
Home > Other > Crossroads > Page 21
Crossroads Page 21

by Skyy

  Yeah, I was just thinking about you.

  Denise pulled off her shirt. Her text alert blared again.

  Farih: What were you thinking?

  Denise smiled.

  That I should have stayed for that espresso.

  Mariah knocked on the door. She slowly opened the door without waiting for Denise to answer. Denise looked at Mariah’s sullen face. Mariah stood in the door.

  “Are you sure you want to sleep in here?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” Denise sat down on the floor and prepared to do her sit-ups.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, Denise. I really thought we both had the same unders—”

  “Mariah, we are cool. You didn’t hurt my feelings. I was just caught off guard. We are good, trust me. I’m not ready for anything serious, and neither are you. It’s cool, really. Don’t worry about it.”

  Mariah’s face stayed the same. She was confused, not really sure if she was happy or a little disappointed that Denise wasn’t upset over the intimate part of their relationship ending. Mariah forced a smile. She turned and closed the door.

  Denise began to do sit-ups. She thought about Mariah. The feelings she had developed were dissolving quickly. In mid sit-up her phone began to ring. She smiled when Farih’s name came up. Denise sat up.

  “Hey, you,” Denise responded in her a deep, calm voice.

  Farih sat up in her bed. She smiled. “See, you shouldn’t have said no in the first place.”

  Denise laughed. “You’re right. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  Farih bit her lip. “What makes you think there will be another time?”

  “Let’s just say, I hope there will be.”

  Farih’s face ached from her big grin. “I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Well, I was going to go work out tomorrow. I was hoping you would be up for shooting some hoops.”

  “Hoops? What do you know about shooting hoops?”

  “Don’t underestimate the model.” Farih smirked.

  They both laughed.

  “Sounds like fun. I haven’t played ball in so long. I could use the practice.”

  “Well, great. Maybe we can make a wager, to make it interesting.”

  “Girl, I don’t want to take your money.” Denise sat on the side of the bed.

  “I didn’t say anything about money,” Farih replied, causing both of them to blush. “Text me your address, and I’ll pick you up at noon.”

  “Will do.”

  “Good night, Denise.”

  “Sweet dreams, Farih.”

  Denise hung the phone up. She suddenly wanted to thank Mariah for the make-out session with the guy. Denise headed to the shower with thoughts of Farih consuming her.


  “How could you be so stupid?” Lena hit Brandon as he walked in the loft.

  Brandon laughed.

  “This shit isn’t funny. My mother was here!”

  Brandon walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. “So, you are more concerned with your parents knowing than with the fact that I was kissing another woman.”

  Lena paused. She looked at Brandon, whose face showed a bit of irritation. “Well, we are, you know... so I pretty much expected you to be messing with someone else.”

  “Whatever, Lena.” Brandon walked past her and sat in the chair. “So, is that all you wanted? ’Cause, damn, Lena, you act like your parents aren’t gonna find out we are divorcing. I really expected your mom to show up when you lost ...”

  Lena shot Brandon an evil stare.

  Brandon looked at Lena, his eyes widened. “Lena, you never told your parents we lost the baby?”

  Lena turned away from Brandon.

  Brandon stood up. “Wait a minute. Lena, you never told them you were pregnant!”

  “I didn’t get around to it.”

  “What the fuck type of shit is that, Lena?”

  “Well, we were going through our shit, and everything was happening so fast. Besides, it’s a good thing now because last thing I want is them all up in my business. Oh wait, you have fixed that for me.”

  “Lena, don’t even try to put that on me. You the one who is hiding shit. We are getting a divorce. People are gonna find out.”

  “I know, but damn, Brandon, we could have handled it in a better way than ending up in the gossip blogs. Do you know how that makes me look?”

  A knock at the door interrupted their discussion. Brandon walked to the door and pulled it open. His face dropped at the sight of Terrin.

  “Can I help you?” Brandon stood in the door like a security guard. He looked down at Terrin’s boyish appearance.

  Terrin looked at Brandon’s massive body. “I’m sorry. Is Lena here?”

  Lena’s whole body tensed up when she heard the voice. Her heart started beating fast. She rushed to the door and wedged herself in front of Brandon.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  Terrin looked at Lena then at Brandon, his face covered with anger. “I was just coming by to say hey. I hadn’t heard from you in a few days.”

  Brandon’s tight-lipped expression dropped. He shook his head, letting out a chuckle while walking back into the house.

  Lena closed the door behind her. “I’m sorry. I’ve had some family stuff going on.” Lena lowered her voice.

  “I see. Well, I guess, get at me when you want to.” Terrin turned around.

  Lena grabbed her arm. “Terrin, please don’t be mad. It’s not what you think. It’s a long story, but trust me, it’s not what it looks like.”

  “I hear ya. Well, you know where to find me, Lena.”

  “I will call you, I promise.”

  Terrin walked away without responding.

  Lena took a deep breath then walked back into the house. She closed the door and looked at Brandon, sitting on the arm of the couch, staring at her.

  “Don’t start,” Lena huffed, walking into the house.

  “So, you want to talk about me and who I’m kissing. Hell, at least it’s someone of a different sex.” Brandon crossed his arms.

  “Brandon ...”

  “So what? Are you gay now, Lena? You coming out the closet? Is that your new little boyfriend?”

  “Brandon, please.” Lena sighed.

  “Tell me, Lena, how do you think it’s gonna make me look when someone snaps a photo of you hugged up with some dyke?”

  “That’s not gonna happen.”

  “How do you know?”

  Lena turned toward Brandon. “Because unlike you, I know how to do my shit in private.”

  Brandon’s bottom lip dropped. “So, you really are messing with that girl?”

  “I’m not messing with anyone. She’s nice, we hang out.”

  “That’s bullshit and you know it. What the fuck are you, some damn dyke now?”

  Lena’s mouth dropped.

  “Answer my fucking question!”

  “I’m not answering a damn thing.” Lena rolled her eyes.

  Brandon was fuming. He let out a loud growl. Pure rage consumed him. He flipped the dining room table over with one quick lift.

  Lena jumped.

  Brandon paced the floor.

  “Brandon, please ...”

  “You know what? Fuck this shit. You wanna be a dyke, then go be a damn dyke. I’m done wit’ yo ass.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Brandon rushed up to Lena. Lena ducked. Brandon looked at Lena’s scared face. He backed off, shaking his head.

  Lena’s whole body quivered in fear.

  “You know what? This shit is for the birds. You wanna go be gay, then do it. I’m not about to sit around and watch the shit.”

  “Brandon, you don’t understand what I am going through,” Lena cried. “I just gotta figure things out on my own.”

  “Do that then. But I’m not staying around to watch you ruin your life. I’m out of here.�
� Brandon grabbed his keys and walked out the house. He slammed the door with so much force, it shook the room.

  Lena stared at the door. She knew the only man she loved was never coming back.


  Denise stood outside of the tall community center building. She watched people walk in and out of the doors. She thought about her days of playing ball at the local community center in Memphis, back when she played for fun, not for school or a scholarship.

  “Hey, you.” Farih smiled, walking up to Denise.

  Even in a simple pair of jeans and a baby doll tee Farih looked like a supermodel.

  “Ready to get your ass kicked?”

  Denise laughed. “Right. Even though I’m rusty, I doubt you will kick my ass.”

  “I guess we will see then.” Farih walked past Denise and headed up the stairs.

  Denise followed. “So, I have one question,” Denise said as they walked into the rundown facility. “Why are we playing here and not at some swanky place?”

  Farih smiled. “I’ll show you.”

  She opened a door. A group of young women were laughing in the small room. “Hey, ladies.”

  Denise watched as the young girls greeted Farih like she was a big sister.

  “Everyone, this is my friend Denise.”

  “Hi, Denise,” the seven girls chimed in unison. Denise waved back.

  “Denise is a basketball player and model.”

  “I’m not a model,” Denise chimed in.

  “You played for Freedom in Memphis, didn’t you?” One of the young women pointed at Denise.

  “Yeah, I did.” Denise was surprised. The girl reminded her of herself. Her long body was covered in oversized basketball shorts and shirt. The girl’s hair was braided to the back.

  The girl smiled. “I thought about going there when I graduate. Y’all got a good team, for a black school.”

  “We do indeed. You play?” Denise asked.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Well, we are gonna have to play some then.” Denise smiled.

  The young girl nodded her head in approval.

  Denise watched in amazement as Farih talked to the group like she was one of them. They talked about everything, from boyfriends to sex.

  Farih gave honest answers. She didn’t fill their head with nonsense like many would do. She didn’t try to force the abstinence idea on them. She was honest, open, and the young women showed their respect in return.

  Farih wasn’t the supermodel in that room; she was just a woman who was sharing her knowledge and time with a group of young women who might not have anyone else to turn to.

  Denise couldn’t believe how down-to-earth Farih was; it was sexy as hell to her.

  A bell rang, and the girls all stood up. They said their good-byes and headed out the door.

  “So what did you think?” Farih picked up her bag.

  “This is cool. It’s great that you are doing this.”

  Denise and Farih walked out of the room.

  “I can tell those girls really love you.”

  “And I love them too.” Farih’s face lit up. “When I was younger, I went to a place like this. I had a woman who I could talk to. I just wanted to do the same for others.”

  “Dig that.” Denise was feeling Farih even more. “So, what’s next?”

  “Next, I kick your ass at ball.”

  They walked into a gym. A group of men were playing a pickup game. Farih pulled a basketball out of her bag.

  The ball sent chills through Denise’s body. She hadn’t picked up a basketball in a while. She held the ball in her hands; it felt good.

  Farih pulled her shirt over her head. The men playing the game found it hard to focus as Farih pulled off her jeans to reveal a pair of tight Nike Be Fast capris.

  Farih’s pants and sports bra also consumed Denise’s thoughts; she knew how the men felt at that moment.

  Some of the men began to wolf-whistle, and yelling in her direction. Farih smiled, ignoring the men’s advances.

  Denise felt very protective. She wanted to grab Farih and hold her so the men would know what the deal was.

  “So, that’s not bothering you?”

  “Comes with the job.” Farih leaned back. “I’m sure some of them are for you too.” She winked at Denise.

  “Hi, Farih.” A gentleman in a Nike track suit walked up to them.

  Farih stood up and hugged the gentleman. “Hey, Jessie. This is my friend.”

  “Denise Chambers. I know who you are. Played for Freedom. I thought you were going to be playing for Liberty this year.”

  Denise hoped her face didn’t show her feelings. The subject was still sore for her. “I got injured, but hopefully I’ll be back next year.”

  “Jessie is the coach of the young women’s team here,” Farih said as Denise shook his hand.

  “Yeah, Denise, if you ever want to come around and drop some knowledge, I know the girls would love it.”

  “I will.” Denise smiled. She loved the thought of helping young women.

  The men’s game ended. Farih and Denise headed onto the court. The men all paused as they watched Denise and Farih walk to the middle of the court. They all put their things down, ready to see the two women go at it.

  “First to twenty?” Farih bounced the ball to Denise.

  “Let’s do this.” Denise dribbled the ball. It was like riding a bike; she was back in her element, with the sexiest opponent ever.

  The game grew intense. Denise’s dream of a quick victory was quickly ruined. Farih was better than good; she was an amazing ball player. Her flirting ceased; she had her eye on the prize.

  Farih’s supermodel status was gone; she was now a ballplayer trying to beat Denise.

  The men all stayed to watch the game. They yelled like they were watching an NBA game. Denise and Farih were both soaked in sweat. Denise knew she had to get back to working out; her energy wasn’t what it should have been.

  Finally, victory was hers as she shot a lucky three-pointer that caused her to win the game.

  “Good game,” Farih said. “Guess I didn’t beat your ass, after all.”

  “Please, you came close. Too close. I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Man, that was the sexiest basketball game I’ve ever seen,” one of the ballers yelled toward them.

  “Yeah, maybe next time we’ll join your game.”

  “Naa,” the older man stated. “I’m not trying to get my ass kicked by women.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Denise and Farih showered and changed then headed out of the community center. Farih signed a few autographs for a few kids who recognized who she was.

  “You really have surprised me, Farih.”

  “Let me guess, you were expecting a stuck-up, prissy supermodel.”

  “Well ... yeah.” Denise laughed. “I definitely wasn’t expecting what I got.”

  “Is that a good thing?” Farih looked at Denise.

  “It’s a great thing.”

  Denise and Farih’s eyes met, and they both blushed. Denise was anxious, a feeling she hadn’t had in years. She was anxious to see what was going to happen. She welcomed it.

  Denise heard the familiar male voice outside of Mariah’s apartment. It didn’t bother her anymore. The only woman on her mind was Farih.

  “Hey, Dee.” Mariah smiled as Denise walked in the apartment. She was lying in Richard’s arms while they watched a movie.”

  “Hey.” Denise closed the door.

  Mariah sat up. “Richard, this is Denise.” Mariah’s face was flushed.

  Richard stood up. He was taller than Denise remembered. Denise shook his hand. She had to admit, he wasn’t an ugly man. He reminded her of David Beckham.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Richard’s voice was also deeper than normal.

  “Nice to meet you too. Well, I’m tired. I’m gonna go lay it down.”

  “You’ve been playing basketball?” Mariah questioned when she noticed Denise’
s attire.

  “Yeah, I went to a community center.”

  “That’s great, Dee. I’m glad you are playing again. Keep those skills up.”

  Denise wanted to laugh at how quick Mariah was in agent mode. “Yeah, it felt good. I didn’t realize how much I missed it.”

  Mariah smiled. Denise noticed Mariah’s demeanor. She could tell Mariah was very happy. “Well, I’m gonna leave you two alone.” Denise headed toward her room.

  Denise knew her feelings had changed for Mariah. She sat her bag on the floor. Farih consumed Denise’s thoughts. Denise knew she was dealing with feelings she’d never experienced before. The only other woman who had her open was Lena, but that was a forbidden love.

  Lena’s face entered Denise’s mind. Lena was a forbidden love her heart didn’t want to completely let go of.

  Denise’s thoughts were interrupted by her phone. She smiled when Farih’s face appeared on her screen.

  “Hey, you.”

  Farih relaxed back in her favorite black oversized chair. She put her feet up on the ottoman. “I just wanted to let you know I really had a great time today.”

  Denise felt a warm tingle in her cheeks. “I had a great time too. Thanks for taking me. I really enjoyed myself.”

  Farih grinned; she had never met a woman like Denise. “I was wondering if you would like to come to a photo shoot with me tomorrow.”

  “Photo shoot?”

  “It’s for Victoria Secret.”

  Denise paused. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. “Victoria Secret? Are you serious?”

  “I understand if you don’t want to go,” Farih playfully replied in her low, seductive voice.

  “Naaa, I would hate to go watch you model in lingerie. That sounds like the worst idea ever.”

  Denise and Farih laughed.

  “I’ll pick you up at five.”

  “In the morning?” Denise frowned.

  Farih let out a snicker. “The early bird catches the worm, Denise.”

  Denise was smitten. Farih’s quick remarks kept her on her toes. “I think I can manage that.” Denise lay back on her bed. “Hey, Farih, what’s your zodiac sign?”

  “Cancer. And you?”


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