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The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World

Page 98

by Daniel Yergin

  net metering

  Neumann, John von

  Newcomen, Thomas

  New Deal

  New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

  new era thinking

  New Jersey

  New Mexico

  New Orleans, La.

  New Sunshine Project


  New York, N.Y.

  cars in

  electricity in

  Hubbert in

  Noto-Browne meeting in

  terrorism in

  New York (state)

  shale gas in

  New York Federal Reserve

  New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)

  New York Stock Exchange

  New York Times

  climate change and

  electricity and

  on Insull

  nuclear energy and

  on renewables

  NextEra Energy Resources (formerly known as Florida Power & Light; FPL)

  NGVs (natural gas vehicles)

  Nichols, Larry

  Niger Delta


  aggregate disruption and

  elections in

  ethnic conflict in

  natural gas of

  oil of

  as petro-state

  violent conflicts in

  9/11, see September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks



  nitrous oxide

  Nixon, Richard M.

  climate change and

  Niyazov, Sparmurat (Turkmenbashi)

  Nobel, Alfred

  Nobel, Ludwig

  Nobel family

  Nobel Prize

  nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)

  Nord Stream

  Normandy, invasion of

  North Africa

  LNG suppliers in

  North America

  blackouts in

  cyberattack in

  energy efficiency in

  as gas market

  LNG in

  natural gas in

  oil in

  oil sands in

  shale gas in

  wind power in

  North American Free Trade Agreement

  Northern Alliance

  North Field

  North Korea

  North Sea:

  natural gas of

  oil of

  North Slope oil

  Northwest Airlines

  Northwest Shelf project


  natural gas of

  oil of

  Noto, Lucio


  Nth Power

  nuclear accidents


  in Japan

  in Pennsylvania

  nuclear energy

  climate change and

  as cloak for developing nuclear weapons

  cost of

  deep geologic storage and

  electricity from

  as fuel choice

  licensing and

  North Pole and

  renaissance of

  Rickover and

  U.S. Navy and

  nuclear-fuel cycle

  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

  nuclear reactors, design of

  Nuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S. (NRC)

  nuclear war

  nuclear weapons

  nuclear power as cloak for development of

  proliferation of

  Oak Ridge, Tenn.

  Obama, Barack

  climate change and

  electric cars and

  nuclear energy and

  renewables and

  shale gas and

  Obasanjo, Olusegun



  see also specific oceans

  October War

  Office of Naval Research, U.S.



  aggregate disruption of, see aggregate disruption


  burning of

  as capital-intensive industry

  climate change and

  demand for

  demand shock and, see demand shock

  dependence on

  disappearance of

  diversification of supplies of

  for electricity

  energy density of

  estimates of stock of

  fading away as policy issue of

  First Gulf War and

  as fuel choice

  global choke points for

  increase in recovery rate of

  Iraq disruption and, see Iraq War

  job creation and

  nationalization of

  Nazi need for

  non-OPEC, birth of

  offshore production of

  price controls on

  refineries for

  for Royal Navy

  running out of

  shut-in capacity and

  size of production of

  in South China Sea

  strategic importance of

  supply shock and


  technology and

  unconventional supply of

  West Texas Intermediate (WTI)

  see also specific countries and regions

  oil boom (1970s)

  oil companies

  Afghanistan and

  antitrust and

  biofuels and

  Caspian Derby and


  environmental degradation from

  international (IOC)

  international national (INOCs)

  international vs. national

  Iran and

  Iraq and

  mergers and, see mergers, oil-industry

  national (NOC)

  in Nigeria

  offshore production and

  oil shale campaign and

  shale gas and

  Tengiz oil field and

  in Venezuela

  see also specific companies

  oil crisis (1975)

  “Oil Dot-com” (Morse)

  oil embargo (1967)

  oil embargo (1973)

  energy efficiency and

  France and

  Japan and

  oil prices and

  Solarex and

  wind energy and

  Oil-for-Food Programme

  Oil Ministry, USSR

  Oil Pollution Act

  oil prices

  Arab Awakening and

  avoided costs and

  biofuels and

  bubble in

  cars and

  China and

  collapse of (1986)

  collapse of (1997–98)

  demand shock and

  energy security and

  in Great Depression

  Hubbert’s predictions and

  Iran and

  Iraq War and

  Kuwait and

  LNG and

  Nigeria and

  9/11 and

  1973–74 increase in

  oil embargo and

  petro-state and

  R&D and

  reversed Midas touch and

  Soviet Union and

  Strait of Hormuz and

  surge in (2004)

  terrorism and

  Venezuelan general strike and

  whether they matter

  oil sands (tar sands)

  oil shale

  oil shock, second

  Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund

  oil spills

  oil trading

  Oily Rocks


  oil in

  Okonjo-Iweala, Ngozi


  Omar, Mullah

  “On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light” (Einstein)

  O’Neill, Jim

  O’Neill, Paul

  OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

  Algiers meeting of (2004)

  divisions in

  energy security and

  founding of

  Iran and

  Jakarta meeting of (1997)

  June 2011 meeting of

  obscurity of

  quotas of

  total oil revenues of

  OPEC Imperium

  Open Russia Foundation

  Orange Revolution

  Orbach, Raymond

  Orchestra of the Three Seas

  O’Reilly, David

  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

  Organization of Gas Exporting Countries

  Orinoco region

  Oslo Accords

  Otto, Nikolaus

  “Otto cycle” engine

  outer-continental shelf (OCS)

  over-the-counter markets

  “overwhelming force” doctrine

  oxide fuel cells


  ozone, hole in

  Pachauri, Rajendra

  Pacific Ocean

  Packard, David


  atomic bomb in

  extreme weather in

  Khan network in

  Kissinger in

  pipelines and

  terrorism and

  Palestinian Liberation Organization

  Palestinian National Authority

  Paley Commission

  Parati Field



  Patton, George

  PDVSA, see Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A.

  peak oil theory

  Pearl Street station

  Pearson, Gerald

  Pelosi, Nancy



  coal mining in

  nuclear accident in (1979)

  nuclear power in

  oil in

  shale gas in

  pension funds

  Perella, Joseph

  Peres, Shimon

  Pérez, Carlos Andrés

  Pérez Alfonso, Juan Pablo

  Perkins, Tom

  Perot, Ross

  Perry, Rick

  Persia, Persians

  see also Iran

  Persian Gulf

  balance of power in

  British in

  Caspian as

  Caspian Derby and

  crises and disruptions in

  DeGolyer’s survey of

  fear of Soviet expansion to

  geologic history of

  Iran’s drive for dominance of

  natural gas of

  oil of

  oil spill in

  risk of overdependence on

  Saddam’s attempt at control of

  security of

  social foundations in

  Strait of Hormuz and

  see also Gulf War, First






  Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA)

  general strike and

  Orinoco and


  characteristics of

  Iraq as

  Nigeria as

  Russia as

  Venezuela as

  Peugeot, Armand

  Pew, J. Howard



  Phillips Petroleum

  photoelectric effect

  photovoltaic cells (PV; solar cells)

  in China

  cost of

  in Germany

  grid parity and

  in Japan


  Pickens, T. Boone

  Piebalgs, Andris

  Pigou, Arthur

  Pillar, Paul


  Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC)

  Blue Stream


  Caspian Derby and

  in Cushing


  Fourth Corridor

  in Gulf of Mexico


  for natural gas, see gas, natural, pipelines for

  Nord Stream

  politics and


  South Stream


  for Tengiz oil field

  for Turkmenistan resources

  Piper Alpha platform, fire at


  Pitofsky, Robert

  PJM Interconnection

  Plan Ávila

  plateau theory

  Plug-in Electric Vehicles: What Role for Washington? (Sandalow)

  plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)



  Polar Lights project

  Political and Strategic Program for the Armed Iraqi Resistance


  biofuel and

  in California

  Caspian and

  in China

  climate change and

  deregulation and

  electricity and

  in France

  fuel choice and

  in Germany

  high-energy consumption and

  in Iran

  Iraq and

  Kazakhstan oil and

  Middle East

  natural gas and

  in Nigeria

  in Pakistan


  in Qatar

  renewables and


  technology and

  Turkmenistan resources and


  in Venezuela

  see also geopolitics


  acid rain and

  in California

  cars and

  in China

  from coal

  market-based solutions and

  produced water and

  Pollution, Property & Prices (Dale)

  Pomerance, Rafe

  Pompidou, Georges


  poverty, the poor

  in China

  in Nigeria

  Powell, Colin

  preemption, policy of

  Prescott, John

  President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

  price controls


  Prince Street station

  Princeton, N.J.


  “Problem of Social Costs, The” (Coase)



  “Project Independence” (Nixon)

  Project Wheaties

  proved reserves

  Public Service Company of Colorado

  public utility commission (PUC)

  Public Utility Holding Act (1935)

  Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA)

  PURPA, see Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act

  Putin, Vladimir

  Putnam, Palmer


  as LNG supplier

  natural gas of

  oil of



  qualifying facilities (QFs)

  Quartermaster Corp

  quotas, oil


  Rabin, Yitzhak

  Rafsanjani, Hashemi


  Rajasthan Desert

  Ramesh, Jairam


  Ras Lafan

  Rathenau, Emil

  Raymond, Lee

  Rays of Hope (Hayes)

  RBMK reactors

  Reagan, Nancy

  Reagan, Patti

  Reagan, Ronald

  acid rain and

  General Electric and

  lead in gasoline and

  pollution problems and

  renewables and

  real estate

  bubbles in


  see also Great Recession

  Red Flag Act

  Red Sea

  Reflections o
n the Motive Power of Fire (Carnot)



  Regan, Donald


  CARB and

  of carbon

  Clean Air Act and

  of coal

  of electricity

  of fraccing

  of fuel efficiency

  of natural gas

  of nuclear power


  Reilly, William


  Renault, Louis

  Renewable Energy Law, China (2000)

  Renewable Energy Law, China (2005)

  Renewable Fuel Standard, U.S.

  renewable portfolio standards (RPS)



  Earth Days and

  energy efficiency vs.

  moral equivalent of war and (MEOW)

  natural gas and

  PURPA and

  rebirth of

  receding era of

  use of term

  see also biofuels; biomass; geothermal energy; solar energy; wind energy

  rent-seeking behavior

  Republican Guard, Iraqi


  research and development (R&D)

  biofuels and

  energy efficiency and

  wind energy

  reserve margin, electricity and

  resource nationalism

  Reulleaux, Franz

  Revelle, Roger

  exile of

  Wirth’s correspondence with

  Revolutionary Guards, Iranian

  Reynolds, George

  Rice, Condoleezza

  Rickover, Hyman

  nuclear accidents and

  nuclear navy and

  nuclear power and

  Riso National Laboratory


  Rockefeller, John D.

  Rogers, James

  Rogers, Matthews

  Roman Empire

  Rommel, Erwin

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  in election of 1932,

  New Deal and

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rose, Peter



  Rothschild family

  Rough Guides

  Rowe, John

  Royal Dutch Shell

  Royal Institution, British

  Royal Meteorological Society, British

  Royal Navy, British

  Royal Society, British

  Rubin, Robert

  Ruhnama, The (Niyazov)

  Rumaila oil field

  Rumsfeld, Donald

  rural cooperatives

  Rural Electrification Administration (REA)


  blackouts in

  as BRIC

  Caspian Derby and

  Chechnya wars and

  China’s relations with

  climate change and

  Cuba’s relations with

  economy of

  energy efficiency in

  energy security and

  entrepreneurship in

  environmental violations in

  extreme weather in

  financial crisis in (1998)

  gangs in

  Georgia’s relations with

  global economy and

  Great Game and

  independence of

  international companies in

  investment in

  Iran’s relations with

  Iraq War and

  as LNG supplier

  loans-for-shares in

  modernization in

  natural gas of

  New Abroad and

  nuclear power of

  oligarchs in

  as petro-state

  pipelines of


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