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I Want You Back

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by Thayer King

  I Want You Back

  Copyright © 2016 Thayer King

  Cover designed by maxcovers

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Coming 2017

  Chapter One

  There he was. Stephen Ashcroft. Seven years ago, his thick black hair had tumbled in wild disarray about his broad shoulders. Memories of burying her fingers in his inky curls as he drove his hard body into hers flitted through her mind. She would gather it at the nape of his neck to keep the sweat soaked strands out of his eyes and so that she could see his face as he made her his. Blinking away the heated vision, she focused once more on her target. His locks were shorn in a tapered cut that hugged his scalp and all but obliterated any hint of a curl. His dark brown eyes were trained on his companion, a slender brunette who smiled up at him, her adoration of him clear to anyone who looked upon the couple.

  Ashley White froze and her steps faltered, her resolve deserting her. She accepted a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and changed course. Maybe confronting him here wasn’t the best idea. Ashcroft-Burke Shipping had made a large donation to the local hospital. Tonight was the official opening of the Denton Ashcroft Memorial Wing, named after Stephen’s late father. Good grief, she thought with a twist of her lips. They couldn’t have chosen a more undeserving bastard. But then, they weren’t naming the wing after him because of his worthiness as a human being. This was an accolade purchased by deep pockets. Denton hadn’t possessed a kind bone in his entire body, but he sure as hell had money, Ashley reflected as she meandered through the well-dressed crowd.

  Soon the director of the hospital was calling for everyone’s attention. Ashley tuned him out, her eyes focused on Stephen. He lived in a beautiful home in Virginia Beach. She’d been by three times. Twice no one was at home. The last time she’d visited the door was answered by a butler that she didn’t recognize. She’d left without giving her name. Likewise, she had been unable to secure an appointment with him at his office. Stephen was a very busy man and his calendar was full for foreseeable future. When she’d swung by the Ashcroft-Burke Headquarters, he had been out of town for the day and his receptionist had let her know that he didn’t have any openings in his schedule for the next four months. Not that scheduling an appointment would have been possible for her.

  Stephen stepped forward and began to speak briefly about his father’s illness and the fine treatment he received at this hospital. That he had loved and respected Denton was clear.

  If only Stephen knew the part that his father had played in their break up, Ashley thought. Though there was no love lost between her and Denton, she realized that this was not the night to present Stephen with her proposal. She sipped her champagne and maneuvered her way closer to the exit.

  Placing her glass on a server’s tray, she turned to leave and almost bumped into a hard male chest. “Excuse me.”

  “Ashley White, I thought my eyes were deceiving me,” he said, the tone mocking and cool.

  She swallowed a groan. Of all the people here, she would bump into Jeremy Weiss, Stephen’s best friend. The years had been good to him. His face was a bit fuller but he didn’t look like he’d aged much. As he pushed the thin frames of his glasses up the bridge of his nose, she thought he could have walked on any college campus and easily blended in with the student body. He had the boyish good looks that appealed to some. Ashley couldn’t recall if they’d ever been attractive to her. Since she’d known Jeremy, she’d grown to hate the look. He was a spoiled, lazy, snob. “Jeremy, it’s good to see you,” she blurted for lack of anything better to say.

  “As I recall, you’ve always detested me.”

  “Now that you mention it....” It was closer to the truth to say that he’d never liked her. Stephen had been the friend he’d gone out with to drink and to pick up chicks. When they began dating, Stephen had become hers exclusively. If they went to bars, she was tucked under his arm. If there was a party, she was his date. She made to move around Jeremy but he shifted to block her. There was polite applause as Stephen finished his speech.

  “Why are you here, Ashley? Stephen doesn’t need you fucking around with his head tonight.”

  “Who says I’m here for him?”

  His lips twisted and he tilted his blond head to the side. “When hasn’t it been about him? Take my advice. There are too many memories of his father floating around at the moment. Seeing you will only remind him about how spot on his father was in his evaluation of you.”

  She ground her teeth together. Denton hadn’t been the only one to think that a middle class African American girl wasn’t good enough for the Ashcroft heir. He’d always treated her like a temporary trick, never taking Stephen’s feelings for her seriously. With every word he spoke, Jeremy reminded her why she hated him. She’d tried to like him for Stephen’s sake, but it was a wasted effort when he wasn’t willing to extend her the same courtesy. “Thank you for stating the obvious. I was just leaving.”


  “You haven’t aged or improved with time.”

  He laughed. “Neither have you.”

  Ashley gave him a parting glare and pivoted.

  “I don’t rate even a hello? You wound me.”

  She gasped as the rough, deep voice rolled over her. Stephen! Heart thumping, she turned around. Her head felt light, her stomach fluttered and her bones turned to jelly. My God, he’s sexier than I remember. Stephen couldn’t be called anything as boring as handsome. His was a man’s face. It was masculine and angular. His body was big and hard. The only soft thing about him was his lush mouth. Recalling the feel of them suckling her nipples, trailing over her belly, and feasting between her thighs had her pussy growing moist. His effect on her hormones was as devastating as ever. Eyes wide, lips trembling, she tried to smile. “Stephen, of course you do.”

  “You remember Aster?”

  Her gaze swung to the brunette. She nodded her head at the other woman. Of course she remembered her. In college, she’d always dyed her hair blond. Perhaps that was why she’d not recognized Aster Burke immediately. Aster was the other heir to the Ashcroft-Burke Shipping business and the woman Stephen’s parents had encouraged him to marry.

  Aster stepped forward and tugged her into a warm hug. “It’s wonderful to see you again. You look magnificent. I like your hair that way.”

  Ashley fingered her short pixie. “Thank you.”

  Stephen’s dark eyes bored into her. His jaw was clenched. “I thought for sure I was mistaken when I saw you. How could you come to an event honoring my father?” His voice was hard and colder than she’d ever heard it. She hadn’t known how he would react to her sudden reappearance. Uncertainty had been eating away at her nerves. But now she had her answer. The man was furious with her.

  “Stephen, don’t.” Aster put a restraining hand on his arm.

  Stephen shook her off. He reached out and grabbed one of Ashley’s wrists. “Come with me.”

  “Shit, Stephen,” Jeremy hissed. “Don’t do this.”

  Ashley didn’t fight as Stephen ignored his friends and pulled her out the exit. Even if she had, his grip was unbreakable. The night air was coo
l and her dress was sleeveless. She shivered but Stephen didn’t notice. He was too intent upon his goal. “Where’s your car?”

  “There.” She pointed to the right where she’d parked beneath a light. “The black Prius.” She stumbled as her heel found a hole in the pavement. “Slow down. I can’t keep up.” They were of a comparable height but her pumps put her at a disadvantage. If he heard her, he pretended not to and they continued at the same pace until he drew to a halt in front of her car. Ashley bit her lip as she collided with his muscled back. Stephen wasted no time turning around. He manacled both her wrists in his large hands.

  “How could you, Ashley?”

  She was inches from his face. How often had she longed to be in his arms again? She’d ached for him every day since the moment she’d decided to leave him. He shook her when she didn’t answer and his eyes glittered with anger. “Stephen, I need to talk to you, but not tonight. I understand now isn’t the time.”

  “The inappropriateness of your appearance here tonight only just occurred to you? How could you be so selfish?”

  “I… needed to see you. I couldn’t get an appointment with you and you’re never home. Please, can we meet again?”

  He made a sound of disgust and released her hands. “We have nothing to discuss. Everything you had to say to me, you said it in your letter.”

  She could barely recall the excuses she’d given to break off their relationship in that final letter. It didn’t matter. It was all lies. She’d never stopped loving him. She wanted him back and she wasn’t leaving until he heard her out. “Please, Stephen, it’s important.”


  Stephen stared down at the only woman he’d ever loved and tried to harden his heart to her. The lamppost at his back shone down on her glossy black curls. Her eyes were dark pools against her creamy cappuccino colored skin. She was even more beautiful than she had been seven years ago.

  His cock had hardened at the sight of her when he spotted her during his speech. At first, he’d believed it was a mistake, yet another woman who resembled her, but not his Ashley. It had happened before. But then he’d seen her talking with Jeremy, watched the way she held herself. And he knew. It was her. He’d cut his speech short to confront her before she could escape. He doubted that anyone had noticed or cared that he’d stopped speaking so abruptly.

  He hated that she still had power over him. He’d left Aster without so much as a backward glance and had walked out on an event honoring his father—all for a woman who had caused him unspeakable pain. Her betrayal had gutted him, made him into the cynical man he was today. He wanted to return the favor, hurt her the way she’d hurt him. But that was impossible. She’d never loved him the way he loved her.

  Still, he was curious. What could she want from him? A business favor? Money? Perhaps he should meet up with her again, find out what she wanted. Then he would deny her whatever it was. It was insufficient revenge but it would have to do. “Meet me tomorrow at the house for lunch. I’ll inform the staff that I’m expecting a guest.”

  She nodded. “Thank you,” she whispered. He didn’t acknowledge her words. He stayed to watch her get into her car and drive away. Only then did he stride back inside. Aster stood talking with Jeremy and his wife Jacqueline. They grew silent when he joined them and he knew that he and Ashley were the topic of conversation. He wanted nothing more than to leave. Seeing Ash was a shock. He needed something stronger to drink than the champagne circulating the room.

  He managed to stay for another hour before he informed Aster that he was ready to leave. In the car on the way home, she was quiet. He’d been half expecting recriminations for his earlier behavior. But that wasn’t Aster. She was always the perfect lady. Polite, friendly and gracious. The perfect wife for a man in his position.

  At her home, he got out and walked around the car. He opened the door for her and escorted her to her porch. The lights were left on for her. After college, she’d moved back in with her parents. He leaned down to kiss her and she turned her head so that his lips landed on her cheek. Taking her hand, he squeezed her fingers. “Aster, I’m sorry. It was poorly done of me to abandon you like that.”

  “Stephen, there’s no need to apologize. I know what a jolt it must have been to see her after so many years.” She placed her hand on his face. Her palm was cool against his skin. “The two of you must have much to discuss.”

  “She seems to think so.” He shrugged. “I don’t want to talk about her anymore.” He pulled her into a hug. “You must know that I’m serious about us.” She squeezed him back. When he attempted to kiss her again, she allowed it. The kiss was gentle and sweet. He smiled at her as he left.

  At home, he paused before getting out of his car. He opened the glove compartment and removed the ring box. The plan had been to propose to Aster after the dedication ceremony. But the atmosphere had been ruined. Things felt off somehow and it wasn’t simply about Ash’s sudden reentry into his life.

  Stephen pocketed the ring and went inside. He undressed and put away his tux. It had been a long day. He slid into bed, the cool sheets eliciting a sigh. Melting into the mattress, he closed his eyes. Sleep proved elusive. Memories of Ashley taunted him and wouldn’t let him rest.

  We’re too different. It would never work. Words from Ash’s letter long ago. He’d ripped it to shreds but the words still haunted him. And then to find out that it was all lies. That she had taken a payoff from his father to leave him. That she’d never loved him. That she’d been using him. He never wanted to experience that type of pain again.

  Stephen released an angry breath and turned onto his side. She would be here tomorrow in his house. What could she want? He couldn’t help wondering if she wanted to make a clean breast of it and confess her earlier betrayal. But why would she do that? He was giving her too much credit. She had the money. Had she spent it all and needed more? There were too many unanswered questions where she was concerned. Frustration and impatience burned in his belly.

  Forcibly, he pushed away thoughts of Ashley and tried to concentrate on Aster, on the kiss they shared. It was then that he knew what was wrong. The sight of Ashley, a mere whiff of her jasmine scent, was more arousing to him than actual physical contact with Aster. Aster was level-headed, gracious, and perfect. And utterly lacking in passion. And damned boring. No matter how hard he tried, he could never make himself desire her or love her as anything more than a friend. Damn.

  Chapter Two

  Ashley took a deep breath and released it. “Here goes nothing,” she muttered to herself. She’d barely slept last night, speculating about how today’s meeting would go. Ringing the doorbell, she bit her lip. Suppose Stephen changed his mind about meeting with her? It wasn’t like him to go back on his word, but maybe he’d agreed to this only to get rid of her? He seemed to harbor a fair amount of resentment toward her. It pained her to think of the hurt she caused him. At the time, leaving had seemed like the best solution for all involved. Even now when she reviewed the past, she wasn’t sure what she could have done differently.

  “Ms. White?” The questioning voice pulled her from her reverie.

  The butler stood before her. He was tall and thin with graying hair that looked like it had once been red. She nodded in acknowledgement. “I’m Ms. White.”

  “Mr. Ashcroft is waiting for you in the dining room. If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to him.”

  The floor in the foyer was marble but it gave way to a dark hardwood as he led her down a hallway to the left of a curving staircase. A formal sitting room could be seen through an archway to the right. Since his parents had not approved of her, Stephen hadn’t brought her here often. The few times that he did, his parents had been sure to make her feel unwelcome. They watched her as though they feared she’d try to steal the silver. As if she’d know how to pawn silverware!

  Ash pressed a hand to her belly, her anxiety building. The butterflies in her stomach were having a royal battle. No matter what occurred in the nex
t hour, it would have life altering repercussions for both her and Stephen.

  The dining room was decorated in deep burgundy. An entire wall of windows made the room bright despite the dark color. The table looked as though it could easily seat a dozen people. Stephen was seated at the head of the table, a tablet in his hand. He put it aside as they entered. “What would you like to drink?” the butler inquired.

  Eyes locked with Stephen’s, Ashley answered without turning her head, “Tea if you have it, please.” The butler left them alone and she made her way to Stephen’s side.

  “The place setting for you is down there,” he said with a nod at the opposite end of the table.

  She glanced at the napkin and silverware situated so far away from his. “So it is,” she replied and sat in the seat to his right, the wall of windows at her back.

  His sinfully arched black brows, more devilish than Jack Nicholson’s, rose and she suppressed a smile. He leaned back in his chair. “Still doing whatever you please, I see.”

  “No, just being sensible. How would we talk with me down there?”

  “The way I see it, we don’t have much to discuss.”

  His tone was dismissive. She bit her lip. Maybe it had been too long. She’d never gotten over him, never loved anyone so much. But that didn’t mean he felt the same. “So you and Aster,” she began and then stopped to clear her throat, unsure of how to continue. It had bugged her last night as she lay awake in the hotel room. Had the two of them finally gotten together, fulfilling their parents’ hopes for them?

  The butler returned, rolling a tray in front of him. Noticing Ashley’s position at the table, he’d moved her flatware without comment. Once the food and drinks were served, he asked, “Will that be all for now, sir?”

  “Yes, thank you, Craig. Everything looks wonderful.”

  A smile lit her face as she inspected her plate. “Baked ziti. My favorite. You remembered.”


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