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Triple K Set

Page 24

by Beck, J. L.

  “Uh-oh,” came Cole’s mutter from behind her as he let out a strangled chuckle.

  “Fainted? You big liar! My mama never fainted in all her life!” Brea charged forward.

  Cole grabbed ahold of her. “Easy now, Brea. I really think this isn’t our business.”

  Brea struggled with him to get loose and save her mama. “He came here probably to—to break her heart, all over again! I’ve seen mama dump men and leave ’em with no remorse. But I used to catch her crying over something…” She looked around the room and spotted the picture frame on the floor. “While holding that there picture in fact!”

  Rand looked stunned at the very idea. “Nah, I think you’re mistaken about that, little nipper.”

  “Oh, yeah? Well, what are you here to do, Mister Australia? Huh? Rip her pride to shreds? Take her down a notch?”

  Mister Australia calmly walked over to Daisy’s bed and lay her down. “Nope, but to some? It could be considered a close second to that.” He turned to face Brea’s wrath. “I came here to marry her.”

  Brea’s mouth popped open like a guppy gunnin’ for water.

  Cole started to laugh.

  “Whoop-hee!” Maggie exclaimed from the doorway as she jumped up and down with obvious glee.

  Brea finally closed her gaping mouth. “And what answer did she give you?”

  The determined Aussie crossed his arms over his wide chest and gave her a hard look. “It doesn’t matter.”

  Cole laughed even harder. “Well, yee-fucking haw! Daisy Plush gettin’ her comeuppance!”

  Brea pursed her lips and turned to glare at her hot hysterical cowboy.

  Cole shrugged. “Now, I’d say it’s two of the darndest things. One? ’Bout fucking time. Two: Ain’t none of our damn business!” He scooped a stunned Brea up into his arms and exited through the door.

  Maggie was beaming as she stepped out of the way.

  Brea kept yelling all the way down the hall for Cole to, Set Her The Hell Down!

  Daisy bolted upright in her bed while looking entirely lost. “Tell me it was a dream!” She stared at Maggie, who stood across the room.

  Maggie bit at her lip and mutely shook her head as she pointed at her dad.

  Daisy gulped and slowly peered up at Rand who stood next to her bed. “Oh! Honey sugah iced tea!” she exclaimed as she dove under her pillow.

  Rand started to laugh as he strode across the room, gently pushing his happy looking daughter out to the hall and locking the door. He then turned to look at her.

  Daisy peeked out from beneath her pillow while she gaped at him.

  “It will either be the best dream you ever had…or, it could be the nightmare of your life…it’ll be up to you, dear Daize.

  Maggie felt overjoyed. Her parents—married! A dream come true. She grinned and skipped all the way down the stairs, then skidded to a dead halt at the bottom.

  Cole stood there, wearing the most amused smile. “Hey, where’s the fire?” he asked.

  “What?” she asked back.

  “You were skipping along those stairs like your…panties were on fire.”

  She felt truly confused by both his question and—what the hell he was doing down here, when she just saw him with— Oh, Lordy! This was the other hot cowboy! “Oh! You’re the other hot cowboy!” she blurted out.

  He chuckled as he stared at her with keen interest. “Other? Nah, there’s only one hot cowboy and that would be me.”

  Maggie batted her eyes and then squinted at him real hard.

  “I’ve never seen you before…” That charming smile remained on those yummy lips of his while he hit on her. “How about we test out how hot I really am?”

  Maggie jerked her head back. What a pig!

  “What? Cat got your tongue?” he asked while teasing her. “I could make good use of it myself, if you’ll let me.”

  “His brother ain’t nothing like Cole,” she remembered Brea saying before. “Full of yourself much?” The insult popped right out of her mouth.

  He jerked his head back in response.

  She then took a bold step down from the stairs and sidled up real close to him. She slid her sly gaze down to his booted feet, then on up to those powerful thighs. She bravely stared at his jeans and belted waist which sported a rodeo champion buckle, then up along his shirtfront, broad chest and to his face which still seemed to wear a smug expression. “Well, golly be…” she simpered in her best TEXICAN accent. “I ain’t seen such a fine bod in all my life.”

  His eyes sparkled and the conceit seemed to grow across his face.

  “But…” she halted for emphasis. “You’re just purty on the outside…just hotter than blue blazes with a blank slate on the inside, aren’t ya?”

  His eyes rounded as he took a step back.

  “Anyway, what can I do for ya’ll?” Maggie acted entirely unaffected by him now, yet her heart pounded in her chest and she felt hot all over just standing this close to him. Then, coupled with the bewildering fact she had no earthly idea why she was putting on a Texas drawl and the act. She guessed maybe it just felt like fun to fool this egomaniac of a hot cowboy.

  He shook his head and kept staring at her, his smug look gone.

  Yeah, I just wiped that clean off, now, didn’t I? Maggie hid her own supreme feeling of pure smugness. “I suppose you’re looking for your brother, right?” she asked in a honey-sweetened tone.

  He nodded while still looking as if she just punched him in the stomach. “Our mother sent me to get him.”

  “Oh, well… He’s upstairs, third door on the right.” She sashayed past him toward the kitchen, like she didn’t have a care in the world. When she got to the double swinging doors, she turned to see if he’d left.

  Nope. He still stood there, staring at her.

  His expression now seemed to be one she couldn’t figure out. Interest? Curiosity? Her eyes met his and she saw a bit of a glare there. She turned away and went through the doors, mumbling under her breath, “Looking at me like I’m something he’s itching for, but thinks he doesn’t have to scratch to get it!” Yeah, she was really getting the hang of what these sayings meant now! She again thought of how mad he looked. “Well, that’s just fine by me!” she muttered aloud. “I don’t need a strutting peacock.” Even if he looked better than a bowl of sweet cream, served up hot and yummy. She shook the butterflies in her tummy feeling away and tried to concentrate on her chores.

  The cook stared suspiciously at her. “Now, missy, you ain’t messin’ with the studs now, are ya?” the big woman snapped. “Those men would eat you up and spit you out like chewed tobacco!”

  “Ping!” the maid piped in as she stood next to the cook. “Just like spit in a can!”

  They both broke out into laughter at the look on Maggie’s face.

  No, she wouldn’t be messing with the studs or him, that’s for sure. She felt so disappointed about what a man-slut Cole’s twin turned out to be. She’d been hoping she could get herself a warm-hearted great looking man too, like her sis. She rolled her eyes. Yeah! Like that’s ever gonna happen! She fumed as she ignored the cackling women and started washing the dishes.


  “Holy hell!”


  “Put me down, you big bully! I have to do something and right now. He’s got her locked up and she was passed out cold.” Brea kept kicking and struggling. “Damnit, Cole!” she shouted. “You had no right to force me outta there! That man is up to no good.”

  Cole pushed through the door, slamming it closed behind him. Then, he bounced her onto the bed. He gazed down at her in total silence and he wore a strange expression on his face.

  “Wha-what?” She peered up at him, now feeling insecure and knowing she may have gone too far.

  “I knew you had true spunk the day I met ya, but I never thought I would have to…” His voice faded away.

  “Have to—what?” she asked.

  A sudden a twinkle appeared in his eyes.
br />   Her eyes widened. “Now, Cole—”

  He grabbed her red boots and tugged them off.

  “Oh…” Brea was relieved. She’d felt unsure there for a minute about what he might be thinking. Yes, she did get a little riled up before. I’ll bet he isn’t used to that out of me, being I never was high strung like Daisy or even other Texan women. But she felt protective about her mama. It’d only been the two of them all these years, after all.

  He tugged both boots off, then pulled her jeans away.

  Brea felt excited and she couldn’t believe he was about to make her world spin yet again, this very day!

  He tugged her T-shirt up and off her body. Next, he grabbed her up and swung her around.

  “Ahh!” Brea was surprised by this as he sat down on the bed and placed her, belly down, across his lap.

  Cole reached under her and found her clit button, stroking it with ease.

  Brea found herself getting wet already and wondered at this position, lying over his lap like this. With his clit play, her mind got fuzzy and she found she didn’t care anyway.

  Reaching under with his other hand, he played with her nipples as they hung downward, next to his jean covered knees.

  “Ohh…” she moaned as she felt her juices flow with his sensual moves.

  POP! Cole smacked her bare ass cheek with his open palm.

  “Ahh!” she shouted out with total shock.

  “Yep…I never thought I would have to give you a sound spanking,” he voiced in a low tone, as he again reached under and stroked her clit some more.

  “What in the hell?” Brea asked breathlessly.

  He rubbed her clit sensuously and fondled her nipples again, the erotic actions lulling her into La-La land once more.

  Then—SMACK—he slapped her ass again.

  Brea jumped and her body shuddered with an overwhelming erotic heady feeling as the slap left a sting and his finger shoved into her pussy at the exact same time. She came instantly, without warning. “Ohhh!” she cried out as her pussy clenched and her entire body convulsed while lying helplessly over his lap.

  “God damnit, Brea!” He stood up and unzipped his pants with one hand, while wrapping her around his waist.

  She gazed down and saw his cock spring forth hard and straight, fully erected. Her breaths came in pants. “In all my born days, I ain’t ever come instantly like that!” she gasped out. Then, before she even thought about it, she maneuvered herself right over his erection and shoved her pelvis forward to impale herself on him.

  “Mmm…” he growled as he pulled her hips up and set her back down onto his cock. “Fuck all, Brea, you make me crazy!” he panted out. “I wanted to just teach you a lesson, then you had to go and cream all over my fingers and get me hard and wanting! Just sweeter than stolen honey.”

  Brea was still in mid climax as his hard member slid neatly up inside of her and she gasped as all the air left her lungs.

  He plunged her up and down again and again, then he came inside of her as he held her tight against him and sat down with her on the bed.

  “Oh!” she shouted out, as the action caused her to be sitting on his lap while her legs opened wider and her hips tilted a bit. He hit some G spot deep inside of her that she never knew was there and it prolonged her orgasm. “Holy hell!” she yelled out desperately.

  Cole raised his hands up and grabbed her face. “Your god-damned right! Only it’s not hell…it’s heaven to me. I ain’t ever wanted a woman again and again, like I do you. I love you, Brea Plush. I want you with me, for as long as I draw breath. Will you marry me?”

  Gasping for air, she halted and stared at him as she knew her face must’ve gone white as a sheet. “Wha—what?” her body was still caught in a helpless climax.

  He nodded while looking joy-filled and kissed her hard, drawing out what breath she had left in her mouth.

  For a second time in just a day, Brea thought she might just pass the hell out as he kissed her like she’d never been kissed in all her life.


  One of the biggest, strappin’ men they ever saw.


  The Triple K

  Kanda rode in through the big gates underneath the large archway which bore the large gold lettered emblem of the Triple K. Wade rode just behind her. She knew he allowed her to lead the way in when he dropped back about a mile out.

  The ranch hands all stared as she rode up with him to the paddocks.

  Out of nowhere, her stomach got all fluttery. These men had never seen her with a beau. Oh! She sat up straighter on her horse. Kanda Kincade has a beau! The realization just hit her—a boyfriend, a lover! Hot damn! She shook herself, as she swiftly felt stupid again, yeah like a silly girl. With…a…boyfriend! Her mind screamed in victory.

  They both rode up to the horse barn and dismounted.

  Every eye seemed to be glued on them like flies to…crap, she thought with annoyance as she tugged her horse forward toward Slappy.

  The old horse trainer had been on the ranch since her daddy first started it up and his wise old eyes looked like they figured it all out before she even reached him with the horse. “Hey ya, Kandy!” he greeted.

  She halted as she realized she’d forgotten he’d called her that since he’d been around before she was even born. Well, now, she felt glad he did, since she claimed to Wade it was her name, even though very few called her Kandy anymore. “Hey ya, Slappy! Can ya’ll take care of our mounts?”

  He nodded his gray head, his eyes on the big man beside her. “Mister Monroe. How are you these days?”

  Kanda batted her eyes at them both. “You know each other?”

  “Hells yeah,” Slappy replied. “I met him a couple of months back, when he first came here.”

  She swung her eyes over. “You’ve been here that long?”

  Wade looked amused by the question. “Yep,” was all the answer she got.

  She turned her gaze to the old man. “How come I never saw him?”

  Slappy shrugged and took the horse’s reins. “I think you were at a cattle auction or some danged thang when he first arrived.”

  Kanda slowly gazed back over at Wade. “I just can’t believe you were staked out on the Triple K and I never knew you were here.”

  He shrugged his wide shoulders. “It’s a lot of bush out there. What, 50,000 acres? You can’t spot everything, Kandy girl.”

  Slappy had been walking away and he halted, spinning back around to gape at them.

  Oh crap! Kanda panicked. He just heard Wade call her Kandy. Anyone who tried before would get stared down or beat down by her in the past. She’d always taken it as disrespect, except from Slappy.

  Slappy squinted at the pair, then he walked closer to them.

  Kanda bit at her lip and she knew her cheeks just flamed and flamed.

  Slappy looked from her blushing face to Wade’s all too blank of an expression. “Well, I’ll be skinned like a coon and laid out to dry!” he exclaimed.

  Kanda gulped nervously and gazed around. “Slappy!” she admonished.

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Well, gall darnit, girl, it’s about time this happened!”

  Kanda sighed in frustration while rolling her eyes and trying to get him to make eye contact with her, so he would quit with all the carrying on about her love life. Oh! She now had a love life! She almost laughed aloud. So, yeah… The old man is right, I guess to act this way. She never had anything before this wonderful hunk of man came along. With the way he looks, and that dazzling smile? It’s why she made the sudden and extreme decision in the first place to hog-tie the man and lose her virgin—


  She then nearly jumped out of her skin as she heard her mom holler across the yard. Oh, hells bells! Could this arrival get any worse? She took a deep breath and turned around. “Yeah, Ma. I’m coming!”

  “Good!” Mable Kincade yelled back. “And bring that rock huntin’ beau of yours with ya!”

; Kanda knew her face just lost its color as her mother just now went and let the cat out of the bag she’d barely kept tied.

  Slappy turned away with the horses while cackling with laughter. “Well, I feel like a June bug caught in the chicken coop! Gall damnit!” He kept chuckling all the way into the horse barn.

  Kanda swing her mortified gaze over to Wade.

  He still looked amused and actually seemed happy about the whole thing.

  “What are you smiling so smugly about, Aussie man?”

  Grabbing her hand, he tugged her along toward the house. “I’m just happy I finally got you home is all.”

  Kanda rolled her eyes and tried hard as hell not to look at any of the ranch hands while they gaped and gawked.

  They must all be stunned down to their threadbare underwear by the sight they beheld. Kanda Kincade, the big-boned old maid and bitch of a boss, coming home on the arm of one of the biggest, strappin’ men they ever saw.

  Without warning, she abruptly lost her embarrassment. What the hell? This is a day to feel happy. Just the looks on their faces made her whole damned day! She gladly tightened her grip on Wade’s hand as they made their way up to the big house.

  Mable Kincade was sitting and watched her and Wade come into her large office. She steepled her fingers and nodded her head at the two high-backed leather chairs in front of her overly large oak desk. She waited till they sat down to speak. “Okay, we have business to discuss.” She leveled her sternest expression at them.

  Wade nodded.

  Kanda squinted her eyes at her mom’s tone. “What kind of business?”

  Mable stared at her. “Well, I am awaiting this report from your hunky rock hunter.” She motioned her head at Wade. Then she swiveled her gaze over to her. “Then there is some monkey business we gotta address, too.”

  Kanda widened her eyes. “What?’

  “You heard me, young lady. I saw what was goin’ on up at that cabin. I wasn’t born yesterday, ya know?”

  Wade shifted a little in his chair.

  Kanda gazed over at him. “What the hell’s the matter with you? I’m a grown woman and I can do—”


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