Book Read Free

Safe with You

Page 7

by Shelby Reeves

  I sit down between Jane and J. Dan is at the head of the table and Bo sits across from me.

  “So, Cassie how did you and my boys meet?” Dan asks.

  Bo, J, and I snicker.

  “Well, it’s an interesting story. You see, Bo knocked me out.”

  “Bo!” his mother scolds. “What else have you done to her?”

  “What? I didn’t see her! It was an accident!” he says defensively while holding his hands up. “Besides, it was J’s fault for throwing the ball too far to the left!”

  So, it was J’s fault, too. Interesting.

  I wave him off. “Ever since then they just follow me around like little lost puppies. I’ve tried to ditch them on a couple occasions, but they just wouldn’t quit following me.”

  “Admit it, you love us,” Bo smirks.

  “No, not really.”

  “Come on, princess. You know you do.”

  “Stop with the pet names,” I sneer.


  Two can play this game. “Tootles.”

  “Mom! How could you!”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replies innocently and continues eating.

  “You ain’t gonna win, princess.” He grunts when I kick him from under the table.

  “We will see about that.”

  After dinner J takes me home. When we pull in my dreaded driveway I sigh inwardly. Was it bad that I was so upset to go home? Is it too soon for it?

  J, being the gentleman he is, walks me to my front door. I turn to face him when we reach the porch. He reaches up and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

  “I had fun today. Thank you,” I say to break the silence.

  “Hold up. Did you just admit to having fun?” he teases.

  I punch him playfully. “Yeah, don’t read into it. Your ego will start growing too big for your head.”

  He chuckles. “We can’t have that now can we?” He leans in, stopping just an inch away. His lips are so close all I had to do was lean in… just barely…

  Cautiously, I licked my lips. “No. Definitely not,” I say just above a whisper. My heart is beating frantically in my chest.

  The door swings open behind us causing me to jump apart. Dad stands in the doorway with a scowl on his face. Really dad? Funny thing is, it’s not because he doesn’t want his daughter with a boy, it’s because he doesn’t want me to have anything to with anybody. Reason being is they don’t want to be found. It has nothing to do with them being protective over me.

  “Goodnight, J.”

  “Night, Cass.” He leans in, giving me a kiss on the cheek, ignoring my dad’s prolonging scowl. Then, he is gone.

  I glare at my father as I pass him. I go to my room to gather my clothes for a shower.

  The light knock I hear on my window about makes me shriek. I smile as I quietly slide my window up. J pops his head inside. His hand cups my face as he leans in, pressing his lips to mine. My body quivers at the sweet tenderness of his kiss.

  Pulling back slightly, he presses his forehead against mine. “I couldn’t leave without kissing you goodnight.”

  My hand grasps the back of his neck. “No, you couldn’t of.” He smiles and leans in pressing his lips to mine once more.

  “I’ll see you Monday.” He gazes at me for a moment then he was gone, leaving me reeling.

  Leaning out the window, I watched him walk into the dark of the night. I closed my window with a smile.

  My fingers grazed my lips where his once was. Zack may have been my first kiss, but J outdone him by a long shot. My lips are still on fire. I had always thought Zack forced his kisses with me. J’s? They are soft, tender, and sweet. When he kisses me, I know he wants to.

  I wish I had a way to call him so I could tell him to come back so I could kiss him some more. Am I being greedy? Probably so, but it would totally be worth every. Single. Kiss.

  My whole Sunday is spent cleaning, cooking, catching up on homework I had put off, and thinking about J. Monday can’t get here fast enough.

  I replay our kiss in my mind constantly. Judging from the looks I am getting, my parents probably think I found their stash from the way I am smiling to myself and dancing around while I am cleaning. I am high all right. I am high off of J.

  When I see J pulling in the driveway Monday morning I literally had to force myself not to run. I don’t want to look desperate even though I am desperate to kiss him.

  Last night, I laid in bed and thought long and hard about what I should do. With J, I am more alive. I actually feel as if I am living. Should I continue with this relationship even though I know it will just end in heartbreak? Probably not, but I can’t find it in me to walk away, especially not after he kissed me.

  For now, I will just enjoy my time with J and forget about what will happen when I am forced to leave. I didn’t expect to develop feelings for someone so fast, but J is hard to stay away from.

  When I reach him, J leans down, covering his lips with mine. The kiss is slow and thoughtful. “I couldn’t wait to do that again,” he murmurs with a grin.

  “You’re in luck because I couldn’t either.”

  He engulfs me in his arms and swings me around. “I’ve missed you.” He sets me down then leads me to his truck.

  The smile is still plastered on my face when we arrive at school.

  Being with J felt freeing, like I had no problems to worry about. I wish reality felt like that. Too bad my reality will only end with a broken heart because of my parents. I will say that moving here was the only good thing my parents did. Otherwise, I would not have met J and his wonderful family. I’ve only known them a little over a week and they’ve already done more for me than my own parents have.

  Our first kiss replays over in my mind again. How did I get so lucky to find a wonderful guy such as J?

  “As big as that beautiful smile is you better be thinking about me,” J whispers in my ear, breaking my daydream. I can feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment. “And you’re blushing. What were you thinking about, Cass?” His eyes hold mine captive as he awaits my answer.

  Bringing my hands up, I cradle his face in my hands. “I was thinking about this.” I lean in capturing his lips with mine. J and his kisses are changing me, in a good way. I have not been this brazen before.

  His arms immediately embrace me, molding me against him, as he returns the kiss. For a moment, everything is forgotten. No one is around us, we aren’t at school. It is just J and I alone in our own little world.

  A throat clears in the background causing us to break apart though our eyes never waver from one another. J rests his forehead against mine for a moment before pulling me into his embrace. His cologne fills my lungs, setting my insides ablaze.

  “Good grief, J, why don’t you just have sex with her against the lockers.” Her voice makes me think of someone running fingernails on a chalkboard. The thought alone makes me cringe.

  “Mind your own business, Ellen,” J responds irritably, his eyes hardening at Ellen.

  “How can I when someone else has what’s mine.”

  “I was never yours to begin with.” J turns his attention back to me. “I’m with Cassie and I ain’t going anywhere so you might as well get over it.” My breath hitches in my throat. He smiles faintly before kissing me once more.

  I hear her huff and stomp away. Good riddance.

  “I mean it, Cassie, I’m yours,” he whispers against my lips. “Like we discussed the other night, I want to know all there is to know about my girlfriend.”

  So we are official.

  Tears prick my eyes, but I force them back down. It’s going to be hell when it’s time to walk away. I hate my parents for putting me in this situation. They don’t realize everything just doesn’t affect them, it affects me as well. Why must they be so selfish? Why can’t I have parents like Bo and J’s?

  I want to tell J the truth, lay it all out there. Then he smiles at me and I change my mind all because I want
to prolong breaking his heart. I can’t bear to hurt him, but I know in the end there will be no way around it. I just hope when the time comes he can forgive me.

  Chapter Twelve


  Bo and I are out on the ranch helping Dad. We are in the stables checking on the horses, making sure they have plenty food and water. We have five horses, Daisy, Lady, Star, White Knight, and Alamo. I named Daisy and Star, Mom picked Lady, Bo chose the name White Knight, and Dad chose Alamo. Daisy and Star are both brown horses, the only difference is Star has a birthmark over her left eye that looks a star. Lady is a smaller brown horse. Mom just liked the name. Bo’s horse is stark white, mane and all. Dad’s horse Alamo is solid black. He also just liked the name Alamo so that’s what he started calling him.

  “I can’t believe you interrupted our moment the other day!” I say to Bo. “I was about to kiss her, man!” I was so close, too. All I had to do was lean forward just a tad and no doubt I’d been in Heaven. That situation has been rectified since then, but still.

  “Oh, please. I highly doubt she would have let you that day and you know it. Knowing Cassie, she would have stabbed you or something. Besides, you got what you wanted since then so what’s the point, which by the way I’m shocked.” True, she might have turned her head or something. Cassie is a mystery, one I want to solve.

  “I think it’s just you. She clearly has it out for you.”

  Bo chuckles. “That she does.”

  “And you don’t have any feelings for her?” I have to ask to be sure. I know Cassie and I are officially dating, but I don’t want any family competition. I also don’t want any guys going after regardless, but as beautiful as she is, it will be hard not to have guys fawning after her. Bo and I always chose each other over a girl. The last girl I dated who wanted Bo didn’t get either one of us. That’s just how we are. This time, though, I believe I will fight like hell for Cassie.

  “Bro, seriously, you’re asking me this again? No, I don’t. She’s hot, but I don’t see her that way. I see her as a sister.”

  “Just making sure.”

  “I didn’t see her being your type to begin with since she isn’t from the South.”

  I didn’t either but dang she has me feeling all kinds of emotions, and fast. “Neither did I, but I’m not just going to let her walk away.”

  “Aww…baby brother has it bad,” he teases.

  “Just wait ‘til you meet a girl who has you all tied up in knots. You won’t be laughing then.” And I’ll be sure to make fun of him, too.

  Bo just laughs. “Yeah, that will not happen for a long time. She would have to be pretty darn special for her to make me feel all jumbled up inside. For now, I will just continue to have fun.”

  “Just keep laughing, Bo. Your time will come.”

  Our first game is this Friday night and I want Cassie to be there. I know she knows nothing about the sport, but having her there is all the support I need. Plus, if there is a chance we actually do win, I want to be able to run to her and celebrate our win by kissing her soft lips.

  The next day, Cassie and I are sitting at the lunch table with Bo and Jessie. Cassie and Jessie are talking non-stop about some girl shit. I move my hand under the table, resting it on her knee, squeezing it lightly. I laugh softly when I hear her stutter through whatever she is saying. She removes my hand from her knee and levels a glare at me.

  “Are you coming to watch the game tomorrow?” Jess asks, taking the question right out of my mouth.

  Cassie shakes her head. “Um, I doubt it.”

  “Why not?” I question. I wonder if it’s because of Bo and I or if she really just doesn’t want to go.

  She shrugs her petite shoulders. “Why would I go to a game when I will be clueless the whole time? I will be bored out of my mind.”

  Okay, so it’s the latter. I can deal with that. For a minute, I thought Bo and his endless teasing ruined it for me. “Not even for me? You wouldn’t go watch me play?”

  “Sorry, but even if I wanted to I won’t have the money to get in.”

  Jess dismisses her excuse. I knew I liked her for a reason. “I got you covered, Yankee and you can even ride with me. In fact, you can just come home with me and we’ll even get ready at my house.”

  Now, she shouldn’t have a reason not to go. I gaze at Cassie watching her features shift from shocked then softening to an expression I’m not sure how to read.

  “Please, Cass. I want you there cheering me on. You can be my good luck charm or something.”

  Cassie shifts her gaze to me. “I highly doubt luck is what I’ll bring you. If anything it will be the exact opposite.”

  I reach over and grab her hand. “Please, Cass. Think about it, it will be another chance to see me.”

  Bo not so discreetly coughs. “Whipped.”

  I whip my gaze over to him, narrowing my eyes at him, then turn my attention back to Cassie, determined to get her to come to Friday night’s game. I want to spend as much time with her as I can.

  “So, what do you say?” My heart pounds against my chest in anticipation of her answer.

  She sighs. “I’ll see what I can do, J.”

  “If you don’t go, I’ll just play like crap because all I will be doing is thinking of you. I’ll be wondering where you are, what you’re doing.”

  “You don’t fight fair,” she tells me.

  I chuckle. “I never said I did. In all seriousness, though, I really want you to come watch me play.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. No promises, though, okay?”

  “At least it’s not a ‘no’.”

  Friday arrives and I am all amped up for our first game of Bo and I’s senior season. This year we want to go out with better stats than we have before. I still haven’t gotten an answer from Cassie yet. Every time I ask she says she doesn’t know yet.

  I’m about to pick her up so if she doesn’t have an answer yet I will ask her parents myself.

  Cassie is standing in her usual spot on the porch waiting for me. My truck is finally up and running so I won’t need Bo to be my chauffeur anymore. When she sees me she starts making her way toward me, a smile gracing her angelic face.

  I hop out and meet her halfway.

  “Good morning, Cass.” I place my hand on the small of her back, leading her to the passenger side.

  “Morning,” she replies, giving me a peck on my cheek.

  Once she is in my truck I jog around the front, jumping in the driver’s seat.

  I reverse out of her driveway, occasionally glancing at her. “So, am I going to play like crap tonight or will I get the honor of seeing your beautiful face in the crowd, screaming my name?”

  She bursts out laughing. “Yeah, I can go. I just don’t like the idea of someone paying for my ticket.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Cass. I’m so excited you get to come tonight.”

  “Me too,” she replies, flashing a genuine smile.


  The moment the final bell of the day rings I shove my books in my locker.

  J kisses my lips. “See you tonight babe.”

  “Good luck,” I reply, sounding breathless from him kissing me senseless.

  He reaches up with one hand, lightly brushing my cheek with the back of his fingers. “You’re all the luck I need.”

  Wow, if I wasn’t breathless before, I am now. He sneaks in one last kiss before Jess is dragging me away.

  “Come on, Yankee, we have a football game to get ready for!”

  I idly wonder why it will take us three hours to get ready for a football game, but I don’t question it because I’m thankful to be out of the house. My parents really shocked me when they told me I could go to tonight’s game. I seriously almost fell out in the floor. For a moment, I thought Hell was freezing over.

  It isn’t long before I figure out why it will take us a long time to get ready. Jess has two white t-shirts laid out on her bedroom floor with blue paint sitting next to it.

nbsp; “Uh, what are we making?”

  “T-shirts, duh, Yankee. What else?”

  “What are they going to say?”

  She pats the spot on the floor next to her so I sit down next to her on the plush carpet. “Well, mine is just going to say ‘Go Tigers’. Yours will say ‘Go Tigers’ across the front and have ‘Michaels’ across the top with ‘My # 30’ under it.” She claps her hands excitedly.

  I groan, but on the inside, I’m grinning like a fool.

  An hour later, the shirts are done. I jump in the shower, needing to wash all the paint off me. When I am done, I change into the outfit I had brought for tonight, sans shirt since I just made one, which is nothing fancy. Just my new shirt, jeans, and my chucks.

  She wants me to wear boots, but I am putting my foot down and saying no.

  Jess shoves me into a chair and starts giving me a makeover. I want to run far away so she can’t touch me with any of those brushes, yet I am being a good friend and refraining. Plus, knowing Jess, she’d tie me to a chair if I tried to get away.

  When she is done she hands me a mirror so I can see her work.

  “Wow,” I breathe. In Jess’s masterpiece, I see a glimpse of the girl I used to be. The old me is surfacing piece by piece. A well of emotions stir within me and I fight to keep them buried.

  “Now, put this in your hair and we’ll be ready to rock and roll once we have our shirts on,” she says as she tosses me a royal blue ribbon.

  I swear I look like a darn cheerleader.

  We arrive an hour before the game starts so we have time to grab some food and get good seats. Apparently, everybody and their mother comes to these events.

  “So, are you going to explain to me what is going on in the game? I’ve never watched football before.”

  Jess whips her head around to me wide-eyed. “Never? Oh Yankee, you have a lot to learn about the South. Football is our favorite sport down here. Bo is the quarterback whose job is to get the ball down the field. He’ll either throw it to J, who is a running back or anyone else who is open, or he will hand it off and they can run it up the field.”


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