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How To Catch A Billionaire (The Full Series)

Page 5

by Helen Cooper

  I looked at his handsome face and pondered it. “Don’t you think they’ll be suspicious?”


  “I’m young and cute and you’re old and snarky.” I paused. “Not to be rude or anything.”

  He laughed again and clasped my hands. “You’ll be perfect.” He leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, “And if you’re lucky, I’ll sneak into your room and give you the fucking of your life.”

  I gasped and looked up at the twinkle in his eyes. I felt my nipples harden just thinking about him making love to me again and I nodded. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

  “Good.” Suddenly his face got serious. “Well, I have work to do. Why don’t you go home and start getting ready?”

  “Ready for what?” I looked at him in surprise. “The weekend is a couple of days away.”


  “What’s happening tonight?”

  “I’m taking you out.”

  “I’m busy.” I flounced to the door. “Sorry.”

  “Sarah.” His voice was low. “I’ll pick you up tonight.”

  “You don’t know where I live.” I smiled sweetly at him.

  “Actually, I do.” He picked up a folder and I realized it contained all my HR information. “I’ll be there at 7pm. Be ready.”

  “Whatever.” I unlocked the door.

  “Wait.” He walked over to me, pulled me close to him, and kissed me hard. I melted into him once again and sighed as he pulled away. “I’m looking forward to tonight.” He grabbed my hand and placed it on his cock. I could feel it hard through his pants and I decided to give it a quick squeeze. I laughed as I felt it twitch and heard Harry inhale quickly. I pulled my hand away and walked to the door.

  “Yeah. I’m sure you are.” And with that, I walked out of his office with my face flushed and my body horny. I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into but I had a feeling that it was going to be the time of my life.

  Chapter 6

  I ran a bath as soon as I got home. I needed a long soak in some bubble bath and aromatic oils. In fact, I deserved some candles and a magazine as well.

  “Jane, do you have the latest Cosmo?”

  “What?” she shouted back at me from the kitchen. “Do I have what?”

  “Cosmo.” I walked into the kitchen and saw her baking cupcakes. “Omg, why are you doing this to me, Jane? I wanted to go on a diet.”

  “You don’t need a diet.” She grinned at me and offered me the mixing bowl to take a dollop of the cake mix.

  “Yes I do.” I sighed and reached my finger in and licked the cake batter off eagerly. “Yummy, this is good.”

  “It’s a new recipe.” She held up a cookbook. “How was work?”

  “Eh,” I groaned.

  “What does that mean, Sarah?” She looked at me in concern and I felt my heart beating rapidly.

  “So my date last night. I slept with him.”

  “Wow.” Jane looked at me with wide eyes. “That was a bit quick, wasn’t it?”

  “Eh,” I groaned again. “That’s not the worst part.”

  “Oh no. Are you pregnant, Sarah?”

  “Jane! We just had sex yesterday.” I laughed. “Plus we used a condom. So no, I do not think I am pregnant.”


  “He was my boss.”

  “What?” She frowned. “That Lewis guy you were telling me about?”


  “But I thought he was your boss.”

  “He is.” I paused. “I slept with the big boss.”

  “Big boss,” she repeated my words and looked at me in shock. “You mean the guy who is away on business.”

  I nod my head. “Well, he’s not away on business anymore.”

  “Oh my God, Sarah. How did that happen?”

  “You don’t want to know.” I sighed. “And he fired me.” I hurried on with my words as Jane looked like she was going to have a heart attack. “But he is taking me out tonight, so I’m hoping I can convince him to give me my job back.” I decided to not tell her about the weekend offer; it seemed too cheap. Like I was some sort of hooker or escort or something.

  “Oh Sarah. What are you doing?” She frowned at me. “I knew I shouldn’t have left my job.”

  “It’ll be okay.” I cross my fingers. “I promise.”

  She sighed and turned back to her cupcakes. “I sure hope so.” She turned back to me with a glint in her eyes. “So was he good in bed?”

  I collapsed into laughter and sighed dreamily. “He’s the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. And when I say the best, I mean the best. This man knows his moves.”

  She giggled and put the mix into cupcake holders. “Well I want to hear more about it later.”

  “Okay.” I grinned back at her, my body tingling from the memories of last night. “Oh yeah, do you have the latest Cosmo?”

  “Why, you want to learn some new sex moves?” She laughed at me and I stuck my tongue out at her.

  “No. I just want some mindless reading for my bath.”

  “Sure sure. Go in my room, I have a copy on my nightstand.”

  “Great, thanks Jane.” And with that, I ran to her room, grabbed the copy and went to relax in the bath. I lay back in the bubbles and closed my eyes. This was the life, I thought. All I needed was a glass of champagne and some strawberries. And a hot man to scrub my back. Scratch that, I wanted Harry to scratch my back and have his wicked way with me. I felt a warm wave of desire hit me as I thought of Harry and I splashed myself. There was no way that I wanted to develop a bigger crush on him. I was just setting myself up for disappointment. He was too old, too rich and too snarky. Plus, he was too handsome. A man like him could have anyone he wanted and obviously did. He wasn’t looking to settle down. I bit my lip as I thought about the feelings he had stirred in me. The feelings that were in me were about more than the sex. I groaned and scrubbed my body hard trying to forget him.

  I heard someone knocking on the door but was too captivated in the ‘10 sex moves to spice up your relationship article’ to ask Jane who was there. I blushed as I read some of the positions. I was lying back daydreaming when I heard a knock on the door.

  “Uh, Sarah.” Jane’s voice sounded odd. “Some guy is here saying he’s your fiancé.”

  “What?” I sat up. “My what?”

  “Your fiancé.” I heard Harry’s sultry voice behind the door and threw my hands up to cover my breasts.

  “Harry? What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here for our date.”

  “But it’s still early,” I muttered.

  “Sarah, this is the guy you’re going on a date with?” Jane’s voice was filled with disbelief.

  “I think so.” I sighed. I had conveniently forgotten to tell Jane I was seeing an ‘older man’.

  “Oh ok.” Jane paused. “You’re not engaged, are you?”


  “Sorry but I’m confused.”

  “Take Harry to the living room and I’ll be out in a sec.” I sighed and pulled the plug out of the bath before I stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel. So much for a relaxing soak and some silly articles to get myself ready for the night. I opened the door and walked to my bedroom muttering to myself about how mad I was. I opened my bedroom door and nearly dropped my towel when I saw Harry sitting on the edge of my bed.

  “What are you doing in here?” I hissed.

  “I asked Jane if I could wait in your room.” He smiled. “She’s a nice girl.”

  I narrowed her eyes at him. “Yes, she is. But why did you need to wait in my room?”

  “I thought we’d have some fun before dinner.” He licked his lips and I pulled my towel around me tighter.

  “We’re not having any fun before or after dinner,” I said haughtily.

  “Really?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “You can resist this?” He pointed to himself and I rolled my eyeballs at him.

  “I can more than resist you.” I flounced to my clo
set with my heart beating rapidly. I turned away from him so that he wouldn’t see the flush in my face. The flush that would let him know that I was lying and wanted to flatten him on the bed in that very moment. He was wearing khaki pants and a black Bob Dylan t-shirt and he looked hotter than I had remembered. He also had some stubble on his face that was more appealing than it should be. I wanted to rip his t-shirt off and feel the roughness of his stubble against the smoothness of my face and breasts. I couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like rubbing against my clit. I moaned involuntarily and tried to banish his sexy image from my thoughts.

  “What are you moaning about, Sarah?” I felt his breath on the back of my neck. He had gotten off the bed and walked over to me. I felt his arms go around my waist and I struggled to clench the top of the towel to make sure that it didn’t fall down.

  “I’m groaning because I have nothing to wear,” I mumbled angrily. “Oh.” My voice became breathy as I felt his lips on the back of my neck, and kissing their way down to my bare shoulders.

  “I don’t mind if you have nothing to wear,” he growled into my ear and then he tugged on my towel until it went flying to the floor. “I don’t mind at all.” His hands moved up and caressed my breasts; he moved his fingers to my nipples and rolled them with his fingertips, squeezing them gently.

  “Oh Harry.” I leaned back into him and closed my eyes. I felt his hardness pushing into my butt through his pants.

  "Yes, Sarah?" I could hear a chuckle in his voice.

  "Nothing." I squirmed in his arms. I wanted to move away from him but I didn't have the will power. He turned me around to face him and pulled me towards him hard, crushing my breasts against his chest. I felt his tongue worm its way into my mouth and I sucked on it eagerly; enjoying the minty taste in my mouth.

  "Now now, Sarah." He grinned down at me as he pulled away slowly. "As much as I'd love to ravish you right now, we really don't have the time."

  "Huh?" I looked at him in confusion, my body groaning in rebellion. "I made reservations for dinner."

  "Oh." I peered up at him in his casual clothes and frowned. "You don't look very dressed up for dinner."

  "I've got clothes to change into."

  "Oh." I shivered at the coldness of the room and he drew me close to him and rubbed my back.

  "Get some clothes on before you catch a cold," he scolded me and I wanted to retort back to him that he was the reason why I didn't have any clothes on. "Unless you want us to warm you up in another way."

  "You just told me we didn't have time," I protested. He grinned at me.

  "Well, I could always be convinced."

  "Whatever." I pulled out a pair of panties and a bra and pulled them on before turning back to him. "How fancy is this place? Should I wear something casual or something sophisticated."

  "Whatever you want."

  "That doesn't help me," I moaned. "Men," I muttered. "I would have thought that you being an older man would know a bit more about clothes."

  "You're obsessed with age, aren't you?" He laughed.

  "No, I'm not." I pulled on a navy blue skirt and a white top. "I've just never dated an older man before."

  "Well, you're not dating one now either." He shrugged his shoulders. It took me a moment to realize what he meant by that. He wasn't saying that he wasn't old; he was saying that we weren't dating.

  "Or maybe I should say I've never slept with a man with sagging skin before." I smiled sweetly at him. "I know you may be looking for some sort of young trophy but I'm not really interested in the position. I'm not some blonde wanna-be who hooks up with an old fart like Hugh Hefner just to get into the Playboy Ranch."

  "No, you aren't." He looked at me pointedly and I felt my body flush.

  “You're not exactly a Chippendale."

  "Would you like me to be?" He raised an eyebrow at me and cocked his face. "Is that your way of asking me to strip for you?"

  "You wish." I flattened my skirt and brushed my hair, groaning at the tangles that were resisting my stroke.

  "Need some help?" He walked up behind me and took the brush from my hand. "You have beautiful hair."

  "Thanks." I let him brush my hair softly and it relaxed my nerves. I wasn't sure why I felt so agitated and jumpy around him. He did something to me that I didn't really understand. "Ow!" I cried out as he hit a knot of hair.

  "Sorry," he rubbed the top of my head. "Your hair is very long, I like it."

  "I'm thinking about cutting it." I retorted untruthfully.

  "Really?" His voice was low. "Don't cut it, Sarah."

  "Why not?" My voice was surprised. What did he care?

  "Because I prefer long hair." He bent down and whispered in my hair, "It's easier to pull on when I fuck you."

  "Oh." I pulled away from him and then turned around and glared at him. "You need to stop talking about sex. It is not going to happen."

  "But it already has.... several times." He grinned. "And it nearly happened again, just five minutes ago."

  "Whatever." I pointed at him. "Let's make a deal, no more sex."

  "Is that what you want?" His face held a crooked grin and I knew that he thought I couldn’t resist him and his sexy dark hair and crinkly blue eyes.

  "Yes," I spoke calmly and confidently. "If I'm going to go home with you I don't want your family thinking I'm some sort of whore that sleeps around."

  "But you're going as my fiancée."

  "I don't want them to think we have sex."

  "Uh, ok." He grinned at her. "And you think they are going to believe that?"

  "Yes." I grinned and twirled around. "Because I am a Princess from Europe and everyone knows we are chaste." I spoke in an Eastern European accent and he groaned.


  "What, kind sir?" I looked down my nose haughtily at him, my voice sounding decidedly English this time.

  "Sarah, you are not going to be using your acting skills," he snorted, "this weekend. My whole family is going to be there and they are going to be asking you a million questions."

  "I'll just pretend I don't understand what they are saying." I grinned. "I can be Princess Sarah of Latvia."

  "Latvia?" His voice held disbelief.

  "Or England if you want, but if they’re familiar with the British Royal Family at all, they may know that that's not true. So we better go with Latvia."

  "Sarah, you are not going to pretend you are the Princess of Latvia," Harry’s voice was stern and he groaned. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. You were right. Our age difference is too much."

  "What's that meant to mean?" I protested angrily. It was all right for me to think he was too old for me but he shouldn't be thinking I'm too young for him. Not at all.

  "Sarah, you are twenty-two and immature." He sighed. "My family is going to think I lost my mind bringing you home."

  "Excuse me?"

  "I'm nearly in my forties, I'm a billionaire. Millions of women all over the world want to be with me. I don't think they will believe I fell for a kook."

  "A KOOK?" My voice rose.

  "Yes, Sarah. You are kooky." He looked me in the eyes. "And that's nicer than calling you a liar."

  "You're an asshole and you can leave now." I sat on my bed and lay down staring at the ceiling, trying to not let tears fall from my eyes. "I wasn't too much of a liar that you didn't want to sleep with me though."

  "Ah Sarah." He sat down next to me on the bed. "Look, I'm sorry. I've never known someone like you before. Maybe it's because I'm an old fart." He paused. "You could say, no Harry, you're not an old fart, you know."

  I laughed as he looked down at me with a sad face. "No Harry, you're not a completely old fart." I smiled up at him and felt tingles in my stomach as he gazed down at me. We stared at each other for about a minute and I felt a current of electricity flow through us. His blue eyes were wide and happy, gazing at me with no shadows or secrets. I felt like I could see into his heart and soul and it made me very uncomfortable. His hand found mine
and stroked my palm. I felt my body flush and I shifted my gaze away. He let go of my hand and jumped off the bed.

  “Ready to go?” he said gruffly.

  “Fine.” My voice was exasperated and my body was disappointed. I didn’t want to go anywhere other than under the sheets.

  Chapter 7


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