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Hidden Obsession

Page 4

by Missy Johnson

  “Don’t touch anything.”

  I glance up and see Conrad standing in the doorway, a grave expression on his face.

  He looks around and shakes his head, a look of disbelief in his eyes. “Wow, someone really did a number on this place,” he mutters.

  “Someone?” I laugh. “Come on. I think we all know who’s responsible.”

  “Maybe,” he agrees, but he looks hesitant.

  I stand up, my arms crossed over my chest, and wait for him to continue.

  “It’s just this is a pretty big jump from his usual M.O. He’s never acted violent toward you in the past. There’s a lot of anger here if it was personal.”

  “What would you call him masturbating on my bed?” I laugh. I can’t believe he’s saying this. It’s almost like he’s standing up for the psycho who’s trying to ruin my life.

  “I’m not saying the guy isn’t a giant ass, just be careful about attributing everything that happens to him.” He glances around the room again. “Is anything missing?”

  “I’m not sure,” I mumble. I walk through to my bedroom, which looks just as bad as the rest of the apartment. I notice a few pieces of jewelry are missing, and the bottom drawer of my dresser, where I’d hidden some cash, is now completely empty. “Some jewelry and some cash is missing.”

  Could Conrad be right? Could this be an unrelated coincidence? I don’t know what to believe anymore.

  “Make a list of what is missing and I’ll file a report for you.”

  I nod, but don’t move. How can things get any worse? Whether it’s him or some random robbery, how much worse can my luck get?

  “Don’t worry, Raven,” he says, his voice soft. He steps toward me, wrapping me into his warm embrace. “You can stay with me for as long as you need to. We’ll get all this sorted out, I promise.”

  “Go lie down. I’m going to call the club and tell them you can’t work tonight.”

  I open my mouth to protest, and Conrad holds up his hand.

  “No arguments. What you need more than anything is a break, okay? I’ll sort everything out.”

  I sigh, too tired to argue, and trudge down to my room. Slipping out of my jeans, I fold them and leave them neatly on the dresser, along with my shirt. In only my bra and undies, I climb under the sheets and curl up to my pillow.

  He’s right—I do need a break, but it’s more than just a night off from work that I need. It’s a night off from my life. I want just one night where I can forget everything that is going on and pretend I’m just a normal girl—something I haven’t felt in years.

  Closing my eyes, I feel myself drifting off to sleep. My mind is still going, but eventually it gives in, allowing my body the rest it craves.

  I stretch, opening my eyes, and see Conrad sitting on the edge of my bed. I fumble for the sheets, which during my sleep had been tossed aside, leaving not much for his imagination. He chuckles as I blush, which makes me blush even more.

  “I called the club. They’re fine with you having as long as you need off. I hope you like Chinese, because dinner is on its way.”

  “Thanks,” I mumble, sitting up, clutching the sheets to my chest. “How long have you been sitting there?”

  “Not long. A few minutes. I came in to wake you for dinner, but you looked so peaceful.”

  “I think I really needed a good sleep,” I admit. “I’ll get dressed and be out in a minute,” I add, hoping he takes the hint.

  He does, rising from his spot. I wait until he closes the door and then I get up and throw my clothes on. I pick up my brush and run it through my hair, then dab a little lip gloss on my lips. I’m not sure why I’m going to so much trouble for Chinese takeout, but I can’t deny I want him to be attracted to me. The thought of him watching me sleep in only my underwear both thrills and terrifies me.

  Dinner is lovely. I don’t know how, but he’s managed to choose all my favorite dishes. I help myself to a second serving of chicken and rice as we kick back and watch television.

  It feels good. I’m so relaxed around this guy it’s not funny. He makes jokes and I laugh. Everything feels so natural. I finish off the last bit of food and push my plate away, full. The thought of eating anything else makes me feel ill—until he mentions the raspberry and white chocolate cheesecake he has in the fridge waiting for later.

  “You sure know how to impress a girl,” I giggle, stretching out on the sofa.

  He reaches down and pulls my feet onto his lap. I groan as his fingers begin to work the knots out of my feet. The feeling is magical and just what I need. I’ve never been so close to orgasming with minimal sexual contact—that’s how good this guy is with his hands.

  “Oh God,” I whimper. “That is so freaking good.”

  “Come here,” he whispers, helping me onto his lap. “Now, why did you have to go and get dressed?”

  I shiver as his lips touch my neck. He undoes the buttons on my shirt one by one, taking his sweet time by kissing me everywhere in between each button. With my shirt undone I feel exposed, straightening my arms as he slides the silky fabric off over my arms.

  He kisses my neck, his fingers fiddling with the clasp on my bra. My nipples harden as he unravels the black lace from over my breasts. Next, he moves on to my jeans. He unbuttons them, and I lift myself off his lap long enough to peel them off my legs. Kicking them aside, I resume my position, lacing my arms around his neck.

  Slowly his hands work their way further up my legs. My body aches for his touch, desperate for more, and he knows it. He smirks, his fingers teasing me as I edge apart my thighs. Raising my arms above my head, I groan as he plunges two fingers inside of me. My thighs clench as he continues to tease me. I’m naked apart from my thong, which he has no trouble working around. I grip his shoulder through the fabric of his shirt and whimper as he glides his fingers deeper inside of me.

  His hands drop to his zipper. He releases his hard cock, guiding my hand around its thick shaft. He’s big and my pussy is aching for him. He has me so worked up it takes all my resolve not to jump on him. Instead, I wait patiently as he pulls a condom out of his pocket and rolls it on.

  “Come here,” he murmurs. His hands grip my ass and I groan as he pulls me forward.

  I collapse on his length. Throwing my head back, I gasp as he fills me. He’s incredible. Everything about this guy is beyond amazing.

  My arms around his neck, I ride him, grinding my body against his groin as his nails dig into my back. I can feel I’m close, every thrust pushing me closer to orgasm. He plunges deeper inside me and I groan, my fingers clutching onto the front of his shirt.

  “I’m gonna come,” he growls, his eyes growing dark. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”

  “Ohh!” My head falls forward as spasms ravage my body. I can’t take it and yet I need more. I gasp and clench my thighs, which only intensifies the pleasure I’m feeling. “God, stop,” I gasp, lifting myself off him.

  I lay back in his arms, my head resting on his chest. There’s not a whole lot of room on his sofa, but I like being so close to him. I smile as he kisses my forehead while his fingers play with my hair.

  “That was unexpected.” He smirks. “I need to invite damsels in distress into my home more often.” He laughs as I slap him on the chest.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “So this isn’t something you do on a regular basis then?” I say playfully.

  “I can honestly say this is the first and only time I’ve done this,” he assures me, kissing my nose.

  Satisfied, I lay my head back down. I close my eyes, loving the sensation of his nails on my back. His words make me feel confident that this isn’t just all a way to get in my pants, but I can’t help but worry; what if my stalker goes after him? I couldn’t live with the guilt I’d feel if he was hurt because of me.

  He’s a cop, Raven. He deals with violence and criminals every day. If anyone can handle themselves, it’s him.

  “Where’s your head?” he asks softly.

just thinking about stuff,” I mumble, not wanting to ruin the moment. I feel like all I ever do is go on about my stalker. It’s like everything comes back to him, and I hate how much he rules my life.

  “He won’t hurt you while I’m with you, Raven. I promise you that.”

  “But how can you?” I laugh. “And it’s more than that. What if he decides to go after you to get to me?” I drop my gaze. “Especially if he thinks we’re involved.”

  “Well, maybe what we need to do is work that in our favor.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, confused.

  “Chances are he’s a member of the club because you work there. What if we went there and put on a show for him? Maybe that will draw him out, give us something more to go on.”

  “You want me to have sex with you in public?” I say, my voice high-pitched. I can’t say the thought wasn’t turning me on just a little bit.

  “Why not?” he smirks, cocking his head. “I’m just suggesting we do a bit of this…” He nibbles my neck and I sigh. “And this…” I groan as his fingers graze past my nipples. “In an environment where he can see. I think the only way we are going to catch this guy is by making him angry. Then he’ll fuck up.”

  I hesitate. It’s not the worst idea I’ve ever heard, but I’m still not convinced. I know what goes on in the club; I work there, for God’s sake. As much as I love the thought of participating in what goes on there, I’m not the kind of girl who can just let loose like those girls do.

  Who says you aren’t?

  I’m an attractive woman with desires like everyone else. Maybe it would do me good to break out of my mold a little. And if it worked and we caught this psycho, then my whole life would change. The thought of doing normal, everyday things without having to look over my shoulder feels so foreign to me.

  “Okay. Let’s do it. Tonight.” I blurt the words out before I can change my mind.

  He grins at me, the look he’s giving me enough to make me blush. “I can’t promise you this is going to work, but I can promise you one thing.”

  “What?” I ask, almost afraid to ask.

  “That I’m going to blow your mind.”

  Chapter Ten

  I’ve never been so nervous in my life.

  A few of my colleagues look surprised to see me—not that I blame them. It’s my day off and I’ve never shown any interest in checking out what goes on here until now.

  I glance at Conrad and smile. He grins back and takes my hand in his, giving it a squeeze.

  “You look terrified,” he chuckles. “You need to relax. Try and enjoy yourself, okay?”

  Easier said than done.

  “So where, uh, are we doing this?” I ask nervously.

  “Any requests?” he smirks. “You look like a girl who’d enjoy a good spanking.”

  I do my best to glower at him, but his comment has me feeling a rush of excitement. I’m really here to do this. And the farthest thing from my mind is catching my stalker.

  “I’m happy to follow your lead. You are the one with experience, after all,” I retort.

  “Okay. Let’s start over there by the bar and go from there. If we’re all over each other and then disappear into the voyeurism room he’ll get the idea. We don’t even need to do anything if you’re not comfortable with it. Just tell me to stop and we will, okay?”

  I nod, letting him lead me toward the bar. I have every intention of following through once we’re in that room. Conrad orders us a couple of drinks. I finish mine quickly and order another, thankful that I don’t recognize the chick behind the bar. I’m nervous enough as it is without being reminded that I work here.

  After my third drink, I feel ready to start. Conrad is all over me, kissing my neck and groping me. People are watching, but not in a creepy way. If anything, their attention is turning me on.

  “Shall we go inside?” He nods down the hall, where the voyeurism room is situated. My heart pounds as I nod my head and stand up. He takes my hand in his as we walk down the carpeted hallway.

  Two months working here and I’d only stepped foot in the voyeurism room once. It’s a stunning area, complete with plush beds and sofas and a stage in the center of the room. Lights shine down on the stage, spotlighting an older couple who stand there, naked and making out.

  There are about twenty people in the room, more men than women, and all ages. I find myself studying each of them closely, looking for any hint that they’re my stalker, but I get nothing. I don’t know whether this makes me feel relief or anxiety. Maybe both.

  “Come over here.” Conrad leads me over to one of the beds on the far side of the room. Out of all the spots we could sit, this would be the most private—as private as a large glass room can be. “I’m going to start by lowering your dress.”

  I shiver as his fingers release the zipper on the back of my tight purple dress. I’m not wearing a bra, so when the dress gives way my breasts are completely on display.

  “Stand up for me,” he whispers.

  I obey, positioning myself in front of him.

  “Close your eyes and pretend it’s just us.”

  I close my eyes and listen to the sound of his voice and my beating heart.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this.

  My body trembles as he lowers my dress over my hips and past my thighs. I feel the material pool at my feet. I’m naked, except for the tiniest white lace thong that is covering my pussy. His fingers trail up my thigh and I gasp.

  God, why am I so wet?

  ‘You smell so good,” he whispers.

  I jump as he pushes aside my thong, his fingers running along my entrance. I can’t describe how amazing his touch feels, and I’ve all but forgotten we have an audience. He takes my hand and tugs me forward, onto his fingers. I gasp as they thrust inside of me.

  “Everyone is watching us, admiring your body,” he murmurs while exploring my pussy. “They wish they were doing what I am.”

  I shiver at his words. The thought of strangers wanting me like that is incredible and terrifying. Is he here? Is he watching, wishing this were him doing these things to me? Why does that excite me? Confused, I block out thoughts of him and focus on the only man I care about right now: the one in front of me.

  “Lie down on the bed,” he instructs.

  I step forward and position myself on the edge of the bed. I’m facing the other way now, which gives me the perfect view of everyone.

  “Flat on the bed. With your knees bent.”

  My stomach flips as I realize what he’s about to do. I’m shaking as I lie back on the mattress, my legs bent. I exhale as he nudges my legs apart, his fingers circling the soft skin at the tops of my thighs. I groan as his mouth hits my bare pussy, his warm breath making me jump. He runs his tongue over my opening slowly, as if to make sure I feel every tiny movement. I clutch at the sheets beside me and groan. He thrusts his tongue inside my wetness, causing me to jump again. My hands grip the back of his head as he pushes in and out of me.

  “Oh God,” I mumble, my words barely coherent. He is completely in control and I love it. “Faster.”

  He obliges, his speed increasing. My back arches as I try and lift my hips into his face. I’m on the verge of exploding. I gasp, a scream escaping my mouth as I climax against the feel of his tongue licking my pussy. My body convulses as the orgasm rips through me. Grabbing him by the hair, I push him away, unable to take any more.

  He chuckles and lies down beside me. “How was that?” he asks, kissing my neck.

  I can smell myself on him and it’s intoxicating.

  “Incredible,” I mumble, my voice thick. “I almost forgot why we were here. And that we had an audience.”

  “A very satisfied audience,” he adds with a grin.

  I blush and he laughs, kissing my lips.

  “We can stay here until you’re ready to leave. I don’t think he’s here.”

  “What makes you say that?” My body tenses.

  “Just a feeling.” He s

  We lie there entangled in each other’s arms. I’m exhausted, and on the verge of falling asleep. I struggle to sit up and reach for my dress, ignoring the glances I’m getting from the other members. God, I hope nobody recognizes me.

  “Let’s go home,” I say, forcing a smile as I slip my dress over my shoulders.

  Conrad stands up and helps zip me up. He eyes me, a concerned look on his face. “Are you okay?”

  I nod. “Just a little overwhelmed.”

  All the way home I’m feeling so confused. What we just did was so far out of my comfort zone and it scares me how much I enjoyed it. So many things are running through my mind right now that I don’t know what to think. I glance at Conrad, who smiles at me and reaches for my hand. I shiver at his touch and realize one thing is for certain.

  I need to figure out what I want.

  Chapter Eleven

  Our wild night at the club didn’t stir up my stalker. If anything, it did the opposite, and once again he was back in the shadows. I found myself so distracted by Conrad there were times I actually forgot I had a stalker—something I hadn’t been able to do in years.

  I’m still trying to work out what my feelings are. It’s more than sexual, that much I know. The thought of him gives me butterflies. I have no idea where our relationship is going, either. Is this just a fling for him, or something more? God, I hope it’s something more.

  “Where’s your head at?” he asks, coming up behind me.

  I’m staring out the window of his apartment, which overlooks the city. I smile as his arms tighten around my waist, his lips gently touching my neck. This isn’t love yet, but I feel like I’m heading in that direction. I can actually see a future with this guy.

  “Just thinking.” I smile. I turn slightly so my lips connect with his.

  He grins and runs his hand under my hair, gently gripping the back of my head as he kisses me again.


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