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League of Vampires Box Set: Books 4-6 (League of Vampires Box Sets Book 2)

Page 60

by Rye Brewer

  “I see.” This clearly wasn’t enough to ease Felicity’s mind.

  “Is everything all right between you two?” Anissa asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “It’s a long story,” Felicity replied, waving a hand. “We’ll talk about it some other time. There are so many more pressing matters at hand.”

  “I agree,” Gregor said before shaking my hand. “Such as your impending wedding.”

  His jovial nature was so opposite the raging, blustery ruler I knew him as, I wasn’t sure what to say at first. “Thank you for allowing me here.”

  “Not at all. You’re welcome here at any time.” He extended an arm in the direction of the crackling fire, and we took it as an invitation to sit.

  The four of us settled in, Anissa’s hand in mine while Gregor and Felicity sat across from us.

  Gregor leaned forward. “First: how is Fane?”

  “How is Fane?” I looked at Anissa, who was glaring at her father. “Why? What happened to him?”

  Gregor stammered, saying absolutely nothing, while Felicity blushed and glanced away. Anissa spoke slowly, carefully. “He was injured during the battle.”

  My heart seized. “What? You said everyone was fine! What happened?”

  “He is fine,” she insisted. “But, yes, he was injured. Gregor and Felicity left before the nature of the injury was clear. He’s all right now.”

  Was he?

  Her eyes cut to Gregor, and a silent message passed between them. His mouth snapped shut.

  “I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me.”

  “He really is fine, and he really is in Duskwood by now. I’m sure you’ll see him again when it comes time to find Vance.”

  Gregor and Felicity stayed silent. I wondered if they knew how guilty they looked.

  “Let’s talk about Tabitha,” Gregor suddenly announced.

  It seemed an abrupt change of subject, but we had gone there to discuss her, after all.

  “Yes. We were thinking about going back to ShadesRealm to search for more clues as to where she could be,” Felicity murmured, eyes glowing with apprehensive excitement.

  I leaned closer to Anissa. “I thought you said she was dead.”

  She winced. “I think that’s a safe assumption, based upon what they found in the tower.”

  “But there was no body,” Gregor explained.

  The pain etched on his face made me regret being so blunt. He still loved her.

  Gregor rubbed his face. “While I know what that most likely means, I want to know what happened to her. And who did it.”


  “There’s no way you could make it in there again,” Anissa mused, almost to herself.

  “I’m sure Garan would take issue with our return,” Gregor agreed, before exchanging a look with Felicity. “Which reminds me…”

  “Oh, yes,” Felicity said, tilting her head to the side.

  “What?” Anissa asked, glancing from one of them to the other and back again.

  “Would you happen to know anything about who killed Garan’s father? Ressenden?” Gregor’s gaze was sharp, penetrating.

  Anissa gulped. “He died?”

  “Yes, and strangely enough, it was a white-haired vampire who did it. With a blade. He didn’t die right away, mind you. He did survive long enough to describe who delivered the blow.”

  She shrank in her chair as I turned to her with my mouth hanging open.

  “It was you?”

  “Do you know of any other white-haired vampire who are good with a blade?” she asked, holding her head in her hands. “I forgot to tell you about that. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry?” I gaped.

  “It was self-defense. He was going to hurt me—or Allonic,” she added. “Both of us. He was evil and rotten. Trust me on that.”

  “Everything I’ve ever heard of Ressenden affirms that part of your story,” Gregor agreed.

  I frowned. “Even so…” It wasn’t that she’d murdered him. I knew she’d taken lives before. We’d met because she was supposed to end me. I couldn’t forget that. “I wish you had told me. This is the sort of thing I would tell you right away. Killing someone.”

  Her nostrils flared as color flooded her cheeks. “I didn’t have the chance. There haven’t exactly been many instances in which we’d had time to sit together and talk about our day.”

  It wasn’t the time or the place to argue the topic, not in front of the others, but it was something we would have to work out. There were still too many secrets. How many others had she killed without telling me?

  And what happened to Fane?



  Jonah seemed ready to let the subject drop— for the time being, of course, since I knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t let it go forever.

  I didn’t like fighting in front of my father or Felicity, either. They were clearly uncomfortable with the situation, and neither of them needed to be a part of our argument.

  I also didn’t enjoy the idea of sharing my past with my father. It was bad enough he knew about Ressenden. At least he understood why I had to do it. What would he think if he knew how many others I had killed?

  He looked so sad, and older than he ever had. I went to him, kneeling by his chair. “Are you going to be all right? I’m worried about you.”

  He pressed his lips together into a tight line. “I’ll be fine. Much better once we discover what happened to your mother, of course.”

  “Of course.” His hand rested on the arm of the chair, and I covered it with mine. “I’m not certain how we can return to ShadesRealm to find information, but Allonic could do it. The moment I see him, I’ll send him there—if he doesn’t already know anything.”

  “I suppose that will have to be enough for now.” A ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “There are other things to think about now. Happier things.” He turned to Jonah, and his smile widened.

  The fact he was thinking about my wedding, and that the thought made him smile, warmed my heart more than I could have imagined. I was fortunate to have a father who cared so much about my happiness, as Jonah’s father cared about his.

  Jonah cleared his throat. “While we’re on the topic, I had an idea I wanted to broach with you, sir.”

  “Please. Call me Gregor.”

  “All right. Gregor. I thought it would be nice for Anissa if we held the wedding here.”

  Gregor’s face lit up. So did Felicity’s. I could’ve kissed Jonah at that moment. He had turned everything around with only a few words. It was nothing we had discussed before, and I knew he hadn’t even considered it until this very moment. But it gave them something positive to focus their energy on, which made it more meaningful.

  “And I would like it if you gave me away during the ceremony,” I added, patting my father’s hand.

  He tried hard to hide his glee, but it didn’t work well. “Oh, the two of you have made me so happy. Of course, I would be honored, and your wedding will be the most lavish Avellane has ever seen.”

  “I can only imagine how beautiful it will be.”

  “You’re correct—you can only imagine it. I promise you, what we have in store will surpass all of your expectations. We’ll drape the trees with flowered garlands—”

  “I’ll have the women get started on it tomorrow,” Felicity promised. “And I can place a simple enchantment on the flowers to ensure they stay fresh for as long as necessary.”

  Gregor nodded, more eager than before. “Yes, yes, do that. There’s a small lake not far from our city, with a tree-lined path which leads to it. The branches crisscross overhead and form a natural tunnel.”

  “Oh, and the flower petals will drift down as you walk through, pink and white,” Felicity breathed, hands clasped over her heart. “It will be so beautiful.”

  “The priest who presides over the ceremony will bind your hands together with a flowered vine, symbolizing the growth of your lo
ve and the flowering fruits of it,” he added, eyes glowing.

  “One step at a time.” I laughed.

  “Anissa, would you mind if your dress was made here?” Felicity gushed. “Our seamstresses will create something exquisite, only for you.”

  “I would love it. I have to admit, I wouldn’t know the first thing about finding one on my own.” And it wasn’t as though my mother could help me. I bit back the stunning, piercing sorrow at the thought of her. I could mourn her privately, without dragging Gregor into it.

  “It all sounds wonderful.” Jonah smiled. “Would I be allowed to bring my family through for the ceremony?”

  “Of course—they will play a part in it as well,” Gregor explained.

  “How so?”

  “Each of a bride or groom’s loved ones offers something meaningful to the couple during the ceremony. Typically wine or bread or a lit candle, something to symbolize what they wish for the marriage. Prosperity, abundance, and the like.”

  “I’m sure they’ll all be happy to participate.”

  What Jonah wouldn’t say but I knew he was thinking was it depended on how many of them were available. Gage was still off somewhere, Scott was sulking. And he didn’t even know the truth about Fane yet.

  “I can hardly wait.” I hugged Gregor then Felicity. “Thank you for everything. But do not put yourselves out—I mean it. If I find out you’ve been losing sleep over this or stressing yourselves out, I’ll be very disappointed.”

  “Fine, fine,” Gregor replied, waving me off. Not listening at all. He would do things exactly the way he wanted them done. Incorrigible as always.

  “We’d better go.” I glanced at Jonah, who nodded in agreement.

  “Yes, there are many concerns for me to follow up on.”

  “The life of a leader,” Gregor observed, and the two of them shared a knowing look.

  “I’ll contact you when it’s time for your dress fitting,” Felicity whispered. I was glad to give her something to be happy about.

  I took a guess and went along with it. “And I’ll contact you when I see Allonic.”

  “Thank you.” She squeezed my hands.

  He meant a lot to her—I had never considered that either of them would have a romance, much less with each other. It would be nice to see the two of them happy together. I would simply have to locate my brother first. And find out what happened to my mother. Felicity and Gregor weren’t fooling me. Their exuberance about the wedding was to cover their worry about my mother. I didn’t expect them to be resigned to her being gone, I certainly wasn’t. But I couldn’t go on as if nothing had happened, at least not on the inside.

  As we were walking to the entrance together, I wrapped my arms around Jonah’s arm and leaned against him. “All right. Admit it. You weren’t thinking about having our wedding here at all.”

  “Not until that very moment.” He stopped, taking my face in his hands. “It doesn’t matter to me where we’re married, or how.”

  “Just when I thought I couldn’t love you more.”

  “Funny how that works.”



  “Is everything all right?” I glanced at Micah walking a few steps in front of us.

  He’d been strangely quiet ever since we left the catacombs. Not a normal quiet. An ominous, dark silence that made me wish he wasn’t with us at all. This was new. I normally loved his company.

  “Sure. Everything’s fine.” Only Gage didn’t look as though he meant it. And he certainly didn’t sound like it.

  I snorted, trying to cheer him up. “Did you two have a lover’s quarrel or something?”

  “That’s not funny,” he warned, brows knitting together as he scowled.

  “I’m sorry. I was only trying to lighten the mood.”

  We were coming up on the windmill advertising the Moulin Rouge, what was becoming our regular hunting ground. The fact that there were so many tourists coming and going, rarely the same people twice, made it ideal. That plus the fact that visitors rarely made eye contact with fellow visitors. Nobody wanted to advertise their dirty doings to the rest of the world. What if they ran into somebody they knew from work? Or church?

  “It’s all right. I’m too tense.” He flashed what I guessed was supposed to be a carefree smile. It was anything but.

  Something must have happened, something big. He wasn’t the Gage he’d been when we were at the museum, and definitely not while we were walking home.

  “I wish you would be honest with me. The two of you were so close, and now there’s all this tension.” I took his hand to hold him back for a minute, the tourists who’d been walking behind us parting to make way. They didn’t exist to me at that moment. “It’s not because of me, is it?”

  “Why? You haven’t done anything wrong, certainly.” But his eyes flitted away from my face, landing somewhere over my shoulder.

  “No, I don’t think I have. I’m sure I haven’t.”

  His jaw was firm as he nodded. “Then you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Spare me the macho stoicism. I know when there’s a problem.” I glanced in Micah’s direction.

  He stood on the corner, hands in the pockets of his jeans. When he leaned against a light post, he reminded me of something from a magazine ad. Mr. Cool, Mr. Untouchable. The guy every passing person stopped to take a stare at.

  “I’m not trying to patronize you. I’m truly not.” He looked over to where Micah waited for us. “I love you. You know that, right?”

  “Of course.” I ran my hand over his cheek. “I love you, too.”

  “That’s all I need to know.” He took my hand and led me down the street.

  There was most definitely something going on if he needed a reminder of my love for him. I’d have a conversation with Micah once the hunt was finished. If our friendship or whatever was between us got in the way of Gage and me, I knew what my decision needed to be. No contest. I would rather live as a nomad, exploring Europe like a couple of backpacking kids and sleeping in hostels than lose my love. I needed him more than blood.

  We moved on to the truly seedy part of the neighborhood and went to work as we always did. I took the lead, generally attracting the young men leaving the sex shops and bars, careful to avoid the ones who seemed too drunk or sickly. It grew easier to pick out viable choices as time went on. My instincts were sharper than they’d ever been.

  The smell of lust and booze and stale cigarette smoke hung heavy in the air as I surveyed the landscape before me. There was an interesting trio standing outside a bar, all three of them smoking and laughing and generally energized by their environment. A man and two women, probably college age or a little older, but none of them gave the impression they had spent much time studying. Rough around the edges, tough, the sort of people who had grown up on the streets and didn’t know any other sort of life. I couldn’t think of them in those terms, however, or I’d start to feel sorry for them. That would be the end of that.

  I threw a look over my shoulder to signal that I’d found our prey and was about to close in, to ask if they would like to join us someplace more intimate, when the harsh glow of headlights caught my attention. It spilled across the front of the building and illuminated the three smokers, who quickly scattered with their hands up in front of their eyes.

  I spun, surprised and a little angry at whoever had scared off my evening meal. I couldn’t see much, thanks to the blinding light, and the way Micah swooped in and bundled me off into a nearby alley meant I didn’t get the chance to see what was happening.

  “What is it? Where’s Gage?” I gasped, but there was no freeing myself from him as he pressed me against the cold, brick wall.

  His breath was hot in my ear. “Be quiet. Don’t say a word,” he hissed.

  My heart seized. Where was Gage? I couldn’t see anything but Micah’s chest, the black sweater he wore. He was breathing hard and heavy to the point where I could hear nothing else. It was agony, waiting for something
to happen. Anything. Not knowing why we were hiding.

  “I think the coast is clear,” he whispered, giving me a little space to breathe easier.

  I brushed myself off with both hands. “What the hell happened? Where is Gage? I didn’t see anything out there.”

  He looked down at me, distress written all over his face. “Oh, Cari… I don’t know how to say this…”

  “Spit it out.” It was killing me, the way he hesitated.

  He grimaced. “It was the league. Three members. I recognized them from way back, when I was part of that world. They took him.”

  “They took Gage? They found us?” I grabbed him by the sweater’s V-neck and heard it shredding in my claws. “They know we’re here?”

  “I suppose they do. I’m not sure.” He eased himself out of my grip. “I don’t know if they know you’re here or not. I don’t actually know much more than you do, only that I knew those men and who must’ve sent them.”

  The world spun sickeningly fast around me. It wasn’t true. It couldn’t be true. How was I supposed to go on without him? When it would be all my fault if they killed him—or when, since it was fairly inevitable that they would? I fell back against the wall, sliding down as my legs gave out and a heartbroken cry slipped out of my mouth.

  “I have you.” Micah pulled me to my feet and held me up. “I have you. I won’t let you go.”

  “I love him, and it’s all my fault,” I whispered before the tears began to fall, fast and hot and choking me with their intensity. “What am I supposed to do? Where can I go? They’ll want me, too!”

  “I’ll keep you safe,” he crooned into my ear, stroking my hair with one hand while the other arm held me fast around my waist. “I swear, I won’t let anybody hurt you. It’s the least I can do for him.”

  He did his best to comfort me, though it was of little help. It all sort of faded into the background of my mind as I mourned and panicked and blamed myself for anything that happened to Gage.


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