Unexpected Liaisons [Spirit of Sage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
Page 5
Zane let out a snort, raising one brow in amazement. “John, you’re the only one who’s been interfering with my work schedule. If you didn’t keep ‘popping by’ as you call it, I’d have finished the dollhouse weeks ago.” He rolled his eyes at John’s mock-offended look.
“I’m merely making sure you have everything under control,” John retorted haughtily. “Cameron would be devastated if the birthday celebrations went awry.” The whole table erupted at that one, teasing John for his outrageous claim. They all knew exactly who was being the worrywart.
“Darling, you’ve ordered a rock band to play at an eight-year old’s birthday party,” Cameron said wryly. “Plus, they’ll have about two hundred kids there, pony rides, a full-size funfair, and all the barbecue shit they can eat. The only thing that’s going awry is you!”
Again, everyone roared, with John taking the joshing with good grace, laughing right along with everyone else.
“You look happy,” Aaron said softly to Cooper, sitting next to him, and placed a hand on his.
Cooper paused for a long moment, choosing his words carefully. “I didn’t handle Wolf’s death very well. I was angry for a long time that he got cancer. Lung cancer of all things. He smoked like a chimney, and even when he knew he was sick, he didn’t stop, as if he was daring the disease to take him.” Cooper looked down at the plate of ribs in front of him, the meat already chewed off them. “It was like he’d given up, even though everyone kept saying he’d fought it. If he fought it, why didn’t he stop smoking? Why didn’t he take better care of himself?”
He stared into Aaron’s green eyes, seeing the gentle understanding there.
“Once I understood that whatever he’d done, it would never have been enough, I stopped being angry. He was coping the only way he knew how, by sticking two fingers up at the disease, enjoying the last months of his life.” He smiled softly, with a quick glance to his other side, seeing Luther and Ernest and Zane deep in conversation, laughing together. “I am happy. Surprised, but happy.”
Aaron chuckled, his green eyes alight with amusement. “I’ve always thought the universe has a way of balancing things out for us. For the longest time, Sage has been under the thumb of some fairly ruthless people. All the people here were their victims. Now, we have a new lease on life, as though the fates have decided enough is enough.” He nudged Cooper with his shoulder and then leaned in to whisper in Cooper’s ear, “Watch out, these three will try to talk you into entering an event at the Shifter Games—they’ve asked just about everyone else.”
Alfie, Mason, and Jay had wandered upstairs, Aaron looking warily at Alfie. Cooper had only met Mason today and liked the guy, who was laid-back and a pretty decent man. He’d heard about Alfie, who was involved in corralling people to enter the Shifter Games, which was due to start in just over twelve months’ time. The event was to celebrate Sage’s revival, and its message of hope and unity for the shifter community, and the support they’d gotten from their human friends the world over. So far, Cooper had managed to avoid being conscripted, but from the gleam in Alfie’s eyes, his luck had just run out.
“Well, well, we haven’t met, have we?” Alfie said, moving around the large table, hand outstretched in greeting.
Cooper heard Aaron’s snigger as he accepted the hand, shaking it firmly. “No, I can’t run, yes, I have ridden a horse, no, I don’t have anything else planned, and yes, I can swim.”
Alfie looked startled and then giggled, his fuchsia-tipped fingernails shimmering as he gripped Cooper’s hand. “I guess you’ve heard about me, then.”
Cooper nodded, lips curving upward. “I think it’s a great idea, showing people what your community has to offer.”
Alfie looked delighted, and then tilted his head to one side, narrowing his eyes with laser-like focus. “So, which event can I sign you up for?” he asked.
Cooper thought for a minute. “I used to play football, running back, in high school. Is there a football event?”
Alfie’s eyes widened, and then he gave a squeal, bouncing in place. “That’s perfect. Football. You, sir, are a genius.”
“Oh, shit,” Mason drawled sardonically. “Now he’s going after the whole town again, getting potential football players.”
“That’s okay. I’m not doing much right now. I’ll hold the tryouts. Where’s the football field?” Cooper asked, seeing confusion and then dawning horror. “You don’t have a football field yet?” he queried, already having a fair idea as to the answer.
“No, not yet. We’ve been a little busy rebuilding the infrastructure and defeating an evil cult. There’s been no time for sport really,” Mason replied with an edge of sarcasm. “Hey, Joe! Any chance of borrowing some land to put up a football field?” he yelled across at the ranch boss.
Joe sent him a startled look and then looked pleased. “I have just the spot. A football field, huh? We were discussing what events to hold, but ball games would be ideal. I’m thinking maybe, with a year until the launch day, we could put up a whole new sports stadium, for swimming and athletics and football, with a baseball diamond in one part. Hell, I have ten thousand acres. I’m sure I can spare ten for a sports complex. We have thousands of helpers, too, who’d get it built in record time. Let’s do it.”
Alfie squealed again. “This is so cool!” he said excitedly.
“I guess this means I need to get an architect in to draw up some plans,” Cody drawled, sighing heavily.
“You already have one,” Cooper replied, pointing at his chest. “I graduated from Princeton. I’m an engineer by trade, with a Masters in architectural design.”
Cody sent him a huge smile. “Dude, you just got yourself a full-time job,” he said, clapping his hands. “We have more building plans than we know what to do with… This town is expanding fast, with more businesses making applications every day. Having you on board would be a huge relief.”
Cooper shrugged. “It’s the least I can do, since I left y’all to deal with the cult, swanning off to get drunk. I should have been here to help. God knows this town has needed it, but with me gone so much, I didn’t notice what was going on. Then with Wolf getting sick…” He trailed off, shrugging again.
“Babe, you’re here now. That’s what matters,” Zane told him, sending him a chiding glance.
“He sure is,” Alfie said, slapping Cooper on the shoulder. “Now, when can you start?”
Everyone laughed. “Alfie used to be so quiet, until he met these two reprobates.” John sighed. “Now look at him, bossing us around like a good’un.”
“Mick, I hear you’re a dab hand at throwing pizza dough,” John told his good friend, who came in with an order pad for the newcomers, spying a new target. “We’ll probably have discus throwing or shot put. You really should apply.”
Mick refrained from answering, swiftly jotting down drinks and food requirements. He flipped his friend off with a sweet smile, and then pounded back downstairs to much amusement from the large gathering.
Within seconds, he was running back up, a jug of ice water in one beefy hand. With a wink at the room in general, a smug grin on his face, he came up behind John and then upended the entire flagon all over the big Brit, who yelped in shock as the cold fluid dripped all over him.
“Bloody beggaring hell,” he shouted, surging to his feet and then dancing around, flinging droplets and ice cubes in all directions.
“You deserved that,” Cameron said unsympathetically, struggling to keep his face straight. He needn’t have bothered. Mick gave a cheery wave, and then departed, leaving John dripping and the crowd in stitches.
“Bloody beggaring hell,” John repeated, raking his hand through hair. “Bloody bastard got revenge after all.”
After that, the night went on in much the same vein, until with reluctance, the group split up and went their separate ways.
Cooper walked along the street, holding hands with Luther, who held hands with Ernest and Zane. As they ambled along, everyone had one th
ought on their mind. Group sex.
* * * *
Ernest’s cock was already hurting with need as he reached the top of the stairs above the furniture workshop. He could feel the heat of Luther behind him, hands already moving nimbly for Ernest’s belt, his fingers making teasing forays around his crotch.
Ahead, Cooper’s bare ass swayed enticingly as the big man disappeared down the hall and into the communal bedroom, discarding the rest of his clothing as he went. Ernest felt his jeans fall to his knees, and stepped out of them, groaning loudly when Luther began fondling his bare cock. Behind him, he heard Zane murmur something, and then Luther was lifted off his feet. He was slung over Zane’s broad shoulder with a sharp yelp, with Ernest ending up under Zane’s arm, wearing nothing but a sheen of sweat, his T-shirt having been tugged off on the stairs.
Zane gave a husky chuckle as he entered the bedroom, throwing the two shifters gently onto the big bed. Ernest grinned over at Luther as he bounced a couple of times, the grin fading as he took note of the angry red of his mate’s beautiful cock, the moist bead of precum at the tip, and groaned.
He reached for the sexy serval shifter, grabbing hold of a long hank of hair, fusing his lips desperately with Luther’s. Together they rolled, Luther’s slim body slick with sweat as he ate hungrily at Ernest’s mouth. Tasting peppercorn sauce, beer, and fresh strawberries, Ernest hummed with pleasure, moving one leg between his lover’s, letting Luther pleasure himself, rubbing his cock against Ernest’s taut thigh.
Shoving Luther onto his side, Ernest left the tasty flavors of Luther’s mouth, curling around in a sixty-nine position. Hungrily, he lapped at Luther’s cock, needing the taste of Luther’s cum like he needed his next breath. He felt Luther latch onto his cock, the pair of them sucking and licking greedily.
The bed shifted, and Ernest glanced to the side to see Zane and Cooper in a similar pose, except Zane was straddling Cooper’s long body, his face buried between Cooper’s thighs, Cooper’s tongue lashing at Zane’s ass. A long pull on his cock had Ernest gasping aloud, and then he went back to feasting on Luther’s succulent meat.
Just as they were both ready to blow, Ernest moved again. Straddling his lover, he began to finger his hole, staring down into Luther’s pale eyes. Ernest groaned when he felt thicker fingers begin to stretch him and arched back, fucking himself up and down.
“There you go, baby,” Cooper growled, moving in behind Ernest. “Watching you pleasure yourselves is sexy as hell.” Another finger joined the play, stretching Ernest even wider. “Ride him, cowboy,” Cooper suggested, lifting Ernest up a little, helping the smaller man and guiding him onto Luther’s weeping cock. With a gasping cry of relief, Ernest sank down, feeling Luther fill him to the hilt. He began to bounce up and down, sharp little jolts that hit his prostate with each surge.
Luther writhed beneath him, clutching at the quilt.
“Here, honey, suck on this,” Zane commented, kneeling beside Luther’s head. Luther turned to the side, opening wide to take Zane’s thick, dripping dick into his mouth. Groaning, Zane began to slide in and out, shallow fucks at first as Luther got used to sucking off a bigger dick. Moaning, Luther slurped and sucked eagerly. At the same time, Cooper was busy sliding his fingers inside Luther’s hole, already slick with lube. Cooper was multitalented—and thoughtful.
“Fuck him while I fuck you,” Cooper growled, and Ernest lifted off his mate, shoving Luther’s legs wide, and then pushed forward, sliding inside his mate’s clenching hole with a hard thrust.
Luther cried out, and then moaned in delight as Ernest began to fuck him hard and fast, giving little quarter. “Fuuuck,” Luther whimpered around Zane’s cock.
“Now my turn,” Cooper snarled, moving into position, his cock sinking inside Ernest’s loosened chute slowly and steadily. Ernest gave a strangled cry, pausing to let Cooper drive deep, and then began to move again. Fucking himself back and forth, he felt Cooper take over the pace, holding Ernest’s hips and thrusting over and over. Each hard stroke had Ernest sinking deeper inside Luther’s ass, the smack of flesh against naked flesh blending with the moans and cries of mutual pleasure.
Luther came suddenly, convulsing on the bed as he shot his load all over his abs and chest. Zane followed swiftly, jetting into the little shifter’s gasping mouth, filling it with warm, creamy cum. Gobbling it quickly, Luther cried out when he felt Ernest lose it, the pounding of Luther’s ass finishing with Ernest blasting searing heat deep inside. Cooper let out a guttural groan of completion, and then began spurting inside Ernest.
Ernest felt the hot semen lash his chute, his cock sloshing around inside Luther’s damp hole, and shuddered in reaction to the onslaught of pleasure. He couldn’t get enough of his mates, never wanting to be away from them. He could quite comfortably stay in this bed forever, with an occasional foray to the kitchen for food. He fell forward, still joined to both Luther and Cooper, sandwiched between his two lovers, loving the feel of them surrounding him. Cooper began kissing his neck and shoulders tenderly, his big hands kneading Ernest’s ass gently, murmuring approving words, his hips rocking gently, his cock still semi hard inside Ernest’s ass. Ernest nuzzled into Luther’s neck, kissing him gently, lovingly. He turned his head, finding Zane’s mouth, hungrily licking at the mess of cum that was sitting on the man’s tongue. The dirty kiss was erotic as hell, the pair of them sharing Luther’s sexy load.
Ernest felt Cooper’s cock harden inside him again, felt the pace pick up. He whimpered, writhing against Luther with each slow thrust of Cooper’s hips.
“I love you,” Ernest murmured into Zane’s mouth, his fangs descending, and bit down into the man’s lower lip, drawing blood and sipping at the heady fluid. Zane cried out at the bite, mashing his mouth against Ernest’s, sharing the taste of blood and spunk.
“I love you, too, baby,” Zane replied hoarsely, stroking Ernest’s cheek tenderly. They kissed more gently, humming with pleasure.
“I love you as well, Luther,” Ernest told the shifter as he eased away from Zane’s tempting mouth. Lowering his head, he kissed Luther with all the emotion he felt right then, and then turned his head, searching for Cooper’s delicious mouth. “Cooper, I love you as well, even though we’ve only just met. I feel like this was always meant to happen.” He knelt upright, disengaging from Luther’s tight ass, practically sitting on Cooper’s lap, his back to Cooper’s front.
“Baby, I’m falling for you, too,” Cooper promised, fucking upward with increasing vigor. Bouncing up and down, Ernest cried out over and over as Cooper’s hard thrusts filled his ass over and over. “In fact, I’d go so far as to say, I’ve fallen for all of you. I knew it with Wolf…I know it now. I love you, baby.” Cooper’s big hand splayed against Ernest’s slender chest, holding him in place as he fucked his small mate in a power play that jolted Ernest with each deep surge of muscle. He was loving every second of it. Cooper didn’t treat him like some weakling, but a man who could take a hard cock and an even harder fuck with no trouble.
“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Ernest whined, and then he screamed out Cooper’s name, coming all over Luther’s prone body. Cooper grunted out a sharp, lurid curse, and then spurted again, the hot cum overflowing and spilling down their thighs, streaking them with warm cream.
Ernest bit into Cooper’s lip, claiming him swiftly. Cooper yelled out, his hips still pistoning against Ernest’s ass, still coming. Seconds passed, and then he was finally done, sitting back on his haunches as he kissed Ernest with lazy ardor. Ernest could kiss the man all night. The guy had amazing skill at locking lips. Stroking Ernest’s damp abs, Cooper soothed Ernest lovingly until their breathing returned to normal.
“Hmm, you have a sweet ass, little shifter,” Cooper rumbled, nipping at Ernest’s neck now. “I’m thinking you’ll soon be able to take two of us, no problem at all.” Ernest gave a low groan of need, thinking of being double-fucked by two of his beautiful mates.
Carefully lying down, Cooper kept his cock buried with
in Ernest’s ass, spooning with him as they kissed and cuddled. Zane and Luther moved to join them, the kisses cementing the bond that was forming, so new, yet already as strong as steel. Ernest snuggled against his mates, feeling safe and secure inside these walls, inside the big bed. It was a good feeling.
Chapter Five:
Building, Building, Building
Zane awoke early to the sound of the shower running. A huge yawn split his face, and he struggled to orient himself. He wasn’t used to sleeping with three other men. More importantly, his few encounters with guys before had been quick one-fuck wonders, with no expectations. Waking up to find he had three lovers, mates, life partners according to shifter lore, was eye-opening.
He inhaled deeply and smiled to himself. They’d managed to get a little sleep eventually. Ernest had ended up being fucked three more times, and Luther had his share of ass pounding as well. Zane’s hole clenched as he remembered being fucked solidly by all three of his beautiful lovers. He could feel the evidence of it, sticky on his ass and thighs, since they’d all fallen asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.
Stretching, Zane glanced at Luther and Ernest, who were cuddling, limbs entangled and still comatose. Whisker burns decorated their bodies, as well as love bites, and from this angle, Zane could see their swollen holes, with the creamy evidence that their asses had been well-fucked streaking their bodies. Zane’s cock thickened, wanting another shot, but Zane had the feeling the younger guys would be pretty sore and reluctantly left the bed, and temptation, to go shower.
Cooper stood, head down, letting hot jets of water pummel his blond hair and broad shoulders. Zane’s mouth watered, and he paused to watch the sexy man for a while, then shook his head, and went to drain the lizard. There was something so satisfying about standing there, peeing into the toilet, after a long night of primal sex.