Book Read Free

Craving Sugar

Page 16

by Elena M. Reyes

  Then I remembered my book and made a tiny detour into his office to grab it.

  A picture album near a photo that had been turned around caught my attention. My fingers itched to investigate, but I couldn’t risk suffering his wrath for snooping.

  Something within me begged that I look. Like I would learn something about the grouch if I did. Why else would it be facing away from the room?


  “Stop it and go before he finds you in here.” My eyes traveled toward the mystery photo once more before walking away. It nagged at me all the way to his library, but then another thought crossed my mind. A reality check.

  This room is just another way for him to keep his distance. He has a massive library, and yet, makes sure that anything belonging to you stays out of the way and in a tiny corner.

  Stung, but I ignored the pang and closed the door behind me. Locked myself in.

  The library was massive. Just gorgeous, with its floor-to-ceiling custom built-ins on the far left, while the siting area was two steps below on a sunken den. Hendrix seemed to like that feature throughout his home. Made for a cozier atmosphere.

  A water fountain ran through the center of the multi-story home; it stopped between the long couch and the two arm chairs. A shaggy rug and a large vintage trunk served to tie in the room. Splashes of soft blues, greens, and grey gave the space a relaxed vibe that helped calm my nerves once I was inside.

  Paradise. I’d found my nirvana.

  With the romance novel in hand, I settled down on the comfortable-looking suede couch he had in here. Sighed, as my tired bones melted into the cushioned seat and opened the book with the plans to get lost inside its pages.

  A naughty story about men who shifted into dragons and fought a demented warlock alongside their mates. It had it all: sex, action, and the all-consuming devotion of these men toward their women.

  I was halfway through the first book in the series when I heard his footsteps padding against the hardwood floors. Felt his dominating presence when he paused at the door and let out a muffled curse when he found the lock engaged.

  It took everything in me not to laugh and give myself away.

  “Stubborn woman,” he grumbled loud enough for me to hear before walking away.

  “Stupid jerk.” Looking down at thepage I was on, I caught up with the couple flying high in the sky and toward a mountain. He’d shifted back into his human form after she was safely on the ground, and on her next inhale, he had her in his arms. Was just about to kiss her, when Hendrix approached again.

  Keys rattled in his hands, and the knob gave a small turn.

  Shit. Fuck. Dammit.

  Immediately, I laid back on the couch and closed my eyes. Fought to keep my breathing slow even as my heart beat like a war drum inside my chest. My book tipped forward and landed on my stomach as if I’d dozed off.

  That was how he found me.

  “Beau?” Hendrix stood over the couch, his shadow drowning out the little bit of light I could still see. My eyes—the tiny slits I allowed to remain open—watched as he picked up my book and laid it closed atop the trunk.

  How the harshness in his expression softened when he thought I’d fallen asleep and had simply not heard his grumbling for attention.

  Within seconds, I was picked up and pressed against a warm, just-out-of-the-shower chest. He smelled divine, and I snuggled in closer, not protesting when he walked us up the stairs, nor when he laid me down.

  I was being lulled into a state of comfort that made it hard for me to keep myself lucid much longer. The day’s activities and the hurt he caused were beginning to weigh me down, so I gave in.

  Hendrix shut off all the lights and covered us both with a soft, thin blanket. His body molded to mine with his thigh thrown over my own, pinning me down. I welcomed the weight, and let out a tired sigh.

  “Sleep, nymph. We’ll talk in the morning…I promise,” was the last thing I heard before sleep took me under.

  “I was thinking…”

  “Shit!” I screamed, not having heard him. The towel wrapped around my dripping wet hair fell to the floor with a loud splat. My heart was up in my throat, the hell scared out of me, and I whirled around to face him with narrowed eyes.“Why would you sneak up on me, jerk? What the hell?”

  I’d slipped out of bed this morning before he was up and had gone out for a swim. Needed to clear my mind from the craziness that existed within and how confused—angry—I was at his audacity to wrap me in his strong arms all night.

  I woke up spooned, dwarfed by his frame. Made me feel dainty. Petite. I realize just how breakable I was.

  Needless to say, my little swim did nothing for me. Hendrix was all I could think about.

  His smile, and how it crinkled at the corner when he allowed himself to relax.

  His eight-pack—the deep V that I’d wanted to lick, since that day he took me back to his apartment.

  His cock, which should have a monument erected in its honor.

  But worst of all, was the way my heart pitter-pattered whenever he was near me.

  My limp hair hung down my back,wetting the small crop top I’d worn with a pair of sweatpants he had packed. With no bra on, he got an unrestricted view of my breasts.

  “Sorry, nymph.” Hendrix tried and failed to look contrite. Instead, he looked amused by my reaction. So, in retaliation, I flicked his lip hard.“Violent little thing.”

  “Your point?”


  “On what merit?”

  “That I’m tired and just want to hang out with you.” Almost felt bad for him. He looked so uncomfortable telling me that.“No bickering or jabs, just junk food and some TV?”

  “I’ll play.” Maybe it was the pathetic look in his eyes or the jutting out of his bottom lip, but I agreed. Walking past him, I moved toward the stairs, but before I could put my foot on the second step, I was tossed over his shoulder.“Hendrix, I swear to God that if you don’t…fuck!”

  The ass pretended to drop me with a laugh.“Behave.”

  “Can I change? I’m soaked and cold.”

  “Nope. Want you just like this,” he stated, and then smacked the back of my thigh.“Now, please allowme to escort you into my favorite room in the house with no fuss. Okay?” My reply was a pinch to his ass.“Quit being so violent.”

  “Quit being a Neanderthal.”

  “Smart ass.”

  “Do you want me to answer that?”

  A chuckle escaped him, and I could feel the way his shoulder shook.“Shut up, woman.”

  Hendrix walked us to the other side of the house and into a giant room that was pitch black. For a second, I thought it was one of those playrooms you read about in books and wished to have a night of debauched fun in. It wasn’t. With our bodies settled on a giant, sofa-like thing, he flipped a switch, and everything came into focus.

  “Jesus.” To be rich.

  A theater room with all the comforts of a real cinema.

  He pulled me closer and laid his head on my lap, feet stretched out to the other side of that gigantic bed/sofa we laid in. It was so big that it could fit ten people, and everyone would still be comfortable. There was a popcorn and soda machine; legit with giant tubs and cups with the name Parker in bold letters across the center.

  “Glad you approve, Beau. Now what to watch?”

  Looking down at him, I widened my eyes and pouted.“Can I move into this room? You can keep the house.”

  “Will you suck my cock for the rest of your stay? I could make it happen on those terms.”

  I pinched his side,and he yelled out in protest.“Don’tbe a baby.”

  “Abuse. This is abuse.”

  “Want me to leave?”


  “Don’t go,” he spoke low, his eyes looking everywhere but at mine.

  “Okay,” I replied just as low and he nodded, letting me know he heard, and then reached toward a small hidden compartment behind my hip. Opening it up, he
pulled out a tablet-looking device.

  It was a remote.

  Hendrix settled back into his earlier position with his head on my lap, wiggling a bit in place, he brought his hair toward my fingertips just a couple of inches away.

  Without a word, I complied to his silent request and ran my fingers through his thick black hair. Scratched his scalp, while he swiped a finger over the tablets interface.

  A few buttons were pressed, and the projection screen came down from the ceiling and his equipment turned on. Another swipe of his index finger and the bright bold red and white logo for Netflix came to life.

  He remembered my wishes of a few days ago.

  “Want to chill with me today and watch badscary movies?”

  “You’re actually asking, not telling me?” I bit my lip, a move he followed with heavy-lidded eyes. For the first time since I met Hendrix, he was relaxed, just looking up at me with a lazy smile.

  He shrugged.“Well, yes.”

  “Then pick the first.”

  His face turned into my thigh and kissed the skin he could reach, just a quick peck before going back to his toy and finding us a cheesy horror flick to watch. The one he picked was all zombie and gore.

  Thank you, God.

  Romance or sex were out of the question, not with him so close and docile.

  We were a quarter through the movie, at the point where the female lead was driving a screwdriver through a walker’s head, when he paused it and stood, walking his sexy ass over to a cabinet and opened it wide.

  “Hey! Why’d you stop it?”

  “Hungry.” Hendrix looked back at me from over his shoulder. “Chips, chocolate, and sodas? Or do I order a few pizzas?”

  “Hawaiian please with extra cheese, an order of wings, and a large as hell Coke,” I rattled off my order; his eyes widened.“What?”

  Shaking his head, he grabbed a few bags from his junk-food hiding spot and jumped back on the bed. Thistime, he sat beside me.“Love that you eat like a normal person and don’t pick at lettuce all day.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Parker.” I’m not what you think I am.

  “I’m starting to realize that more each day.” Opening the bag of Combos, he offered me some first before tossing back a few.“Which is why I was thinking we should ask each other one question a day for the next few weeks to help us along. Honest answers,though, no bullshit or sparing feelings.”

  I reached for another Combo.“Agreed. Now, you order us some food,and I’ll think of something good while we wait.”

  “Why do you get to go first?”

  “I’m a girl.”

  “Call bullshit.”

  “And I’ll call a you’ve been between my thighs.”

  Hendrix didn’t reply. Instead, he opened a new tab on his projector and made an online order to his house. Ordered more food than was necessary, but I appreciated the thought behind it.

  This. Moments like this with him made me happy.

  Jewelry, traveling, or expensive meals meant shit to me, and I needed him to see that.

  After ordering, he settled down once more with his head on my lap, and I continued my earlier ministrations of playing with his hair. Eyes closed, he had a serene expression on his face. Made me forget all about the movie he’d paused.

  Until he spoke.“Thought about your question, yet?”

  “I have.” Leaning down, I pecked his lips. Made a promise to myself then and there that if he could change—act like this more often—I’d let my anger from yesterday fade.“Favorite horror film growing up?”

  One eye cracked open.“Starting off slow, nymph. Expected more.”

  I pulled on the ends of his hair hard enough for him to wince.“Just answer the damn question, grouch.”

  “Grouch…really?” His laugh was deep and carefree, makinghim appear younger than his almost forty years.“You’re too cute for words, babe. And to answer your question: Halloween. Hands down, it had the freakiest killer in my opinion.”

  “No way!” I gasped, pushing him away from me with that weak answer.“Jason. All. The. Way.”

  “Take that back.” Rolling off, he stood on his knees a few inches from me and looked poised to attack.“In this house, we are a Halloween family. Live it. Love it. Deal with it.”

  Mimicking his pose, I placed a hand on my hip.“Nope. Not going to happen…shit!” Before I could finish my mini rant, I found myself knocked back with his body weight pinning me down. I was consumed by his warmth; he felt exquisite against me.

  “You were saying?”


  “Always, nymph. I don’tplay fair when I want something.” Lowering his face to mine, he pecked me twice before maneuvering our bodies further down the bed. On my sideand with his head on my stomach, we lay for a few minutes in silence. For a moment, I thought he’d fallen asleep, but then he spoke, his voice low—warm.“We aren’t so different,you and I…you know? We’re both hungry to succeed no matter the cost, Beau. Was something my mother loved about me, called me her little overachiever. That ambition was something we shared.”

  “Money will always be the difference between us.” I let the statement hang in the air;there was no way I’d touch the subject of his family. Not when it was clear that he spoke in past tense for a reason.

  “Just like age, nymph, it’s nothing but a set of numbers. Doesn’t determinewho you are.” Turning his face, he nuzzled the area just below my belly button, nipped the goose-bump-filled flesh.“My parents didn’tcome from money, either. They were just another lower/middle class family from the Bayou, who worked hard day in and day out. Woke up at three every day to open the doors to the family’s small diner. We struggled, but were close. They gave me everything as their only child, taught me to fight for what I want. To never give up. It’s what got me through their deaths at the age of fourteen—my Mother’steachings stuck. Work hard and enjoy the rewards. I make no apologies about who I am, or my tendencies to be an asshole, but I do admire your tenacity, Beau. It’s what drew me to you in the first place. You’re a fighter, babe…never stop.”

  Hendrix hit play then, and the movie picked back up. No more words were exchanged, but I was more than okay with that. That precious piece of him he shared could never be measured in wealth.

  This side—playful and loving—was what I had been missing.

  You love him. Son of a whore.

  I did. I was in love with Hendrix Parker.

  “So, let me get this straight,” Zoe began, looking through yet another rack of designer dresses. Fifth store, and we had yet to find anything even remotely elegant enough for the gala that Hendrix would be honored at.“He made you feel cheap, then was attentive and sweet, only to turn around and give you three days to find a dress for the Design & Architecture event this weekend.”

  “Pretty much.” She had summed it up in a nutshell. Taking a red gown down, I held it out and examined it. It was a beaded, high-waist halter style. Nice, but not me. It reminded me of something my mother would wear.“Did I also mention that beforewe came back, I snooped in his office while he was on the phone outside? I know…” I waved off her look of chastisement “…but there was this picture and photo album driving me up a wall. So, I peeked and Jesus, I wish I hadn’t.”

  “What did you find?” I scrunched up my nose in disgust at the lime-green number in her hand, and she laughed, turningback to continue her search.“Some dark secret?”

  “I think so.” Immediately, I was assaulted of picture after picture of him with a stunning woman. Beautiful and happy. They smiled in every photo: hugging, lounging on a sofa, even one on a boat with her mimicking the Titanic pose from the movie.“You should’ve seen how happy he looked—how carefree he was with this other woman. It’s plain to see that he loved her.”

  Moreover, that was a dagger to my chest; I needed him to see me the way he saw her. To laugh and smile with me like he did with her. Be happy with me and not with the memory of her.

number in hand, she winced.“Looking into their past always hurts. Word of advice—don’tdo it again. Not worth the pain.”

  “Agreed, and that’s a no-go on that dress.” I should’ve taken Hendrix’sup on his offer to have a personal shopper gather a collection of evening gowns for me. Could’ve had them brought to the apartment for me to go through. This was hell.“Think classic beauty with some boom factor. Like sexy meets sophisticated.”

  God, the purple dress I found next was just hideous. Looked like something one of thosequinseañeragirls would wear. Poufy and full of sparkle; Hendrix would kill me if I showed up in this, though his expression would be hilarious.

  “Holy shit!” Zoe called out, making the few women in the room turn her way.“You got to see what my eyes just landed on.” She pointed in the general direction across the room, but I noticed what she did at once.

  A white, floor-length dress with gold beading in a gorgeous pattern across the chest and right hip. Curve hugging, no flaring skirt, with a dangerous split up one side. Three-quarter-length sleeves finished off the elegant look along with a rounded neck that kept me demure in the provocative department until I turned around.

  It was backless. Completely bare and sexy; the edge dipped low enough to just cover the very top of my ass.

  There was no way for me to wear anything beneath this dress.

  Hendrix would like that a lot.

  Zoe had it in her hand and was at the register before I could even try it on.“Trust me, it’s in your size, and I saw some other chick eyeing it. Worst case scenario, we come back for a refund or exchange.”

  “Word.” We paid without a problem using the credit card he’d given me.I felt weird using it, but this was an expense that he demanded I make.“Now, to find shoes. I’m thinking strappy? Gold?”

  “What size are you?”

  I stopped walking and turned to look at her.“Seven. Why?”

  “Then I got you in that department.” Coming to stand beside me, she threw her arm over my shoulders and leaned in so no one could hear her.“Sugar bear bought me these gorgeous Manolos a couple months back in the wrong size. He was so proud of himself that I kept my mouth shut, placed them in the back of my closet ever since. Please take them, Beau. They’d look fabulous with this dress.”


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