Tempt Me
Page 14
Austin, who’d been in this position once before, having gotten a woman pregnant. True, Mia hadn’t poked holes in the condom but he hadn’t originally wanted or planned that child. And he had no desire to get serious again.
Oh my God, she thought, as another wave of queasiness hit her.
Unaware, Summer continued, a smile on her face. “And Ben said if it wasn’t the last stop, he’d pull the plug on the tour because he couldn’t wait to get home,” Summer said, her voice trailing off as she met Mia’s gaze. “Are you okay?” she asked.
“Umm…” She touched Summer’s arm. “I don’t mean to be rude but I’ll be right back.”
Before Summer could even get the word out, she turned and found Dan. “Where’s the bathroom?” she asked him, embarrassed but having no choice. She couldn’t wait.
“Through there.” He gestured toward the main part of the house, where the bedrooms must be. “Down the hall, first door on the left.”
“Thank you.” She walked very quickly in the direction he pointed and found the bathroom door closed. She heard someone moving around inside, so she leaned against the wall to wait.
She breathed in deeply, counting in and out, forcing herself to concentrate on anything other than throwing up or the very real possibility that she might be pregnant. Or what she would do if she was.
Suddenly the sound of male voices reached her from the room right next to where she stood. She glanced in that direction. The door was open but she couldn’t see inside, but she recognized the voices.
“And I’m wondering what’s going on with you and Mia,” Ben asked.
A pause and then, “If I was going to get serious about anyone, it would be Mia. But…” Austin trailed off.
Mia’s stomach cramped, which was not good for her current situation. As wrong as it was, she stood rooted to the spot, listening.
“You’re still fighting the inevitable. I remember those days well. I got it,” Ben said.
Mia held her breath.
“I can’t let myself get serious again. I can’t risk Bailey getting attached and me deciding it’s not working out.”
“You’re certainly very protective of Mia, considering you brought her here when you could have just had someone watch the house.” Another pause and then Ben went on. “I’m telling you, all the fighting you are doing with yourself? It’s not worth it. You could have a real family, you know?”
“I’ve done the family thing once, Ben. Not doing it again.”
Now her stomach lurched and luckily the bathroom door opened. Ava Talbott walked out. “Hi, Mia.”
“Hi. Excuse me.” She made a beeline around the other woman and ran into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
Long after she’d thrown up and cleaned up, she remained in the bathroom… heart pounding, head throbbing, and heart hurting at Austin’s words.
I’ve done the family thing once, Ben. Not doing it again.
Clearly she had a lot of thinking to do. Of course, she had to be certain before she could make decisions. And to do that, she needed a pregnancy test. Austin hadn’t let her out of his sight but she did have an idea to get one.
She calmed down, patted her cheeks for color, and walked out of the bathroom.
They didn’t stay at the party long. Austin took one look at her and knew she had gotten sick again. He was obviously used to her just-vomited look.
Once they were in the car, she turned his way. “I’m really sorry. I could have stayed.”
He shook his head. “I’d rather you rest. You have a busy week coming up.”
She nodded. “Can I ask a favor? Can we stop by a drugstore on the way home?” She placed her hand over her purse in her lap.
“Sure. I’ll run in for you.”
She shook her head, having anticipated this gesture. “It’s okay. It’s, umm… that time of the month and I need a few things.”
“Got it,” he said with a grin.
Half an hour later, she ran into the drugstore by herself, took care of the things she needed, and returned to the car.
“Got everything?” he asked when she let herself back inside.
“Yes. Thank you,” she said, shaking the plastic bag full of sanitary napkins and tampons she more than likely didn’t need.
Unless the two pregnancy tests tucked safely in her purse showed she was panicking for no good reason.
* * *
Mia decided to take the tests separately. She didn’t know why or what good it would do but she’d convinced herself two separate urine streams would yield the right results. It didn’t matter that she was being completely irrational. The fact was, she’d slept with Austin the first time over a month ago, and though they’d used protection, it did have a fail rate. She could very well be pregnant.
She watched the first stick, waiting endlessly… then finally turned away. A watched pot and all that. She paced the bathroom, which was all of a few steps in one direction, another few in the other, rubbing her arms with her hands. This time her stomach churning had everything to do with nerves.
Knowing enough time had passed, she turned around and glanced at the stick on the counter and her knees buckled at what she saw. Apparently no matter how much you prepared yourself, finding out you were pregnant by a man who didn’t want forever with you was a punch of gut-wrenching reality.
She lowered herself onto the closed toilet seat and put her head in her hands. “Okay, okay, think,” she said to herself.
First, she had to testify. She had to put that mess behind her. Austin would protect her and she’d get through that this week. Then, before he brought Bailey home, she’d tell him that she was pregnant.
She had to pull in deep breaths at the reminder. She wouldn’t trap him. He didn’t want a future with her and she didn’t want him because he felt obligated. He’d been in that situation once before and had been cornered into marriage. She wouldn’t hide the truth from him but she wouldn’t accept him marrying her out of guilt, either.
She could raise this baby by herself. How, she didn’t quite know the details yet. But plenty of women managed and she’d do the same thing. Just not as Bailey’s nanny. The thought of leaving the little girl hurt, but there was no way she could stay on. And there was every chance Austin wouldn’t want her to.
She had a healthy savings account thanks to room and board being part of any previous employment, and she’d be able to rent an apartment somewhere. Maybe the city, where she could get a job within walking or subway distance and not need a car.
See? She could do this. She just had to survive this week of the trial and then telling Austin she was pregnant with his baby.
* * *
Something was up with Mia and damned if Austin could figure it out. Things were bad before they’d gone to Dan’s, but afterwards, she’d totally withdrawn into herself. To his knowledge, nothing had happened there that would upset her except that she’d obviously gotten sick. He was damned sure going to make certain she saw a doctor once she finished testifying, because he was beginning to be concerned.
He planned to bring his daughter home by Friday, once Mia’s testimony was over and there was nothing her ex-employer could gain by going after her. The damage would be done by then. But he missed her like crazy and wanted to take her for pizza and ice cream tonight. He’d also thought Mia would enjoy getting out of the house, but she’d insisted on staying at home.
“You need time alone with Bailey,” she’d said.
“But Bailey wants to see you, too.”
A wistful smile had pulled at her lips. “I’d like that, too. But I think it’s more important for you to have father-daughter bonding time.”
Which was why he sat across from his daughter at an old-fashioned pizza parlor. His parents had joined them and they’d ordered two pizzas, one plain and one with pepperoni.
“Did Grandma tell you I want a fish?” Bailey asked after she’d swallowed a bite of her food.
Austin nearly choked on his pizza. “No, Grandma didn’t mention it.”
His mother grinned. “She actually wants a puppy but I managed to talk her down to a fish,” she said, her eyes glittering with mischief.
Austin supposed he was lucky his mom hadn’t encouraged his daughter’s desire for a dog… although he really was giving it thought. He just wouldn’t mention it to Bailey in case he decided against it.
Bailey pushed herself up on her knees on the booth bench. “Yeah, I wanted a dog, Daddy. But Grandma said you’re too busy working. But I told her Mia takes such good care of me, she could take care of the dog, too.”
As if Mia needed another thing to care for. “I think we’d have to talk to Mia about any pet you get, honey.”
“Does that mean maybe a dog? Can we go to a puppy store? Please?” Bailey squeezed her hands together like she was praying.
Austin blinked, uncertain how they’d gone from fish back to puppy in the blink of an eye. “First of all, if we did ever get a dog, we’d adopt one.”
“Connor in my class is adopted,” Bailey said. “His mommy said he’s extra-special because she picked him. I think I’m extra special because you’re my daddy.” She picked up her pizza and took a large bite, smearing grease across her cheeks and not caring.
He wiped her face with a huge lump in his throat because this child meant so damned much to him. It didn’t matter to him how he’d had her, it only mattered that he did.
“You are extra-special, Bailey Button.” He met his father’s, then mother’s gaze. Both their eyes were filling, too. “Okay, should we take the leftovers home?” he asked.
“Yeah. Would you give some to Mia?” Bailey asked.
“Sure thing.”
“How is Mia?” his mother asked. “I was hoping she’d come for dinner.”
He frowned at the question because he really didn’t know how Mia was. “She’s… she hasn’t been herself. She was sick and it’s lingered. I think it’s got her all out of sorts.”
“Maybe you should talk to her and find out what’s going on,” his mother suggested.
“I asked if she’s okay. Beyond that, there isn’t much I can do. I’m sure she has a lot on her mind, what with testifying this week.”
“Hmm. Well, I hope she feels better.”
“Me, too.”
And it wasn’t like there was anything more he could do for her, Austin thought, because Mia certainly wasn’t communicating with him.
Chapter Eleven
“I’m nervous,” Mia admitted as Austin pulled the car into a parking lot in Manhattan for her trial prep with the district attorney. “I mean, not nervous for the prep but for the trial on Friday, which is ridiculous considering I’ve done this before.”
“It’s normal to be worked up. First of all, this guy has been trying to scare you away from testifying. And second, it’s nerve-racking not knowing what the defense is going to ask you. The good news is, it’ll all be over soon.” He placed his hand on hers, and to his surprise, she didn’t pull back.
Her skin was soft and his dick noticed. Of course it did. It was the first time he’d really touched her since he’d carried her up to his bed.
Taken care of her.
Fallen asleep beside her.
Woken up holding her, her lithe, warm body curled back into his.
Since life had felt right and good if only she hadn’t been sick. And she’d been sick for a while now. A niggling thought suddenly prickled at his brain.
No. They’d used protection.
But maybe it hadn’t worked?
One thing he knew for sure, if she was pregnant, unlike Kayla, Mia hadn’t arranged for it to happen.
How had he not recognized the possibility before? It wasn’t the flu, no fever, no cough, chills, congestion. And the longer it went on, the less likely it was a stomach bug.
Hell, it had been right in front of him this whole time and he’d been blind. Because Kayla had had a textbook perfect pregnancy, no morning sickness at all.
Mia could be pregnant.
But instead of panic, he felt an overwhelming sense of rightness settle over him, making him wonder, what the hell had he been fighting so damned hard against?
She was his perfect complement in all ways. An out-of-the-blue realization? Maybe. Or maybe not. Maybe it had been floating around in the back of his mind for a long time now but he’d taken his time coming to the right place because she’d been there all along.
He’d been an ass, letting things go on as they’d been, Mia always there in his life but not where she should be. In his bed. In his heart.
He loved her.
He blinked. Glanced at her delicate profile, the serious expression on her face an indicator of the way she’d withdrawn from him because he’d let her.
“Austin? I asked if you’re ready to get out of the car,” she said, concern in her voice.
He blinked. “Yeah.” He wasn’t. Inside he was trembling.
He wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms and put her out of her misery. Whether she knew, suspected, or not, she needed him. But there was something she had to get through first and it needed her focus. However, when this mess that was screwing with her life ended, they were going to have a serious talk about their future.
Because her being around wasn’t enough for him. Not when she’d become as essential to him as breathing.
He climbed out and strode around to her side, helping her stand. “Are you feeling okay?” he asked. She’d seemed fine this morning but he had the sense she was hiding as much as she could from him… and now he understood why.
“Yes. Better today,” she said, ducking her head, not meeting his gaze.
She obviously didn’t want him to know. Because he’d made it clear he didn’t want to start over with marriage, a family. He damned himself for being so clueless.
“You ready to do this?” he asked.
She nodded. “I don’t think I’ll be in with Kate for long. An hour, tops.”
“I’ll be waiting when you get out. I’m not leaving you alone.”
“I appreciate that.”
He dealt with the parking lot attendant and led Mia out to the street. On the walk to the office, he kept an eye on everything going on around him. The city was busy, people rushing to work on a normal morning, but he had an arm around Mia, holding her close, ready to protect her if need be.
They approached the building, which had five steps up and a set of double doors through which to enter. Before they reached the first step, Mia looked down and her sunglasses fell from her head to the ground.
She paused, bending down to retrieve them at the same time Austin caught sight of a man with a gun. Everything happened at once. The man fired as Austin shoved her to the ground, doing his best to take the brunt of the fall even as he kept her beneath the protection of his body.
Mia screamed. People around them shouted, in a panic. And Austin had to let the shooter go to concentrate on Mia.
He turned her onto her back. “Hey, baby.” He looked into her eyes, his heart pounding with the thought that he could have lost her. “Are you okay?”
She shook her head and he glanced down, seeing flecks of blood staining through her clothes. Jesus Christ, she’d been shot. Nausea rushed through him.
He pulled her into his arms, covering her body with his own. “Fuck.” Anger and fury pulsed inside him, both at himself and the bastard who’d been so brazen as to shoot in a crowd.
He glanced around but they were surrounded by onlookers and the assailant was long gone. “Someone call 911!” he shouted to the people around them, then refocused on Mia. “I’ll get you out of here, just hang on. I’ve got you.”
Tears pooled in her eyes. “I’m fine. My shoulder burns but… I’m okay,” she said, as if he were the one who needed reassuring. “But—”
“Give me a second.” He ripped off his jacket and pressed it against the wound, applying pressure.
/> She winced at the pain.
“I’m sorry but I have to staunch the bleeding.”
“Ambulance is on its way,” someone yelled to him.
He breathed out a harsh breath.
Suddenly Mia grabbed his arm with her good hand. “Austin, I’m scared.”
He leaned closer, his lips near her cheek. “It’s going to be okay.”
“But…” She drew a shuddering breath, her gaze hesitant. “I’m pregnant. What about the baby?”
The sound of sirens blared and relief flooded him. She said it was her shoulder that burned but until he knew if that bullet exited and didn’t hit anything vital, he wouldn’t breathe.
He sucked in a shallow breath, possibility suddenly becoming definite. In the chaos of her getting shot, he’d forgotten his earlier thoughts about her possibly having his baby.
“I know you are,” he said with a soft smile. “I figured it out, but right now we’re going to focus on you, and when the ambulance gets here, we’ll fill them in.”
Her eyes opened wide at his admission. “You know?”
“I just figured it out as we pulled into the garage.” He pushed harder on the jacket as the ambulance pulled up to the curb.
Paramedics ran out and pushed Austin aside. He knew the drill but it still rankled. “She’s pregnant,” he informed them. “Make sure they’re both okay.”
“We’re on it. Just stay back,” a female said.
Austin couldn’t see over their backs or shoulders and he was in a panic of his own. Finally, they put her on a stretcher and he ran up beside her, grasping her hand.
“Sir, you can’t—”
“I’m her fiancé. I’m coming with her,” he said in his sternest, most insistent voice.
Mia’s eyes grew wide in her now pale face.
Ignoring her shock, he pushed past the paramedics and joined her in the back of the ambulance.
* * *
Mia lay on a bed in the emergency room, her shoulder burning, the pain agonizing, but she was fortunate the bullet had only grazed her. The amount of blood after the shooting had been deceiving as far as the damage done. They’d given her a painkiller, assuring her it was safe for the baby in the early stages of pregnancy, and considering the level of pain she was in, she decided not to argue. She’d take it to get over the initial pain and cut back as soon as possible.