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Crossroads Page 22

by Skyy

  Denise’s body tensed. “That explains a lot. Hey, I need to get off if I’m going to wake up in the morning.”

  Farih sat up, taken back by Denise’s change in attitude. “Oh OK, see you in the morning. Hey, wait. You didn’t tell me your sign.”


  Farih smiled. “They say Cancer and Scorpio’s the perfect match.”

  Visions of Lena filled Denise’s head. “Yeah, I know. See you tomorrow?”

  “It’s a date.”

  Denise hung the phone up. The wall around her heart that Farih was breaking down was slowly starting to rebuild itself. Farih was too good to be true. She knew from her past that things that were too good to be true usually were.


  Lena watched the polar bears swim from end to end of their new exhibit at the Memphis Zoo. The polar bear building was her favorite place to think. The underwater viewing room was dark, illuminated by the sun and the blue water in front of her from the wall-sized viewing glass. She took a sip of her Dasani water. She loved coming to the zoo midweek during the day. It wasn’t crowded with people like on Tuesdays when the zoo was free. Lena was able to think in peace.

  “Did you know you are staring at the world largest land predator?”

  Lena turned around. A tall, brown-skinned man stood behind her. His slender body was fit, his clean-shaven face better looking than any other zoo worker she had seen before.

  “Really? That’s interesting.” Lena watched the attractive guy walk down the stairs.

  “Yes. I figured I’d tell you a little something since I see you here a lot.” The man smiled. He extended his hand. “I’m Derek.”

  Lena read this name tag, Derek Harris, Zookeeper. “So you are the zookeeper. So you like, get to touch the animals?”

  Derek let out a baritone laugh.”It’s a little more than that, but yes.”

  “I’ve never seen you around here before.”

  “I’ve seen you.” Derek smiled.

  Lena felt herself blushing. “So, what does a girl have to do to touch an animal?”

  Derek’s almond eyes slanted. “Go over to the farm area. There are plenty of animals you can touch.”

  They both laughed.

  “I was thinking something a little more exotic than a cow.” Lena drank some more of her water.

  “I see the beautiful woman is trying to make me lose my job.”

  Lena laughed. “No, I’m not. I know it’s impossible.”

  Derek sat next to Lena. He leaned in to her ear. “Nothing is impossible. Come with me.”

  Lena followed Derek through the employees only area of Primate Canyon, where the monkeys resided. They walked down a long corridor. The wild smell of monkey droppings hit Lena’s nose. She wondered how they kept the smell from being so bad in the front of the zoo.

  Derek opened a door that said DIRECTOR. “Sit in here I’ll be right back.”

  Lena obeyed. She was impressed. The office window overlooked the gorilla exhibit. Derek’s office was filled with rich browns, oranges and deep reds. A beautiful mural of a variety of animal faces covered half of the wall behind the brown leather sofa. Lena noticed a picture of Derek on his desk holding a baby white tiger. Lena got excited; she always loved white tigers.

  The door opened. Derek walked in holding a tiny brown and white monkey in his arms. Lena’s mouth dropped at the sight of the adorable creature.

  “This is Katie. Our newest Atelidae.” Lena looked at Derek confused.

  “Spider monkey.”

  “Oh, she’s so cute.” Lena squealed. “Can I?” Lena held her hand out.

  Derek nodded.

  She petted the baby on her head. “Oh, she’s adorable. I want one.”

  Derek’s laughter rumbled. “See, this is why women don’t need to see exotic animals.”

  Lena couldn’t help but laugh.

  Derek handed Lena a bottle. She put it to the monkey’s mouth. It began to suck like a baby. Lena felt a mothering sense take over her body. She thought about her child. Lena pulled away.

  “Thank you, Derek. That was amazing.” She handed Derek the bottle.

  “You aren’t trying to leave me yet, are you? I risk my job and you are ready to bounce.” Derek smiled.

  Lena was impressed by his charm.

  “I would like to stay, but I really need to be getting home.”

  “OK, let me put Katie back, and I’ll walk you out.” Derek turned around. “Don’t pull a Cinderella on me, OK?”

  Lena couldn’t help but laugh.

  Derek returned holding a bottle of anti-bacterial gel. Lena cleaned her hands, and they headed out of the office. Derek’s slender frame was a change from Brandon’s massive body, Lena liked it.

  “So, Lena, what brings you to the zoo so often?”

  Lena and Derek walked around the area, passing the various types of primates. Lena stopped in front of a sunbathing gorilla.

  “I just come here to think. I love the zoo.”

  “Well, I must say, I have been watching you for a while.”

  Lena smirked. “Really? Stalk much?”

  Derek laughed. “No, I just figured that someone as beautiful as you had to have someone waiting in the wings. I guess you can say I was waiting on the day a man comes in with you.”

  “Is that right.” Lena looked at Derek’s handsome face. “So what made you come up to me today?”

  “I don’t really know. Guess I got tired of letting you leave.” Derek giggled.

  They stopped at the gift shop. Lena pulled her keys out of her pocket. Derek stood fidgeting with his ID tag. Lena was amused that an obviously confident man was a little shy around her.

  “Well, thank you again Derek. I really appreciate it.”

  “Hey, um, how about a private tour of the zoo? If you come late tonight, you can see things you’ll never see during the day.” Derek smiled.

  “Is that legal?”

  “Yes, we administrators have some clout,” Derek boasted. “So how about it?”

  Lena smiled. “OK, what time?”

  “Ten.” Derek reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. “Just call me when you get outside.”

  “OK, I will. See you later, Derek.”

  “I’ll be looking forward to it.”

  Lena was floating as she opened the door to her loft. She was excited about her special plans. She pulled off her flip-flops. The cool floor sent a chill through her body. She started thinking about what to wear; she had no idea what to wear to the zoo at night.

  She heard a faint ringing coming from her purse. She ran to the table, trying to catch it in time. By the time she pulled her phone out, she had missed the call. She looked at her call log. It was from Terrin. Lena pressed send to call her back.

  “I was just leaving you a message.” Terrin tried to sound cool.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear my phone ring. How was your day?”

  “Long. Had this one child whose mouth was full of cavities. Poor kid had to have five teeth pulled.”

  Lena cringed. “Oh my God.”

  “Oh well, comes with the job.” Terrin poured a glass of orange juice. “So I was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat. I have been craving some of Onyx fish and chicken.”

  Lena froze. She knew that was the last place she needed to go. She suddenly felt guilty. Technically she was single and could do what she wanted, but she still felt a little guilty. “I, um, actually already have plans tonight.”

  Terrin’s body tensed up. “Oh, a date?”

  “Something like that.”

  Terrin covered the phone with her hand. She mouthed a few obscenities. She realized she didn’t have Lena the way she thought she did. “Oh, OK, that’s cool. Well, just get at me when you can.”

  “Are you sure you’re OK with it?”

  “Lena, I’m not your woman. I don’t have to be OK with it.”

  Lena sat down at her kitchen table. “I know, but I don’t want you to think badl
y of me.”

  “I don’t, Lena. You are cool. I’ll holla at you later.” Terrin hung up the phone before Lena could respond. She didn’t want Lena to hear the hurt in her voice.

  Lena was in shock. She couldn’t believe Terrin hung up in her face. She suddenly felt horrible. She didn’t want to hurt anyone. She picked her phone up and called Carmen.

  “Hey, girl.” Carmen held the small cell phone with her shoulder while she seasoned the chicken she was about to cook.

  “So I met a guy today at the zoo and he was real nice. He let me touch a monkey.”

  “What! Shit!” Carmen yelled as she almost dropped her phone. “Hold on Lena.” Carmen placed the phone on the counter; she washed her hands and dried them on her shirt. She picked the phone back up. “OK, now you touched his monkey? What the fuck?”

  “A real monkey, Carmen. He’s the director over animals. Like the head zookeeper.”

  “Oh, that’s interesting. Is he cute?” Carmen sat on her sofa.

  “Yes, he really was. He invited me to come to a private tour of the zoo tonight.”

  “Oh, really? Now that sounds like fun.”

  “Yeah, but I told Terrin, and she sounded upset.”

  Carmen looked up. “So.”

  Lena headed to her bedroom. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m sorry, Lena. When did you get into a relationship?”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then you don’t owe her anything.”

  “That’s what she said but ...”

  Carmen stood up when she heard water hit her stove and sizzle. “Look, Lena, you are single, and you don’t owe either one of them anything. If it’s one thing I’ve learned from Cooley is that if you keep it real with the women, they really can’t get mad at anyone but themselves.”

  Lena opened her closet door. “So you think I should tell Derek the truth too? That I’m a married but separated confused girl who’s currently dating a woman as well?”

  “Maybe not in those words, but yeah, oh fuck.” Carmen ran into her kitchen. She pulled the boiling pot off of the stove. “I gotta go before I burn my house down. Have fun tonight.”

  “OK, girl.” Lena hung up the phone. She knew Carmen was right. She took a deep breath and began to pick out the perfect outfit for her date.


  Sahara pressed her lips against Cooley’s. The tip of Cooley’s tongue grazed Sahara’s strawberry-flavored lips. Cooley’s body was on fire. Sahara’s legs straddled Cooley’s lap, and she caressed Sahara’s butt cheeks. Her thin lace cheekies were in the way of what she wanted.

  Cooley took both of her hands and ripped the panties right off of her.

  Sahara said, “Oh, you ass. Those cost sixteen dollars.”

  “I’ll buy you another pair.” Cooley pulled Sahara’s face toward hers. “Fuck it. Just send me a bill.” Cooley kissed Sahara’s chest as she ripped the matching lace bra with her bare hands.

  “Damn, nigga, you racking up a big bill here,” Sahara teased while Cooley licked her way to her hard nipples.

  “It’s worth it,” Cooley muttered as her tongue licked around Sahara’s brown nipples. Cooley stood up out of her chair. Sahara’s long legs held on to Cooley’s waist. They kissed as Cooley slowly carried Sahara to the bedroom.

  Sahara watched as Cooley pulled a familiar black leather bag out of her closet. She pulled a harness out and attached a thick black dildo to it. Sahara’s pussy jumped in anticipation.

  Cooley strapped up. She fastened the leather strap to her body. She looked at Sahara’s naked body laying on her king-sized bed. Sahara’s sexual appetite was unparalleled. Even Misha, who was the only woman who Cooley ever knew to keep up with her, couldn’t hold a candle to Sahara. Cooley hated to admit it, but Sahara was even a little much for her at times. Sahara was her match. She knew it.

  “Carla.” Sahara watched Cooley pull her wife-beater over her head. Her black sports bra held in her lady lumps. Sahara loved to see Cooley’s body. She had curves out of this world, but she kept them hidden under oversized clothes. “Carla, what am I to you?”

  Cooley looked up. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not trying to freak you out or anything. I was just wondering if we are, you know, exclusive now. Am I your girlfriend?”

  The word sent chills up Cooley’s arm. “Uhhh ...”

  Sahara sat up. “I’m just trying to see where we are. I mean, I’m happy with whatever it is. I just kinda wanted to know.”

  “We are us. Why we gotta have a title on it?” Cooley sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Cooley, don’t freak out. I just was wondering. We don’t have to have labels. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Then a few weeks later you gon’ be pissed if I don’t call you my girlfriend.” Cooley thought about Lynn, the woman she spent most of last year with while still craving Misha.

  Sahara felt offended. She got out of the bed. “You know what, never mind.”

  “Where are you going?” Cooley watched as Sahara’s naked body switched out the room. She sighed, following her.

  “I expected you to know me a little better than this, Cooley. I’m not about to sit up here and let you compare me to those lame-ass bitches from your past.” Sahara picked her panties off the floor. She tried to step into them, realizing Cooley had torn her underwear. “Asshole!”

  Cooley walked closer and stopped. She looked down, realizing her silicone rubber manhood was hitting her leg. She looked back at Sahara.

  They both burst out in laughter.

  “Looks like we both are stuck with each other right now,” Cooley joked.

  Sahara tried to put her mad face back on. She pouted her lips out.

  Cooley walked up to her, putting her arms around her. Sahara’s ass rubbed against her manhood.

  “Cooley, I accept you for who you are. Don’t you know that? I’m not trying to put pressure on you. I just didn’t want to refer to you as the wrong thing.”

  “I’m sorry, Sah. I’m just really just not into labels. Why mess with something that is going so great?”

  Sahara nodded her head. She didn’t care how she had Cooley, as long as she did. Sahara bit her bottom lip. She fell down to her knees.

  Cooley’s eyes widened.

  Sahara began to stroke the eight-inch black dick.

  “So, why are you studs so fascinated with a woman sucking your strap?” Sahara eyes shifted up.

  Cooley licked her lips. She smiled. “I don’t know, I just like it.”

  “So, you would like it if I sucked it right now?” Sahara flicked the tip of her tongue out. She grazed the tip of the dick.

  Cooley shook her head, trying to remain calm. “How does this look to you?”

  “Baby, you look damn good right now,” Cooley responded.

  Sahara closed her mouth, taking the rubber into her mouth.

  Cooley put her hand on the back of Sahara’s head. She guided Sahara’s head while she sucked back and forth. Sahara was in total submission to her. Cooley felt a rush come to her stomach.

  Cooley watched Sahara’s plump lips sucking her fake manhood like she was Superhead in the flesh. She reached down and grasped the fake scrotum at the base of her dick. Holding it, she eased the cock farther into Sahara’s mouth. Sahara looked up at her as Cooley nodded.

  “That’s right. You can take it all.” Cooley watched as Sahara’s jaw dropped back and she opened wider to receive the manhood. She felt the pressure against her crotch as the tip pushed against the back of Sahara’s throat. She slowly stroked the dick in and out of Sahara’s mouth as she watched the woman’s lips curl around it. She took it like a champ. Cooley never wanted to sex Sahara so badly in her life.

  Sahara pulled her head back and stood up. “Lay down,” she directed and pointed to the floor.

  Cooley went with it, getting down on her cold hardwood floor.

  Sahara positioned herself between Cooley’s legs. She took the strap back in her mouth. He
r long hair fell down in front of her face.

  Cooley ran her hands through Sahara’s hair. She wanted to see it. Sahara took her hands and pulled on Cooley’s cotton boxer briefs. She felt the open slit, placed in the front of men to use to pee. With both of her hands, she ripped the cotton underwear with all of her might.

  Cooley jumped. “What you doing!”

  “Now we’re even.”

  Before Cooley could move, Sahara’s tongue entered her walls with force. Cooley’s eyes bucked open. Her mouth dropped.

  Sahara sucked on her swollen knob, causing Cooley to feel like she had temporary paralysis. Only one other girl had gone down on her in her life. Now Sahara was making her into her little bitch.

  Cooley tried to say stop, but the pleasure was so intense, she couldn’t talk. Only moans left her mouth. No longer wanting to fight it, she laid her head back while Sahara worked her mouth on her pussy.

  Cooley’s body trembled. Sahara was dishing out what she had given to so many before her. It was the most pleasurable revenge in history.

  Sahara never expected Cooley to taste so good. She held on to Cooley’s thick legs. In that instant Cooley was all woman. The aggressor submitted. She wanted Cooley to feel her inside of her.

  “Bae. Baeee.” Cooley’s eyes rolled around. “Shit.” Her fingertips caressed Sahara’s scalp. Cooley felt death approaching. Her toes stretched out, legs tensed up.

  Sahara didn’t stop. She continued to tongue-fuck her like her tongue was the strap. Cooley’s body trembled as she came.

  Sahara felt Cooley’s warmth hit her tongue, and she sucked it up.

  Unwilling to be outdone, Cooley wrapped her leg around Sahara. With one push, Sahara found herself on the ground and Cooley on top. The hunter was back.

  Cooley pulled Sahara’s legs up, placing them on her chest. She entered Sahara with her man. Sahara jumped as the tip entered her tight pussy.

  They didn’t take their eyes off of each other.

  Cooley’s stroke caused Sahara to stutter. “Shhh ... shhh ... ahhh.”

  Sahara’s incoherent mutters excited Cooley. She pushed deep inside of Sahara’s walls.

  Sahara sat up. She pushed Cooley down to the floor. Sahara claimed on top, immediately riding Cooley like she was a championship jockey.


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