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Ruby Dragon (Awakened Dragons Book 3)

Page 9

by Terry Bolryder

  The more of himself he showed her, the more Faye knew there was no one else like him in the entire world. She could probably live a hundred lifetimes and not find a better lover, a better man than she had somehow stumbled upon out of sheer luck or perhaps fate.

  After who knew how many orgasms she’d had with his mouth positioned between her thighs, he finally stopped, licking his lips wickedly as he came back on top of her, his gaze intense and predatory as he loomed over her. For a split second, she could swear the green of his eyes became a deep, captivating purple, his irises narrowing into thin slits just before flipping back to their sultry, intoxicating verdant color. But everything was a haze right now, and she was probably just imagining it after so much release.

  “I think it’s about time we let you out of that,” Red said, undoing the clasp of her bra and pulling both shirt and bra fully off at once.

  He hopped off the bed and pulled off the rest of his clothes, the sight of him more delicious than ever, her body wanting him inside more with each second that passed. He pulled a condom out of the pocket of his jeans and rolled it on quickly, then knelt on the bed in front of her.

  But instead of coming between her legs, she felt him turn her over, his hand over her stomach, lifting her onto her knees, supporting her. He got behind her, and she could feel every smooth muscle as he got into position.

  “I have a feeling you’ll like this,” he whispered, the warmth of his breath over her ear sending a shiver of anticipation through her.

  Oh, hell yes. A wave of excitement rippled through her as she felt him at her entrance, his arm wrapped around her and supporting her, grazing her breasts as he held them both up with one hand planted firmly on the bed.

  She arched up against him, begging for what she wanted, and then he slid into her from behind. She nearly came right then and there, the feel of his hard member inside her hot and erotic, every ridge, every inch sending pure, undiluted pleasure undulating through her.

  He was in control, fully against her, and every second was heaven.

  And as he began to move in and then out, Faye loved the closeness of their two bodies sealed together even as he created impossibly sublime friction with the motion of his hips. The way his muscles strained as he held her. The way his left pec bulged as he supported them both while his right arm surrounded her, held her. The way she could feel his hot breaths as he thrusted into her. The way she could feel the slight tickle of his hair dropping onto her shoulder or the way his hips met hers.

  It was nothing short of supernatural, the incredible rhythm of his cock that stoked the roaring fire in her that could only be sated by him. Red still showed so much care, despite the tearing down of all restraints, all boundaries as they both gave themselves over to the heady, lustful desires that burned hotter than the sun.

  And his scent, oh, his scent. Spicy and exotic. It was no wonder women flocked to him. Yet he was hers now. At least that’s how she felt. And she was his, too.

  He continued to thrust, moving with perfect momentum into her in just the right way and at just the right angle so he slid in effortlessly, the filling, stretched feel of him inside so unbelievable she could pass out. But her fast-approaching release kept her focused, kept her alert, as she could feel Red’s own body starting to tense around her.

  She was so close now it was like dangling over the edge of a cliff, a dangerous, pleasurable plummet awaiting if she only had the courage to take the jump.

  And then Red thrust into her, long and hard, pounding her past her inhibitions, and she jumped. Or rather, her body jumped, taking her with it into pleasurable senselessness, almost feeling out-of-body as momentous pleasure coursed its release through her, and her vision blurred from the power of it all. And a second later, Red came with her, his dick pulsing inside her as his muscles surrounded her, held her tight through the orgasm of a lifetime.

  Together, joined, they held on as they came, hard and fast and gloriously. And then finally, when all was still, he came out of her, laying her down on the bed as he strode to the bathroom, cleaned up quickly, and came back to her on the bed, pulling the thick comforter over them.

  Outside, an owl hooted and crickets chirped, while inside, Red’s arms surrounded her once more, warm and soft and welcoming.

  She settled in, calm and peaceful, and heard Red take a deep breath, releasing it slowly.

  “I really could just make you my mate right now.”

  She turned over to rest on his chest, looking into his gorgeous green eyes. She wanted to say yes. She wanted to just fall into this. But it was too much in one day. Too good to be true. Too surprising. And she still knew so little about him, didn’t she?

  “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I still need to think about it.”

  He put his arm around her. If he was disappointed, he did a good job putting it aside. “As long as you know I love you.”

  Her heart burned within her, wanting to say the same thing back. But old pain echoed within her, scaring her, and she just couldn’t.

  She wasn’t ready. Was she?

  “I know,” she answered.

  He sat up, looking around the room in the darkness, and then turned back to her. “I need to go talk to the dragons. Is that okay?”

  She felt a pang but knew with everything that had happened, he probably needed an update on what was going on. “Yes.”

  “Thanks,” he said, kissing her forehead. “I’ll be back soon. To convince you some more.”

  She giggled but watched him get dressed with trepidation. As he slid out the door, locking it behind him, she felt an emptiness in her chest she didn’t like. She was already starting to need him. If he let her down, she didn’t know what she’d do.


  Red heard Onyx and Sapphire talking in the kitchen and walked down there to see their mates must have long retired, but the two of them were still up.

  “Oh, good, you made it,” Zach said sardonically. “I was wondering if it’d take all night for you to explain things.”

  “Nope,” Red said, taking a seat on a velvety cushioned chair. “So what are we discussing?”

  “The wyvern thing,” Luc said. “We talked to the dragon pairs in the area, and they said they haven’t seen wyverns in a long time, and they definitely weren’t strong like this.”

  “So they might be using dragon blood?” Red asked. “Like, our kind of dragon blood?”

  “It’s possible. They could be getting it from Aegis,” Zach replied.

  “Impossible.” Red scoffed. “Aegis may be on their side, but he’d never give them his blood. He’d never give his powers to anyone but himself.”

  “You know him better than most of us. You said he showed up with them?”

  Red nodded, leaning back on his chair. “Yeah. I was shocked by how determined he was to stay on their side. He’s still pissed at you.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Zach muttered. “When is he going to realize that whole thing with Opal wasn’t my fault?”

  “The heart wants what the heart wants,” Red said quietly. “Anyway, I don’t judge him too harshly. He’s been hurt.”

  “Well, he threatened our mates, so I’ll judge him all I want,” Zach declared.

  Luc looked uncertain. “Regardless, we have to watch out for him for now.” He turned to Red. “But if you don’t think Aegis is sharing blood, how do you think they’re getting it?”

  “That I don’t know,” Red said. “But if they had an ancient dragon captive, that would make sense.”

  “But who?” Luc asked. “I think all are accounted for. Diamond and the others are still in cryo.”

  “Right,” Zach said. “Anyway, I guess if we do more tests on the wyverns, maybe we can figure it out. But I’m not doing anything until we hear back from the oracle on whether she has any scientists who can do it humanely.”

  “Yeah,” Red said. “Damn, the world got way more complicated.”

  “That’s why they need us,” Luc said. “So when are
you going to get your powers back?”

  “I would think soon,” Red said. “I’ve done everything the oracle asked. Being with Faye should prove I have totally changed my ways. Once I mate her, I should get everything back again.”

  “Did the oracle say that specifically?”

  Red snorted. “I’m pretty sure in addition to the ring, I just need to have her say she’s my mate. Agree to it. That should deactivate my collar. I have to admit, it’s been hard, what the oracle asked. But worth it.”

  “Here, here,” Zach said, raising his glass.

  Luc clinked his against it, and Red grabbed an empty glass, filled it with wine, and toasted as well.

  “So when do you think you’ll do it?” Luc asked.

  “I think I’m close. Faye is really cautious about that kind of thing. That’s what made all of this perfect. Unlike my usual scenario, where girls just fall on me, I had to work for her, had to really be different than my usual self, just like the oracle asked.”

  “Just be careful,” Luc said. “I don’t think you can rush that one.”

  “I know,” Red said. “But I want my powers back soon.” With everything that was happening, he wanted to be able to fully protect her and everyone else at any moment. To have access to his flight and his treasure and everything else.

  Every time he touched Faye, it was more than he could have ever hoped for. And with the world closing in around them, he wanted her to wear his ring, to be safe.

  He hoped after how tender yet hot things had been between them tonight, she’d be ready soon.

  Otherwise, he might explode with worry.

  “Well, not much we can do until we hear back from the oracle or Aegis makes another move,” Zach said, standing. “So if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go hold my mate.”

  Luc flushed slightly but nodded, then looked at Red with concern. “Is something bothering you?”

  The sapphire dragon had always been a good listener. “It’s just…” Red hesitated. “My mate. She doesn’t know about the whole collar thing. I haven’t wanted to tell her yet. I’m pretty sure when I do, she’s going to feel used.”

  “It’ll be okay,” Luc said. “You’ll know when to tell her.”

  “I’m not using her, you know?” He tightened his hands into fists. “I would have wanted her regardless. It just so happens it also sets me free. But I’m worried because guys have used her in the past.”

  “Maybe you could talk to the oracle, see if there’s another way to get your powers back. Then she can’t think you’re only mating her to get them back.”

  Red didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of that. “That’s a good idea. I’m going to go call her.”

  Luc just nodded and then slowly stood. “Guess I better go see Hallie.” He looked up at the stairs tenderly. “She’ll already be asleep, so I’ll end up waking her.”

  “I’m sure she’ll think it’s worth it,” Red said.

  Luc sent him a rakish grin. “She usually does.”

  “Look at you, Sapphire, making a dirty joke.”

  Luc just raised a finger to his lips and then waved, walking out into the main hall, leaving Red alone at the dining table.


  He pulled out his phone and dialed. Because of his altered collar, he didn’t have a way to communicate with her through it. It was only for binding.

  She picked up after the first ring. “Hello?”

  “It’s Red,” he said.

  “I gathered,” she replied drily. “What’s going on? Is there an update with the wyverns? I’m still checking to see if any of my scientists can find out anything.”

  “No, not that,” he said. “I just… I guess it’s about the collar. I’m wondering if you can make an exception.”

  “No,” she said, sounding irritated. “Listen to me, Red. I’ve already given you a lot of exceptions, you charmer, but this is set. You can’t just be a playboy anymore. You have to find a good girl and mate her.”

  “So I have to get a girl to wear my ring.”

  “Not just that. She also has to say she’s your mate. When that happens, the collar will fall off.”

  “What if I found the right girl and she won’t agree to it? With everything happening, I need my powers, not to mention my treasure.”

  “You can’t hurry love,” the oracle said, joking.

  “Well, I need to,” he said. “Look, I did everything you asked of me. The rest isn’t in my control. So can you just take it off?”

  “I’m sorry, but no,” she replied. “I have my rules for a reason. I understand things better than you. And the collar stays until she says she’ll mate you.”

  He huffed and hung up the phone, pacing in frustration. Now he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to mate Faye without telling her about the collar. But he didn’t know how to bring it up without it sounding terrible.

  He began practicing it in his mind, pretending to talk to the chair next to him, when a soft voice cut him off.

  “Are you okay?” Faye asked, appearing at the doorway.

  “How much did you hear?” he asked, panic moving through him.

  “Enough,” she said quietly. “So you just want your collar off?”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s not like that. I promise I—”

  She took a step back from him. “Why were you hiding it from me? Why didn’t you tell me you were just doing all this to get your collar off?”

  “I wasn’t,” he said. “I want you, regardless.”

  “Then why were you calling your boss, asking her to take it off? Did you not want to even mate me?”

  He gritted his teeth together. “I wanted to avoid this conversation. I didn’t want you to feel used.” As he took another step forward, she took another back.

  This was how it always was. One step forward and one step back. And he was getting tired of it.

  “How do you feel about me, Faye? I mean, you either trust me or you don’t.”

  She took another step back, into the main hall. “I don’t think it’s that simple. I think people earn and lose trust, and you just lost a lot of it.”

  “Because you overheard one conversation?” he asked. “What exactly did you hear, so I can know if it’s even true?”

  “Why would you lie on the phone?”

  “I wouldn’t. But I need to make sure you’re not misunderstanding something,” he said.

  She folded her arms, covering her chest, and her eyes avoided his. “I heard you asking for the collar off. I heard you saying you didn’t want to follow the rules, which meant getting a girl to agree to wear your ring.”

  “I did say that,” he said. “And she said the girl I mate also has to say she’s my mate. Not just take my ring.”

  “Oh,” Faye said.

  “Look, Faye,” he said. “I really can explain. I never—”

  “I need space,” she said. “I need time. Don’t you get this is complicated because of what I’ve been through?”

  He felt something explode inside him. “What you’ve been through? What about what I’ve been through? I’ve been waiting patiently for you to see I’m not the monster you think all men are. Waiting patiently for you to fall in love with me the way I am with you. Waiting for you to look at me the way the other dragon’s mates look at them. And I’m tired of it.” He looked to the side. “And yes, with everything happening, I want my collar off. And I don’t see why you won’t just agree to it.” He looked back at her. “I’ve told you I love you. That I’ll take care of you forever. So why can’t you just say yes?”

  “Because in my world, people don’t just say yes in a few days or a week!” she yelled. “That’s just crazy.”

  He took a deep breath, feeling pain well up inside him. “Well, in my world, we desperately need to be able to move quickly once we know something is right. And maybe you just don’t feel the same way.” He stared into her blue eyes. “But I think you do feel the same way. I think you know this is right
, have known it for a while, and it scares you.”

  “You don’t know what I think,” she said.

  “I could read your mind,” he said. “But I won’t. Because all I ever wanted was for you to tell me on your own. Everything you’re thinking. For fuck’s sake, I’m not Braden.”

  She froze, staring at him angrily. “The way you’re pressuring me, you’re certainly sounding like him.”

  He stood stock still. He was tired, from the fight and the stress and everything that came with it. The night wasn’t going how he’d expected, and despite his best efforts to make things okay, everything had blown up around him.

  Maybe he really wasn’t meant for this mating thing. Maybe he was delusional.

  “Maybe if you need the collar off sooner, you should find another girl,” she said, and the words echoed all around him, despite their quiet cadence.

  “What?” he asked.

  Her arms were folded so tight it looked painful. “If all you need is someone to free your powers and every girl in the world wants you and you can’t deal with all my issues, maybe you should just find someone else.”

  Then she ran for the front door, and he followed. Anger burned in him, and he wasn’t going to let her leave like this.

  She was a runner, and she was running, as he’d known she would when she found out about the collar. But he didn’t honestly believe she would want him to be with someone else. She couldn’t. Not when he could literally kill at just the thought of someone else touching her. And he never wanted to touch another woman again.

  He caught her on the steps just outside the mansion and whirled her to face him. “You don’t mean that. Think of someone else touching me. What do you really think?”

  He felt fury rush through her, and was relieved to see she was more possessive than she let on.

  She stared up at him, blinking back tears. “I don’t know what you want from me. I’m not rushing into something again just because a guy makes me feel good.”

  “Makes you feel good?” he asked, aghast. “That’s not all this is, and you know it.”


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