[Montgomery Ink 00.5 - 01.0] Box Set
Page 13
No matter how hot she thought she was with either of them, she loved watching them together because it made their heat rise even more. It might make her a dirty, dirty Sassy, but she didn’t care.
She fucking loved it.
Ian turned to the side and she caught something that hadn’t been there the last time they’d made love.
“Is that ink on your back?” she asked.
Rafe’s eyes widened and he went behind Ian. “Holy shit, it’s the Irish trinity. Dude. That’s fucking gorgeous.”
Sassy gave a watery smile. “You have a trinity on your back. Let me see?”
Ian gripped his dick, but turned for her.
God, it was beautiful. Heavy and dark, the three parts of the trinity were interwoven and carved in Gaelic. It was amazing.
The fact that he’d done that after they were broken up was telling, but she couldn’t talk about that now. Not when she wanted him inside her.
“Ready?” Ian asked, his voice strained.
“Always,” she whispered then moaned as Ian sank into her inch by agonizing inch.
He filled her up, their hips aligning, brushing against each other while she stretched to accommodate his length—just how she knew she’d have to stretch again to accommodate Rafe’s girth.
“Jesus, you feel so fucking good,” Ian gritted out then pulled out slightly.
Sassy moaned as her inner walls clenched, not wanting to let him go.
“Look over here, Sass,” Rafe whispered. “And get up on your elbows.”
When she was focused on Ian, Rafe had moved so he was standing on the couch beside her, his cock right at her lips. She opened for him, and let go. Both men fucked her hard, Ian in her pussy, Rafe in her mouth. Rafe’s hands tangled in her hair, while Ian’s gripped her hips.
Ian pumped his cock in and out of her at a steady, unending, yet exquisite pace, until he slammed into her hard once more and shouted her name. Sassy let go of Rafe’s cock, and kissed Ian as he filled the condom. Ian pumped again, this time, his thumb thrumming her clit and she came, her moan covered up by Ian’s mouth.
He pulled out even as her body still shook and Rafe slid inside her. She let her head fall back to rest on the couch as Ian went to dispose of the condom. Rafe must have covered himself with another one when she’d been coming because she could see it wrapped around him as he pulled out of her. His fingers dug into her waist as he pistoned into her, their gazes locked.
Ian came back into the room and sat beside her his hands roaming her body. He cupped her breasts, suckled on her nipples, and then moved his hand down to play with her clit as Rafe made love to her.
“Shit, every time you suck on her nipples, I can feel her clench around me,” Rafe grunted.
Ian let go of her nipple with a pop. “Now you know how I feel, love,” he said to Rafe, then went back to work on her breasts.
Needing to be connected even more than she was, she wrapped her hand around one of Rafe’s wrists and tangled her free hand into Ian’s hair. She closed her eyes, lost in the movements and sensations until she found the wave again and came crashing down once more, this time with Rafe as he jetted into the condom.
Rafe pulled out, jogging away to take care of the condom while Ian and Sassy laid down on the couch.
“I’ve missed that, missed you,” Ian mumbled.
She smiled and sank into him.
Rafe came back and pulled a blanket off the back of the couch. Ian pulled her on top of his body as Rafe laid next to them. She rolled on her stomach so she could cuddle with both her guys, her limbs limp, her body sated.
“God, we have to do that again,” she whispered.
Rafe patted her butt and chuckled. “Let me rest a bit before round two. I’m not as young as I used to be.”
She smiled and waited for Ian’s response only to find him passed out next to Rafe. “I guess we tired him out.”
She looked at Rafe and laughed at both her sleeping men. With a happy sigh, she lay down on top of both of them and wiggled.
“Yep, still got it.”
Chapter Six
“Are you sure I look okay? Should I cover up my ink?”
Rafe closed his eyes and held back the retort that came to his lips. While he loved the woman in front of him, the fact she was even asking that question made him want to bang his head against the wall. She shouldn’t have been as nervous as she was, and yet there was no stopping it apparently.
She’d put on nice slacks and a cute lacy top thing that made her breasts look fucking lickable as hell, but it wasn’t the Sassy he knew and loved. She’d even put her hair up into this bun thing that only elongated her neck.
He walked slowly toward her and cupped her face. The worry in those sexy brown eyes of hers made him want to hold her and never let her go.
Not that she’d let him.
No, she’d push away and take care of herself because that’s who she was. Or at least who she usually was. This Sassy in front of him wasn’t that woman. He needed to fix that and alleviate her fears.
“Sass, stop it and breathe, cariña.” He brushed his lips against hers and she relaxed. “We’re just going to my parents’ home for dinner. You’ve had countless dinners with them before. The only difference is that now we’re a bit older.”
She grimaced and he kissed her again. “It’s not like it was before, Rafe. I used to be their ward or live-in or whatever. They knew I was dating you but I don’t know if they knew we were with Ian at the time.”
Rafe let out a breath. “I don’t know either, baby. We kept it to ourselves because we were afraid of what everyone would think, but we aren’t those people anymore. You know Ian would be here with us if he hadn’t had to work.”
They couldn’t ignore the possibility of misconceptions like they had when they were younger. Their relationship wouldn’t survive if they did.
He could sense her tension and see the uncertainty in her eyes.
They were doing this to her, turning the vibrant and sexy woman into a pile of nerves.
Damn it.
He ran his hand down her back and cupped her ass. The resulting flare of heat in her eyes made him smile.
There she is.
Sassy pulled back somewhat and looked down at her body before shaking her head. “What the hell am I wearing?”
Rafe held back, knowing if he smiled, she would hit him. Hard. “I didn’t realize you owned that sexy secretary get-up.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I believe they are called administrative assistants now.”
He held up his hands in mock surrender. “My apologies.”
“And if I were dressed as a sexy secretary, I’d be wearing a skirt so you could fuck me on top of the desk. Come on, now, you know that’s how all the good porn does it.”
Rafe threw his head back and laughed even as his cock hardened at the thought of Sassy in heels and a little skirt as he fucked her on top of his desk.
Or maybe Ian’s desk.
Yeah, that would be better since Ian had a bigger office, and the whole suit and tie thing totally fit those fantasies. Maybe he and Sassy could fuck Ian over that desk too.
“Oh my God, stop thinking about sex right now, Rafe Chavez!” Sassy slapped his shoulder and Rafe snorted.
“You started it, babe.” Well, maybe. This whole conversation was a blur of angst and sexy as hell heels.
“We are on our way to go see your mother. She’ll know what we’ve been thinking. She always knows.”
Rafe grinned. He sure as hell hoped his mom didn’t know everything that went on in his head. He wasn’t even sure that she knew about him and Ian. He’d always been bisexual, but had never been out of the closet to his parents. He didn’t know what they’d have thought about it.
What they would think now…
He’d been such a little shit as a teenager that when he’d finally found his way and learned to act like a man, he’d been afraid to break any trust he’d formed a
gain. He’d hidden his feelings for Ian as anything more than his best friend from the family, and Rafe knew it played a role in Ian’s departure.
Ian and Sassy weren’t the only two who held blame for the demise of their relationship.
Rafe had his own failures and he knew he needed to redeem those.
Today was the first step in the right direction by bringing Sassy home. He’d hoped to bring Ian as well, but it might have been just as well he wasn’t with them. Taking baby steps sounded like a good way to approach this.
Jesus, this was fucking complicated.
He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. If he went into the day thinking the worst, he’d just stress himself out just as he was sure Sassy had been doing from the way she was dressed.
Rafe looked down at his own dark jeans and button down shirt, then at Sassy. “Cariña, put on jeans and keep that sexy as hell top. It shows off the ink on your arms and when you bend over, I’ll be able to see the ink on your back.”
Her eyes widened. “I’m not bending over in your parents’ house for you.” She gave a saucy grin. “And no promises, but I might tease you if you annoy me enough.”
He kissed her hard, sliding his tongue against hers. “Damn it. You get me worked up, Sass. But really, you’re welcome to wear jeans and anything you want.” He reached around and unclipped her hair. The long tresses fell over her shoulders in waves, and he sighed at the sight. Damn, his woman was fucking sexy as hell. He’d have to keep her hair up so he could pull it down again, but next time, she’d be naked.
Fuck. Yeah.
“You’re thinking about sex again.”
He licked his lips. “Hell yeah, but don’t worry. I can control myself.” Maybe. “Show your ink, let your hair down, wear what you want to in order to feel comfortable and be yourself. There’s no reason to hide.”
Her eyes filled with tears, and she blinked them away, but not before one fell down her cheek. His heart ached as he brushed away the moisture with his thumb.
“Sassy, baby, what’s wrong?” He’d do whatever he could to make sure she knew she was special and his. God, give him strength.
“Other than you’re acting all rough and perfect at the same time?” She shook her head then rolled her shoulders back. “I left them too, Rafe. What if they hate me for it? I didn’t stay in contact because I was scared. I might’ve only lived twenty minutes away, but there could have been an ocean between us considering how it felt.”
He closed his eyes and cursed himself. Of course that’s what she’d be freaking out about. She’d lived with his family for a long time and walked out on them just the same. She’d done it to protect herself, and in doing so, she’d hurt his family. But not to the extent she must be thinking.
His family was very forgiving when it came to people they loved.
He should know.
“Cariña, stop worrying. They missed you, and yes, they were worried, but they knew you’d left for a reason. Let’s go see them and get the hard part over with. They invited you over, Sass. They want you there. We’ll talk, laugh, eat good food, and then when we get home, we’ll make love, and hopefully, this time actually make it to the bed on the first try.”
She laughed softly, exactly as he’d intended. “We always say we’re going to make it to the bed and only end up sleeping there since we’ve tired ourselves out everywhere else.”
He cupped her ass, bringing her flush against his body. His rock hard cock pressed against her belly and she raised a brow.
“You did this,” he groaned.
Her hand went between them and ran along his length. “No, honey, you did this, but I’ll take care of it. Later.” She winked. “We’re going to be late if I don’t change now and head out. Two minutes!” She sashayed to the bedroom, his gaze following that generous ass of hers. He just shook his head.
Yep, that’s the Sassy he loved. It only took her getting him turned on and turned inside out for her to come back.
By the time she’d changed into ass-hugging jeans that he’d enjoy peeling her out of later, and made their way to his parents’ house, they were only five minutes late. Not bad considering Rafe had taken the time to make sure Sassy’s jeans fit just right using the palms of his hands.
From the way Sassy glowed, he had a feeling his mom would know exactly why they were late, but he didn’t care. He finally had the woman of his dreams next to him and the man of his dreams in his heart—and he hoped, waiting for them when they got home.
He didn’t need much else.
Before they could even make it up the porch steps, his mother opened the front door and approached them with her arms opened wide.
“Sassy!” His mother pulled Sassy up the steps and enveloped her in those same strong arms that had held him countless times. Though his mother was at least a foot shorter and could practically fit in his pocket, she was stronger than anyone he’d known.
“Mrs. Chavez.” Sassy’s reply was a little stilted, but there was warmth there that went straight to Rafe’s heart. This was her family too—he just had to make sure she understood that and didn’t pull away.
His mom pulled back and frowned. “Mrs. Chavez? Do you think I’m my husband Carlos’s mother and not Rafe’s? No, honey, you call me Juanita or Mom. I’ll take nothing else.”
Sassy grinned and Rafe pulled his mother away a bit so he could kiss her cheek. “Thank you, Mom,” he whispered and she patted his cheek.
“You’re a good boy, Rafe. Thank you for bringing Sassy home to us.” There was a twinkle in her eyes he couldn’t interpret. “And next time, I expect to you to bring Ian too. It’s about time the three of you were together again.”
Rafe stopped breathing, his feet frozen to the spot. “Wha…what?”
His mom shook her head, then wrapped her arm around Sassy’s waist. “I knew then that the three of you were together. You can’t fool me, young man. You all were so in love you couldn’t hide it even if you tried. I know Ian thought he’d pulled off the cool and remote rich kid. He didn’t, honey. He was in so deep with you, just as you and Sassy were with him, it was obvious.”
Sassy reached and gripped his hand, but he still couldn’t process what his mom was saying. She’d known? This whole time, she’d known. He thought he’d hidden it so well. Apparently he shouldn’t have even tried.
“I don’t know what you’re thinking, Rafe, but know this, I’ve loved you since I first found out I was pregnant with you, and I will always love you. Your family feels the same. You have three sisters, two brothers, a father, and countless other members of the family in there waiting to see you and Sass. They love you and they won’t turn their backs on you for loving who you love. And when you bring Ian by, we’ll be the same.”
Rafe lowered his head, but pulled his mom close, bringing Sassy with her. He wrapped his arms around his girls, the weight of what he’d been holding close sliding off his shoulders.
“I can’t believe you knew this whole time,” he rasped, his body shaking. From relief or the overwhelming urge to run to Ian and bring him there too, he didn’t know.
“Honey, you can’t slide things by me.” His mom squeezed him one more time, then pulled away. “Now, let’s get you two inside and fed. They’re probably already pressed up against the window trying to see what the holdup is.”
“I’m surprised they haven’t come out yet,” Sassy said as she tangled her fingers with his.
He gripped her hand, thankful for the anchor. She’d always been his anchor even when she’d been the one on the run. Without her…well, he hadn’t been whole.
They walked inside and were greeted by his family, smiles and hugs bringing Sassy—and Rafe—into the fold. As much as Sassy had left them, he never forgot he’d done the same. Oh, he’d come back for holidays and births, but he’d made a home somewhere else.
Now he was back and he had to learn to blend with his family like he had before.
“Rafe,” his father’s
deep voice pulled him out of his thoughts. The man had his arm around Sassy’s shoulder and a grin on his face. “Good to see you could make it, niño.”
“Dad,” he said and hugged the man hard, bringing Sassy into it like he had with his mom.
His dad grinned but there was tension in his eyes like there had been at work—something Rafe had hoped would fade with time. “When you get time, we need to talk about the shop. There are things…niño, you know that I trust you with everything, but some things do not need to change.”
When his father said everything, it didn’t mean what it should, but this was neither the time nor place. His family might agree with his lifestyle—which was a surprise in itself—but having a father and son run a business together didn’t always go smoothly.
“We can talk about it later,” Rafe said with a smile, not wanting to cause an issue when today needed to be about Sassy—and later Ian. “For now, let’s eat good food and show my girl off.” He kissed Sassy’s brow and she laughed.
“I can usually show myself off, sugar, but if you want to do the honors, I’m all yours.”
He smiled and nodded at his father who got the message, then walked to the backyard where his family was partying.
It was odd how much he wanted Ian to be there with them, celebrating their time together as a triad. He knew Ian had planned on going public with the three of them and with the fact that Rafe’s family accepted him. This just might work.
He looked down at the woman in his arms and sighed.
It better work because he’d do anything for her, anything for Ian. He just needed to make sure that it wouldn’t be for nothing because if they ran away from him again…well…
He didn’t know what he’d do then.
He’d been broken once before and if it happened again, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to put himself to rights. Sassy and Ian had quickly become his whole world and that scared him.
Rafe would just have to prove to them that they could make it work. With the scent of his mother’s cooking, the sounds of laughter and happiness, and the feel of acceptance surrounding them, it just might be possible.