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In Bed with the Vampire: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Dating Service Book 3)

Page 8

by Jasmine Wylder

  Rainer smiled. “Nicely stated. Thank you. I’m sure Phoenix has some comments for this rough draft of yours. I look forward to seeing the polished final copy.”

  He handed the papers back to Angelina. She grinned at the floor and hurried off, Phoenix following after her.

  Rainer watched her go, then turned to his computer. He was going to have to get in touch with the judge that had worked on Kavan’s case, Valerie Gilson, but right now he had something else to do. Sighing, he pulled up the ad for the paranormal dating agency that he’d seen earlier that day. It was run by Varton Kirk, a dragon shifter, and now that Rainer had seen it… well, a thought had come to his mind.

  Angelina clearly did not want anything to do with him. It was hard enough for her to be in the same room. Even on their lunch-break dates, she kept a careful distance between the two of them. She regretted sleeping with him more than she let on, he could see that. And he hated that. He wanted to ask her why. Had he hurt her after all? Or was it just because she didn’t really want to have anything to do with a vampire relationship? Was this about the vampire who had fathered Tommy? Had he died or abandoned them?

  Whatever the reason, having her at his side wasn’t going to help his case to be king of the Starlight Mountains after all. Who would believe that they were actually dating, the way she didn’t even look at him? He could still up his game with her… but it would probably be better just to let her go. Fake a breakup of their fake relationship and find a different human more willing to be on his arm.

  And this paranormal dating agency, it was perfect for that.

  Of course, he couldn’t put up a fresh account while he was supposedly dating another woman. That would backfire terribly on him. So, he filled out the application with a fake name. The credit card being in his name wouldn’t be a problem, though. That sort of information was well protected, and it was just his name and face that he didn’t want on the site. He wasn’t going to lie about his face, though, so he didn’t put a profile pic up at all.

  It took about two hours to fill it all out, which was more detailed than Rainer was expecting, but soon enough he was fully signed up. Then he sat back, watching. Of course, nothing came up right away—his information was going to have to be looked over and approved before he was officially a member of the agency.

  In any case, that was the first step on that front.

  Rainer stood, stretched and checked the time. It was almost time to go home. He thought of his empty apartment and grimaced. This dating thing couldn’t happen soon enough. Sure, he never had any trouble picking up girls at the clubs, but right now he was supposed to be dating Angelina. Once he had a girlfriend, a real girlfriend, he’d have her move in with him and then he’d never have to go home alone.

  That sounded nice. To have someone to hold at night. The same someone whose name he would remember and who wouldn’t leave in the morning as he got ready for work.

  In the meantime… He saw Angelina come back into the receptionist area holding Tommy’s hand as they left the elevator. She looked a little upset, and Rainer frowned. Shouldn’t Tommy be at daycare?

  Rainer grabbed a file folder that he’d finished up earlier and took it out to the reception area. “Angelina, I’ve got a few things for you to file.”

  Tommy broke into a grin to see him and raced over, ramming into his legs. “Hiya, Rainy. I here!”

  Rainer put the file on the desk and bent to pick up the little boy. “See you’re here.” He held him upside down by one leg while Tommy shrieked with laughter. “What are you doing here, though? Are you playing hooky from daycare?”

  Angelina rubbed her forehead. “He bit one of the other children.”

  “So? Kids bite.”

  “The other child’s parent freaked out about it. Threatened to sue the daycare for putting her precious baby at risk of being turned into a vampire.” Rage was apparent just under her tone, and Rainer sobered. He gently put Tommy on the floor and handed him his phone, on which he had downloaded a few kid-friendly games. “Why don’t you go play phone for a few minutes.”

  “Yay!” Tommy happily scrambled off.

  Angelina glared at Rainer, looking at him for the first time in a while. “I don’t like him using electronics at this time of day.”

  “It’s just for a few minutes so we can talk. This office wasn’t exactly designed with a kid in mind and remember last week?” He nodded to where a large vase no longer stood. He wasn’t upset about the destruction of it—in fact, when he heard the crash, he’d been more worried about Tommy. But it served his point that Tommy running around while they talked wasn’t the best idea. “Are you okay?”

  “I… I guess.” Angelina folded her arms tight over her shoulders. “They wouldn’t even listen to me when I said that there was more to being turned into a vampire than just a bite. That kid Tommy bit? He’s been biting other people for weeks now. I’ve picked up Tommy and found the teeth marks on him. I’ve been complaining to them and they’ve just told me that they’re trying to work on it. But Tommy bites him back once and all of a sudden, he’s kicked out? If I had the money for a lawyer, I’d sue them.”

  Rainer touched her hand. “I have the money for a lawyer.”

  “I’m not taking your money.”

  “I could have someone write up an article about it. I’m sure if that kid has been biting Tommy, then he’s been biting other children, too.”

  Angelina sighed as she sat at her desk. She shook her head and shrugged. Rainer frowned as he studied her. She looked… tired. Exhausted, even. Tears were pooling in her eyes as she rested her elbows on the desk and dug her hands in her hair. She still wore that same suit she had when she came in—didn’t she have the money now to get something that fit her better?

  “I don’t know what I want to do right now,” she admitted. “I’m so tired. Is being a reporter always this exhausting?”

  “Well… you’re also being a receptionist, a grammar editor, a single mom and taking classes on the side. That’s a lot.” He sat on the edge of the desk. “For what it’s worth, you’re a great mom, your work as a receptionist is stellar, you do great work with the editing and your writing is showing marked improvement.”

  He almost added that she could stop being a receptionist if she wanted but they had already had that discussion. With her being so new at the whole article writing thing, he was paying her by the piece, rather than signing her up on contract. And she flatly said that wasn’t good enough for her current situation. She needed a paycheck that was going to be steadier than that. So, she was staying on as his receptionist. He was throwing in extra bonuses for the editing work she was doing, though. He’d cut that back, except she really seemed to need the money.

  Which, he knew she needed. She was getting blood for Tommy from somewhere and it couldn’t be cheap. What could he do to help? “So. There is something else that I might need to pile onto your plate.”

  Angelina groaned as she leaned back, looking defeated. “What is it?”

  “We have not been out in public enough together yet. Don’t worry, it won’t be for too much longer,” he added as fire lit her eyes. “I’m looking into getting a human to be my girlfriend in a steady position.”

  “You make it sound like a job.”

  “I only meant that I know you don’t want to be doing this. But I need a human girlfriend for my bid to be king of Starlight to be taken seriously. I can’t just break up with you. I’ve got it all planned out; we’ll tell everybody that she was my girlfriend all this time and that you were just with me as a receptionist. She knew about the time we spent together and was fine with it.”

  Angelina rolled her eyes. “You can’t take me out on a literal date and then pretend like you weren’t cheating on this girlfriend of yours.”

  “People don’t usually take their kids on their dates.” Rainer gave her his most charming smile. “And right there is a good, built-in reason for me to spend time with you without my girlfriend. We were talking ab
out Tommy’s future. Come on. You’re exhausted, and I bet you don’t want to make supper tonight. Let me treat you and Tommy to a nice meal at a restaurant. Somewhere where lots of the local vampires frequent. That way, I get the views and Tommy is exposed to more vampires. Can you say no to that?”

  Angelina pressed her palms flat against the desk and stared at her computer. “Yes, I can. The answer is no, Rainer. If you’re looking for a replacement fake girlfriend, you can go with her.”

  Chapter Seven

  Would it really have hurt that much to say yes to Rainer’s offer?

  Angelina rolled her shoulders, a tension headache starting to creep up in her brain. The day had gone almost perfectly until the daycare had called about Tommy. Now, she didn’t know what she was going to do in the morning. She didn’t want to take him back there. Didn’t want to force her two-year-old boy to face that sort of discrimination. But she was so busy, she couldn’t take him to work unless she wanted her phone to babysit him—something that was equally as unappealing. None of her sitters were available, either.

  Well, maybe she could call Morticia. But Angelina also didn’t like the idea of a complete stranger watching her son.

  If only Rainer had a child-minding service at the building. It’s kind of backward that he doesn’t have one.

  Maybe she could talk to him in the morning…

  No. No, she was not going to think about Rainer right now. It was late, she was tired and if she started to think about him, she was going to get all hot and bothered and not be able to sleep at all. Just being in the same room as him set her blood to boiling sometimes. Today, when she had watched him playing with Tommy… her heart had swollen with such emotion that she had nearly marched into his office and proposed to him right there.

  Imagine that! Proposing to him. She knew he only wanted her around because of his bid for kingship. Knew that he was a notorious playboy that was seen with a different woman every week. Hell, he’d probably slept with more women than the men she’d fantasized about.

  A ding came from her phone, and she pulled it out. Oh. Her breath caught in her throat. It was from that dating agency app she had downloaded some time ago. She hadn’t wanted to spend any money on it, but Emma, saying that she needed to start thinking about what she was going to do with her love life, had purchased her a six-month subscription.

  And it appeared that she had a match.

  Taylor Jackson. She opened his profile, surprised not to see a picture. Usually, there was at least one. Vampire. Worked in the media business. Liked Florence and the Machine, driving, and movies. His little blurb stated that he was looking for a casual relationship with the potential for something more serious.

  Angelina studied his profile as she brushed her teeth. A vampire in the media business. Well, most of her matches had had something to do with media. She’d put it in her own profile that she wanted her partner to have some sort of news-related job. The agency was pretty good at respecting that. A vampire. Her mind turned to Rainer once more.

  Then she giggled, imagining someone like that resorting to a dating agency. Yeah, right! As if he needed it.

  She sent Taylor a message. What’s your favorite newspaper?

  A moment’s pause and then a reply. The one I work for. ;)

  Which one is that? Angelina moved to her bedroom, still watching her phone. She hadn’t been expecting to find him online at the same time… Most of the guys she was matched with fizzled pretty quickly. Maybe this one would last a while… Enough for her to relax enough to sleep, anyway.

  Weiman industries.

  Angelina paused, uncertain as she read over the message again. Could it be possible… No! Rainer wouldn’t be going through this dating agency. Not in a million years. And yet… she imagined him lounging in his office, his shirt unbuttoned, as he watched his phone, waiting for her reply. And her face warmed. She replied eagerly, imagining it was him she was talking to.

  What a coincidence. Me, too. Maybe we’ve seen each other.

  Pretty sure I’d remember seeing a lioness in the office.

  Angelina laughed out loud at that. Her profile picture was of a lioness on the savannah. She had been a little hesitant, since a lot of the shifters on here posted pics of themselves in their animal forms, but it was clearly marked that she was human, so she decided to keep it. So far nobody had mistaken her for being a shifter. She sat on her bed and quickly typed up a new reply.

  I work in the secret basement. There are all kinds of us down there. We have special computers that we can work using our tails. No thumbs can be difficult sometimes.

  The conversation continued in that vein for some time as they both felt each other out. The conversation was fun and charming, and Angelina soon found that all thoughts of the difficulties of the day had faded away. She kept catching herself thinking about Rainer as she texted with Taylor, but after some time, she gave up trying to convince herself it wasn’t him. She knew it wasn’t, but in this case, she didn’t really care about what was logical—she couldn’t have him in real life. It was too messy, too complicated and besides which, he was only interested in her because he wanted to be king and she was a convenient way to get there.

  But here, alone in her room, she could pretend. Pretend that it was a real relationship. Pretend that it wasn’t just a couple of impulse nights that had brought them together. Pretend that it wasn’t just fucking, it was making love.

  What are you wearing? Taylor asked.

  Angelina sighed as she looked down at herself. She hadn’t taken off this stupid suit yet. Well, he couldn’t see her. Think of the sexiest lingerie you’ve ever seen. It’s not that. ;) What about you?

  Absolutely nothing.

  It was obvious what he was fishing for. Angelina bit her lip as she flipped onto her back. Normally if a guy started talking like this after only—she looked at the clock—two hours, she’d drop him. She wasn’t interested in sex for sex’s sake… or at least, she wasn’t until she wanted to erase Rainer from her thoughts. So, she took a quick breath and typed her message.

  If I was with you, I’d take your thick cock into my hot, wet mouth and suck on you until I was drinking your cum.

  Angelina held her breath as she sent it. Was it too much? She hadn’t actually done this before, sexting. Was it sexting? Or was this something else?

  His reply came soon enough. Damn, that’s hot.

  Angelina let out a shaky breath of laughter. Excitement coursed through her. This felt… naughty. Taboo. And it was certainly something she wanted to do. Licking her lips, she sent another message. I’m wearing a t-shirt, jeans and matching lacy blue bra and panties.

  First, I’d kiss you. Deeply. Intimately. I’d plunder your mouth like a pirate plundering a village until you were breathless with lust.

  The memory of Rainer’s mouth on hers made her lips tingle. Heat flared in her body and she pressed one of her fingers to her lower lip, as though it was his mouth against her. She watched her phone eagerly, waiting to see what would happen next.

  My hands roam your body and linger on your breasts.

  She moved her own hands over her body, imagining what he was doing to her in his own mind.

  Rainer—no, Taylor—smiled down at her as he pressed her into the bed. His strong, naked body pressed against her. She could feel his erection pressed against her as his mouth moved across her neck, making her skin tingle and tighten. Heat pooled in her core. His hands were still on her breasts, kneading into her soft flesh. A tingle and snap moved into the core of her, aching for more.

  “Do you want me?” Rainer—Taylor—whispered.

  She stared up into his deep, dark eyes and could only feel that same desire that overcame her both times previous. Where all thoughts fell away, and the only thing she knew was how much her body burned for him. She nodded and he unbuttoned her shirt—no, she was wearing a T-shirt in this virtual world. He tugged it over her head. Even as he tossed it away, he bent over her, kissing along the edge of her l
acy blue bra.

  When Rainer reached around her and undid her bra, he took one of her nipples in his mouth. He sucked on it with the vigor that she had sucked on him earlier. Both her breasts tightened and seemed to swell. Her back arched, pressing herself harder against him. As he suckled her breast, his hands roamed down. He pulled her jeans off in one fluid motion, and then, with a tug and a gasp, he tore her panties.

  Angelina giggled as he tossed the ruined material aside. The lust in his eyes was so hot it was scorching. Angelina moaned out his name just before he claimed her mouth again. His tongue plundered her mouth, claiming every inch of her. Heat coursed through her body, making her core tighten.

  I find your clit with my fingers, Taylor typed as Angelina reached between her thighs, touching herself the way she imagined Rainer was touching her.

  Rainer kissed her neck and jaw as he moved his fingers in lazy circles around her clit. Her core tightened even further, and she moaned out his name. Angelina wanted him to feel the same pleasure she was and so reached between them. She grinned with triumph as her hand closed around him. He stiffened, his body jerking slightly as she moved her hand up and down.

  The kisses grew more feverish, and then he pulled away. Angelina blinked in surprise, but before she could ask him what was wrong, he’d wrapped his arms around her again. He rolled so that she was now on top, sliding a finger into her as he did so. She gasped and he winked at her. A second finger entered her, and she writhed on the spot, trying to keep herself still even as pleasure coursed through her body.

  “Sit on my face,” he ordered, and she was more than happy to obey. She didn’t even think to protest that she weighed too much; he had given the command, and she was bound to do as she was told.


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