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How To Catch A Billionaire (The Full Series)

Page 14

by Helen Cooper

  “I had a childhood. I just never had an adult life where I felt I could be me. I’ve always had to be Harry Green, CEO of Zoom Corp. Playboy billionaire.”

  “What a hard life.”

  “It’s not a hard life. I love my life. I meet beautiful women. I buy whatever I want. My life is great.” He sighed. “At least I thought it was.”


  “Now I want to know what it’s like to dance in the rain and sing in a restaurant.”

  “Are you a good singer or something?”


  “You keep talking about wanting to sing. Are you sad you can’t audition for ‘American Idol’ or something?”

  “No.” He smiles at me softly.

  “It’s not your fault you’re too old.”

  “Come here.” He pulls me towards him and grabs my ass.

  “Hey.” I swat his hands away. “I have an idea,” I say and walk over to my iPod. “What song do you want to sing?”

  “What?” He looks at me in confusion.

  “You said you wanted to sing and dance. Let’s sing and dance.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Yeah.” I grin. “So what’s the first song you want to listen to?”

  “Surprise me.”

  “Okay.” I look through my songs and select some Michael Jackson songs; I mean, everyone knows Michael Jackson. The music starts and I grab his hands. “Let’s dance.” He looked at me oddly and stood there stiffly so I decided to start dancing by myself and grinned as he joined me in belting out “Beat it, just beat it.”

  We sang for a couple of minutes and fell on the bed in giggles. “You look younger when you laugh.” I told him studying his face. When he laughed the crease lines in his face disappeared and the everyday stress that was apparent in his face was no longer there.

  “Is that why you get me to laugh so often then?”


  “You know Sarah Smith, I’m most probably going to kick myself for admitting this but I’m very glad that you used your shady ways to become an executive in my company.”

  “Does that mean I can get my job back?” I asked eagerly.

  “Well, no.” He laughed and paused. “Though I suppose I can find another position for you.”

  “That would be great.” I beamed at him.

  “I’ll think of a more permanent personal position for you.” He smiled at me so tenderly that I thought my heart was going to pop out right then and there. He loves me, I thought to myself. He is going to ask me to marry him. I could barely contain my excitement and happiness and reached out to hug him. “I guess someone’s excited.”

  “You’re really special to me, Harry Bradley,” I laughed. “I’m just glad you are giving me a chance. After everything.” I wanted to say that I was glad he had decided to give love a chance after Angelica, but I didn’t want him to talk about her again. I was just about fed up with hearing about her and the other women that Harry had been with. I knew it was because I was green with envy but I didn’t want to put myself through the gnawing pain that consumed me when he talked about other women.

  “Oh, I am?” He pulled me towards him. “How special?”

  “Special enough to do whatever you want tonight?”

  “Whoa, I did something right.” His hand cupped my breast and he traced it with his fingers. “Tonight I just want to make love to you.” He stood up and made sure my door was closed and locked before pulling off his shirt and pants. He stood there in a pair of dark grey briefs and I allowed myself to just stare at his gorgeous body. He walked back to the bed and pulled me up and I lifted my arms up as he pulled my top off. And then he undid my bra slowly and just stared at my breasts. I shivered under his stare and poked him in the chest.

  “Uh hello?”

  “Sorry. I was captivated by your body. You are so gorgeous. You do know that, right?”

  “Yeah right.” I laughed slightly embarrassed and started playing with my hair.

  “Are you nervous?”


  “You always play with your hair when you’re nervous.”

  “Oh.” I let go of my hair and just stared at his chest. He must really love me if he had noticed one of my telltale signs already.

  “I think your right breast is slightly bigger than your left breast.” He held them both gingerly in his hands as if he were weighing them.

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Yes it is.” He bent his head and took one of my nipples in mouth and sucked on it before letting go and sucking on the other one. Then he stood there and surveyed his handy work. “There we go.” He grinned and pinched my hard nipples so hard that I felt like I was about to come then and there. I grabbed his ass and brought him closer to me and he held a hand up. “Wait.” He then undid my jeans and pulled them down so that I was just standing there in a pair of black lace panties. “Nice.” He stared at my scantily clad pussy and I blushed. “See through, huh? Sexy.” I waited for him take them off but instead he grabbed me and laid me on the bed so that we were both lying there in just our undies. I was about to roll on top of him when he pushed me down and rolled on top of me, crushing my breasts against his chest. I spread my legs instinctively and felt his hard cock pressing against my pussy through his briefs. He started kissing me hard and I ran my hands back and forth on his back as he gyrated into me. I groaned underneath him and squeezed my legs around his hips, wanting to feel him closer. I could feel my panties get wet and all I wanted was to feel him inside of me.

  “Oh Harry, please,” I moaned as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and his fingers inside my panties so that he could play with my clit. I wriggled against him wanting to feel all of him as close to me as possible. I grabbed his ass and ran my hands underneath his briefs and tugged on his cock. He groaned against me and pulled back a little so that he could pull my panties off as I pulled his briefs down. We flung them to the floor and he adjusted himself so that he was back on top of me again. This time his hard cock was in between my legs and rubbing against my pussy.

  “Oh shit, Sarah, you are so wet.” He grinned as he fingered me and I closed my eyes as the familiar delicious feeling spread through me once again. I moaned as I felt him withdraw his fingers but soon cried out as he slammed his cock into me. He held my hands and plunged into me harder and deeper with each thrust and I called out his name in ecstasy. “Oh fuck yes, Sarah,” he grunted in my ear as he fucked me. I grabbed his ass and pushed it so that he would enter me even deeper and he moaned with guttural passion. He withdrew from me and I cried out but I soon realized he just wanted to change positions. He positioned me in all fours and then came up behind me so that he could enter me from behind.

  “Harrrrrry!” I screamed as he started playing with my clit as he plunged in and out of me. I could barely hold it together and collapsed forward onto the bed moaning as I came uncontrollably. He was still fucking me as I came and rolled me over so that I was on top of him. I looked down into his glazed eyes and slid down onto his cock and rode him hard. He gasped as I bounced up and down on him and grabbed my hips and moved them even faster as he came. I lay down next to him and his penis slid out of me. I looked over to see him grinning at me and I smiled at him widely. I was so satiated and happy that I couldn’t stop myself.

  “I love you, Harry.” I moved over to kiss him and he looked at me in shock with a smile frozen on his lips.

  “What?” He frowned.

  “I love you.” My voice was breathless and my heart was beating rapidly.

  “I don’t know what to say.” He looked like he was angry and I felt light headed. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. I thought this would be the point when he would tell me he loved me too and wanted to marry me.

  “I was just joking.” I blinked up at him trying to smile and failing miserably.

  “I’m sorry, Sarah. I told you—I don’t do love.” He rolled out of the bed and stood up. “I better go.”

” I stared at him as he gathered his clothes and put them on quickly. This time he was being real. He didn’t want me to want him to stay.

  “I’ll call you about the flights in a few days.” He looked at me with sadness in his eyes and walked to the door.


  “Bye Sarah.” He paused. “I have a lot of work to catch up on, you know. It’s best if I get home now to do it.”

  “I get it.” I closed my eyes, hoping he would just leave. I’d never felt so awful in my life. I heard the door close but when I looked up he was still standing there, staring at me in the bed. He walked back over to me and kissed me on the forehead.

  “I’m sorry, Sarah. I don’t do love. I don’t want a girlfriend. Or a wife. Or kids.”

  “Because of Angelica?”

  “I don’t know.” He sighed. “Yes, I loved her a long time ago. But I can’t blame it on that. Not really. I just don’t see that in my life. I don’t have the time for those things. And I don’t think that it’s worth it to fall in love. People will only disappoint you.”

  “Yeah.” I looked away from him, hurt beyond words. “Okay.”

  “I’m sorry, Sarah.” He kissed my forehead again and looked at me with bleak eyes. “You’ll find someone else. Someone better than me.”

  I ignored him and rolled over and he walked out of the room. I waited for five minutes before I allowed myself to cry. I wanted to make sure he had left the apartment before I allowed the tears to take over. I heard Jane knocking on my door after he left, but I was too distraught to talk to anyone. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to lie there in my misery and hate Harry Green for all the pain he was putting me through.

  Chapter 17

  “Sarah, we need to make a plan,” Jane’s voice was soft as she looked at my miserable face. It had been two days since Harry had left and I hadn’t heard a word from him. I was miserable and heartbroken and embarrassed.

  “What’s the point? He hates me,” I cried out and turned the channel on the TV. “He’s right. What’s the point of love? It never seems to work out for anyone.”

  “Sarah, you don’t believe that.”

  “Look at my parents, look at your parents, look at frigging Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston.”

  “That’s not the whole world, Sarah.”

  “Name for me one happy couple—that’s not in a movie.”

  “Sarah, you know there are hundreds, thousands, millions of happy couples.”

  “Name one.”

  “The Obama’s.”

  “That we know.”

  “We know the Obama’s.” Jane grinned.

  “That I’ve met in real life. Who knows what they are arguing about behind closed doors?”

  “Sarah, let’s go get lunch and come up with a plan.”

  “There is no plan that can fix my life or my heart. I’m a loser. No boyfriend, no job, no money.” I sighed.

  “Well, you have money.”

  “I don’t want to touch the money he put in my account.” I frowned. “He hasn’t even called me, Jane.”

  “It’s your money, Sarah. You earned it.”

  “Yeah, on my back.”


  “It’s true, I’m like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, only I never got the guy. So you know what that makes me right?”


  “A two-bit whore. The unglamorous kind.”


  “It’s not glamorous to be a hooker if you don’t get the man.”

  “Sarah, you are not a hooker.”

  “Not yet.” I sigh dramatically.

  “Sarah.” Jane sighs exasperated. “Enough!”

  “That’s easy for you to say.” I fall to the ground and clutch my heart. “I think I’m dying. Of a broken heart.” I fall flat to the ground and Jane steps over me.

  “Let me know when you’re alive again.”

  “Jane.” I jump up. “So much for being my best friend.”

  “Let’s create a plan, Sarah. Look, you love him. You want to be with him. It’s worth a try, right?”

  “But he doesn’t love me,” I cry out.

  “He’s old, Sarah. He’s set in his ways. You can’t just give up at the first no.”

  “If I don’t want to be a crazy bitch then yes, yes I do give up.”

  “If only crazy bitches fight for the men that they love, then maybe you should be a crazy bitch.”

  “Oh Jane.” I look at her serious face and I laugh. “Okay. What’s your plan?”

  “We go back to the ‘How To Catch A Billionaire’ plan.”

  “But I don’t want a billionaire,” I moan. “I want Harry.”

  “I hate to break this to you, Sarah but Harry’s a billionaire.”

  “But that’s not why I love him.”

  “But you have to think that all the other women who have told him that they loved him in the last year were doing so because he was a billionaire. And if not all of them, at least half of them.”

  “Maybe.” I sighed. I hadn’t thought about that before. I’m sure plenty of women had been trying to get him to commit as well. Just because he was all about being single didn’t mean that the women agreed with him. And I bet there were plenty who were a lot slyer than me.

  “Not maybe. Definitely. He has most probably had so many women tell him that they love him that he is immune to it.”

  “Poor Harry,” I say sarcastically.

  “Really it is. Think about it. How sincere are most of these women? He most probably doesn’t know who he can trust.”

  “Maybe.” I sigh. “But I’m not like that.”

  “He doesn’t know that.”

  “He should if he loves me.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t know that he loves you.”

  “Or maybe he doesn’t love me?”

  “We won’t know until we try the plan.”

  “Okay Einstein, what’s this great plan?” I sigh.

  “Yes! I knew you would see the light. Come on.” Jane dragged me to her room and pulled out a book.

  “Whoa, you’ve actually written stuff down?” I looked at the book as she flipped through the pages.

  “Of course.” She grinned.

  “Okay. So what’s the big plan?” I sat down on the chair and waited for Jane to tell me how to win the love of my life’s heart.

  “Okay. So the first step is to make Harry fall in love with you.” She paused. “Or make him realize that he already loves you.”

  “Oh yeah. That’s going to be easy.” I rolled my eyes.

  “There are things we can do.”

  “Uhm, what things? I already slept with him and that didn’t really help things.”

  “Well you can go to his office and…”

  “Oh hell no,” I interrupted her as my phone rang. I looked down and saw that is was Harry. “Shit, it’s Harry. What should I do?” My words came out in a rush and my voice was panicked.

  “Answer it.” Jane sighed and pointed at the phone and I answered it with my heart beating wildly.

  “Hello, Sarah Smith’s phone,” I said in a snooty English accent.

  “Sarah?” Harry’s familiar drawl sounded distant.

  “This is Sarah’s assistant, uhm, Eugenia Doubtfire.”

  “Sarah?” Harry sighed. “Hold on, Sarah.” I heard him place the phone on the table and speak to someone in his office. “Lewis, the Carter contract has got to be sent by courier today. Tell them I’ll accept two billion, nothing less. Also, get the Austrian office on the phone; they need to speak to the minister of finance in Switzerland about the land we are buying there. I’m not going to waste another million in attorney’s fees.”

  “Yes, Mr. Park.” I heard Lewis’s voice in the background and waited patiently.

  “Hey.” Harry came back to the phone. “Sarah?”

  “This is Sarah.” I said in my normal voice. “Eugenia just gave me the phone.”

  “Uh huh.” Harry paused. “I wanted to mak
e sure we were still on for this weekend.”

  “What?” My voice was surprised. “You still want me to go?”

  “You and Jane. Yes, of course.” His voice was dry. “My parents are expecting it.”

  “Oh ok.” I felt disappointment fill me again. It was all to keep up the pretense for his parents. “Where are we going and for how long?”


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