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The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World

Page 91

by Daniel Yergin

  16 Interview with Carlos Ghosn; Fortune, February 19, 2010 (“mermaid,” “not a bet”).

  17 Bloomberg, July 15, 2010.

  18 Interview with Lee Schipper (“emissions elsewhere”).

  19 IHS CERA, “Automotive Scenarios 2010”; Electrification Coalition, Electrification Roadmap: Revolutionizing Transportation and Achieving Energy Security (Washington, DC: Electrification Coalition, 2009).

  20 Interview with Steve Koonin.

  21 Calvin Timmerman, “Smart Grid’s Future: Evaluating Policy Opportunities and Challenges after the Recovery Act,” Brookings Institution, July 24, 2010.

  22 Interview with Rick Wagoner.

  23 Interview with Carlos Ghosn.

  24 Zhang Guobao, speech, U.S.-China Strategic Forum on Clean Energy Cooperation, Brookings Institution, January 18, 2011.

  25 Fortune, April 13, 2009.

  26 Reuters, December 29, 2009.

  27 Interview with Tom Stricker.

  28 California Fuel Cell Partnership, “Station Map,” at:

  29 Mary Barcella, “Natural Gas for Transportation: Niche Market or More?” IHS CERA, October 13, 2010.

  30 Dieter Zetsche, remarks, Wall Street Journal Eco-Nomics Conference, March 13, 2008; Bill Ford, remarks, Wall Street Journal Eco-Nomics Conference, March 3, 2011.

  31 Interview with John Heywood.


  I want to express great appreciation to the following people for sharing their observations, experience, and insights. Most of the interviews were conducted for the book; a few were conducted prior to commencing this book.


  Victor Abate

  Terence Adams

  Vagit Alekperov

  Naohiro Amaya

  Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyeh

  Jose Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo

  Jean Blancard

  Samuel Bodman

  John Browne

  John Bryson

  George Caraghiaur

  Phil Carroll

  Guy Caruso

  Fu Chengyu

  James Connaughton

  David Davis

  James Dehlsen

  Thierry Demarest

  Paula Dobriansky

  Archie Dunham

  Michael Eckhart

  Ira Ehrenpreis

  Stuart Eizenstat

  Daniel Esty

  Donald Evans

  Richard Fairbanks

  Khalid Al-Falih

  Hans-Josef Fell

  Mark Fisher

  Nancy Floyd

  Ronald Freeman

  Yegor Gaidar

  Carlos Ghosn

  Samuel Gillespie

  Luis Giusti

  Leon Glicksman

  Joseph Goffman

  Jose Goldemberg

  Valerii Graefer

  C. Boyden Gray

  Wu Guihui

  Richard Haass

  Chuck Hagel

  Richard Hamilton

  David Harwood

  Lew Hay III

  Denis Hayes

  John Hess

  John Heywood

  Chris Hunt

  John Imle

  Shirley Jackson

  Zhou Jiping

  Jan Kalicki

  Yoriko Kawaguchi

  Joseph Kelliher

  Robert Kelly

  David King

  George Kistiakowsky

  Steve Koonin

  Fred Krupp

  Jeffrey Kupfer

  Aleksander Kwasniewski

  Philippe de Ladoucette

  Ray Lane

  Andrew Liveris

  Amory Lovins

  Rob McKee

  Robert Maguire

  James Mahoney

  Ed Markey

  Georgina Kessel Martinez

  Richard Matzke

  Paul Maycock

  Robert Metcalfe

  Marty Miller

  Anton Milner

  Elizabeth Moler

  Ernest Moniz

  Mark Moody-Stuart

  Ed Morse

  Masahisa Naitoh

  John Negroponte

  Larry Nichols

  William Nordhaus

  Lucio Noto

  Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

  Jim O’Neill

  Raymond Orbach

  David O’Reilly

  Rajendra Pachauri

  Andris Piebalgs

  James Placke

  Rafe Pomerantz

  Jean Posbic

  Joseph Pratt

  Lucian Pugliaresi

  Zhou Qingzu

  Lee Raymond

  William Reilly

  Robert Righter

  Matt Rogers

  Peter R. Rose

  Taichi Sakaiya (Kotaro Ikeguchi)

  David Sandalow

  Richard Sandor

  Hermann Scheer

  Lee Schipper

  James Schlesinger

  Gerhard Schroeder

  Brent Scowcroft

  Philip Sharp

  Gordon Shearer

  Robert Shiller

  A. L. Shrier

  Scott Sklar

  Jeffery Smisek

  Robert Stavins

  Nicholas Stern

  Dan Steward

  Tom Stricker

  John Sununu

  Tulsi Tanit

  Wang Tao

  George Tenet

  John Tully

  Takayuki Ueda

  Peter Varadi

  Rick Wagoner

  Charles Wald

  Richard Wells

  William Wicker

  Mason Willrich

  Tim Wirth

  Shi Zhengrong

  Liu Zhenya

  Other Interviews

  Heydar Aliyev. Azerbaijan International. Winter 1994.

  Gustaf Arrhenius. Oral History Project. Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library.

  Commanding Heights. PBS. 2001.

  William Draper III

  Stanley Fischer

  Mikhail Gorbachev

  Robert Rubin

  James Hansen. Frontline. PBS. January 10, 2007.

  Roger Revelle. Oral history. The Bancroft Library. University of California. Berkeley, 1986.

  Admiral Hyman Rickover. 60 Minutes. CBS. December 1984.

  Tim Wirth. Frontline. PBS. January 17, 2007.

  Data and Statistical Sources

  A very wide range of data sources underpin the narrative. The most important and easily accessible are the extraordinary resources of the EIA—the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Two other important sources are the International Energy Agency and the BP Statistical Review, and the tables that support it. Extensive use has been made of the IHS CERA and IHS energy databases and those of IHS Emerging Energy Research and IHS Global Insight, covering a wide range from upstream field-by-field data to solar panel shipments to economic growth. Other important sources are the International Monetary Fund and the CIA World Factbook, along with many government agencies around the world, industry and trade associations, nongovernmental organizations, and other organizations.

  Selected Bibliography

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  Agassiz, Elizabeth Cary, ed. Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence. Vol. 1. Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1886.

  “A. J. Haagen-Smit.” In World of Chemistry. Tampa, Fl: Thomson Gale Publishers, 2005.

  Akerlog, George A., and Robert J. Shiller. Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009.

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  Alekperov, Vagit. Introduction to Dabycha (first Russian edition of The Prize).

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  Ambrose, Stephen E. Eisenhower: Soldier and President. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990.

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  Anderson, William. Nautilus 90 North. New York: World Publishing Corp., 1959.

  Ante, Spencer E. Creative Capital: George Doriot and the Birth of Venture Capital. Boston: Harvard Business Press, 2008.

  Antholis, William, and Strobe Talbott. Fast Forward: Ethics and Politics in the Age of Global Warming. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2010.

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  Aslund, Anders. Russia’s Capitalist Revolution: Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed. Washington, D.C.: Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2007.

  Asmus, Peter. Reaping the Wind: How Mechanical Wizards, Visionaries, and Profiteers Helped Shape Our Energy Future. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2000.

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