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In Bed with the Vampire: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Dating Service Book 3)

Page 17

by Jasmine Wylder

  “God, I hope not,” Rainer said, only half joking. He stirred the meat on the stove, then looked at Tommy, soaking wet, and grinned at Angelina. “I’m disappointed, yeah. I could have done a lot if I was made king. But I’ve also been thinking about what you said to me… why isn’t what I have enough?”

  Angelina ducked her head, her cheeks flushing. “I only said that because I was worried about you. I didn’t mean that you were greedy—”

  “But that’s just the thing.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “I have so much. Sure, a lot of it is tied up in my business and properties and stocks. But I built this in less than a hundred years. I’ve gotten lazy. I’m not growing myself anymore. I started off with barely anything at all, and now I have all this. So why shouldn’t I go ahead and push myself harder? Use my money, my position, rather than wishing I had something more before I started?”

  “But you do so much already. I was just—”

  “Hey.” Rainer laughed as he silenced her with a kiss. “Will you let me finish here? I’m trying to say that I don’t need anything else. I have my mate, I have my son. I need to be grateful for what I do have. Recognize that there is always more than can be had, yes, but there comes a point where it’s just not… necessary. And it’s not necessary for me. I can do so much with what I have, I don’t need to keep looking to get more.”

  Angelina relaxed into his arms. “Grateful for what you have, huh?”

  “Yeah. Grateful for what I have.”

  “Hmmm… I suppose that means I ought to be grateful for what I have, too?”

  Rainer arched a brow. “Aren’t you?”

  “Oh, I am. I very much am. What I meant is that I don’t need to go around, wishing for more.”

  A memory ticked in the back of his mind and his eyes widened. A grin split over his face as he remembered her words. I’ll marry you. Was that what she was hinting at, then? He pulled her even closer and pressed her into the wall, leaning in to nibble at her neck. The meat needed stirred again but he ignored it for another few moments before a wet splat hit him in the middle of the back.

  With a yelp, he turned to see Tommy staring at both of them wide-eyed. “You bit Mommy!”

  Angelina flushed scarlet as she hurried over to him and picked him off the chair he stood in. “No, Rainer wasn’t biting me. He was… helping me.”

  “How?” Tommy clearly wasn’t buying it, and Rainer had to laugh about that.

  “Never mind, little man.” He ruffled Tommy’s hair. “Why don’t you run and choose a movie to watch after supper?”

  Angelina gave him a dark look as Tommy cheered and rushed off. “You know I don’t want him on electronics.”

  “Yeah, I know. But you did say that he can watch one movie every week, and I think tonight’s as good a night as any.” He let his hand trail over her hip. “With that extra-long nap he had this afternoon he’s going to be up until midnight.”

  Angelina tried to keep frowning at him, but her lips tugged up into a smile. She leaned into him again and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Just so long as it doesn’t become a habit.”

  “It won’t,” he promised. “Now. When do you want to get married?”

  “Married? That was my proposal?” Angelina pulled away and playfully slapped his shoulder.

  “Nooo, you don’t get proposed to,” Rainer shot back. “You’re the one who proposed to me, why should I have to propose back?”

  “I didn’t—”

  “You did, too.”

  Rainer caught her again. Angelina laughed as he buried his face into her neck. His heart light as air, he savored the taste of her skin, the feel of her warmth. Just having her in his arms. All was right, and it was going to stay that way.


  One Year Later

  The little clock in the corner of her computer read 1:43. In the morning. Angelina, annoyed that her eyes kept drifting to it, grabbed the piece of duct tape that she used to cover her webcam and put it over the clock instead. Her eyes were heavy, and she had run out of coffee long ago, but she wanted to get this article done before she went to bed. She had already gotten an extension on it once and didn’t relish the thought of telling Phoenix she needed another one. They were very easy-going, but it always felt like she was letting them down if she didn’t have things done when she said she would.

  They said it was fine since, “Wedding plans derail the best of us.” But Angelina didn’t want to be one of those women who ate, drank and slept dresses and napkins and cakes. That’s why she and Rainer had hired a wedding planner.

  If only Rainer hadn’t fired him a week later for saying that Rainer’s plans were a bit outdated and over the top.

  Angelina smiled, leaning back to take a short break as she thought of the last year. It had been more than she had ever expected. She had ended up writing a ton of articles and had actually become very popular. The sudden fame, between that and dating a media mogul, had been very difficult to get used to. But she loved Rainer. So, she persevered and now here she was.

  There was a knock on her door, and she turned on her grammar-checking software as she turned to it. “Come in.”

  Emma slipped in. She rose a brow at Angelina and shook her head. “Honestly! If you’re going to be up at two in the morning, the least you could do is be out drinking with me. You need to get to sleep already. You are aware that you’re going to get married tomorrow, right?”

  Angelina turned her gaze to the off-white gown with its lace and diamond beading. She grinned. “Oh, I know. I just need to get this article done.”

  “Article?” Emma put her hands on her hips and frowned deeply. “Are you kidding me right now? You’re working on an article? Give me a break. You are the most insane woman I have ever met. What is this article on? How to have the best sex with your vampire fiancé?”

  Angelina rolled her eyes. “Oh yes. How to land a billionaire in eight days. What is it with you and your obsession with sex, huh? There is more to me and Rainer’s relationship than sex!”

  Emma peered at the computer as Angelina started to go through the grammar check. “Yeah, I know. You two are the definition of soulmates. But honestly, Angie, you need to sleep. You’re getting married tomorrow, and then you’re going on your honeymoon. Why are you still working when you’re so close to the most important day of your life?”

  “It’s not,” Angelina responded, a smug smile twitching her lips. “The most important day of my life is every day I get to spend with Rainer and Tommy.”

  “Ugh. How sweet and romantic.” Emma shook her head. She settled back again and frowned at Angelina “Listen. I know that you love Rainer and it’s all amazing and beautiful and wonderful. But are you… sure? I mean, it’s all happened so fast. A year ago you didn’t even like the guy and now you’re getting married. Would it really hurt to wait another year or two? Long engagements are a thing, you know.”

  Angelina frowned as she turned away from her computer. “Okay but you’re waiting until the night before my wedding to say this?”

  “Apparently.” Emma shrugged. “Although technically it’s the morning before your wedding, so it’s even worse than all that.”

  “You’re telling me.”

  “I am telling you. When I saw your light on, I thought you might be having some nerves. Instead, I find you writing an article? Shouldn’t you be more restless excitement, rather than focusing on work?

  Angelina ducked her head, embarrassed. “Well, when you put it like that. I guess… maybe it’s not necessarily that I’m thinking more about work… I was almost to sleep when I realized. Tomorrow. I’m getting married. And I’m excited and nervous and there are going to be so many people.”

  Emma smirked. “Need to talk about it?”

  “No, I need to get this done. All I have to do is this grammar check and then make sure that my ending is a proper ending. I told Phoenix I’d have it in tonight, even though they said it could wait until next week. The thing about ne
ws, though, is that it gets old very quickly. So, I just need to get it done.” Angelina went through a few of the corrections, then glanced at Emma. Her arms were folded, and she looked less than convinced. Angelina’s cheeks warmed. “Maybe I’m concentrating on something I can control so the whole thing about the wedding isn’t so overwhelming?”

  “Do you even want to get married tomorrow?”

  “Yes!” Angelina didn’t even hesitate. “I’ve never been more sure about anything. I want to marry Rainer. I love him. He’s a great father for Tommy, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I can’t imagine my life without him.”

  Emma nodded, seemingly satisfied with that. “Then why don’t you turn off the computer and get to sleep so you can actually attend your own wedding without yawning during the vows?”

  Angelina opened her mouth, confused, and then understood what Emma was doing. By questioning her readiness to get married, she was pointing out all the reasons why Angelina shouldn’t be so caught up with her work. She let out a heavy sigh. Phoenix probably wasn’t even expecting it tomorrow, after all. Plus, there was the fact that Tommy was picking up on the excitement. He didn’t know exactly what it meant to get married, but he did know that tomorrow was a big, exciting day and would be up early.

  With a sigh, Angelina closed the word document and nodded. “Alright. I’m going to bed now.”

  “Good.” Emma patted her back. “Try to let that weary brain of yours rest. You're getting married tomorrow!”

  A swell of excitement and nerves came over Angelina. She clapped her hands as a giddy laugh broke from her throat. She and Emma hugged, and she bid her friend farewell. Once she was alone again, Angelina checked on Tommy, then gazed at her dress for a long moment. The last year had been such a whirlwind. Rainer had been very into the big white wedding. Any excuse to have a party. “Like the old days,” he’d said.

  These parties had been… interesting. So much dancing and poetry slams and open mics. Not at all what she had expected. They weren't entirely Angelina's scene, but she enjoyed going for a little bit every now and then. What she liked most was when Rainer offered free banquets for homeless individuals and instead of wedding gifts, asked for donations to various charities. He even matched every donation. Now that Angelina no longer had to worry about rent, she had been able to give a good bit of her new salary. Plus, she had started a new scholarship program with Rainer's help, and of course, her career had taken off.

  All in all, she had been very busy.

  Angelina ran her hands along her satin dress one last time before she turned off the light and climbed into bed. Tommy's soft breathing was soothing, but her mind turned to Rainer all too soon. He had been the one who insisted that they spend the night apart. Bad luck to see the bride before the wedding and all that. It had been such a sweet thought about tradition that she had agreed without thinking. At the time she thought it would be fun. The longing would make their wedding night and honeymoon all the more exciting.

  Now, though, she felt almost lonely all alone in the big bed. What she wouldn't give to have him here right now, to place her hand on his chest and have his arms around her. To have his calm, reassuring voice in her ear. To taste his lips and whisper about all their plans for their honeymoon… it was going to be amazing. A full week in Rome. She’d been taking classes to learn Italian ever since they decided to go there. They were taking Tommy with them; neither of them wanted a full week without their son, but they were also taking Emma, so she could watch him when the two of them wanted time alone.

  But first was the wedding.

  The excitement and nerves started through her again, and Angelina rolled over. She pressed her face into her pillows, imagining walking down the aisle and seeing Rainer decked out in his suit for the first time. Was he going to wear a suit or his military uniform or a tux or something unorthodox but amazing?

  A soft knock on the door jerked her out of her thoughts. She sighed, climbing out of bed and throwing on a robe. But maybe it was Rainer. A grin spread over her face, and she rushed to the door. She opened it… and found Kavan McBride standing on the other side.

  “Miss Williams,” he greeted with a grin. “I'm here to kidnap you.”

  Angelina blinked in surprise. “Weren't you just released from jail?”

  “I was,” Kavan chuckled. “But this isn't a real kidnapping. It's just a prank.”

  Who would pull a prank like this? Angelina groaned. It was just the sort of thing that Rainer would do. Something to throw her off balance. He was probably going to whisk her off to some speakeasy or something like that. Well, she wasn't sleeping anyway… and Rainer knew her. Maybe she was being whisked off to spend an illicit night with him. She couldn't see any other way Kavan could have snuck into the hotel and gotten to her room.

  With a sigh, she nodded. “Let me get dressed first. But I hope this won't take too long. Oh, can you get my friend Emma for me? She's down the hall, third door.”

  Kavan nodded. Soon, Emma was in the room with Tommy and Angelina was off with Kavan. Once they were in the car and driving away, Angelina found it hard to stay awake. To keep her eyes open, she turned to Kavan.

  “Did you get the write up of your interview?”

  “Yeah.” Kavan nodded without taking his eyes off the road. “It was very interesting. It was… How do I say it? Real? I guess that’s the best word. Didn’t feel like you were chasing an agenda. So, yeah. Thanks for that. I hope that it’s able to help somebody else out there.”

  Angelina smiled, pleased. That was exactly what she had been hoping for. She turned back to the road. After another five minutes, though, she was starting to get bored and even more sleepy. “How long is this going to be? I need to get some sleep before the wedding tomorrow.”

  “Oh, there isn’t going to be a wedding tomorrow.”

  A niggle at the back of her mind made her sit up straighter. Kavan still seemed utterly relaxed and even shot her a grin as he turned into a street with no other cars on it. Angelina gripped her seatbelt and tried to keep her voice even.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I mean, I lied when I said this was a prank. It’s a for-real kidnapping. Sorry, but it was the best way I could think of getting you out of that hotel without causing a ruckus. Don’t worry, though, the guy who’s kidnapping you isn’t part of the mafia. And he doesn’t want to hurt you, I made sure of that.”

  Angelina nearly shrieked. “Take me back right now!”

  “Do you not know how kidnapping works?”

  “I know how kidnapping works; I’ve been kidnapped before. You take me to some shady hotel and tie me up and I’m afraid for my life and the life of my child the entire time.”

  Kavan frowned. “You don’t have to be worried about Tommy. Or yourself. I promise, nobody’s going to hurt you.”

  It might have been stupid, but Angelina believed him. That didn’t stop her from trying to bribe, blackmail, threaten and cry her way out of this. But he ignored all her attempts and eventually Angelina sighed as she slumped against the seat. There had to be something she could do… she just had to figure out what.


  It was five in the morning when Rainer got a knock on his door. He heard Tommy crying and instantly thought it was Angelina. He was more than happy to answer (he’d regretted his decision to spend the night apart the moment he kissed her goodnight) and was shocked to see Emma standing there. She looked exhausted. Tommy was in her arms, and he reached for Rainer quickly.

  “Daddy, I want Mommy.”

  Rainer frowned as he took his boy. “Shouldn’t she be in her room?”

  Emma shook her head and yawned. “She never came back after that prank of yours.”

  “What prank?”

  “The… prank.” Emma straightened. “You know, where you sent someone to kidnap her, but it wasn’t really a kidnapping?”

  Rainer went rigid. Kidnapped. Again? He had to hold his breath not to burst out with a stream of curs
es. Tommy was still crying, and he rubbed his son’s back to try to soothe him. How could this happen and on the night before their wedding, too! Was it Marcus? He’d been locked up, or so Rainer had been told, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be behind something like this.

  He won’t hurt her. He knows if he does that, he’ll die, he tried to reassure himself, but it was a cold comfort. If Marcus decided he didn’t care if he lived or died, what was to stop him from coming after Angelina?

  “Tommy, I need you to stay with Emma, okay?” Rainer held him tightly as he spoke. “I’m going to go find Mommy. Okay?”

  “No. I wanna come too.”

  Rainer reluctantly pried him away. “I know. But I have to go by myself, okay? Emma can give you some TV if you want.”

  “No. No TV! I want Mommy!”

  Rainer kissed his son, hating that he had to leave while Tommy was still so distressed but unable to wait another minute before he found out what had happened to Angelina. He hurried to talk with the security he had hired; they were just pulling up the images from the hotel’s security cameras when his phone rang.

  He answered it, dreading what he might hear. To his utter relief, it was Angelina’s voice that came over the line. “Hey, Rainer. It’s me.”

  “Angel.” He pressed the phone to his ear. “Are you okay?”

  “Um… yeah…” She sounded hesitant but more in the ‘I’m not sure’ way rather than as though she was lying or frightened. “So, I’ve been kidnapped.”

  Rainer almost laughed. She sounded more annoyed than anything, and that was a good sign. He let out a relieved sigh as he nodded. “You’ve been kidnapped. Have they hurt you at all?”

  “No. They haven’t even tied me up which is, you know, better than it was last time. It’s just a little… weird. Anyway, I’m supposed to give you the ransom demands. Apparently, my kidnapper, who will not be named, is after some internment records.”


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