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The Thorn tcog-1

Page 28

by Daron Fraley

  Humble, yet sufficient, Uzziel’s home had two spacious rooms separated by a loft within the second story, all above the kitchen and main living space. Miriam had suggested the arrangements to Rachel, insisting that she and Uzziel had already planned to stay with friends for a few days. Knowing that Pekah and Abigail would then also have a private place to spend their first nights together, Rachel had consented.

  The singing and celebrating parade stopped at the door. Variations on blessings of peace and posterity offered by the well-wishers drew humble appreciation from both brides. Allowing Uzziel’s family some privacy, the crowd dispersed. Eli offered his own private well wishes, as did Rachel’s parents, who gave hugs of congratulation and love to all four of them. The couples then waved to their friends and family, turning to walk into Uzziel’s home together.

  Chapter 36


  Seven days after the coronation and the weddings of Jonathan and Pekah to their lovely brides, the family celebrations came to a close. Both couples had decided they would return to Hasor after the Sabbath. As a wedding gift, Jonathan offered Pekah and Abigail a small family property within the village walls of Hasor. It would be their first home together.

  The newly wedded Gideonites were very grateful for it. Between them, they did not have a possession in the world except the funds that had been delivered to Abigail, partial proceeds from the liquidation of Jasher’s estate. The majority of the funds were given, at Abigail’s request, to Jasher’s ailing mother, Dinah, for her care. Dinah had been invited to come and live with Pekah and Abigail in Hasor, but she declined, saying she preferred to stay in Gideon for the rest of her short days. Abigail relented, yet promised to visit her soon.

  Jonathan sat with his bride and all their friends, enjoying one last celebratory meal before the Sabbath. Their gathering was small-only close friends and family, all resting under the sycamore trees behind Uzziel’s home: Tavor and Sarah were there with the boys, Miriam’s sister Deborah, a few of Eli’s cousins, Jeremy and Josiah of Uzzah, Abram’s widow Esther with her boy, and Eder of Gideon, who was quickly becoming like a member of the family.

  “Where’s your father?” Jonathan asked Rachel as he ran his fingers through her hair.

  “I’m not sure. Mother?”

  Miriam shook her head with slight irritation and threw a dish cloth over her shoulder as she started grabbing up empty platters and bowls. “A message from Boaz was delivered this morning. Uzziel read it and left earlier than I expected. I assume he’s at the temple, but he didn’t say how long he would be. It has been about nine hours, and now the meal is cold-I wish he’d told me. I just cannot seem to get it through that thick head of his that it’s rude to be late to dinner, especially with all these people…”

  Miriam’s voice trailed off as she disappeared into the house with an armload of dishes. Sarah and Deborah followed her, bearing plates and cups needing to be washed. Some of the guests cleared their own place settings and filed into the house. Still finishing up with his sons, Tavor sat nearby and fed them. Esther rested in a rocker with her own infant son asleep in her arms.

  Jonathan heard a shout.

  “Uzziel!” Miriam cried.

  Chatter erupted in the house. At first, Jonathan thought they were all just excited to see Rachel’s father. But the tone was different. There were gasps, exclamations, and whispers. It sounded like something was wrong. Jonathan stood up as Uzziel almost stumbled to the threshold of the back door, Miriam on his arm. Her eyes were wide, misty. Uzziel bubbled with excitement, saying over and over, “Come! Come, all of you!”

  “Father, what’s the matter?” Rachel asked, rising to greet him.

  “Come to the patio, please. Come outside, all of you. There you are! Eli, Jonathan. Are the others still here?”

  “What’s the matter?” Rachel again asked.

  Uzziel turned around, frantically waving to those in the house. “Just come outside. I want to tell everybody. Please come! ” He stepped aside to let everyone exit, then lead an almost-resistant Miriam out to her chair. He asked her to sit down before taking his own seat, gasping.

  “Father, are you well?” Rachel asked.

  “I’m fine. I ran from the temple. I just need some air.” While the old high priest took a few moments to compose himself, all patiently waited, some of them gaping.

  “Is he ill?” Jonathan whispered.

  Rachel shook her head. “Excited, I think. I have no idea what got him so flustered.”

  Uzziel cleared his throat and surveyed the faces around him. “This morning I got a note. Oh, what a blessed day!” he broke off, grinning.

  “Yes, dear,” Miriam said. “We know about the note. Where did you go?”

  Uzziel looked like he was about to cry, not the kind of tears one would have under duress or pain, but the kind one would have when a thoughtful gift was received from a very close friend. Miriam reached out and touched his arm.


  Uzziel came back from the visions that seemed to be playing in his mind and cleared his throat again. “I was called to the temple early. Boaz wanted to talk to me right away. He had seen… he heard… Boaz told me everything. We prayed together by the Rock of Sacrifice, we went into the temple, directly to… and then… we both saw

  … I saw him myself… I heard the messenger myself, with mine own two ears!”

  “Uzziel,” Miriam said tenderly. “You are not making any sense.”

  He frowned, thanked her while patting her hand, and then changed the direction of his telling. “I’m sorry. I cannot describe it. Maybe another time… but this I can tell you. Please listen! Please understand!”

  Every soul was as quiet as a falling feather, all gazing earnestly upon the priest. Jonathan noticed his own excitement. Could it be? Why else would Uzziel be so passionate? Now nervous, a lump formed in his throat.

  Suddenly, Uzziel stood. “ This is the night! Boaz was told. I was told. I heard it with my own ears… Tonight, the sign will be given! ” He nearly collapsed back into his chair.

  Rachel gasped. A whispered murmur flowed through the gathering.

  It’s true! Jonathan thought. All these years. Nobody knew when it would be. And now, the promised sign is at hand. In my day, I will see the sign.

  Gazing around him, Jonathan saw that everyone seemed to understand the significance of what had been said-all except Pekah and Abigail, who exchanged blank expressions, glancing about, as if hoping for someone to explain.

  “Pekah,” Jonathan said after he smiled at Abigail. “Do you remember the day we walked the road to Ain, the same day that you made your covenant? We talked about the promised King. The same who is called ‘The One Who Would Suffer’?”

  Pekah’s eyes lit up with recognition. “Yes,” he said. “You explained that the Holy King was not of this world, and that He would not be born here on Gan, but elsewhere.”

  “Yes, Pekah. And there would be a sign-a sign in the heavens, pointing us to Him.”

  Abigail placed her hand over her mouth.

  “Jonathan?” she asked meekly. “Pekah taught me about the Holy One. He is about to be born?”

  “Yes. When the sign appears.”

  Uzziel had been listening. Now able to speak again, he nearly shouted, “And the sign is at hand! It will be given tonight! ”

  Hours later, Pekah heard a chatter like the buzzing of bees hanging over the entire city of Ramathaim. News had traveled like a tidal wave. Every edifice in the city that had roof-top access was now filled to capacity with families and their friends. Other homes with patios or gardens were no less crowded. Mothers and fathers and children of every age, the old and infirm, the infants born on that very day, and every other soul, it seemed, had been gathered in by loved ones. All looked to the heavens, eagerly watching the sister suns as they dipped closer and closer to the horizon. A few wispy clouds provided an exquisite show of blues, purples, reds, and pinks as the last crescent edges of Azure and Aqua fell below the m
ountain tops of the east.

  Then, just as the last beams disappeared over the lowest point, Pekah expected the light to wane, but the sky actually began to get brighter. Turning toward the west with all the other anxious observers in Ramathaim, he watched as a suns-rise took place, similar to every suns-rising he had ever witnessed, except for one significant difference. There was not a burning celestial orb present. Nothing was there. It appeared as if a great, invisible glow-stone grew in the west, getting brighter and brighter until the entire sky was filled with a light equal to the sister suns at mid-day.

  With an arm around his dear wife, Pekah continued to watch with awe and wonder. Jade, Ebony, and Sienna, the three moons of Gan, all rose close together, three days short of a full cycle when the three of them would actually cross and the expected characteristic face would then appear. Even the moons appeared different. They seemed to absorb the glowing light in the sky, and yet, at the same time, reflect that light, their coloring a brilliant green-gray, a superb reflective coal, and a deep, shiny, scarlet-brown. And the sky all around the moons was blue-bluer than Pekah had ever seen before.

  Then, from the southwest, Pekah heard a very faint noise-almost like the slow ripping of paper or the hiss of sizzling bacon. A small celestial object coursed through the sky like a lazy meteor. Trailing a cloudy tail of light, the comet spewed hundreds of falling particles, each of them burning fire-red lines across the sky. It disappeared in the direction of the sister suns.

  Gasps, cheers, and shouts echoed all around. Uzziel clapped his hands together and held them fast, as if he had just seen a fantastic production at the city amphitheater. Jonathan and Rachel kissed, holding each other tight. Abigail put her arm through Pekah’s and pulled him close. He kissed her gently on the forehead and told her that he loved her dearly.

  As he gazed upward at the celestial display unfolding before his eyes, Pekah suddenly wondered why nobody was afraid. The comet had been eerily close. The source of the heavenly glow was invisible to his eyes. Yet there was not a single cry of fear, nor a comment of worry by anyone around him.

  And then it all made sense. He heard the most sublime sounds of music… music and trumpets! He hadn’t noticed it until that moment. It came from the heavens above him, filling him like water into a vase until it overflowed. Unique and pleasant, the music and singing felt familiar, reminding Pekah of a field of flowers or a mountain stream.

  And then… Pekah saw them. Angels. Angels descending from the heavens, all declaring the tidings that worlds away, the Holy One had been born.

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