Book Read Free

Triple K Set

Page 9

by Beck, J. L.

  This all may have sounded innocent, except for the row of lawn chairs on each side of the road. Women in various states of dress were reclining in those chairs. About a dozen women. Some wore bikinis, some just shorts. Most were older and a few looked to be in their thirties maybe. They all had drinks in their hands while doing catcall whistling and making jokes.

  “Take your jeans off!” A blonde woman yelled.

  Another woman whistled loudly and all of them clapped. “Let’s see them tools…baby!”

  What the hell was going on? Brea gazed back up at the guys on ladders. They were buff looking men and the kind that made your mouth water too. Did construction guys usually look this sexy while swinging a hammer? Her wide eyes swung over to the one guy that was on the ground. She wasn’t sure that she was seeing reality as she took it all in.

  He turned around and was smiling at the women in the row of lawn chairs. His tool belt hung low on his jeans. He looked like a model; tall and well built, his pecs shining in the sun. He skillfully twirled his hammer and shoved it down into his tool belt.

  What Brea saw next defied every natural human law in her mind.

  With sexy skill, he sashayed over to the chairs as if he were dancing to music that wasn’t really playing except in his own mind.

  Wondering how a man could sashay, Brea shook her head as if to clear her befuddled vision.

  Mister Sexy Tool Man reached down, unhooking his belt.

  The women went wild. They were yelling, take it off, take it off!

  Then, he dropped the tool belt to the ground and all hell broke loose, as some of the girls stood up outta their chairs and whooped like crazy.

  With a determined sexy slowness, he lowered his fingers to his jean buttons.

  “Yeah, baby!” A redheaded woman shouted exuberantly. “Show us your hammer, sugar meat!”

  In absolute shock, Brea just stood next to the truck. This whole thing was so bizarre and she wondered if she’d found an outdoor Chippendales club or something out here in the middle of nowhere. Men stripping and all these women acting like men do when seeing pole dancers at a strip joint?

  The sexy worker unbuttoned his jeans.

  Oh Lordy! Brea shivered with a little unwanted anticipation. I wonder if one of those women is gonna actually—

  Sure enough, the woman he was standing in front of slipped what looked like a fifty bill, down into his jeans. Then, she seemed to shout as she must’ve grabbed ahold of his…tool. Gasping loudly, she let go and sat back in her lawn chair.

  Tool man rolled his jeans lower and reached down as if he were actually gonna lift out his…hammer.

  The women all seemed to go quiet while staring at his crotch area as though they were in a stricken state of awe. The seemingly tense lust-filled silence that fell all around was full of the same kind of anxious feeling of when you were waiting for the axe to fall or something. Brea almost snickered as she thought that these women were waiting for blue jeans to fall and wanted some other kind of tool besides an axe!

  Motioning his head to the guys on the ladders, he gave the transfixed girls a sly looking smile.

  Simultaneously, Brea and the rest of the women swung their entranced gazes up.

  The other two guys were unbuttoning their jeans too.

  Raising a shaky hand to her mouth, she couldn’t help that a bit of drool had slipped from her lip. The lust in the air would have affected anyone. Three sexy god like men were about to strip bare out here in the hot Texas sun! You’d have to inhuman or very old to not be affected. Why, these men could make the deadest, driest pussy rise and gush from a frigid grave! They were all like gloriously trained sex magnets; it was like the very air was electrically charged with fuck-me Pheromones. What was going on here?

  Before she knew it, all three men lowered their jeans as though they’d choreographed this wanton routine before. They were all very well-endowed, and from the erect…hammers, standing rigid and throbbing in the sunlight, this all seemed to turn them on too.

  The women were shouting again, and some rushed from their chairs up along the ladders. All the combined female shouting and the wild laughter became almost deafening.

  Brea realized suddenly about how even the most well mannered genteel woman could and would lose control if they were manipulated in just the right way. Hell, these men could have a woman on her knees, ready to—

  A gunshot rang out and she nearly leapt out of her skin.

  All motion stopped as most of the women were frozen in mid-frenzy with their mouths gaping.

  Looking all around, Brea tried to see where the shot had come from.

  There in the road, just beyond the arch…stood her mother. Dressed in all her finery too. All decked out in purple leather, along with a lace boustierre, uplifting her already ample breasts. “That’s enough!” Daisy Plush shouted. “You’re gonna topple those men down.”

  The women near the ladders backed away.

  “Okay, here’s the deal and you Southern hussies know the drill.” Daisy lowered her shotgun. “Fernando…” She nodded toward the guy on the ground. “…Brad and Kevin,” she snickered. “They gotta make a living too.” She chuckled.

  Brea stood frozen. That chuckle always meant something wicked was definitely afoot.

  “In a half hour, up at the house. The auction will be commencing’. You want some beef?”

  The women all hollered and whistled in unison.

  “Well, then, wait for the menu and prices before you order your steak!” Daisy laughed and watched as all the women folded up their chairs, gathered their drinks and hats, then made their way up the road.

  What the hell was her Mama doing? Brea watched everyone leave.

  “Baby doll!” her mother shouted and rushed over to the truck.

  Staring at the receding group as though she’d imagined the entire scene, Brea was still shocked. “Hello, Mama.”

  Daisy was wearing leather…purple leather and even being an older curvy woman, she looked amazing. She swooped Brea up into a huge crinkling leather covered hug. “I didn’t know you was comin’!”

  She hugged her back with a distracted pat to the slick leather along her mom’s back and then stepped away from her. “What’s going on here, Mama?”

  Daisy Plush grinned at her.

  “I mean what kinda—what…? Those men and the wild women—what the fuck?” She was stupefied and stuttering.

  Tossing her head back, Daisy let out a loud chortle.

  Brea felt a little angry at her reaction. “With the half-naked guys and these wild women? What are ya doing?”

  Daisy swiped a tear of hilarity from her cheek. “Just a little ole bit a fun is all. Fun and money.”

  “Okay, so you’re not gonna tell me the truth, are ya?”

  Daisy Plush grabbed her arm and pointed up at the ladder where one of the hot-bodied men stood just a minute ago. “I was staging the grand opening.”

  Gazing up, Brea finally noticed a scrolled sign at the top of the arch.

  The Plush Rooster Ranch

  Oh—My—God! She even jumped back a little with the stunning but somewhat confusing revelation and swung her stunned eyes over to her mom.

  In lavender spike heeled boots, Daisy strolled up the road ahead of her, her leather scrunching with the sway of her plentiful hips. “Just leave the truck here, sweetie. I’ll have one of my…studs retrieve it.”

  Brea stood for a minute more in the road. “Studs? One of her studs?” Her mom had studs who worked for her? Shaking her head, she followed her leather wearing Mama up the paved road. It was lined with white and yellow daisies all the way up to the house.

  The house itself was huge, built like a Victorian, but with fresh paint and it had the largest front veranda Brea had ever seen. Three swinging benches, about 10 rocking chairs and a few wicker high-backs were all positioned for comfort.

  She made her way up the wide front row of steps and stopped to look around. Hanging flowerpots were everywhere and littl
e tables with flower arrangements sat by some of the chairs. All of this must have cost a bundle!

  A sign hung over the entrance:

  We only serve up two kinds of men here: Domestic and Imported.

  Brea thought she may have to sit in one the comfy chairs just to let the shock sink in. Her mom was a Madame? Not only that, she had a stable full of male—

  “Are ya coming, doll?” Daisy shouted from the open doorway.

  “I don’t know, Ma.”

  Daisy shook her head and walked over to where she stood. “You don’t know about what?”

  Brea scoffed.” You—You’re—?”

  Daisy laughed. “Yes?”

  “You’re running a brothel!”

  Her mother’s smile faded. “Now, baby girl, there ain’t no reason to be nasty about this.”

  “Me—being nasty?” Brea was shaking all over. “I just can’t believe this!”

  Her mother tilted her head. “Look, daughter. In this life we all gotta do what calls to us. We all should answer to our best skills.”

  Brea’s eyes rounded. “And this…?” She motioned all around. “This is your calling?”

  Her mother slowly nodded her head “Look, sugar. I know sex. I know what women and men want. They all just don’t know where to get it, or how to get it.”

  Puzzled, Brea took a step back.

  “Like, for instance…” her mother continued. “Why are you here?”

  Brea was flustered by the question “Um—I—?”

  “You probably found a man and you don’t know how to proceed, right?”

  Brea found herself nodding her head.

  “And who did ya come to?”

  Brea glanced away. “That’s different.”

  “Why? Why is it different?”

  “Cuz, you’re my Mama!” Brea almost shouted. “You’re supposed to give me help and advice. I’m not a stranger—someone who just needs…” She gazed nervously around. “A paid for fuck.”

  Daisy looked stunned for about a second. “Well, now. Seems to me, love and fucking come hand in hand…sometimes.” She broke out into a grin.

  Brea sucked her breath in as if her mother had thrown a horrible insult at her.

  “Look here, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings. But what I mean is… We all pay for the fucks. Sooner or later.”


  “You heard me.” Her mother looked stern. “Now, even though I’m in the business of someone or another disrobing? I don’t air my dirty laundry in public.” She took a hold of Brea’s arm. “I got a proceeding going on and I got to be there to settle all the wild chaos down. Then, we’ll settle you in and have a sit down talk. So, come on in.”

  Brea allowed herself to be tugged inside.

  The inside of the house was just as impressive as the verandah, and Brea was in awe. High ceilings, crisp paint and an awesome chandler like they had in the old days, hung above an airy front room. Another sign hung on the wall above velvet benches which lined the entire side of the room.

  Time is your friend, so be friendly while you wait.

  It really looked like a waiting area for the over privileged in a high-class doctor’s office. Brea suppressed a smile. Doctors? Doctors of love. She pressed her lips together and shook her head. This isn’t funny, Brea. Your mom is breaking the law. Hell…she’s breaking several, including the moral ones.

  Her mother went around to the side of the stairs. “Bert!” she shouted.

  Brea jumped back as a huge hulking man stepped in front of her.

  “Nah, Bert. She ain’t an intruder.”

  The hulking man crossed his arms over his chest. He stood at least 6 foot nine in height and weighed maybe three hundred pounds. His enormous python like arms had tattoos all up and down his skin.

  “I need ya to show her to my room, okay?”

  Nodding with an emotionless expression on his face, he stepped to the side.

  “Just go with him, sweetie. I don’t think you’d appreciate the fun that is about to be had in the main auction room.”

  Brea hesitated. “But Ma—?”

  “No buts! Unless you wanna see some necked male tail. You’d better go with Bert.” Daisy turned away and disappeared down the hall.

  Left with seemingly no choice, Brea followed the inked hulk up the stairs.

  Bert was truly a man of no words, and she wondered what the hell her mom as thinking having someone like this in her employ. He looked really rough, like maybe he even did some time in prison. He just had that air about him. A chill he exuded, like he could kill or maim within the blink of an eye and feel nothing about it.

  He halted at the end of a wide hallway.

  Brea shyly made her way to where he stood.

  Opening the door, he motioned his large head for her to pass through.

  Brea stepped inside.

  Without a word or even a polite nod, he shut it behind her.

  Looking around, she did see familiar things. Stuff her mom had for years. The long dresser top had some new things though. Brea moved closer to take a peek.

  There were pictures of Daisy and a man. He was an older man, but just about her mom’s age. That was sure interesting. Her mama had had many boyfriends over the years, but she never displayed pictures of any of them. She picked up the framed picture and took a closer look.

  He was a good-looking man. With a slight graying at his temples and a good frame on his body, he was something special to look at all right. A big guy, like Daisy liked ’em. Brea chuckled as she remembered one of her mama’s comments on the subject. The bigger they were? The harder you could make them fall for ya.

  Only this time, it looked like her ma may have taken the fall. The look of love on Daisy’s face made Brea feel a little uneasy. She couldn’t pinpoint why, she just felt funny about it. She never knew her dad, and her ma had put it bold and simple when Brea asked at 7 years old, where her daddy was.

  “Life gets messy sometimes, Brea. Some people are messier than others. Let’s just say, he got the trash and I got you.”

  Later on, Brea figured this must have meant Daisy had kicked him out and went on with her life.

  A loud noise startled her. It was more female whooping and hollering from downstairs. Brea set the frame down and went to the door. She just had to see this for herself. She knew she’d probably regret it, but she had to find out just how bad a casserole her mama had cooked up this time. A smile came to her lips. It was something she teased her ma about. Daisy Plush couldn’t cook and there’d been many burned, inedible casseroles in Brea’s upbringing.

  Taking a deep breath, she peeked out. The hallway was empty. At least the hulk-man hadn’t been placed as a guard. Brea made her stealthy way down the stairs. The noise grew louder and she crept around the stairwell and closer to the double doors.

  “Psst…” A noise came from her left.

  There stood a young woman with the longest blonde braids Brea had ever seen. She had rosy cheeks and was buxom as all get out; she was stacked.

  Brea gave her a curious look.

  “Come on!” The girl waved her over.

  Looking around, Brea wondered what this was all about. She tiptoed over.

  The girl took her hand and opened what looked like a closet door. She pulled her in and shut the door. “It’s so nice to meet ya,” she whispered and held out her hand. “I’m Maggie.”

  Brea squinted and shook her hand while wondering who this girl was. “Why are you sneakin’ around?”

  Maggie scoffed with an obvious disgust. “Daisy won’t let me see all the goings on, cause she says I’m too young or something stupid like that. So, shush and look over here.” She nudged her toward a square crack in the closet wall.

  Brea could see the young woman’s features a little better now and knew she was probably about eighteen. She wasn’t really all that surprised about Daisy’s protectiveness as her ma could be like that, despite all her bawdy ways. Everything has it’s time to flower, but tiny b
uds need a lot of protection. Daisy had said that many times to her when she was a little girl.

  She could keenly see the crack of light through a little square in the wall now. Well, I sure ain’t tiny anymore, she thought as she stepped over toward the crack. With a kind of scared exhilaration, she pressed her eyes close to the lit square. Her eyes rounded at what she saw. Holy crap!



  Belly Up to the Bar…

  Somewhere on the Triple K Ranch

  The man knelt down and that handsome face was a mere few inches away. “Can you stand?”

  Kanda blinked her eyes at the sound of his voice. He had a foreign accent, like British sounding or something, to his words. She’d had the wind knocked out of her all right, but this man knocked the sense from her now.

  Looking concerned at her continued silence, he then scooped his arms underneath her.

  She wanted to shout that she wasn’t some ninny that couldn’t do for herself, but no words came out of her mouth.

  His smile grew as he stood upright with absolute ease, even while holding her weight.

  She studied his face closely, as he stood there for a long moment.

  He never even seemed to wince with the bulk of her lax body in his arms. “Can you speak?” he asked as she stared at him.

  She shook her head slightly. I could, but I might just be dreaming or hallucinating anyway, so I will keep my big mouth shut until I know for sure.

  “Okay, well. I guess I should take you back to camp. The hospital is fifty miles away.”

  Camp? He has a camp nearby? How dare he camp on my land! Before she could ask him what the hell he thought he was doing, he swung her around and walked around the Humvee.

  Gasping at the powerful swing of his bulky body, she wrapped her arms around his neck. She put her face against the curve of his shoulder. He smelled so delicious. Maybe, it would be a good idea to find out what he was up to and why he was here, before I tell him who I am?

  Placing her into the leather seat, he smiled again. “I will tether your horse to the bumper and drive real slow. Don’t be worried about your stag there, all right?”

  Stag? Kanda wondered at the odd term for her horse.


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