bitch slapped by bunny rabbits.”

  My brother laughed and then turned the volume up on the television, I guess to tune me out. I watched with him, keeping quiet while I waited for him to doze off. Finally, after nearly an hour of watching the mating patterns of African elephants, my brother started to snore.

  I had to make sure he was asleep, so I used the bathroom and came back out. He was still snoring with his back turned to Reese.

  I tip-toed over to the side of the bed and held my finger up to my lips when she opened her eyes.

  I used my head to motion for her to follow me.

  She looked at Jax and shook her head.

  I put my hands together like I was praying.

  She declined again.

  So I did what every guy in my situation would have done. I waved goodbye and walked out the door, making sure it didn’t slam behind me.

  There was only one problem with my brilliant idea. Reese had one room card, while Amber still had the other. I was locked out in the hallway.

  The moment I saw her emerge from that room my heart skipped a beat. She was coming to be with me. Finally I’d have her in my arms again. I didn’t even wait until were inside my room to kiss her.

  Chapter 29


  This was a terrible idea. Even with Jax being a heavy sleeper, I couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t awake to find the room empty. Without me there he’d freak out. Making my way into the hallway wasn’t without fear. I knew it was wrong; that what we were risking could ruin everything, but I couldn’t stay away from him, not anymore.

  We’d played this cat and mouse game too long. I now knew what it was like to love someone wholeheartedly. For the last two days all I’d done was think about Jake, and how we’d never be together again.

  Suddenly I had another chance. I could touch him, and feel him holding me. I couldn’t stop myself. I was unable to rationalize with my decision. I’d made it, and that was final.

  Seeing him standing in that hallway took my breath away. I ambled in his direction, paying no mind to our surroundings. It was as if we were the only two people to exist.

  I could feel my heart beating rapidly, pounding to remind me of how dangerous this was. In so many ways I felt like a rubber band that was being stretched between the two of them. One I shared a past, and the other a possible future. Did I remain in the middle or run forward, because deep inside I know it’s where I belong?

  It took only seconds for me to reach him. He stood before me, shirtless, his rock hard chest staring me in the face. Remnants of our last encounter together lingered on his tough skin. “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” he exclaimed while pulling me close.

  “I had doubts.”

  He spoke against my lips, grabbing my undivided attention. “I’m so hungry for you.”

  I fought to keep standing. He made me dizzy, and if it weren’t for my thumping heart, I would have fallen over.

  His tongue licked over my lips. “This is a terrible idea.”

  “Probably.” He moved a piece of hair away from my cheek. “You can always go back to bed.”

  “I could,” I licked my own lips. “But I won’t.”

  Jake smirked and ran his fingers over my lips, watching as they stretched and bounced back into shape. “There’s only one stipulation.”

  We needed to get out of the hallway. This was all too risky.

  “If you come in this room with me right now, we’re together. There’s no more cuddling with Jax, or holding his hand. I’ve never been jealous of anyone, but that I can’t take. You’re all mine, or we’re nothing at all. It’s my only offer.”

  He wasn’t being mean when he said it. Jake was tired of all the miscommunications. He was sick of the back and forth, basically because I couldn’t make my mind up. “We can’t wake up tomorrow morning as a couple without pissing a lot of people off and crushing your brother,” I argued.

  “We won’t tell anyone, at first. We’ll keep the peace as long as we need to. I’m only looking for your promise.”

  I didn’t hesitate. “You have it. God, you have all of me. I can’t fight it. I want you, Jake. I only want you.”

  He lifted a brow. “It’s that easy?”

  Before I could answer Amber stepped outside of her room. We pulled apart quickly, but I was sure she’d seen too much. She looked away and then pretended to suddenly notice us. “Hey, guys. Is everything okay?”

  Jake answered for us, “Yeah, I just needed something out of my room.” It looked even worse when I had to hand him his keycard.

  I could tell she was thinking about it. “Well, I’m just going to go downstairs for a snack then. See you both tomorrow.”

  Jake quickly opened the door and pulled me along when he rushed inside. The second I heard that door fasten I was already gearing toward his lips. I didn’t just want to savor his adorning kisses, I wanted everything that he only he could give me. My clothes were the first to come off, while he only had to shove down his shorts. He picked me up and pressed me against the wall leading to the bathroom. I threw my arms around his neck and accepted his ravenous tongue to play with mine. Jake dove down to my neck, dragging his tongue back up to my chin, and then lips. I placed my hands on his cheeks, pulling him in for more intense kisses.

  My head fell back when I felt him entering me. I tangled my legs behind his back, clinging to him as he started a vigorous pace.

  When standing became too hard he carried me over to the bed, releasing our connection in order to get comfortable. Jake laid down with a pillow behind his back. He held his arms out. “Come here.”

  I rushed over, craving for him to be inside of me again. The sheer force of sitting down on his engorged cock gave me chills. I placed both of my hands on his chest as I leaned back and rode him hard. God, it felt so good. I couldn’t imagine anything being better than giving myself to him. Jolts of pleasure seized me as Jake massaged my clit with his fingers. He held onto my ass with his free hand and urged me to move faster. I began to buck my body overtop of him, as if I were an irritated stallion. My orgasm was so intense that I cried out loudly, before collapsing in a pool of ecstasy on his chest.

  We kissed, slowly, with passion and precision. He took my breath away. As I fought to regain composure he sat us both up, using his strength to do all the work. I held onto him so tightly, knowing that I couldn’t contain the waves of repetitive enjoyment he was providing me.

  Jake still loved me. Just thinking of it sent me into a frenzy. At the pivotal moment when I could feel him tightening up, something happened that would change our lives forever.

  I hadn’t heard the door opening, or even if something was said in shock. All I felt was my hair being pulled so aggressively that I was forced off of Jake. While twisting my body around to fight with the person attacking me, I came face to face with the one man I’d tried so hard to protect.

  “Jax, please.”

  He shoved me down on the floor, as if I didn’t exist in the equation. While holding a key card up in his hand, he began speaking directly to Jake. “I woke up and you weren’t there. When I peeked out the door I saw something I couldn’t believe. The two people that I love the most in the world were standing together. Now normally that would make me happy, considering your hate for each other. As I continued to watch you can imagine my surprise when you were obviously having a fucking moment. It didn’t take a damn genius to figure out what was going to happen once you got inside this room.

  I was going to wait until you were done. I told myself that I had to be mistaken. Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. There was no way that my own brother would do this to me. I mean, we’ve shared everything, but never a women. That goes against everything we’d ever known.

  Your friend Amber saw me pacing outside your door. I thought she’d be going in, until she unlocked the room next to this. Don’t blame her for helping me. She didn’t have a choice. Once she explained that she’d been a decoy, it finally seemed to make sense
. This was all planned. All of it.”

  “No, it wasn’t!” I cried from the floor, curled up and unprotected.

  Jax pointed at me. “You need to shut the fuck up.”

  “Don’t talk to her like that.” Leave it to Jake to come to my rescue at the worst time possible.

  “What did you just say to me?” I could see tears in Jax’s eyes as he stepped closer to the bed where his brother sat. “Because I’m pretty sure you just took up for this bitch.”

  “You’re damn right I did.”

  Jax ran his hands through his hair. He looked like he was going insane, speaking something under his breath so we couldn’t make it out. “You picked pussy over us.” He took his fist and beat it on the wall, putting a large hole through it. “You fucking chose pussy over blood.”

  Jake jumped off the bed and approached Jax. They were face to face, one naked and one not. I didn’t know what to do. Our lives were self-destructing and I couldn’t stand it. With no regard for being undressed, I threw my body in between them. “Stop it. Please. Don’t do this.”

  Jax took me by the neck and threw me down on the bed. Before I could spin around I saw them tumbling to the floor. “Don’t touch her. DON’T YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER,” Jake yelled.

  Jake had the upper hand having landed on top. He got two punches in before Jax twisted them around and began going to town on his brother’s face. “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” Jax announced as he pounded his fists into Jake. I grabbed a sheet off the bed and ran out into the hallway, screaming for someone to help me, because I knew they weren’t going to stop until they really killed each other.

  When I saw his uncle emerging from a closed door, I waved him down and ran back into the room, praying to God that they’d stopped. Blood was spattered all over the wall. I crouched down to try to break them apart. My hands were immediately crimson in color. I backed away, realizing I wasn’t strong enough to wedge myself between them.

  They were still fighting, rolling around, kicking and punching each other at the same time. Profanities filled the room, while anger fueled their destruction.


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