Saved (Surrender Series Book 3)

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Saved (Surrender Series Book 3) Page 19

by J. G. Sumner

  “According to Dr. Hashbury, he was diagnosed with leukemia about six months ago.” Dr. Jones looks over his paperwork ensuring all his facts are straight before meeting Elizabeth’s eyes.

  “Are you sure? Perhaps he was thinking about another Anderson. It is a very common last name.” Kate closes in on Elizabeth and entangles their arms together.

  “Mrs. Anderson, I can assure you there’s no mistaking your husband. He’s kind of like a local celebrity. Like I mentioned, I added some extra labs to ensure there was no error. I’m sorry to be the one to inform you that your husband does in fact have advanced stage Leukemia.”

  Elizabeth gasps as she places a hand over her mouth. “How could this be? How could he not tell me?”

  This might be one of the most awkward moments I’ve ever experienced in my lifetime. Watching my family receive the bad news I’ve already been privy to and sworn to secrecy is heartbreaking. What I wouldn’t do to shelter them from this pain. I wish Charles would’ve told them so they could have just a little more time with them.

  I approach both of the women I’m now responsible for and gather in close just to let them know I’m here.

  “Dr. Jones, has he been receiving any sort of treatment for it? Is there any chemo therapy he can have?”

  “Unfortunately, your father refused treatment. The odds of him making a full recovery were very slim. He decided to enjoy what time he had left.”

  “What time he had left? The man has been holed up in his office for weeks, never coming out to enjoy anything. How’s that living?” Elizabeth pulls away from Kate and makes her way to Charles’ side. “How could you do this to us, you selfish bastard? I’ve spent the last forty years by your side and you couldn’t be decent enough to fill me in on this small detail? Never mind the fact that you’re leaving me a lonely widow. What happened to our plans? We were going to travel and get to know one another. How could you do this?” Guttural sobs escape Elizabeth’s chest. She slaps the side of the bed and then rests her head and Charles’s chest.

  Kate walks up behind her mom and rubs her back. “How long does he have to live, Doctor?”

  Dr. Jones swallows and takes a deep breath before answering. The poor man has walked into a firestorm. If I were him, I’d be getting a stiff drink after his shift.

  “Based on the labs and what Dr. Hashbury has told me, it may not be long. Probably just a few days.” I don’t know how doctors do it, but they magically put on this face showing concern, empathy, and remorse all at once. Do they teach that in medical school?

  “Daddy, no!” Kate cries out and wraps her arms around the once larger-than-life man who is now frail and gaunt, and dying before our eyes.

  I have to do something here. This isn’t what Charles would’ve wanted. I at least know that much. “Is there any chance we can take him home to pass away peacefully? He wouldn’t have wanted to be here.”

  Dr. Jones glances from me to Kate and Elizabeth and waits for their responses.

  Elizabeth wipes her nose with a tissue. “Tony’s right. Charles hates hospitals. What can we do to bring him home?”

  Elizabeth may be sad and angry about Charles, but one thing is for sure: she loves this man unconditionally and would do anything for him. I guess that’s who Kate gets it from. Had I seen this earlier, I might not have been so quick to run, and maybe I would’ve been by her side during the entire pregnancy and not have missed out on every doctor appointment and ultrasound. These people are good and being around them makes me a better person. I’ll never take that for granted again.

  “Money is no object. Just tell me what he needs and I’ll arrange it.” It’s the least I can do for Charles. He’s believed in me even when I was a complete douchebag. He’s always treated me as a son. Now, it’s time to take care of my father.

  “I’m going to consult with hospice. They’re usually good about getting in here right away. The nurse will help arrange everything, including the transportation to get Mr. Anderson home.”

  “Great, thank you.” I extend a hand to Dr. Jones.

  “Are there any more questions I can answer for you?” Dr. Jones looks to Kate and Elizabeth. Both shake their heads as trickles of tears fall down their reddened cheeks.

  “Very well then, if you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll come check on you in a bit. I would expect the hospice nurse to be in here within the hour.” Dr. Jones leaves the room.

  “Can I get you some coffee or anything from the cafeteria?” It may be a dumb question, but I’m at a loss of what to do for Kate and Elizabeth.

  “No, thank you, but would you mind calling David? He should be here.” Elizabeth never looks away from Charles as she speaks.

  “Absolutely, I’ll step outside to make the call and be back soon.” This gives me a good excuse to call Jasper and get the ball rolling. I know how the system works, and it will take at least a day or two to get all the necessary equipment to the Anderson estate if left up to insurance and “the system.”




  I return to the emergency department with bagels for Kate, Elizabeth, and David even though I’m unsure if he’s arrived yet. The smell of antiseptic and bleach flogs my senses, and the fluorescent lighting is a stark contrast to the blazing sunlight.

  I saunter past Emilia’s room and wonder if she’s still there or has been taken to the psych ward. When things calm down with Charles, I’ll go check on her. Until then, Kate and her family are my top priority—just as they should be.

  I knock on the sliding glass door sheltering the family from the outside world before entering. Kate has a chair pulled up next to her father’s side. David’s in the same position on the other side of the bed while Elizabeth is busy conversing with who I presume is the hospice nurse.

  I put down the bag of bagels and shake David’s hand before standing behind Kate and kissing the top of her head, while gently massaging her shoulders. I lean down and whisper into her ear. “How are things going?”

  Kate holds Charles’s hand in hers. “Okay. The nurse says it’ll take a day or so to get all the supplies over to the house. He may have to spend the night here.” Even through her fatigue-covered face, I can tell she’s sad about not being able to take Charles home sooner.

  Just as I figured. I pull my phone from my pocket and note the text that came through about ten minutes prior.

  Everything’s set to go. You can bring him home in the next hour. Let me know if you need the transport. I’ll need to give them thirty minutes’ notice.


  I walk over to Elizabeth and the nurse. “I’m sorry for interrupting, but Kate just explained that you’re unable to deliver the equipment today.” It’s still pretty early in the day. I can’t figure out why a hospital can’t get this stuff over to the Anderson’s house.

  The nurse turns to me with auburn curls covering part of her face. “Yes, unfortunately, it takes a bit of planning to get the hospital bed and oxygen to the house. Once that’s covered, we can schedule transportation to get him home.”

  “Is that all that’s needed?”

  “Well, there are a few minor things like filling prescriptions and getting the staff scheduled to come over and assist with care, but that won’t take any time at all to arrange.” She provides a warm, reassuring smile.

  “I would suggest you get those few minor things taken care of. I can have transport here in about thirty minutes. The rest of the equipment is being delivered to the house as we speak. How long will it take from your end?”

  She furrows her brow. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  I return the smile she gave me only moments before. “I made some phone calls a bit ago. Everything Charles needs is being delivered right now in addition to an IV pump, and a team of nurses who can provide for Mr. Anderson around the clock. As soon as you give the word, I’ll have the ambulance come get him.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes widen in sho
ck. “How did you do that?”

  “I called in some favors. It’s the least I could do. Now, let’s get him home.”

  Elizabeth wraps her arms around me and whispers a thank you in my ear.

  Kate leaves her dad’s side and also engulfs me in her arms. “Thank you so much for taking care of Daddy.”

  “This is just as much for you. I gave Charles my word I would take care of you. I refuse to let him down again. He’s been like a father to me.” I kiss the top of Kate’s head and hold her as long as she’ll let me. I’ve spent way too much time away from Kate and I never want to let her go.

  David approaches and extends his hand. I shake it firmly and nod. No words are spoken, but so much is said.

  “Well, if you could get the ambulance here in about an hour, I think we can have everything in place by then. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.” As she’s leaving, I read on the badge that her name is Sarah.

  I pull out my phone and text Jasper the plan. Within seconds, he responds confirming everything is in place and ready to go. I still haven’t let go of Kate. “Will you step out with me for a second? I have something I’d like to talk to you about.”

  Kate nods and I lead her out of the darkened room into the brightness of the fluorescent lights illuminating the entire emergency department.

  “What is it?” Her naïve expression reminds me of a small child looking to their parent for guidance.

  I take her face in my hands and kiss both of her cheeks before planting a final one on her nose. “I wanted to let you know that Emilia isn’t pregnant. Just as I suspected, I never had sex with her.”

  Kate searches my eyes for answers. “How do you know?”

  “They’ve run several tests to confirm her so-called pregnancy. Every single one of them came back negative, including the ultrasound indicating there was nothing in her uterus. I’m yours, Kate. I don’t belong to anyone else other than you and our babies.” My heart is beating so hard, I’m sure it’s going to explode out of my chest at any minute. Surely, Kate can hear the pounding as it knocks for the walls of my chest to open.

  “Why? Why would she make that up?” Kate’s forehead is wrinkled and her eyes glisten as she searches for understanding.

  “I don’t know, but they’re admitting her for a psychological evaluation. Hopefully she’ll get the help she needs before she goes back to Italy.” I brush my hand against the delicate porcelain skin lining Kate’s tender cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Kate pulls away. “You can’t say those things to me. You’re making this hard.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Kate pauses before answering, but never makes eye contact with me. “I can’t fall into your trap again. I’ve spent way too many months trying to get you out of my head, and to move on while you’ve been out doing whatever. I finally convinced myself that I’m better off without you. The hardest thing about this is when I need you most like now, you’re here saying all the right things. You always respond to that beacon calling for help. What am I supposed to do? Too much has happened and I don’t think I would survive if you ran out on me again.”

  “Come here.” I pull Kate into my arms. She fights a little bit, but she’s not getting away this time. Her warm body against mine has been sorely missed. She smells of a combination of freesia and hospital antiseptic. What I wouldn’t give to have her naked and alone so I could worship this body.

  “I’m never letting you go again. It’s not even an option. You and I are like yin and yang and aren’t complete without the other. This thing between us is undeniable. Ever since the first day we met, there were sparks causing a fire to roar alive in my heart. I haven’t felt this way about anyone. You saved me that day and have been doing so ever since. It took me a while to realize what I had, but baby, I know now and I. Will. Never. Let. You. Go.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  Obviously, my words mean nothing to Kate. I lift her face, peer into those crystal-blue eyes full of life and hurt, and crash my mouth against hers. I push my tongue past her silky lips until I connect with Kate even further. Our tongues dance, performing a salsa full of passion and desire. Her body weakens into my arms allowing the opportunity to pull her closer. Heat radiates from her body warming me to the soul. This is the fire—the inferno that set me ablaze the first time I met her. This is what confirms that I’m alive.

  I hold onto the back of Kate’s head and pull her closer into me. I want to consume every part of her and claim stake to what is mine and will always be. I want her to know and feel the depth of my love and passion for her. I’m not running away this time, if anything I’m getting closer.

  I slowly pull back but keep my lips locked with hers as I suck and nibble her bottom lip. My eyes are focused on Kate’s. The clear crystal present only moments before are now a cloudy blue. In the peripheral of my vision, I realize that people are now staring at us. Normally, I wouldn’t care, but everyone here knows who Kate and her family are and I don’t want to cause them any embarrassment or taint the passing of Charles with my own selfish needs and desires. I’m still not quite ready to break the connection between us. I just can’t and won’t look away from the woman who is peering into my soul trying to find answers to all the questions that plague her mind.

  “How do you do that?” Kate whispers.

  “Do what?” I press my forehead against hers refusing to sever the connection, but at the same time allowing Kate to say what’s on her mind.

  “How does the world cease to exist when you kiss me? How do you erase every thought and fear in my head with just a kiss?”

  “You call that just a kiss? Perhaps I need another opportunity to make it earth-shattering, life-changing, sweep you off your feet, and an all-consuming I own you kiss.” A growl erupts from my throat at the idea of having my way with Kate again. If only we weren’t in the hospital and trying to survive the loss of her father, I’d make her remember how deep both our love and connection once were.

  Kate blushes as the clouds in her eyes slowly return to the crystal blue sky I’m used to. “No, I think you’ve done a pretty good job showing the power and hold you still have over me. I just can’t figure out why? Why can’t I quit you?”

  I kiss each corner of Kate’s mouth before answering. “What we have is like a drug. Every time we’re together, it feels so good—so right. When we’re apart, we need more of it otherwise we can’t function normally. You’re my fix, Kate. I’m so addicted to you I wouldn’t care if I overdosed as long as you were in my arms.”

  Kate pulls away. “I don’t want to be anyone’s fix, it’s so unhealthy. I want a stable relationship in which I can count on the other person being there. One where when the going gets tough I’m sure that the other person is going to be there. I don’t want to live in fear that when I wake up, you might not be there. I need that more than ever now that I have children. I want a family—not a sweep me off my feet, blinded by lust, world spins upside down sort of thing.”

  I take her by the shoulders. “I’m that guy and we can have it all. I’m your family and I’m not going anywhere. You and the babies are way too important to me. And baby, this attraction, addiction, or whatever you want to call it between us, isn’t going away. The force is too strong to keep us apart, and I refuse to try.”

  “How can I be sure you’ll stay this time?”

  I can say the words until I’m blue in the face, but she needs to believe it in her heart and soul. I plant my lips against hers, and tenderly kiss and suckle her bottom lip while bringing her closer to my body so she can feel the beat of my heart, the rise and fall of my chest, and understand the depth of my love for her.

  This time, Kate responds with her entire body and squeezing it against mine. She parts my lips with her soft but demanding tongue searching to reconnect with mine. I can’t stop my cock from growing stiff in my pants. I love it when Kate takes control and gets lost in me.

  I tug on her hair ha
rd enough to elicit a squeal of delight and lust, but also giving me access to her neck where I start from the bottom and nibble my way up to her ear and whisper, “Baby, I want you so bad right now, it hurts. I want to devour every inch of that body and make you mine again.”

  Kate grabs onto my neck and attempts to pull my mouth to hers, but I refuse to allow it to happen. “Not here, not now. We’ve got to get your dad home.” Those words to me are the cold shower I needed to tame the wild beast growing inside my pants. As I suspected, it also seems to have put out the fire inside of Kate because she’s now straightening out her clothes and wiping her mouth with an arm, all the while blushing. I’m sure for a brief moment, Kate forgot where we were…which was my intention. I wanted her to remember the spark, the heat, and the passion we’ve shared if only for a little bit. I’ve won this battle. Now, it’s time to win the war. I pray Jasper has everything in place.




  I have a car service pick us up at the hospital. The ride is quite somber as very few words are spoken. I hold Kate’s hand the entire way, giving it an occasional squeeze to let her know I’m here.

  My thoughts drift here and there throughout the entire trip, but they keep coming back to one day—perhaps one of the most important days of my life. The day I asked Kate to marry me. That was the last time we were in a car together. While I continue to reflect on the moment in which she said yes to my proposal, I can’t help but think of when she climbed on my lap and took me for the ride of my life only a couple hours prior. God, that was hot. Out of nowhere, she mounts me like she was a professional jockey. The more time we spent together, the more adventurous she was both in the bedroom and out. I don’t know if Kate would’ve ever done that with another person, but I’m grateful she decided to take the reins right then.


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