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Summer Breeze Kisses

Page 92

by Addison Moore

  We sit there, our noses locked together, our lips lying over one another as our silent hot tears conjoin into one.

  “I’m so sorry, Ax. I’m so very, very sorry.” Her lips find mine, and we start in on a slow, delicious kiss that feels more medicinal than it does anything else. For sure it’s not one of those angry kisses we indulged in back in the kitchen. Gone is all the fury, the resentment over what we lost, what we could have been. This was a perfectly mild kiss, penetrating to the core with hope of a beautiful future.

  She pulls back, her face glossed with tears, her eyes so red they’re unrecognizable. “Did you think of calling me?”

  “I don’t have your number, Lex.” I shake my head. “I tried to find you, but you’ve covered your tracks so well I would have bet you slipped into the witness protection program. Heck, you did a fantastic job of protecting your privacy.”

  She gives a wry smile. “I am rather stealth.”

  “And stingy with your whereabouts.” I give her hip a light pinch, and she bucks with a quiet laugh. “But I’m glad I found you.” My eyes rake over her features in hope of a hint that she might feel the same. “Are you glad you found me?” There. I said it. For as desperate as it sounds, I really do want an answer.

  Lex takes a quivering breath somewhere between tears, regret, and relief. “I was about twenty minutes ago. And I most likely will in about another hour.” She cocks her head to the side and offers up a quick wink. “But prior to this, I pretty much blamed you for the current disarray in my life. You do realize it was you who caused me to bolt from The Sloppy Pelican last spring and send Harlow Walking Disaster Hartley in instead. Everything went to holy heck after that. I lost my job. I gained two friends.” She head-butts me lightly with that last one, and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Friends never were your forte.”

  “And now one of the she-devils is living with me while the other one is making me wear frilly taffeta in just a couple of weeks. Friends are a hazard I’ve spent my entire life avoiding.” She slaps me over the ass with some muscle behind the action. “And it’s all your fault.”

  “If my actions led to tonight, I’m guilty as charged.” I dip a kiss into that soft spot just below her ear. “And I plan on becoming a repeat offender.” My hands drip down her thighs, melting into her skin as if I had the ability to become a part of her.

  “Repeat offender, huh?” A dirty laugh brews in her chest. Her eyes widen with delight as if this is the banter she’s craved all along, something with a hint of crudeness that leads to the promise land for the both of us. “You do realize I have a brother who would love to see you arrested.”

  A horrid groan escapes me at the thought of Marlin Maxfield. “Did you have to drag your brother into this? Marlin hates me, and you know it.”

  “I do know it. And you do realize this brings me great pleasure.” She outright giggles into me like a schoolgirl, and I can’t help but shed an ear-to-ear grin.

  “You know I love it when you’re happy.”

  Her mouth opens as she gasps. I had done the unthinkable, invoked the L word—the pinprick in our helium balloon.

  “Don’t.” She presses a finger over my lips. “You’re no longer allowed to speak for the night.” She leans in and takes a healthy bite from my shoulder, eliciting a roar of a moan from me. “I’m ready for you to have me now.” She gives my leg a few quick taps. “Nice and slow to begin with, then hard and aggressive like you mean it. I want my hair tugged once when I least expect it, and do that little thing with your tongue before you’re through.” She dips her finger into my mouth and bites down a smile. “And if you play your cards right, I might let you tell me what to do in the morning. After all, you are the boss.”

  A hopeful smile percolates on my lips. “I think we both know who the boss is around here. But as for tomorrow morning—expect to be on top.” My teeth graze over her ear. “On all fours.” I run my tongue up the side of her face in a heated line, and she shivers beneath me. “And most importantly on your knees.”

  Lex shakes with a laugh, and I cover her mouth with mine, drowning out that sound leaving her body to express the sentiment. Lex and I make love slowly at first, just the way she instructed, then something fiercer, darker, deeper, longer, stronger.

  Lex always did have impeccable taste and timing. Lucky for me, her appetite for my body hasn’t waned a bit. If I’m truly lucky, her hunger will linger long enough for her to realize that I’m one meal she’ll need regularly for the rest of her life.

  We wrestle long into the night, well past those early morning hours and straight through to sunup. We hold one another as the sun rises and fills the room with the peachy glow of another blessed day. It feels like the first day of the rest of our lives.

  Sleep has never felt so thick, so delicious, so very necessary. Both Lex and I moan in tandem as our lids flutter at the very same time.

  “Hey, beautiful.” I lean in and steal a kiss.

  “I look like a witch.” She scoots in and wraps her limbs around me, and just the feel of her heated flesh pressed up against mine makes my skin quiver as if attempting to drink her down.

  “You look like a goddess.” I graze my teeth over her ear. “One I’m gearing up to properly worship.” I rub my blooming hardness over her thigh. “But first I have a gift for you.”

  “Hmm.” She gives a playful laugh. “I wonder what that could be? Let me guess. You’re going to feed me breakfast.” Her knee grazes my balls ever so gently.

  “You’re crude, you know that?” A dull laugh dies in my chest as I lean over to the nightstand and pull out a small velvet box with a disheveled bow and hand it to her.

  “What’s this?” She hikes up on her elbows, eyeing the curiosity as if it were a scorpion. “My God, do you give all of your one-night stands a parting gift? You’re a real prince, you know that?”

  “I might be a prince, but to answer your question, no. That’s just a little something I’ve hauled around with me from move to move for the last six years. We broke up before Christmas.” I take a deep breath at the thought. “Remember? Anyway, that was your Christmas gift. It’s a little overdue.”

  “Oh?” She sits up in bed until I’m eye level with the girls. Lex has never been shy about her body, and dear Lord, she doesn’t have a reason to be. “If this is an engagement ring, I’m going to say no.” She bites down over a smile while stealing a moment to glance at me.

  “It’s not an engagement ring.” I frown up at her playfully. “But now that I see how much pleasure the prospect of turning me down brings you, the next gift just might be.”

  My phone buzzes over the nightstand, but I choose to ignore it. Whoever it is will have to wait until later, until tomorrow if I’m lucky. I’ll do every acrobatic stunt in the book to keep Lex locked in my bedroom.

  She plucks at the old worn bow and peels the box back, exposing a frail gold necklace with a pendant attached with three shiny Xs attached in a row. “Oh my goodness! Triple X!” She gasps, pulling it to her chest with delight. Triple X was what I called her in private. But Lex did her part too and lived up to the moniker. “I love it!” Her feet kick at the sheets in an airborne version of the happy dance. “Help me get it on.” She hands me the box, and I carefully free the necklace from it and clasp it around her neck.

  Lex holds the tiny pendant out, examining it from a new vantage point.

  I brush a kiss over her hip before sitting up next to her. “I always knew it was all you would ever have to wear. It’s perfect on you.”

  A laugh bubbles from her as she opens her arms and pulls me down on top of her. Lex is smiling right down to her toes, her golden eyes, each with a laugh of their own.

  “Lex,” I whisper right over her lips. I can feel the words bubbling up inside me, begging to jet on out. “I love you. I still love you.” I dot her lips with a kiss. “I never did stop.”

  A gasp gets locked in her throat, and she flattens her palms over my chest. Just as she’s about to
either slap or deck me—probably both, the hard thump of a fist pounds over the front door.

  “What in the hell.” I land a kiss at her temple before jumping into my pants and heading for the door. “Wait here.”

  The pounding intensifies, and the doorbell goes off in spasms. The doorman would never let a madman through those gates, but then again, my phone did ring. Worst-case scenario—a madman made it past him, and he tried to warn me.

  I peer through the peephole and spot an officer dressed in uniform, the magnification of the tiny hole barrels his chest out a little too much. He leans in, and the stubble on his face comes at me so fast I back up.

  Lex ambles into the room and speeds next to me, desperately trying to button the dress shirt I wore last night. It’s a good look on her, and I can’t help but give a lopsided grin at the sight. “Who is it?” she hisses. Her nose does this cute little twitch that opens the floodgates to a thousand different memories, and all I want to do is carry her back to that bedroom.

  “It’s a cop. I’d better see what he wants.” Just as my hand goes for the lock, the door thumps to life again.

  “You in there, Lex?” a deep voice thunders from the other side. “Don’t make me beat this door down.”

  Crap. My adrenaline skyrockets. “You know this guy? Is this some amped up ex of yours?”

  “No.” She taps her hands in the air as if motioning for me to keep it down. “It’s my amped up big brother.” She hides her face in her hands a moment. “I forgot all about meeting him for coffee this morning.”

  “Big brother—Marlin?” Crap. It’s been years since we last had the misfortune to meet, but something tells me it wasn’t long enough.

  More pounding ensues, this time with the threat of taking me downtown.

  “I guess I should let him in.” I unhook the lock, and Lex presses her body against the door. Her lips quiver as she looks up at me with fright.

  “Have you lost your freaking mind? He’s going to kill us. You first, then me!”

  The door pulsates with each thunderous bang. “Lex? I can hear you for crap’s sake. Open the damn door before I beat it down!”

  I’m not sure what happened next. Either I twisted the knob or Lex hit it just right with her hip or Marlin just got lucky because the door cracks open and his foot is suddenly wedged inside.

  “Oh my God!” Lex jumps away from the door as if it morphed into a snake. And just like that, Marlin spills into the room clad in blue. The shiny silver badge on his chest proves that he’s the real deal. Jepson PD. Who would have thought that after all these years he and I were just a hair away from meeting up again? And, unfortunately, it wasn’t some run-of-the-mill speeding ticket that reconnected our paths. It’s the fact Lex overslept in my bed.

  Marlin is basically Lex in male skin, far more aggressive, both arms riddled with tats, his biceps bulging as if silently promising me a broken nose, leg, and arm before he takes off.

  His eyes ride up and down his sister in disappointment. “Go get some clothes on,” he growls as he refocuses his attention back on me. “I’m probably going to kill you,” he says it flat like a fact. “Don’t worry. I’ll make it look like an accident. No reason to embarrass either Lex or me in the situation.” A menacing smile flinches on his lips. “The only decision I need to make is whether or not I want to make it quick and painless or slow and agonizing as hell. I vote for the latter.”

  He lunges at me, and I pull him in by the shirt, launching him across the room.

  “Marlin—mind your weapon!” Lex shrills so loud the veins in her neck jump like livewires.

  “You’re right.” He takes off his belt, dumping it along with his gun onto the coffee table before pouncing on me like a wild tiger.

  This isn’t your standard Jepson PD procedure. This is fist in your face, knee up your ass personal.

  He bashes my head into the wood floor like bouncing a ball. “You piece of crap!” He offers up a couple of kidney punches, and Lex screams and threatens to break a vase over his head. And instead of fighting back, I try to figure out where the hell Lex will get a vase because I’m one hundred percent certain I don’t own one. But in the truth, I don’t want to be the bad guy here. I just crawled back into Lex’s life. There’s no way in hell I’m letting Marlin boot me out. And if I fracture his skull like I’m leaning toward, it might just do that.

  He lands hard over my back, his heavy breathing clotting up my ear. “I’m going to make sure you never screw another living thing again.”

  I can feel his knee retract.

  “That’s it.” I twist out of range and land my fist over his jaw, connecting time after time as if he were a punching bag. My foot digs into his gut, and I kick him across the floor until he butts against the sofa with an ugh expelling from him.

  I’m slow to look up and meet with Lex’s beautiful eyes, half-afraid it’ll be the last time I see them.

  Her fists are balled into her hips, and she’s shaking her head at me.

  “It’s about time you grew a pair.” She reaches down and offers me a hand as I get up on my feet. “For a second there, I thought you were enjoying it.”

  “I didn’t want to hurt your brother.” I pull her in and bury my face in her neck a moment, still struggling to catch my breath.

  Marlin crawls to his feet, using the couch for support. “You didn’t hurt me.” He looks to Lex, and a thick moment of silence bounces between them. “But he will hurt you. I can’t believe you’re going back for seconds. Wasn’t once enough?” He’s speaking tenderly, the way you would a distraught soul about to take a fatal plunge. “Don’t do it, Lex. You deserve better than this. You’re special, and he has a habit of forgetting that.”

  My stomach clenches. With everything in me, I know that’s not true, but I don’t want to fall into Marlin’s bear trap and have to chew my way out with a bunch of truths I’m not sure Lex is ready to believe. That’s a conversation we need to have in private. For sure not with her brother in the peanut gallery ready to refute any and everything I have to say. Nope. Not going there.

  Her arm tightens around my waist. “This isn’t anything,” she barks it out so convincingly my stomach is right back to tensing up in a knot for far more nefarious reasons. “We’re not serious.” Her hand floats to that triple X necklace I just gifted her, and she fingers it as if it were a life raft. “I’m in control, Marlin. And what the heck is this, I’ll huff and puff and blow your doors down routine? I’m not amused. Yes, I missed meeting you for coffee. Yes, you probably sent a million text messages I didn’t see, but does that really justify what went on here? How the heck did you find me, anyway?”

  His eyes enlarge with rage. “That roommate of yours made it real easy. And since when did you get a roommate, anyway? How many more things about your life don’t I know about, Lex? Anything else you’d like to spring on me while dressed in last night’s clothes? Hell, it’s not even your shirt.”

  Her mouth opens and closes, and she clenches her knees together as if just remembering her scantily clad state.

  “We’ll do lunch this week. I promise.” She scuttles up and presses a quick kiss to his cheek, but he turns his head slightly as if repulsed from any physical contact with her in this less than chaste state.

  “Make it dinner. I’m on days all week. And yes, I know you work nights at that—that ridiculous bar this twerp owns.” He darts an accusing finger at me. Twerp? He’s lucky I don’t shove him out the window and call him a twerp all the way down. “That new roommate of yours sang like a canary.” He heads for his belt and straps his weaponry back into place. “And why the hell didn’t you tell me you had some nut job orchestrating a PETA protest in front of your home?”

  Lex groans. “Son of a motherless goat, why did Stumpy have to drag PETA into this?” She rolls her head back and moans as she walks Marlin to the door. “Don’t call me. I’ll call you.”

  “Too bad, I’m calling,” he snaps as he crests the threshold. “We need to talk about
Serena. Or have you forgotten that family comes first?”

  Her spine straightens as she stiffens. Ever since Lex’s mother ran out on them, she’s taken on the role of primary caretaker. Her father passed a while back, and she’s been mothering not only her sister and Marlin—even though he’s too much of a douche to admit it, but she had taken her cousins, Rush and Sunday, under her wing. Nolan, their brother, is about my age. I’ve known him for a while. Good guy. But in the last six years, I’m sure Rush and Sunday have grown up. I figure they’re in college themselves about now. This is the first time in Lex’s life that she gets to focus on herself—and hopefully, she’ll make a little room for me in the equation.

  “Family comes first,” she repeats as she starts to shut the door.

  “Hey, Collins!” Marlin shouts as she proceeds to entomb us inside. “I know where you live now. You better watch your back.”

  “Nice,” I say, twisting the lock as soon as Lex seals the door shut. “Which one of us ordered a beating for brunch?” I tease, peppering her neck with kisses.

  Lex pulls me back, tears glittering in her eyes, and my gut coils right back into that knot again.

  “Hey”—my arms steady her by the shoulders—“I’m sorry I hurt your brother. I had no intention of doing so. Things just got out of hand. In no way did I—”

  “Stop.” Her finger bounces over my lips, and I pull her in close again. “Marlin is right. What am I doing here?” She holds out her hands, confused as if she just materialized into the room. “I’m not the girl who sleeps with guys on a whim. I should never have had a drop of wine last night. I’m so stupid to think we could do what we did and there not be any repercussions. It’s going to be awkward now.” She drops her face in her hands and takes a hard sniff before coming back up for air. “I’ll try to get another waitressing position somewhere else.”


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