Book Read Free

Triple K Set

Page 47

by Beck, J. L.

  Jet sat up with his hat in his hand. “What?” he asked with a stunned expression on his face.

  “Next time, keep your Stetson on, Mister Manners!” She rushed into her bathroom and slammed the door. Tears ran down her cheeks and there was no way she would EVER let him see her cry over him.

  “Maggie!” he shouted while he pounded on the door. “You don’t understand. Please let me ex—”

  “No!” she yelled back as she crossed her arms over her bare breasts. “I got work to do. You can let yourself out.” She stood close to the door, sniffling and trying to listen until she heard a door slam shut. Cracking the door open, she peeked out.

  He was gone.

  He’d better be! If he knows what’s good for him. I wanted to pummel him. She tiptoed to her room and swiped the tears from her face. I refuse to acknowledge that this even happened. She went to the closet to find her clothes. I will not allow him to humiliate me again!

  A half hour later, she entered the big house and made her way to the cleaning closet. A huge storeroom full of cleaners, linens and trash bags. She collected all the stuff she would need for at least three rooms into a basket and made her way upstairs.

  The first room was Mable’s. It didn’t need much of anything, the woman was painfully neat.

  Maggie spotted an old photograph in a beautiful silver frame on the dresser. It looked almost exactly like Cole and Jet. So, this was the love of Mable’s life? The man looked determined but with that same wicked twinkle in his eyes. Her stomach clenched. Damn that twinkle! She almost slammed the frame down in anger, then thought better of it. Setting it gently back, she went over and changed the sheets, then cleaned the bathroom. She took all the trash and put it into one bag.

  She paused and took another look at the old photo across the room. For a moment there this morning, she almost believed that Jet could be her love for the rest of her life. But no…it was all a game to him, like she believed in the first dammed place. Sighing, she shut the door and moved to the next room.

  Knocking on the door, she wondered whose room this was.

  “Yes?” A woman called back.

  Frozen, Maggie realized it was one of the Doublemint busty twins! Her stomach lurched. Could this day get any shittier? She swallowed hard and then answered, “It’s Maggie the…” She realized how humiliating this would really be suddenly. “...Housekeeper.”

  There was some rustling sounds and movement, then the door opened. The read headed woman stood tall, her flaming red hair an auburn halo around a perfectly painted face. “I thought it was you!” She grinned hugely. “Come on in!”

  Maggie hesitated. PLEASE do not let this be Valeen! Please? If you have any pity God.

  “Well, don’t you have a job to do?”

  Maggie held her chin up and walked in. She made a beeline for the trash and emptied the one by the bed into the bag. Her gaze swung over to the side table. So, now she knew which twin this was. Apparently, God was in a twisted mood today.

  Sitting point blank, in a huge frame was Valeen and—

  “Yes, that was our Vegas, wedding picture,” Valeen explained eagerly.

  Maggie held her breath. Jet was smiling with that wicked gleam in his eyes as he had an arm around Valeen’s waist. Her chest hurt and she knew she should look away, ignore this picture and this harpy. Why should it even matter to her? They both deserved each other.

  “He was so attentive and sexy that night,” she continued. “And despite his protests. We DID consummate the marriage. I mean he plowed me like new soil in a hayfield!” The redheaded twin tittered as she moved to the vanity mirror.

  Maggie felt tears sting her eyes. “Do—did you…Love him?”

  Valeen’s hands froze on her hair as she was fluffing her spiraling curls. She gave no answer.

  Maggie felt an odd relief. “I can see the answer is no. You just wanted—”

  “DON’T TELL ME WHAT I WANTED!” Valeen screamed and spun around. “He made vows and then made love to me on our wedding night! I took it all to heart. Then now, he is using you as a shield to get out of his promise!”

  Maggie clenched her fists. I am so done with this. She flipped around and went into the bathroom. Setting the basket on the counter, she pulled out the Lysol. To get rid of this trashy slut’s germs would take a giant truckload of this shit. This woman is full of diseases all right. Cooties ain’t got nothing on her! The clap and all kinds of STDs—

  “So, how did you land him, anyhow?” Valeen asked with a sneer from the doorway.

  Maggie sprayed the counter and wiped it down. “I didn’t LAND him.”

  “Oh, really? That’s not the story I heard.”

  Do not engage in this Mags. DO NOT.

  “Yeah, I heard you did the exact same thing that I did.” Valeen laughed loudly.

  Maggie sucked her breath in and sprayed toilet bowl cleaner into the toilet. Trying her best to rise above this petty crap, she turned and looked for the brush in the basket.

  “Yeah, stinking drunk, I hear. Then you stripped off your clothes and banged him.”

  Maggie halted her brush search as her face flamed.

  Valeen gave out another offensive laugh. “Thinking you’re better than me. You did even worse to land that cowboy. So YES. You did LAND him by trickery and you damn well know it.”

  Maggie halted and slowly turned to stare at the red headed woman…who was about to be a floor mop. “You’d better apologize and RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!” Her voice rose with her words.

  Valeen’s laughter stopped as she glared at an infuriated Maggie. “For what? All of it is true. The story is all over the ranch. Mable catching you naked on the couch with him.”

  “I SAID apologize!” Maggie stepped forward with her fists clenched at her sides.

  Valeen’s big green eyes narrowed. “I WILL NOT!” She haughtily placed her perfectly manicured hands onto her hips.

  Maggie grunted, stepped forward and grabbed her by her long red mane.

  “AHH!” Valeen yelled as she swung her fists in the air. “Let go!”

  Maggie swung her around by her red mane with both hands tightly secured to her scalp. “I couldn’t find the toilet brush, but I guess this messy bush will do.”

  “Oh, God! You wouldn’t dare!”

  Maggie felt nothing but rage. She wouldn’t stand for anymore humiliation today. “As Mama Daisy would say, ‘NEVER dare somebody crazier than you are!’ “ She tugged the woman forward by the hair on the back of her head and stepped into the woman shins, like one of her Aussie uncles had taught her to make her kneel down.

  “Oh, no!” Valeen shouted.

  “Oh, yes!” Maggie shouted back as she climbed onto her back to make sure she couldn’t escape, then she lowered Bat Shit Crazy’s head to the bowl. She shoved that perfectly painted face into the water. Pure satisfaction flooded her body as the woman spluttered and gurgled. “Your shitty plans are in the toilet, hussy!” she seethed.

  “What the hell, Maggie!” a shocked voice shouted from the doorway.


  Being respectable ain’t all it’s cracked up to be…


  Daisy sat up in bed. Peering down, she realized that she was still naked. Her mind went back to why she was naked. Last night, she actually danced while in the altogether with Rand…to their song! There was nothing between their bodies but God and moonlight. While he had been keeping his vow to not have all out sex with her. ‘Intercourse’ as her Ma used to phrase it. He still gave her the best foreplay ever though. Yes, he played her guitar strings with the sweetest of melodies. Hot DAMN! He played her body like the Phil-fucking-harmonic-orchestra! She giggled to herself.

  Gazing over, she found, the other pillow was empty. The indention from Rand’s head still there. Grabbing the pillow, she raised it like it was a bouquet of flowers to be inhaled. Pausing in anticipation, she let the scent linger as it curled through her nose to her brain then the reaction landed like an arrow to a target—straigh
t to her pussy. Her muscles all clenched with longing. After all these years, his scent still lit all her senses up.

  Like one of those old arcade games…the little metal ball was Rand’s scent. PING! Lights would blaze all over as he scored point after point in the Hit The Daisy On The G Spot game. ZING! Then poor ole Daisy would explode.

  The man remained in her soul, in her system and her dreams…even time could not lessen it.

  Can it be that we will finally tie the knot tomorrow?

  Laying on the bed was a note:

  Dear Daze,

  I had some errands to run. Please do not remove the heads from the wedding planner twins while I am gone. Meet with them and then tomorrow…Let’s get hitched!

  Love, Rand

  Letting out a long sigh, she smiled from ear to ear. It’s like her ole ma used to say. When things are this good? It feels you’re like ridin’ a gravy train with biscuit wheels. Apparently, she was getting married tomorrow to the man she ran away from for twenty years. Yes, she made a huge fool out of herself last night, but she just couldn’t help it. Even at forty, he was the yummiest piece of beef for miles around. I mean the man is hotter than hell’s brass hinges! If she were the same age as the Slut For Hire twins, she would jump him too.

  Sighing, she swung her legs over the side of the bed. I won’t take the redheaded Barbie’s heads off, but they best be respectful or they will be sportin’ new bruises to match the old ones. Those two just gotta be the stupidest women she ever met. Coming here to trap the Kincade boys like that! Damn loose floozies, they must have been born horizontal.

  She grinned as she searched through her closet, she knew she’d better choose something sensible. She needed to look respectable now. She was gonna be a married woman tomorrow! Sliding through the hangers and seeing the leopard designs and the wild prints, she shook her head and her grin faded. NO. Then she searched through the brash reds, purples and pink outfits. She knew none of these outfits would do. Finally, she found a pair of black stretch pants and a peach colored top.

  No more bustier and leotards for this Daisy woman. Now to find a good bra and maybe some big girl panties? Daisy shuddered. Then smiled at the phrase. She never wore those offensive ‘Granny Panties’. She used to say, tell me to put on my big girl panties one more time? And I will take off my thong and strangle you with it! She always wore sexy panties and thongs. I wonder if I should just keep all the sexy lingerie? Yep. Rand would like it. Besides, I don’t have any underwear that are anywhere near respectable.

  Finally dressed, she sat down to do her makeup. Again, she searched, going her vanity with the mirror case. All of it was too wild for her new persona. All reds and bright colors, glittered gloss along with brash hues. No natural tones, no peach and cream, beiges or any damn muted colors at all. Frustrated, she applied just cover up and mascara. Another realization hit her as she stared at the plainer version of Daisy May Plush in the mirror. I am going to have to buy all new getups to go with my new life.

  Grabbing her purse, she searched through her credit cards and cash. I wonder if I can get a ride into town? I am gonna need a dress for tomorrow too. There’s nice decent lady dress shop and beauty salon there on main street. Shops she never went to, even though she’d lived in Flatonia for her whole life. She hoped the dull plain churchwomen burlap sacks wouldn’t make her puke. Or, the way all those so called upstandin’ women would stare at her whenever she went out to the food store. Like I just ate supper without sayin’ grace. Like their shit didn’t stink! Daisy huffed. Those women were about as useless as tits on a nun. So tight between their legs I bet they squeaked when they walked. She let out a laugh.

  Making her way downstairs, she grabbed a pastry from the breakfast bar and a cup of coffee. Oh well, none of them pasty faced PTA, chastity belt wearing harpies had a man like Rand. Look who is walking through tall cotton now, you sour-faced bitches! Daisy lifted her coffee up in a silent salute to all the old biddies in her hometown, then she reached for the sugar. She shook her head. No sugar or cream. The pastry would be enough. Gotta watch the matronly figure, since I got a man who will be looking at me daily with those cobalt lasers of his. Then, she laughed again. Have a little pastry with your coffee Daze? She rolled her eyes at the dumb reasoning. She sat at the counter for a few minutes to eat.

  Then, she headed to the front door and it swung open.

  One of the Noble twins came rushing in, clutching a man’s shirt to her obviously bare set of headlights. “OOOH!” she yelled. Then halted in her tracks when she spotted Daisy. “You were right about my sister. That girl cannot be trusted!”

  Daisy smelled horseflesh and sweat as she blinked her eyes at her. “Valeen?”

  The woman shook her head, vehemently. “No. I’m Victoria. The one with the knife in her back.” Tears streamed down her cheeks as her makeup looked smeared on her flushed face.

  “Well, now don’t you look rode hard and put up wet,” Daisy noted.

  “AHHH…NO!” A scream floated down to the foyer from the upper floors.

  Victoria froze.

  Then another yell of SLUT! Followed it.

  Daisy froze.

  Recognizing the voices, they both made their swift way to the stairs.

  Following the yelling, they climbed the stairs and raced to the end of the hall.

  “It’s Valeen’s room!” Victoria opened the door.

  They both stepped in and looked around.

  “Your shitty plans are in the toilet now, harpy bitch!” Maggie’s voice shouted from the bathroom.

  Rushing forward, both women stopped dead in their tracks.

  “What the hell, Maggie?” Daisy yelled.

  Maggie turned her head to glance at her mom and Victoria. She raised Valeen’s head from the toilet. “She needs to apologize!”

  Daisy gulped. She was seeing a younger version of herself. I didn’t even get to raise this girl and she is displaying my Plush genes!” “What the hell, Mags. Has your cheese completely slid off the cracker?”

  Huffing and puffing, Victoria stepped forward with her hands on her hips, glaring.

  “Oh, you are in trouble now, you crazy bitch!” Valeen yelled with satisfaction in her voice as she nodded her soaked head toward her twin.

  Victoria then smiled as she stepped forward. “Well, she ain’t the crazy bitch who needs to worry.”

  Maggie stood up ready to defend herself.

  “Nah, Maggie. I will just take over now, okay?” Victoria then moved quickly and climbed onto her sister’s back, grabbing her hair before she could rise. “Now, you have TWO apologies to make!” She then dunked her sister’s face back into the water. “You shoulda’ worn scuba gear in case you got caught being the BIATCH you are!”

  Daisy’s mouth popped open.

  Maggie joined her in the jaw dropping reaction.

  Spluttering when her face was raised again, Valeen shrieked.

  “Getting with my cowboy. Sleeping with him while pretending to be me!” Victoria shouted.

  Maggie clapped her hands over her mouth. “She slept with Cole?”

  Daisy clenched her fists. “What the hell is goin’ on here?”

  Victoria glanced back at them. “No! Neither of us EVER slept with Cole. This is another cowboy!” She looked back down at her sister’s wet head. “MY cowboy. How could you do this?”

  “Well, crap Valeen,” Daisy exclaimed. “You’ve been busier than a cat buryin' shit on a marble floor!”

  Valeen sniffled as water ran down along with streaks of mascara. “He wasn’t good enough for you!”

  “Oh? So, you swiped him from me? I don’t care about money or any of that shit.” She shoved her face back toward the bowl. “Now first. You are gonna tell Maggie you are sorry and God help you…you better not have messed with Jet either!”

  Valeen shook her head with defiance.

  “Okay then, back in for another dunkin’ the Valeen donut round.”

  “No! Oh…Okay—OK!” Valeen spluttered. �
��I am SORRY!”

  Victoria then raised herself up and of off her back. “Then, you’d better go and tell Jude you’re sorry too. He thought I was in on it and he practically ripped my clothes off me!”

  Daisy felt a huge pull of sympathy for the upset twin. “Oh, hella no! Someone needs to stomp a mudhole in that jackass and walk it dry!”

  Maggie sighed in disgust and spat out, “You are contemptible.” Her eyes were focused on the wet headed twin.

  Daisy huffed. “She can’t even spell that word, Mags. This here girl has gotta be as dumb as a bag of rocks. Or twice as stupid. Getting’ with your sister’s crush like that! I bet you got scabs on your knees from—”

  “Mama D!” Maggie cut her off while her face had gone pink.

  Daisy looked affronted. “I was only gonna say from stooping so low.” She gave Maggie a wicked wink.

  Victoria ignored the other two women, as her face still looked enraged. She stepped back and stared down at her bedraggled mess of a twin. “If you EVER interfere with my life again? I will tell everyone YOUR little, dirty secret, you hear me?”

  Valeen grabbed a towel, then halted as she gasped. “You wouldn’t!”

  Victoria stepped past the two women who were staring. “Oh…I SO would,” she replied over her shoulder.

  Daisy grabbed Maggie’s arm. “Come on, girly. The sideshow freak needs to clean up her own mess. Ain’t that right, Miss Valeen?”

  Valeen looked entirely deflated now.

  “And IF you are thinkin’ to get Maggie fired?” Daisy took a step forward. “Toilet bowl hair will be the least of your worries, missy. Come on Mags.”

  Victoria walked ahead of them then halted, so Daisy nearly plowed into her.

  She stood staring at something.

  Looking over Victoria’s shoulder, Daisy saw Brea and Cole stood there, staring back at them.

  Cole looked around the gathered women at the wet mess along the bathroom floor that so obviously came from the toilet and not the sink. Then his wide eyes swung upward to the Noble twin with her wet mop full of hair. “I swear this family is one tent away from a full circus!” He shook his head at the odd scene. “I mean wasn’t the Jerry Springer food fight at Ma’s table not enough?”


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