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Kiss of Christmas Magic: 20 Paranormal Holiday Tales of Werewolves, Shifters, Vampires, Elves, Witches, Dragons, Fey, Ghosts, and More

Page 91

by Eve Langlais

  Tyler spoke for him, bringing him out of his memories.”That’s a bold statement. Our mutual friend here is quite the ladies’ man.”

  Emily shrugged. “You’ll see. Unless I get to pick the girl who joins us for an evening.”

  Hunter stumbled on his way to the door and dropped his suitcase. He turned to grab it and heard Tyler laughing at him. Emily was grinning and had that wicked sparkle in her eye again. So far, every time he’d seen that gleam she’d done something that blew his mind.

  “That’ll have to wait until we get back,” Tyler said. “We land on a remote lake with the closest town about two hours away by snowmobile.”

  Emily stuck her red painted lips out again.

  Hunter picked up his suitcase and walked to the door that granted access to the airfield. “Don’t worry. We’ll have our own bedroom, at least.”

  Tyler opened the door for Hunter and Emily and then followed them through. The Piper Seneca twin propeller plane sat with the door open and Jerry walking around it, doing his pre–flight check. He turned and waved at them. “We’re good to go!”

  Hunter let Emily take the lead and stood by to help her up into the passenger cabin of the plane. She paused at the door and frowned. “The seats face each other,” she hissed.

  Hunter chuckled. “Let it build up,” he suggested. “I’ll make it up to you tonight.”

  “You better,” she said and then blew him a kiss.

  Hunter followed and stowed their luggage behind the seats. Tyler joined them and took a rear facing seat between them and the pilot’s seats. “Get comfy,” Tyler suggested. “It’s a nice plane, but it gets tight after a few hours.”

  “This is so cool,” Emily gushed. “I’ve only flown once–well, twice since I had to come back–but those were big planes.”

  Jerry climbed into the plane and secured the door. “It’s early,” he told her. “The air’s pretty calm in the morning so we shouldn’t run into too much turbulence. We stay out of the jet stream too; weather patterns are good. Might be a boring flight.”

  “Good,” Tyler said. “I like boring flights–they’re safer!”

  “I prefer my action on the ground,” Hunter agreed.

  Emily turned and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll show you plenty of action.”

  Tyler chuckled and Hunter blushed. He caught his friend’s eye and then looked out the window. It was going to be a weekend to remember all right, but the action they were going to see was nothing like what she was hoping for.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Holy shit, I didn’t know you had skis! How did we take off?” Emily sputtered as they walked past the plane towards the shore of the frozen lake. Another plane, the smaller two–seat single prop model that Stephen had flown up, was parked thirty feet away.

  “They’re attached to the wheels; there’s still room for them to spin between the skis,” Jerry pointed out.

  “Oh! Yeah, okay, I see them now,” Emily said. She spun and looked around, and then thrust her arms out. “Oh man, this is so cool. It’s like where I grew up, but colder.”

  Snow was piled up in drifts near the shore. The frozen lake had snow piled as low as a foot on the ice in some places and closer to three feet in others. A trail led from the bank up to a log cabin with smoke rising from the chimney. The snow had been cleared away, showing drifts as high as eight feet in a few places.

  “Welcome to Canada,” Hunter said. “Let’s get in out of the cold.”

  “Ooh, are you going to warm me up?”

  Hunter took a playful swat at her and sent her staggering ahead to stay out of his reach. She spun and stuck her tongue out at him and then licked her lips suggestively. Her sexy gesture shifted to an open mouth as a yelp slipped out and she lost her balance on a small drift of snow.

  Hunter laughed and reached down to help her up from where she lay surrounded by snow. Emily laughed and began to wave her arms and legs, making a snow angel. After he rolled his eyes, she laughed and took his hand.

  “Okay, now I’m cold,” she said. “You’d better get me inside and get me out of these snowy clothes.”

  “And into something warmer?”

  She shrugged. “Only if you want me to.”

  Hunter’s eyes widened. “Emily!”

  She laughed and grabbed his hand in hers. “Live a little. You said this is about giving up control and playing. So let’s play. Show them what’s all yours and only yours.”

  He smirked. “Is that right?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  He led her up the path towards the cabin. “What are you talking about? I’m lost.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I’m telling you I’m all yours, baby. Anything you want. If you want to show me off to your friends, you can. If you want me to fuck them while you watch, I will. If you want to fuck me while they watch, I–”

  “That’s enough!” Hunter said. He pulled her closer but kept his eyes fixed on the cabin ahead of them. “Don’t worry about that. You just have fun. Do what you need to and we’ll let nature take care of the rest.”

  She spun and looked at him while walking backwards again. “What are you saying? Do you want to share me?”

  Hunter groaned. “No! That’s not it at all. I meant stop trying to plan out the weekend. It’s going to be exciting and nothing like what you expected.”

  “Ooh, I like surprises!”

  “You’re about to get another one if you don’t watch where you’re going.”

  She spun and yelped as she almost ran into a snow bank.

  Hunter guided her along the path and up onto the deck. Stephen opened the door, wearing a robe that hung open and revealed the pair of shorts he was wearing underneath it. Emily put on the brakes and stared at him. “Holy shit!” she said. She turned to Hunter. “I didn’t know–are Jerry and Tyler carved out of rocks too?”

  Hunter laughed. “Come on, you’re letting the heat out.”

  “I was in the sauna when I heard the plane,” Stephen said.

  “Sauna? Oh my God!” Emily squealed before she took off and ran into the cabin.

  Stephen watched her streak past him and turned to Hunter. “Excitable.”

  “You have no idea.” Hunter chuckled.

  “Where is it?” Emily called while hopping on one foot and pulling her boot off the other one. “I’m cold!”

  Stephen stared after her and asked, “Is she–”

  Hunter grunted. “There’s no telling,” he muttered and walked in behind her. “Em–we’re staying on the ground floor. That door there.”

  She turned and worked her other boot off. “Okay. So where’s this sauna at?”

  “Outside,” Hunter told her on his way to drop their suitcases off in the room they were going to share. “Out the back door–it’s off the deck.”

  Emily stripped her jacket off and tossed it over the back of a chair. “You coming with me? I’ll bet we can break out in a sweat faster that way!”

  Hunter chuckled and turned to the unmade bed. He laid the suitcases on it and worked the latches to open them up. “I’m going to just live out of my suitcase,” he called over his shoulder to her. “You can put yours away if you want to.”

  Emily didn’t respond, prompting Hunter to turn around. She wasn’t in the bedroom with him, but he saw her leggings lying in a crumpled mess on the floor. His eyes bulged before he realized what she was doing. He strode to the door of the bedroom and followed the trail of dropped clothes to the back door. He caught a glimpse of pale flesh as her bottom and leg disappeared out the back door of the cabin.

  “Jesus, Hunter!” Stephen blurted from the front door.

  “Did she just–was she naked?” Jerry asked from the open door.

  Tyler was just inside and staring with his mouth open.

  Hunter glanced at the assorted clothing and picked out her skirt, shirt, and underwear. “Yep, she’s naked,” he said.

  “You’ve outdone yourself,” Jerry said.

Tyler grinned and nodded at Hunter.

  “Are you going to join her?” Stephen asked. “Because I wasn’t done in there.”

  Hunter’s neck tensed up. Emily was with him, not–

  “What’s wrong?” Tyler interrupted his line of thought.

  Hunter glanced at the clothing and then at Stephen. “Nothing. I’ll be right there, go ahead.”

  “Did I miss something?” Stephen asked. “Is there a problem?”

  “No, no problem,” Hunter said. “I know why we’re here. If I start acting stupid, just remind me. She’s worked some magic on me in the last couple of weeks, but I’d get tired of her soon enough.”

  Jerry frowned. “Hunter–”

  Tyler waved Jerry off. “That’s good thinking, brother. We know what we are.”

  Hunter nodded and stared after her.

  “That’s good,” Stephen said and clapped Hunter on the shoulder as he walked past him towards the back door. “We haven’t had someone who looked that tasty up here for years.”

  Hunter winced and nodded. “Oh, she’ll be juicy all right,” he said and forced a chuckle. He swallowed and turned to head back to the bedroom to change into a robe before heading to the sauna. She could pick her own clothes up when she came back in. That was why she was here, after all. Or at least that’s what she thought.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Emily set the last plate on the table and slid onto the bench seat next to Hunter. She winked at him before turning to the steak on her plate. She’d started out with the steak less than half the size of the ones the men were eating. They were wolfing theirs down, blood pooling on their plates from the barely cooked meat. She’d insisted on cooking hers through.

  “Don’t forget the potatoes,” Emily said.

  The four hunters looked at one another and then her, their expressions showing an almost childish lack of interest in the large bowl of mashed potatoes. Sprouts of color, mostly green but some red and yellow, livened up the white clumps.

  Emily pouted. “I slaved over that hot woodstove making those.” She shook her finger around the table at them while adding, “And I had to wear this hot and itchy robe to keep you animals from getting the wrong idea about me. You’d better eat those up!”

  Jerry sighed and reached out to grab the spoon. He dug it in and dropped a dollop on his plate, soaking up the blood from his steak and then lifting some out with his fork. He sniffed it and sneered, and then grinned at Emily’s look of outrage. He stuck it in his mouth and chewed before swallowing.

  Hunter tried them next but stopped when Stephen grabbed his throat and started gagging. Tyler was halfway to his feet before the lawyer dropped the act and laughed. “They’re good,” he admitted.

  “Yes, they are,” Jerry agreed.

  Tyler tried them and was the first to go back for seconds. Hunter had a few more bites before he pushed his plate back. “Yes, good,” he mumbled.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” Emily asked.

  “It’s been a long week. I’m not very hungry,” he said.

  Emily frowned. “You liked it, didn’t you?”

  “Oh, yes, it was good.”

  “Was the steak cooked enough?”

  He smirked. “It was fine, Em. You could have just knocked the horns off, wiped the cow’s ass, and put a grill mark on each side and I’d have been okay with it.”

  She stuck out her tongue. “Yuck!”

  Hunter smiled. “I’m going to have a cigar and some Scotch. Clean up?”

  “Yes, sir,” she said with a devilish wink. “Can I wrap my lips around something too?”

  Jerry coughed and Tyler chuckled. Stephen looked at Hunter for a long moment and then turned his head away. “Good idea, Hunter. I’ll join you.”

  Emily licked her lips as he rose and then turned to see Hunter staring at her. She smiled and leaned over to rest her head against his arm. “Let me have a little fun,” she whispered.

  Hunter’s growl rumbled low in his chest.

  “Not that kind of fun,” she promised. “I’ll save that for you, later.”

  “Do you have a sister?” Tyler asked. “I’ll be looking for someone next year.”

  Emily laughed and stood up. “Just me, sorry. Go ahead, gentlemen. Let me get changed and then I’ll make the drinks.”

  “Changed?” Hunter asked with a frown.

  “Well, yeah, I’m naked under this robe. I want to clean up and put something on. You deserve something sexy for bringing me up here.”

  Hunter grunted. “All right.”

  “I’ll take wine,” Tyler said as he walked with Hunter and Jerry to the chairs in the living room around the stove. “I don’t care for the rotgut the others drink.”

  Emily smiled and gathered up the plates and took them to a bucket they were using for waste. She scooped the garbage in and then put the plates in a plastic tub she’d use to wash them later. She turned and made her way to the bedroom she and Hunter shared, disappearing from view except for the occasional flash of cloth or skin through the open doorway.

  “Where did you get her?” Jerry hissed.

  “I told you, she’s Tiffany’s roommate,” Hunter said in a soft voice after glancing at the doorway to make sure Emily wasn’t listening.

  “I know, but damn, man. She’s something else!” Jerry said.

  “Almost enough to make a man give up his freedom and lifestyle,” Stephen agreed.

  “Almost,” Hunter muttered and sighed.

  Tyler’s smile turned to a yawn. He watched the flames lick at the wood behind the screen on the stove door and shifted to get more comfortable in the wooden chair.

  Emily emerged from the bedroom and walked across the room, the three–inch stiletto stems of her black heels striking the ground. She wore white fishnet stockings that rose to her thighs and from there were secured with garter straps the disappeared beneath her black miniskirt that was trimmed with white lace. The top of her self–appointed uniform was filmy enough it left nothing to the imagination.

  She ignored the stares of all four men while she worked in the kitchen, fixing drinks and gathering cigars. She dropped the cigar cutter and bent over to retrieve it, spreading her legs before bending at the hips.

  Hunter jerked as a memory of Tiffany performing an identical maneuver flashed through his mind.

  “What the fuck,” Stephen hissed. “Hunter, much more of this teasing and I’m not going to play nice.”

  Hunter grunted and chased his thoughts of the girl back in Detroit away. Or wherever she’d gone for the holidays. He watched Emily bring a tray with drinks and cigars on them, her hips swaying the perfect amount to add the right amount of jiggle to her curves and the drinks in the glasses. She stopped by Jerry first and let him pick his choice and lighting his cigar before moving to Tyler and then Stephen. She brought the remaining cigar and Scotch to Hunter and then set the platter on the table before she dropped to her knees beside him. Hunter watched her, his brow furrowed.

  “May I?” she asked as she picked up the cigar and the cutter.

  Hunter glanced at Stephen and saw she had his undivided attention. He smirked and nodded to Emily. “By all means.”

  Her tongue slipped between her glistening red lips and teased the round end of the cigar. When it sparkled in the firelight, she lifted the cigar cutter and clipped the end of it off. She received the Cuban cigar and clipped the other end before holding it up and studying the leaf–wrapped tobacco. She dipped the end she’d licked into the glass of Scotch and then lifted it back in front of her.

  Emily stuck her tongue out again and caught a drip of Scotch as it fell from the cigar. Her lips rounded into an O and she slid them over the end of the cigar. She swirled it in her lips and made a soft slurping noise before she swallowed. She reached out and set the clippers down and picked up the lighter. She struck the igniter and held it to the edge of the cigar while she puffed on it until the end was glowing a cherry red.

  Emily took it out of her mouth, sliding h
er lips over it and leaving traces of lipstick on the leaves. She studied the glowing end and then smiled and handed it to Hunter. She leaned back, sitting on her calves, and saw him staring at her with a half–smile on his face. She glanced down and saw the running pants he’d changed into after the sauna showed the clear outline of what she’d just done to him.

  Emily rose up and gathered the platter. She turned and saw the other men staring at her, the ash building on the ends of their cigars. “Anybody need anything while I’m up?”

  “Fuck me,” Jerry whispered.

  Emily grinned and glanced at Hunter. “Sorry, I’m Hunter’s. Anything else?”

  Jerry laughed. “No, um, I’m good.”

  Tyler coughed and took a drink of his wine and then drank again. “Yeah, bring the bottle for me,” he said when his glass was empty.

  Emily winked and clicked her way across the hardwood floor to grab the bottle and bring it back with her. She handed it to him and then moved over to Hunter’s side again. “Not enough chairs,” she pouted.

  Hunter raised an eyebrow and glanced at the couch. It was wooden, sparing the threat of mice chewing up cushions. “Did you forget the couch?” he asked.

  She bit her lip and said, “I was hoping I could sit with you.”

  “You’re really taking this French maid thing to a new level, aren’t you? I didn’t know you were into cosplay.”

  Her cheeks flared and she dropped her gaze. She dropped down to her knees again and leaned against his leg. “It’s, um, always been kind of a kinky fantasy of mine.”

  “Well, that explains it,” Stephen muttered and took a heavy drink of his Scotch. He climbed to his feet and took an awkward step before catching himself.

  “Please sit, Mr. Miller,” Emily said as she jumped to her feet. “I’m here for all your needs. Well, most of them. You need another drink?”

  He grunted and handed her his tumbler before dropping back into his chair. Hunter tilted his head. “You okay, Steve?”


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