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The Reconstruction of Cyprian

Page 32

by Michelle Love

  Cami’s eyes flutter open and she grabs my mother by the wrist. “Can I call you mom?”

  Mother smiles then laughs. “If you’ll wake up and marry my son, you can.”

  “K, Mom,” Cami says then lifts her head up and looks at Catarina. “You’ve been crying.”

  “I got you drunk. I’m sorry,” her sister says then makes her way to her. “Are you ready to get married now. Can you walk?”

  I hurry to help Cami get up and find she has to lean, heavily on me. “Your father will have his work cut out for him, bringing her down the aisle to me.”

  “I’ll go and get him,” Catarina says as she wobbles toward the door.

  “Allow me to,” Mother says then pats Catarina on the back. “You take some more of that coffee and give some to your sister.”

  I watch my mother, a woman I’ve never seen have a motherly instinct in her life, do things a normal mother would do. “Mother, thank you.”

  She looks over her shoulder at me with a smile. “You’re welcome, son.”

  Looking at the woman, who hopefully will become my wife very soon, I feel overwhelmed by my love for her. She’s managed to transform not only myself but my mother and father, to some extent. “You are a miracle worker.”

  Her sleepy smile makes me laugh as her eyes droop a bit and she hiccups. “You are a miracle, my love.”

  The door opens and in comes her father, looking sternly at Catarina. “Did Coco tell on me?” Catarina asks him.

  He nods and shakes his finger at her. “You’re supposed to be the big sister. You’re supposed to take care of Camilla. This is her special day.”

  “I’m sorry,” she begins to cry again.

  “No need to cry. It’s all going to be fine,” I say as I take Cami to her father. “Brace yourself, she’s kind of like a jellyfish.”

  “Bye, bye,” Cami says as her father takes her from me.

  “I’ll see you soon.” I watch them hurry away with her to freshen her up and I go out to get the show on the road.

  My father meets us in the hallway. “The priest is available for another hour but that’s all.”

  “She’s awake. Her father has her. We can go and wait for her to make her walk down the aisle.” I take my mother’s arm and lead my parents to the church where I will make my vows to Cami, making her and I a thing I never thought I’d be a part of, a married couple.

  Is it possible to really live happily ever after…

  Chapter 5


  “Just take a whiff of this,” my mother tells me then puts something under my nose that sends a wave of heat through me as I take in the scent of acidic odor.

  “Yuk!” I shout as I accidentally take another big sniff. “What is that?”

  “Smelling salts,” she tells me.” I always carry them with me.”

  “I’m not even going to ask you why that is,” I say. “I’m just glad you do. My head is nearly clear now.”

  “Great,” Papa says. “Then let’s get this thing going. Catarina get your butt out there to let them know we’re ready to go.”

  “Yes, Papa,” she says as she grabs her bouquet of flowers. “And I’m sorry, Camilla.”

  I give her a nod and let my mother pull the veil over my face. “Time to go, baby girl.”

  “The nerves are gone,” I say, mostly to myself as I’m surprised I feel only happiness, not nervous at all.

  I hear the music start up and take my father’s arm. “You look gorgeous.”

  “And you look handsome in your fancy tux, Papa.”

  Mother goes out before us, going to take her seat. “I love you, Camilla. See you out there.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Going along with my father, he pats my hand as he says, “You and Cyprian can have a long and happy life together, just like your mother and I have. Things will come along to threaten your happiness but all can be overcome. Love is like a river, it has deep spots, where you can lounge in the luxury of it and shallow spots where it becomes rough as stones crop up to make the water treacherous. Cling to one another during those times. That’s when you need to gather strength from each other. Don’t turn your back on him if he’s having a rough patch in his life and remind him to do the same for you when you find yourself having trouble. Never go to bed angry and don’t say things you can’t take back. Words can scar just like physical injuries.”

  Tears have sprung up in my eyes, making it difficult to see where I’m walking. “That’s some good advice, Papa.”

  “I hope so,” he says. “It comes from the heart, mon canard.”

  The music stops as we approach the entry to the main church. The wedding march starts and my heart starts banging like a drum in my chest. My father takes a step and I go with him. Wishing like hell the tears were gone, so I could see my handsome man, waiting for me at the end of the red carpeted path that’s leading me to my future.


  The ice blue dress looks fantastic on her. The veil has her hidden from me and it has my heart shuddering as she comes to me. Today she will become mine. She will carry my name and she will give me children who will carry that name into the future.

  My life will not be the empty shell it was. I will live on through my children. The future is so different from what I thought it would be.

  I thought I’d be a man like my father. Living, merely to make money and party with women who’d let me do anything I wanted to with them. Instead, I’m going to live a life with a woman who tests me on occasion. And fills me with wonder always.

  I doubt boredom will ever come into play in our lives. If it does, for some reason, I’ll make sure to show it to the door. She and I will make our marriage a happy one.

  The closer she gets to me the better I can see her under the light blue veil. Her eyes glisten with tears but the smile plastered on her sweet face tells me they’re happy tears.

  Her father places her hand in mine as he says, “Take good care of my baby, Cyprian. I’m trusting you.”

  “I will, sir. I promise.” I turn us to look at the man who will say the words to make us one.

  I expected to find her hand shaking but she’s calm. Her hand is cool and as always, it leaves my pulse nearly racing with just her touch. I don’t know if it will always give me this reaction and I don’t care. At least I’ve been able to feel this for a while. It’s amazing and the memory alone is better than never feeling it at all.

  Her voice is smooth as she repeats the words the priest asks her to. I get to hear that voice every day for the rest of my life. I get to hear her cry, laugh, pant with desire, and the delivery of our children. I get to hear it all!

  I repeat the words he asks me to and watch her smile as I vow to love, honor, and cherish her. I already do, but these words cement the fact I always will. She is my world. My everything!

  I’d be a lesser man without her. I know that now. I know so many things I never knew until I met her. And to think how I was set to give this woman a piece of my mind when I heard her talking about me that night.

  It seems like a lifetime ago. I stood and listened as she talked about me, without knowing I was listening. Thinking I was a man, I was not.

  I suppose I was a bit on the perverted side. I certainly saw sex in a way that was unhealthy. Cami has taught me what it’s supposed to be about. It’s not an act, the way I had always thought of it. It’s so much more than that. With the others, it was an act. With Cami, it’s a reality that deepens our connection each and every time our bodies come together to worship the other’s.

  She is my goddess. My hope. My eternity. And with the last words said between us, she is now my wife and I am her husband. Pushing her veil back, I look at her and mouth, ‘I love you.’ She mouths it back to me. When our mouths meet to seal the deal, it sends an explosion of stars into my head.

  This is it. We’re married. To death do us part.

  My God, can this be real…

  Chapter 6

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  The sound of rain, falling outside the window of our bedroom, has me thinking about how this whole thing began. Cyprian, lies next to me, his arm thrown over me as he makes little snoring sounds.

  We’ve been back home for a week. Looking at the rings on my finger, still gives me the chills. I am the wife of a billionaire, who I love more than I knew was possible.

  I talked so much shit about this man before I even knew him. To think of how I thought about him and to see how this ended with me married to the man I once thought of as a pervert, has me smiling.

  Life isn’t a thing you can plan. Things pop up that you never expected. Did I expect the man who had his driver come in for condoms every Friday and Saturday night to end up being the man I’d share my life with?

  Hell, no!

  Am I glad that happened?

  Hell, yes!

  His light brown hair has fallen across his face, so I push it back. I love gazing at him while he sleeps. He’s beautiful.

  I pick out things about him I hope our kids will have. His nose will be a thing I’ll want all our sons to have. It’s perfect. His lips are just the right amount of pouty and I think our daughters would look pretty with them. His eyelashes are thicker than mine, so I hope our girls will get them. And his muscles are a thing I hope the boys get.

  His temper is more even than mine is, I hope they all get that. A family only has room for one hothead!

  He stirs and catches me looking at him. A sleepy smile moves over his lips. “What are you doing, Cami?”

  “Nothing,” I say as I stroke his hair. “Go back to sleep and let me keep looking at you.”

  A deep chuckle makes his body shake and vibrate mine. “Okay.” His light brown eyes close and he snuggles his face into my neck, tickling it a bit.

  My giggle has him tightening his arm around me and kissing my neck. His kisses are light at first then he’s making longer kisses and sucking at my neck a bit, making me moan.

  In between my legs goes wet. I turn my body to press up against him. His pulsing male organ touches me, coaxing me to run one leg over his hip, so I can settle into him better.

  His mouth keeps moving until his lips touch mine. I snake my arm around his neck as I grind my body to his, making his cock grow by leaps and bounds. Moving over me, he pulls his mouth off mine to watch my expression as he moves his erection into me.

  “Yes, there it is,” he says as I moan with how good he feels inside of me. “You glow, baby. When I’m in you, you physically glow.”

  Shying away, as he watches me too intensely, I find his mouth back on mine as he starts moving with a long, slow rhythm. Our bodies move together like waves in the ocean.

  The way his hands move over my shoulders and down my arms, sends chills through me, making bumps appear all over my skin. His hands take mine and he holds them over my head in one of his hands.

  I hear the sound of him opening the drawer of the nightstand next to him and feel the soft velvet covered cuffs go around my wrists as he cuffs me to the headboard. “You have the right to remain silent,” he whispers to me as he takes his mouth away from mine.”

  I moan a bit as he moves his body in a way that leaves mine begging for more. “Oh, baby.”

  “Shh,” he shushes me. “You have the right to remain sexy as hell.”

  I smile a little as he gives me a hard thrust. “Uh!”

  “You have the right to scream when I make you see the lights of Heaven,” he says then licks up one side of my neck.

  I squirm as it tickles. “Baby!”

  Moving his body off mine, he leaves me panting as he picks me up and turns me over on my knees, replacing my cuffed hands on the headboard. His hands all over my ass, have me shaking.

  “Ask me for it,” he says as he rubs one particular area on my right cheek.

  “Please,” I moan as I ache to feel his hand come down on it.

  A swift pop and my ass tingles with the action. “You like?”

  “Yes,” I moan as I heat inside even more. “Again.”

  Another lands on me and I yelp as it sends sparks of pure energy through me. “You want more?”

  “More,” I beg. “Give me more.”

  Again, and again he spanks me until I shout, “Lemon!” My body is quivering and I’m near tears as he stops his assault and kisses my ass all over.

  Soft kisses followed by licks and little nips and sucks have me begging him to get inside of me. He growls as he complies, “My wife likes it when I fuck her, huh?”

  “She does,” I moan. “Please, Cyprian. Don’t make me wait any longer, I’m about to explode.”

  His first thrust sends the air out of my lungs as he says, “You wait until I say you can release.”

  I groan with how hard that’ll be. “Oh, please.”

  He pulls all the way out. “If you can’t.”

  I stop him. “I can. Please, Cyprian. I’ll wait until you say.”

  “Good girl,” he says then moves back into me with another hard thrust.

  My ass is a flurry of sensations as his body beats it with every hard stroke. I grunt to hold the orgasm at bay. “Cyprian, God!”

  “Wait for me,” he says between clenched teeth.

  The wave builds and threatens to cascade over the edge without his command and it takes all I have in me not to let it go. I hold it back, gritting my teeth as he slams into me.

  I can’t control the shuddering my body starts and a sweat breaks out, covering me. It makes our bodies slip against the other’s and he begins to moan. His cock jerks once inside me then he shouts, “Give it to me, baby!”

  Shattering into a million pieces, I let my orgasm go free and find my head nearly exploding with the amount of adrenaline that goes skyrocketing through my body.

  Tremors of pure bliss go through me and I feel his body trembling too. “God, that was amazing!”

  His lips land on my back. “You did good, baby.”

  My hands are uncuffed as he leans over me, keeping our bodies together. He’s still stiff inside of me and I’m not sure he’s ready to stop. He rubs my shoulders as I put my hands on the bed to keep my body up.

  After a few moments of massaging my shoulders, he pulls out of me and I fall to the bed in an exhausted and spent heap. Rolling me over, he picks me up to face him. I see his cock is not nearly ready to stop the party and smile. “Insatiable.”

  He nods and takes my arms, wrapping them around his neck. “Wrap those pretty legs around me and let me bury myself in your hot underworld.”

  I giggle a little and do as he says, finding it burning a bit as he slides back into me. “Did you put some of that jelly stuff on you?”

  “I did,” he says as a warmth spreads through me. “The bottle had the words, ‘sure to please’ on it. Is it pleasing you?”

  The warmth is beyond amazing and has me rocking my body to get him to move even faster. “Yes, it is pleasing me. Oh, God, Cyprian!”

  He laughs as I wiggle on him. “It seems to be working.”

  “It is!” I say as I gyrate. “I need it harder. Faster and harder.”

  He lays me on the bed, so he can do what I need him to. “Better?” he asks as he slams into me deeper.

  The warm feeling hits a place so far inside me, I arch up to try to get him even deeper. “I don’t know how you got that stuff on you so fast but I’m damn glad you did. Fuck me hard, Cyprian.”

  The way his mouth quirks up into a half smile tells me he likes it when I get nasty with him. “Your wish is my command.”

  He takes me like he owns me. Which he pretty much does. I have no need to experience any other man. Cyprian leaves no fantasy unfulfilled!

  The heat gets so intense, it sends me into a hard orgasm, making me shriek like I’m being murdered. His mouth shuts me up as he kisses me and doesn’t stop pounding me until I’m a pool of jelly and he finds his own end.

  As my body still quivers, he moves us up on the bed, still on top of me. I find exhaustion creeping up on me
fast and feel the steady comfort of his heart pounding against my chest as the darkness closes in on me.

  Is it too much to hope this never ends…

  Chapter 7


  “Look what I found today,” I tell Cami as I tug her to come with me to look at a rare find.

  I push open the door to the bedroom across the hall from ours and she gasps as she sees what I’ve purchased. “A baby bed?”

  “Yes, isn’t it the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?” I take her to touch the cherry wood bed I found at a shop in town. “I had to get it. I’ve never seen anything like it. Look at the ornate carvings. It’s gorgeous.”

  “It is but I’m not even pregnant yet. It might jinx us. It has been months since I stopped taking birth control and nothing’s happened yet,” she says as she runs her hand over the smooth polished wood.

  “The gynecologist told you it could take up to a year for your system to get back in order. It will happen. I’ll make sure of that,” I say as I chuckle and grab her up in my arms, making her face me.

  Her smile is a bit on the sad side and I find it makes my heart hurt. “In three months, it will have been an entire year since I’ve been off birth control.”

  “I’m not worried a bit about it. It will happen. Maybe I need to stand you on your head to make it take.” I laugh and spin her around. “I’ll do whatever it takes to plant my seed, baby!”

  “I know that. It’s just that I’m getting worried,” she says as she frowns.

  “Baby, don’t be. We have enough money to do whatever we have to, in order to have a baby. I’m not worried. You don’t need to be either.” I take her hand and take her out of the room that I thought she’d be much happier about.

  Now I can see this is weighing on her and I hate that. Then it hits me like a brick.

  Is this what I get for years of living like a sexual deviant?


  The truth is weighing me down as Cyprian looks at me with a bit of worry in his eyes. “Cami, what if this is how I am to be punished for how I’ve lived?”


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