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The Reconstruction of Cyprian

Page 41

by Michelle Love

  Rod shouts from the living room. “More coffee!”

  Jenna hurries to put the biscuits in the oven then grabs the pot and nearly runs to the living room with it to fill the asshole’s cup.

  “Lazy, bastard,” I grumble under my breath.

  Mom gets up. “I’m going to shower and dress before breakfast. I’ll get your father up too.”

  As she leaves the kitchen, Jenna comes back in and places the nearly empty pot in the coffee maker. She takes out the filter full of old coffee grounds and throws it away then gets a new one and fills it with fresh grounds.

  I place a jug of spring water on the counter. “You want to use this? It makes better coffee.”

  She nods and pours the water into the reservoir. “Thank you.”

  I make sure to keep my voice quiet as I ask, “Everything okay, Jen?”

  “Yes.” She walks over to check the biscuits. “Would you like me to get the eggs out for you?”

  “That would be nice. Thank you.” I try hard not to stare at her as she takes them out of the fridge and places the carton on the counter top. “Can you crack them into a bowl and scramble them for me?”

  She nods and gets to work on that. When she reaches up into the overhead cabinet were the bowls are I see her wince again and pull her arm back to her side.

  This time, I go to her and run my hand over her shoulder and move her shirt back a little. She kind of freaks out and steps away from me. I take her by the wrist, stopping her and she winces again.

  When I look down I see it’s red and I take the other one and see it’s red too. “What’s this about?”

  “Nothing.” She looks away. “Normal stuff. I’d rather not discuss it. Rod would hate that.”

  I let her go and turn away. “Cuffs?”

  “No,” she answers as I reach up and get a bowl and place it on the counter.

  “What then?” I ask as I take a whisk from the drawer and place it in the bowl for her.

  “Bungee cord. You know a little bondage. Nothing odd.” Her cheeks go pink and she still won’t look at me.

  “I don’t think anything is supposed to be so tight it leaves marks and you hurting, Jenna.” I go back to the stove and get the sausages out of the pan and take the empty pan to the sink and grab a new one for the eggs.

  “They don’t hurt and the lines will go away in a few hours.” She starts cracking the eggs and putting them into the bowl.

  I move next to her and start stirring them with the whisk as she puts them in. “You two do that kind of stuff a lot?”

  She shakes her head. “No.”

  “Special occasions, I assume.” I look over her shoulder and try to see down the back of her shirt.

  I’m sure I’d see something on her back if I could just see down it.

  Then she looks up at me and her lips part. Then they close again and she looks down. “Yes, only now and then. You know, normal fun. Nothing odd.”

  She’s said normal and odd way too many times so I push it a little more. “You still have my number if you need anything. And I’m going to be sending you some information on Arizona State University. Rod doesn’t have to know a thing. You can do the classes while he’s at work.”

  She takes the now empty carton and goes to the trash then comes back to my side and whispers, “Okay.” Then she walks away leaving me feeling off balanced.

  She comes back with Rod’s empty coffee cup and as she’s refilling it I deiced to make a daring and risky move. I walk up behind her and run my hands from her shoulders down her arms and lean in close. “This will be our secret, okay?”

  Without turning back, she whispers, “Okay. Thank you.”

  I step back and she leaves the kitchen and I find my hands buzzing from the contact with her soft skin.

  My body reacts to her more than it ever has to anyone. And I am left with such a want for her. I have to readjust my jeans as my cock sprang to life with the electricity that shot through me when I felt her skin beneath my palms.

  Why does she have to be with my brother?

  Chapter 6


  The porcelain is cold against my cheek as Rod has me bent over the sink in the men’s bathroom at the garage he works at. He called me thirty minutes ago and told me to come over here or he was going to fuck the new girl here who answers the phones.

  Apparently this man will put his dick into anything with a fucking pulse as that woman is on the heavy side and completely unattractive.

  He holds me down with one hand and with the other he holds my waist as he pounds into me from behind. I don’t know what set him off, but he’s in a terrible mood and didn’t want to talk.

  Just fuck!

  I cut my eyes up and see him looking into the mirror as he pounds into me. He’s watching himself and gritting his teeth as he grunts with every hard thrust.

  He’s filled with angst for some reason and it fills me with sorrow for him. I close my eyes and try to find some pleasure in this.

  I’ll be expected to climax and at this point, I’m nowhere near it. I listen to the guttural noises he’s making and focus on how his hard cock is moving in and out of me.

  Our skin slaps against the other’s with every hard thrust and then he moves his hand off my back and runs it over my ass. My skirt is flipped up, and he ripped my panties off me earlier. They lay in the trash can only a few feet away from me.

  He smacks my ass three times, and it sends my body into a shiver as it knows he’s about to cum. And my body knows it has to join him.

  Then he leans over me as he slams into me. His teeth graze my neck. “You like this Bitch? You like my hard cock filling up your tight pussy?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “You’re lucky you came when I told you to or this thick cock would be buried in the fat pussy on the other side of this door. You want that?” He bites my neck hard then sucks it and I know it will leave a purple mark.

  “I do not want that, Master.” My legs begin to shake as for reasons I cannot understand my body wants to climax with how he’s talking to me.

  Heat fills my ear with his breath and then his wet tongue goes into it. “When I tell you to come, I want you to scream my name out as loud as you can and pant loud too. I want the whole shop to know I’m fucking you in here.”

  My body freezes. That’s too humiliating. I shake my head. “That’s not in our contract. Please don’t ask me to do that.”

  His cheek is pressed to mine, the whiskers rake my tender flesh as he says, “If you don’t do as I say then I will string your ass up for three hours when I get home. I bought some nipple clamps and a new collar. A full collar and I’ll make you hang there with those on for three fucking hours. Now do as I say and know when I come home today, I’m putting you over my lap and spanking that ass while I finger fuck you for talking back to me.”

  “Yes, Master,” I say and close my eyes and try to go to another place in my head so I can do as he’s told me to.

  Then he adds the kicker, “Plus I’ll fuck Shamu after you leave if you don’t. That bitch has been giving me the eye since she came to work here three days ago. You need to show her you’re taking care of my needs. Get me?”

  “Yes, Master,” I say and feel bile rising in my throat.

  He moves faster and harder and then his body goes rigid. “Cum!” he says.

  I let my body go and scream, “Rod! God! Rod! Fuck!” I pant loud and moan loud. “Fuck me, Rod! You're amazing!”

  “That’s enough,” he says as he pulls out of me. “Don’t go overboard or they’ll think you’re acting.”

  I kind of was!

  I stand up and pull my dress back down and he puts himself back into his pants. He looks down at the trash can and then back at me. “Grab those and toss them into the trash can by her desk.”

  I shake my head. “Rod, I’m not that girl. Please.”

  His eyebrows arch as he looks at me. “You’re the fucking kind of girl I tell you to be. Now do as I say an
d for your insubordinate behavior I will be using the thick collar and nipple rings when I spank you later on.”

  I take the ripped red panties and wad them up in my hand. Then follow him out of the bathroom.

  There are two other mechanics lingering between the bay and the waiting room. At least there are no customers waiting. There’s the chubby chic staring at us as she sits at the dirty desk littered with papers.

  As I follow Rod by her desk, I toss the panties into the trash can and can’t bear to look at her as I do it. Rod turns his head just slightly to make sure I’ve done it then he reaches back and takes my hand in his.

  As we get to the front door which is made entirely of glass, he pulls me around in front of him and presses me against the wall next to the door. Then he presses himself against me and kisses me hard.

  His hand runs down my leg and he lifts it as he grinds his dick against me. Then he slowly lets it go and runs his hand up my waist and ends the kiss. He leans his forehead to mine. “Thanks for lunch, Baby.”

  “You’re welcome,” I whisper.

  Then he steps back and pushes the door open and I go through it and jump as he smacks my ass. “See you at home, Girl.”

  I smile and nod then turn to walk away. Going back home with no panties on and holding the bottom of my short dress so it won’t blow up and show my ass to our small town.

  Tears blur my vision as I walk.

  This isn’t me. I’m not this person.

  The wooden stairs creak as I walk up the old stairs to our small house. The white boards which make up the outside wall are worn, and the frequent sand storms have knocked quite a bit of paint off them.

  I turn and look at the neighborhood we live in. All small, little, wood-framed houses. All old and in need of a paint job. All very depressing.

  Going inside, I hear the beeping sound of the dryer and go straight to get the clothes out of it. It’s a load of Rod’s work uniforms and I lay them on top of the dryer then get the ironing board out and set the iron on it and plug it in and turn it on.

  Then I go to take a quick shower and change my clothes. I turn on only the cold water and quickly undress and get in. The water feels good against my cheek where his beard scratched it.

  The sweet smell of the apple scented shampoo Rod only allows us both to use brings me to a better place after the smell of the men’s room at the oily smelling garage.

  Urine and oil don’t make a very sexy aroma.

  After I rinse my hair out, I turn the water off and grab a towel and wrap it around me. In the bedroom I find another dress and pull it on and a new pair of panties.

  I don’t wear a bra unless I’m going somewhere, per Rod’s rules. Then I go to iron his clothes and then I’ll hang them up and wait for him to get home.

  My heart aches as well as my stomach as the man always stays true to his words. He will administer the punishment and for the life of me I don’t know why I can’t learn to keep my mouth shut and just do what he says to.

  It’s not as if people in this town haven’t seen the way Rod treats women. Of course, he’d be like that with me. I do live with the man after all.

  Yet it’s still embarrassing and I can’t stand how people look at me. With sorrow in their eyes.

  After the clothes are ironed and hung up, I take the small pile of his socks and underwear and go to the sofa with them to fold them.

  And then it starts. The flood of emotion. I sniffle as the tears fall down my cheeks in rivers.

  Every once in a while I sob and run the back of my hand over my cheeks and nose. Rod says it’s good for me to cry. He says it means I’m learning.

  Yet he sees crying as a weakness and refuses to get in touch with his emotions to grow stronger the way he’s telling me I have to do.

  A knock at the door startles me. “Who is it?” I manage to croak out.

  “Sue, Sweetheart.”

  I hurry to wipe my eyes and take a sock and blow my nose then go to the door. As I open it I can see her expression is confused.

  “Come in,” I say and push the screen door open.

  She comes inside and hugs me. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

  “Huh?” I run my fingertips under my eyes. “Nothing.”

  Sue takes my hand and pulls me to sit on the sofa next to her. “Jenna, why have you been crying?”

  She moves the pile of socks and underwear off to one side and looks at me as she holds both of my hands. And I don’t know what to say to her.

  Do I tell her that I’m ashamed of myself for fucking her son in the men’s room at his job so he wouldn’t fuck the new girl at work? Do I tell her I’m dreading when he comes home and doles out the punishment for daring to say I didn’t want to scream out his name as I came or toss my torn panties into the trash next to the woman who wants him?

  I search her eyes. Eyes that remind me of Reed’s so much. They’re lighter now. They used to be dark blue like Reed’s are.

  “I’m about to start my period. I always get emotional around this time of the month,” I say.

  “I see,” she says as she looks hard into my eyes. “No other reason?”

  I shake my head and the door flies open and Rod comes in and slams the door behind him. “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  She gets up and hugs him. “Hello to you too, Son.”

  He looks at me with a cold stare. Then gently pushes his mother away from him. “Beer, Jenna.”

  I jump up and run to the kitchen. “Sorry, you’re two hours early.”

  Sue asks as she sits back down, “What’s she sorry for, Rod?”

  “She’s sorry she didn’t have a beer waiting for me when I walked in.”

  I hurry back to him with the opened beer bottle. “Here, Sweetie.”

  He sits in his chair and I hand it to him. “Boots.”

  I kneel and begin to unlace the oily boots and try hard not to pay attention to Sue looking at me with her jaw hanging open. “Rod, you’re more than capable of doing that yourself!”

  “It’s part of our deal, Mom. I work hard to provide for us and she takes care of the house and me.” He takes a long drink of the beer. “What has you stopping by unannounced?” Then he looks at me. “Or did she tell you she was coming over and you didn’t say a thing to me about it, Jenna?”

  Before I can say anything, Sue comes to my rescue. “Rod, I didn’t tell her either! My goodness, Son! Can’t I stop by? I was in the neighborhood dropping off a casserole to your aunt Betty. She’s down with a virus and she only lives two streets over. So I thought I’d stop by and visit Jenna. Do you have a problem with that?”

  As I pull off the last boot he says, “I do, actually. I like to come home and chill.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Sue asks him as she grabs up the laundry and gets up.

  “Let her do it, Mom.” Rod gives me a look and I jump up off the floor and hurry to take the clothes from her.

  “I’m sure he puts these in the top drawer the same way I’ve always done it at home. I don’t mind.” She tries to hold on to the clothes but I manage to pry them away from her.

  “No,” I say as I walk away with the clothes. “He keeps them somewhere else. I’ll do it.”

  If she would’ve opened that drawer she’d have fainted with what she would see in it. Collars, leather straps, along with other assorted things he uses on me.

  “Mom, Jenna and I have things to do. I’m sure Dad needs you at home,” I hear him tell her.

  “God! Fine, I’m leaving. Bye, Jenna.”

  I go back out and give her a hug. “Bye, Sue.”

  She gives Rod a look. “Bye, Son. I’ll call next time.”

  “You do that,” he says. “Bye.” He pulls the brown bottle to his lips as I walk her out.

  She gives me a look just before I close the door. So I smile. “See you on Sunday for brunch, Sue.”

  She nods and goes to get into her new car.

  I go back inside and find Rod looking at me. “Lock the

  I do as he’s said then turn back to him. “Look, I’m sorry for talking back to you today. I had a difficult time with what you wanted but I understand now and that won’t happen again. I don’t feel like a punishment is necessary as I completely understand now.”

  Rod sets the bottle on the table next to him and pats his leg. I go to him and he pulls me to sit on his lap. His fingers twirl a piece of my hair. “So you understand, do you?”

  I nod and he moves his hand underneath my dress. He pushes my panties to the side and his finger goes inside me. He looks at me as he pumps it inside me then he turns it over and hits my G-spot.

  I grip his shoulders and take in a sharp breath as my body wants to climax. He looks into my eyes. “Don’t.” His finger wiggles and it sends waves through me.

  My fingers sink into his flesh as I try hard not to cum. He wiggles his finger more and then it just happens and I cum. I gasp as it happens. “I’m sorry!”

  “Why?” He looks at me as he pulls his finger out of me and puts it in his mouth. “Didn’t that feel good?”

  “It did, but you didn’t give me permission to.” My heart is pounding in my chest. I have no idea what he’s going to do about this.

  “That bitch didn’t bother me after you left. I overheard her talking to someone on the phone and she said you were a little scary and she had no want to get on your bad side. I heard her say she was going to move on to another one of the mechanics.” His hand runs up my thigh, pulling the dress with it.

  “That’s good then,” I say and run my hands through his hair.

  He nods. “Yes, it is. Seems I’m teaching you how to be a woman, Jenna. And I want to show you how proud I am of you. I’m even proud of you for standing up for yourself with me. That’s what I want from you. To grow into the woman, I need.”

  He gets up and carries me to the bedroom. I unbutton the buttons on his dirty blue work shirt with his name embroidered in white on the upper left side of it. He caresses my cheek as I push it off his broad shoulders.

  “You’re beautiful, Jenna.” His lips touch my cheek.

  I unbutton his pants and push them down. They fall around his ankles and I pull his underwear down and he steps out of the pile. Then I take his hand and lead him to the shower.


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