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The Reconstruction of Cyprian

Page 60

by Michelle Love

  He drains the last of the wine from his glass. “Ready to go? I made reservations. You do like French cuisine, don’t you?”

  I shrug. “I’ve never had it.”

  “Oh my goodness. Where have you been living, under a rock? Never had French food!” he asks as he ushers me out the door.

  No! Bel-Air, Mr. Rude!

  My car is nicer than his, I see as we get out to the parking lot. Reed has me in a Mercedes and Steven is driving a Ford Fusion.

  Then I realize he has no idea what I drive as I mostly walk the two blocks to the school.

  He looks over at my car which he’s parked right beside. He lets out a long whistle. “Now what kind of pretentious piece of work drives this environmental killer?”

  I have no idea if I should claim it or not. Then think maybe I should be truthful with this guy. “It’s mine.”

  His eyebrows go way up. “Yours? How the hell can you afford this?”

  I can’t!

  “It was a graduation gift from my family,” I lie. And I think I’ll find myself lying about more things if I’m not very careful.

  He walks around to the driver’s side not even attempting to open the car door for me. Which Reed always has and even Rod would let me in on his side of the truck and I’d slide over, staying in the middle to be next to him.

  I get in, a bit disappointed in the man but still not giving up on him yet. “So where are you from originally, Steven?”

  “Florida.” He stops and looks at me. “Well, New Jersey, then Florida. And sometime before that, I lived in Connecticut. My family moved a lot. My mother married three times before I turned eighteen and went off to college.”

  “Are you close to your family?” I ask as he pulls away from my apartment and I realize I’m stuck with him until he decides to bring me back and it scares the shit out of me for some reason.

  “God no!” he says as his hand goes through the air. “I don’t even talk to them. I have four half-sisters, one-half brother and that’s all on my mother’s side. On my father’s side, I have no real number to tell you. He was a real player. As a matter of fact, that’s what my mother loves. Men who cheat on her. I like to call her a professional victim. She acts like it’s never her fault the men cheat on her. But she picks the same type over and over again.”

  “I see. So no big family Christmas parties or anything like that?” I ask as I look out the window at the lights passing by very slowly as this man drives like an old man.

  “No. I haven’t even seen any of them in the last three years. And what about your family?” he asks then he takes my hand and holds it in the middle console.

  I look at our clasped hands and feel nothing. His touch does nothing to me.

  Does the hand have to belong to a Manning to ignite anything in me?

  “I have a mom and dad and I’m their only child. They were older when they had me. I was a surprise. They thought my mother couldn’t have children,” I say and look back at our hands and wonder why there’s no spark at all.

  “Well, maybe she wasn’t meant to have children. I know there are plenty of women out there who should never be mothers. Mine included.” He gives my hand a squeeze. “I should think since you want to be around little kids all day with your kindergarten teaching, you have no want for kids anytime soon.”

  My mind is kind of blown that he said my mother must not have been meant to have kids.

  Does that mean I was a mistake in his eyes?

  “I love kids. I want quite a few of them.”

  A frown covers his face that I would call handsome. He’s definitely not ugly, but the way he talks is making him look less attractive than I thought he was before this.

  “Yeah, but you’re just starting your career. I know you don’t want kids for at least ten years or so, right? I mean, you have to get your life in order first and then see if kids have a place in it.” He pulls into a parking lot with not a lot of cars in it and that usually means the food sucks.

  “Ten years is a long time. I’ll be in my thirties by then. No, I want kids before that.” I open the door and get out on my own once he parks as it’s obvious if he didn’t open the door for me to get in, he won’t be opening it for me to get out.

  He walks up next to me and puts his hand at the small of my back. “That’s interesting that you’d say that. In my ten-year plan, I have no part of it that contains kids.”

  “I don’t have a ten-year plan,” I say as I wait for him to pull the restaurant door open but he’s behind me so he doesn’t.

  I sigh and pull the door open and step inside as he looks confused. “No ten-year plan, huh?”

  I turn back to him. “Does that disappoint you?”

  He shakes his head. “No. No, not really. I can teach you about those kinds of things.” He looks at the hostess. “Reservation for two for Johnson.”

  She looks around the half empty restaurant with a smile on her face. “Oh, you’re the guy who called. Yeah, we don’t usually need anyone to make reservations. But come this way, please.”

  Steven looks around then whispers, “It’s eight o’clock. We must’ve missed the dinner rush.”

  I nod but think there never is a dinner rush in this place and plan on filling up on crackers or bread or whatever they don’t cook in this place.

  The woman shows us to a table for two under a dim light that hangs from the short ceiling. “Can I start you off with any appetizers and drinks?”

  Steven sits without pulling out my chair so I do it myself and think that even the motorcycle gang member, Rod, pulled out my damn chair for me.

  “Escargot and Merlots,” he says.

  The look on the young woman’s face makes me think she has something she’d like to say so I ask, “Is the escargot good here?”

  “Um, uh,” she stammers.

  Steven looks at me. “I’m sure it is. Go ahead and get what I asked for. You said you’ve never eaten French cuisine before. What do you know about escargot, Jenna?”

  “I know it’s snails and I can’t think of a way to prepare snails in a pleasant tasting way at all.” I pick up the menu and look at it as he stares blankly at me.

  “Well, they are a refined taste for a palate which is experienced. You will learn to like the finer things in life if you decide to keep dating me, Jenna. I can show you a world you never dreamed of.”

  I pull the menu down to look at him. “Is that so?”

  He nods. “I am very well read and have studied a lot about all kinds of things.”

  This man is so full of himself!

  The date went on and eventually, when Steven stopped talking, things got better. And now we’re standing in front of my apartment door and he’s looking at me like he wants to kiss me.

  I’ve never kissed anyone else other than a Manning so I lean in and let him kiss me. It’s kind of a smooshing feeling as his lips are squishy and I pull back before any tongue action starts.

  “How about tomorrow we go see an afternoon movie?” he asks.

  I see hope in his brown eyes and nod. “K.”

  “Good. I’ll call you in the morning to let you know what time I’ll pick you up,” he says then turns and walks away.

  I turn and open the door and go inside feeling very odd. It’s only ten and I find myself wanting to know what Reed’s doing. But I know I shouldn’t call him so I tap in a text to Sue to see how she’s doing instead.

  I text or call her every day and I seem to have forgotten to do that today.

  -Evening, Sue. I know it’s late. I just wanted to see if things were good for you today-

  She texts right back, -I’m up. Just got off the phone with Rod. Things are good today. Feeling better every day. Reed’s coming in tomorrow and the boys are going on a fishing trip together-

  I text back -Glad to hear that. Seems they’ve been getting along great-

  My heart hurts that since I’ve left them alone they seem to be doing so well with each other.

  Her text come
s back – They have. Love you. Going to sleep now-

  -Love you, Sue. Goodnight-

  I pull off my clothes and go to bed and know it’s best to leave them alone.

  But how long can I do this?

  Chapter 34


  A woman with long brown hair which hangs in curls down to her tiny waist sits across from me at the restaurant I took her to after days of conflicting thoughts about asking her out.

  I met Lana Littlejohn at a meeting in Sacramento last week. She’s a wealthy woman in her own right and knows how to make savvy real estate deals.

  Lana suggested we get together sometime as she thinks we’d make good business partners and maybe compatible love interests. I laughed her off at first but she’s kind of been pressing me into asking her out.

  A lot of texting and emails have been going back and forth between us so I finally said what the hell and asked her out.

  But now that we’re out together and I can see the real her, I’m not so sure. She’s nowhere near as down home and nice as Jenna.

  The waitress brought her a bottled water like she asked for and I thought for a minute there she was going to toss it into the poor girl’s face when it was the wrong kind.

  But she quickly calmed down and even apologized for her behavior. Though I do wonder if that was for my benefit and something that wouldn’t happen in the future once she got really comfortable with me.

  It’s been three months since I’ve talked to Jenna. And she has another three months until she tells us what she’s decided.

  She’s not spoken to Rod nor me. Yet she talks to or texts our mother every day. Mom has been tight-lipped about what Jenna is doing. She did make mention of her having a date with the principal of the school she’s student teaching at.

  No more was ever said about that, though. I guess it was a one-time thing much the way it looks like this might be.

  Long red nails inch over the table top toward my hand which is resting on the stem of my wine glass. They gently scratch at my hand as she purrs, “Reed, what are you thinking about?”

  How badly I wish it was Jenna sitting in that chair instead of you!


  “You were a million miles away just then,” she says and her nails continue to move over my hand.

  I take notice that no sparks run through me with her touch. Jenna can look at my hand and it’ll tingle. When she touches it, electricity fills me.

  “I’ve been working a lot lately. Just tired, I guess,” I offer for my attention problem.

  I have immersed myself in work. It makes the time pass a lot faster. Late to bed, early to get up, has my days long and filled up.

  “So, how is it a man of your good looks and money is alone, Reed?”

  Because I fell in love with the same woman my brother did before me and I’m giving her a chance to see which one of us she really wants, if either of us.

  “The timing isn’t right for a woman in my life right now,” I say instead of all that other stuff.

  “Reed Manning has enough money to calm down a bit and make time for a woman in his life. As do I,” she says then runs her hand up my arm as she scoots her chair closer. “And my bed has been cold and lonely for a little too long and needs heating up. If you know what I mean?”

  Of course, I know what she means!

  “You just say what you want, huh?” I ask as I move back out of her reach as her touch just isn’t doing a thing for me.

  “I didn’t get to where I am not going for what I want. And Reed Manning, I want you.” She sits back and puts one red nail on her lower lip which is also red.

  Her white teeth peek out between her plump lips as she smiles just a bit. I suppose she’s waiting for my response.

  “Okay,” I say and look away as I don’t know what the hell else to say to that.

  “Okay? That means you accept my proposition? Me and you, a thing?” She leans in and the top of her white shirt gapes open on purpose.

  Her breasts are perfectly formed as they pour over the top of her white bra. And I think they’re too perfect and look harder and know then they aren’t real.

  My cock doesn’t move with the sight and that’s a real eye opener for me. But Jenna has yet to get in touch with me and if she has news she is moving on to another man then I need a shoulder I can lean on when I get that news.

  And Lana has nice shoulders!

  “Do you like Chinese food, Reed?” she asks as her hand runs over the top of my thigh.

  Nothing! Not a single spark and her hand is inches away from my dick!

  “I do like it,” I tell her.

  I don’t add the fact that my favorite Chinese restaurant is going to be catering a wedding for me in three months if Jenna picks me or Rod to marry and if not, it will be a monster party for me and my brother to get the hell over her at.

  I don’t think one giant party is going to do that for me, though!

  Lana is a beautiful woman. She’s a little older than I am at thirty but she’s nice to look at. Her brown hair has some gold streaks in it. But they’re not natural like Jenna’s blonde hair with its golden strands that occur naturally.

  Her face is heavily made up so I have no idea what she looks like under the thick layer. Jenna wears little to no make-up. Her creamy skin is perfectly tanned and her cheeks are naturally pink tinged.

  Jenna’s breasts are perfect. The left is slightly larger than the right and the nipples can get erect really quickly. Sometimes with just a look from me.

  My finger moves in a swirling motion on the table top as I think about running my hands over Jenna’s firm but squishy in the right places, breasts.


  I look back at Lana. “Sorry, did you say something, Lana?”

  “I did. I asked you about going to get Chinese food tomorrow in San Francisco. We can take my private helicopter. I love flying it.” She taps the top of her wine glass as she waits for me to answer.

  “You know how to fly a helicopter?” I ask with a grin.

  She nods. “And a trip in it along the California coastline tomorrow sounds like a great idea and adding you into that plan sounds like an amazing day to me. How about you?”

  “It does sound cool,” I admit.

  “So?” she asks as she stares at me.

  I know this woman is not used to being turned down. But I’m feeling like this isn’t going anywhere anyway and all I can think about is Jenna.

  “I’ll let you know by tomorrow.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I see. You know, Reed Manning, I never take no for an answer.”

  My lips quirk up into a half smile. “Bet you don’t. But I don’t ever say yes to something until I think about it.”

  Her lips form a tight line. I think she’s met her match and doesn’t like it too much. Then she smiles. “Reed Manning is a man of decisive actions from what I’ve been told about you.”

  Okay, this Reed Manning shit is getting old so damn fast!

  “Lana, look, I don’t want you to feel like I’m wasting your time. I’m going to get right to the point here. If you’re looking for anything more than an occasional date, I’m not your guy,” I say and watch her frown.

  “Then why did you ask me out?” she asks with a snarl to her voice.

  “Because you have texted me, instant messaged me, and called my phone a lot since we met at that meeting.” I watch her dark brown eyes grow large.

  “Are you saying I was annoying you?” Her hand goes to her chest and I can tell I’ve offended her.

  “No. I’m saying, I wasn’t up to dating and your insistence on it may be bad timing. I think we have a lot of common interests. I like your idea of fun. I do. The timing is off, I think. That’s all.” I pick up my wine glass and suddenly feel like I need something much stronger.

  I wave our waitress down and order a gin and tonic to which Lana adds a Cosmopolitan.

  Seems we both need something stronger than the wine!

bsp; “You have someone you’re pining after. I can see it in your eyes, Reed. But if this woman is daft enough to leave you hanging, I assure you she’s not worth your time.”

  The drinks arrive and I take a nice long drink of mine. I hold up a finger telling the waitress to bring me one more and she leaves us to do that.

  When I pull the glass from my lips, I say, “Lana, you don’t understand. I don’t care to discuss this with anyone. And I won’t. Because it involves too much information on a party who is not present and it might hurt her if she ever found out I spilled her secrets. But the fact is I am holding out for a certain woman.”

  “Where is this dumb woman?” Lana takes a drink and places it back on the table and I can see she’s getting ready to make a case for me to move on.

  “Working and taking the time I told her to take to figure out who it is she loves.” I find my leg shaking as I hate having to discuss this with anyone.

  “She loves more than just you then?” she asks with a smirk. “Who would the other man be? My God, you’re the catch of the century! Who else could she be in love with?”

  I shake my head as there is no way I’m going to tell her that she loves my grease monkey, ass whipping brother too.

  Who the fuck would understand that?

  “Lana, this has been great, but I got to go. Maybe we can do this sometime later. I’m sorry about this. I just wasn’t ready. You’re a great girl.” I get up and walk away, leaving her at the table, glaring after me.

  I don’t look back. I keep walking until I’m out the door and catch the first cab I see.

  The lights flash through the window as he drives me home and I call my mother to see how her day went. “Reed!” she answers.

  “Hi, Mom. How are you this evening?”

  “I got back home yesterday and I am loving it! I just got off the phone with Jenna to talk to you and was telling her how great it is to be in my own home after what seems like an eternity in the rehab facility.”

  “How is she?” I ask as I run my fingertips over the window and pretend it’s her face.

  “She’s doing great over there in Tempe. They’ve offered her a teaching job there, and she’s still dating that principal,” she says.


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