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Page 8

by Tina Donahue

  Muffled whimpers rushed from her. She tried to back away from him as though the sensations were too intense, and then she pushed closer. Clearly wanting what he offered, even as she strained to endure it.

  She had no choice. This was his show.

  Daniel turned his finger in her anus, proving he owned every part of her. He slid his other fingers in and out of her sheath and sucked her nub, holding it between his teeth so she couldn’t possibly get away.

  Fully imprisoned, Alexandra submitted, her skin glowing and damp. At last, she tensed, her pulsing cunt and muted moans signifying her newest orgasm. Daniel kept at it, licking, sucking, tormenting her clit. Wanting her to know that in these moments, she belonged to him. He could do whatever he damn well pleased and she’d have to accept it, because she wanted it too.

  Her chest heaved with her prolonged breath, but the last of her fight was history. She drooped against Nat.

  The heat in Junior and Red’s expressions said they were ready for their turns. Their mouths on her, fingers and cocks in her cunt.

  Before they could make one move, Daniel stood. “Let her go.” He kicked Nat’s foot.

  Nat tore his mouth from hers, his surprise obvious.

  Daniel ignored it and took her upper arm, helping Alexandra to her feet. She stumbled against him, still breathing hard from her orgasm. He pulled off her blindfold. “Upstairs,” he ordered.

  Squinting at the light, she lifted her face to the loft. “What about it?”

  “Go.” He crowded her, forcing her toward the stairway.

  Her blush deepened. She murmured, “Are you coming too?”

  “You better be on your bed when I get up there,” Daniel said.

  She asked no more. The metal steps clanged slightly beneath her weight. Alexandra kept looking over her shoulder at him and the other guys on her way upstairs.

  Chapter Seven

  From the lower floor, only a small portion of the loft was visible, which didn’t include a view of the bed or dresser. Alexandra hurried the drapes over the tall windows and turned on the lamps, her weariness gone, disquiet crowding in. She had no idea what Daniel had planned or why he and the others were still downstairs.

  Daniel’s deep voice rumbled with whatever he said, the words too quiet for her to hear. She thought Nat spoke next, then Junior. Daniel answered sharply, though not loud enough for her to understand what he’d said.

  Everyone fell quiet.

  The same as when she’d climbed the staircase, all of them watching. No part of her hidden from their scrutiny. Certainly not her ass and thighs.

  Twisting from the waist, Alexandra regarded her rear in the dresser’s mirror and stifled a moan. God, she looked like hell. Her butt and hips too meaty, her hair a freaking mess. She dragged her brush down it, still listening to the sounds below.

  Footfalls crossed the room, followed by others. Several of the guys moved around. Doing what? Her brush stalled on her hair. She wondered if they were searching for something to punish her with.

  Alexandra recalled Daniel’s belt, then turned to her closet and thought of the two she had hanging inside. Certainly they would suffice, unless he decided her brush would be the perfect tool to pink up her ass.

  She sucked her lip at the thought of him bending her over the dresser, tying her hands to the frame of the mirror so she couldn’t escape, her buttocks prepared for discipline, and after it, him and the others mounting her.

  Warmth flowed to Alexandra’s cunt, glutting it, increasing her lubrica—

  A clang tore out. She jerked at the noise and headed for the banister to see what had happened. Halfway there, she stopped. Daniel had warned her to be on the bed when he came up. The metal stairs clanked with his weight.

  She tossed her brush on the dresser, winced at the noise it made and sat on the edge of the mattress. The slanted ceiling seemed lower than usual, totally claustrophobic. Outside, the wind screamed, silencing whatever went on downstairs. Up here, the hardwood floor vibrated slightly, recording Daniel’s approach.

  He stopped short of her dresser, his hair mussed, hands empty, no napkin to use as a blindfold, bra as a tie, or belt for punishment. Naked and unashamed, he faced her, his big body exuding strength and dominance.

  Alexandra weakened, defenseless against his male allure.

  The wind rattled the front door. Daniel looked over, several strands of his hair falling cross his cheek. Alexandra lifted her hand, instinctively wanting to smooth them back. He turned to her. She stroked her hair instead.

  He studied her breasts, cunt, tattoos, a mixture of lust and something else playing across his face, the other emotion keeping him quiet and separated from her. Alexandra sensed it had something to do with whatever he’d said downstairs, but couldn’t imagine what it might be. She strained to hear the other guys beneath the bruising gusts of wind.


  What sounded like footfalls. More rattling.

  The front door slammed so hard it shook the cabin.

  Alexandra flinched. “What are they doing down there?”

  Daniel crossed the loft, stopping in front of her. “Nat and the others left.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I told them to, dammit. This crap has gone far enough.”

  Her belly cramped at his obvious anger. “What do you mean? I don’t understand.”

  “You think? I’ve tried to tell you repeatedly that what you wanted to do tonight was fucking dumb.”

  Dumb? She stood. Daniel crowded her again as he’d done downstairs. His size and shitty mood meant to intimidate.

  Alexandra didn’t back away. She matched his frown. “Because I wanted to have sex? If I were a man—”

  “You’re not.”

  “Yeah, I know,” she shot back. “And in your world that means I’m supposed to wait until a guy gets good and ready to make his move. Guess what, this isn’t the fifth century. I can damn well do what I want.”

  “Not with my men.”

  She stared. “Since when do they belong to you?”

  Daniel spoke through his teeth. “They’re good guys. They had no business being here.”

  What the hell was that supposed to mean? “You’re saying they’re too good for me.”

  “What? No. Of course not.” He clenched his jaw, obviously trying to control himself. “You can’t play with—”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Play with? Like they’re in love with me or something? Get real. Before tonight, none of them gave me a second glance unless I asked them something about the project.”

  “Exactly,” he growled. “Know why? Because you’re their boss. Your grandfather is Lucius Waite, or have you forgotten?”

  So, that’s what this was about. The money. Always the damn money. “How could I, with you reminding me that he’s the real reason Nat, Red and Junior agreed to come over tonight. They were worried I’d bring the wrath of Lucius down on them if they didn’t screw around with me.”

  “You’re being ridiculous.”

  Oh holy god, Alexandra hated when a man said that, dismissing her feelings. She forced herself not to yell. “Red and Junior are young, but Nat doesn’t strike me as being naive, dumb or the kind of guy who’d let me compromise his friends’ virtue, if that’s where he thought this was going. I gave everyone an out. No strings. No regrets. Remember me saying that, and how tonight was purely about a good time? The same proposition guys have been tossing out since the world began. How come it’s different for me?”

  Alexandra put her hand up before Daniel had a chance to answer or counter anything she’d said. “And don’t you dare tell me it’s because I’m a woman or in charge of this project or because my grandfather’s rich. That crap doesn’t cut it. What’s really going on with you?”

  All night he’d been on edge, jumping down Junior’s throat for the least little thing, frowning at Nat who was his best damn friend, and now he was attacking her.

  Daniel breathed hard and stepped back, obviously not liking her q

  Alexandra expected him to leave.

  Not only did he stay put, he rested his hands on his hips.

  Right. She should have seen that coming. Her grandfather always used his power stance when anyone had been foolish enough to disagree with him, or he wanted to intimidate a member of his many staffs.

  Unimpressed, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Well?”

  “This isn’t like you met them in a bar,” he snapped. “They work for you.”

  So, they were back to that. “You were the one who threatened to fire them, not me.”

  “I never said anything about firing them. You assumed that.” He moved closer again. “Have you considered how fucking uncomfortable work is going to be after tonight, simply because you’re in charge? Doesn’t have anything to do with your grandfather or his stinking money. It’s because you call the shots here. You’re supposed to maintain distance from your people. When you don’t, all kinds of shit happens. Like maybe Junior or Red thinking this is going to be a regular thing. Or maybe, not doing what they’re told because of what happened here. They don’t have to any longer. They’re special. Did that cross your mind even once?”

  Her stinging cheeks revealed everything she wasn’t about to admit.

  Daniel’s expression said he noted her embarrassment. He nodded. “And you still went ahead with this.”

  “So did you until a few minutes ago. I didn’t see you holding back.” She uncrossed her arms. “What changed all of a sudden?”

  His color deepened.

  Floored at his reaction, him actually blushing, Alexandra thought back to what had happened right before he’d told Nat to let her go. That was when everything changed. Unable to recapture the moment, she frowned, then considered something that should have struck her before now. “If they’re gone and you’re still worried about protocol, why haven’t you left? Why are you still nude?”

  Raw hunger flashed in his eyes. “Why do you think?”

  Her face went slack. She could barely comprehend this. No matter what he’d claimed about work, the others, and rules of behavior, he intended to go through with tonight. Just the two of them.

  Alexandra’s body hummed with excitement, glee she’d never felt, not even as a kid. On its heels was curiosity as to why he’d stayed. The real reason he’d told the guys to leave.

  She wondered if he simply didn’t want to share her.

  A braver woman would have asked. Alexandra didn’t want to hope for the impossible, then have him say that she’d already fucked up the line of authority. Why shouldn’t they go ahead and have fun without the others.

  Leaving all the good times for him.

  Daniel moved into her, their groins and thighs touching. He trailed his fingers over her arm. She tried not to tremble and failed.

  “You said you wanted me to play with you.” He eased his hand beneath her hair and cradled the back of her neck. “That you were into everything.” He pressed his cheek to hers.

  Her breath caught at his beard-roughened skin, his amazing warmth.

  He whispered, “Dominance. Submission. Punishment.”

  Earlier images flashed in her mind. The blindfold. Hands tied behind her back. Him demanding she crawl. Sitting on his lap, her thighs spread, cunt exposed, the guys watching him use her.

  He slid his other hand to her ass. “I kept wondering if you’d ever done anything like that. You seemed to, and then you didn’t. So which is it?”

  She lied, “I have.”

  Daniel squeezed her butt. “Bull. You can’t fool me. I can hear the truth in your voice. You’ve never been a sub, but you damn well will be. With me as your teacher, your Master, disciplining you as I see fit. Arousing you until you beg for release. Not granting it until I’m fucking good and ready.”

  Her rapid breaths pushed her chest into his.

  He murmured, “Off the job, you’ll do everything I demand. In this cabin, I rule. Not you. Never you. Until you tell me you’ve had enough.”

  She pressed her toes into the floor to steady herself.

  Daniel brought his hand to her chin, using his thumb to lift it so she had to look at him. “Tell me what you want…what you’ll allow.”

  The room spun. His heat and size overwhelmed, the same as his words. Master. Sub. Arousal. Punishment. They lingered in her mind, muting the violent wind, the creaking walls of the cabin.

  He waited.

  She whispered, “Everything.”

  Daniel pulled her close, his kiss masterful, deep, wet, not only confident of him but damn assured that she wanted this too. For minutes, he enjoyed her, his tongue plunging deep, filling her completely, his embrace firm, not allowing escape.

  Alexandra wanted none. She welcomed his strength and passion, hungering for everything he had to give.

  Breaking free, he panted, “Lay a fire and turn off the lights. Do you have candles and a rope?”

  “What? No…neither of those things.”

  “Tomorrow, you’ll buy them. Condoms?”

  Alexandra was still stuck on him asking for a rope. “Ah…” She tried to keep her voice from shaking. “They’re in the top drawer of the dresser.”

  Daniel tossed the box of thirty-six Trojans on the bed, then glanced at the loft’s railing, his expression saying he was trying to decide something. At last, he glanced around the room. “Is that your closet?” He gestured to the door on the left.

  She nodded.

  He went inside, rummaging through her things. Alexandra watched until Daniel looked over. Recalling his directives, she started a blaze in the small fireplace and turned off the lights. The leaping flames turned the room cozy, washing it in a golden glow.

  With her woolen scarves in his left hand and one of her belts in the other, Daniel left the closet. Finding the tools he needed up here rather than having to go downstairs for them.

  She wasn’t certain whether to be happy or daunted that there’d be no delay in her discipline.

  The leather tip of her belt swayed with his steps. Alexandra’s heart stuttered. He dropped the belt and scarves on the mattress. After surveying the room again, he gestured her to the footboard. “Hands on the top bar, wrists together.”

  The furniture faced the mirror. She’d be able to see everything he did or was about to do.

  Using one of the scarves, Daniel tied her wrists to the cedar and tested the knot twice. No way could she get free. “Bend over and lift your ass.”

  Alexandra dug her nails into her palms.

  He rested his hand on hers. “Relax your fingers. You’re going to submit to whatever I do. No squeezing your fists or clenching your jaw. No crying out. Understand?”

  “Are you serious?”

  “This is about your submission, Alexandra. You’re going to give yourself fully, no matter what happens. Make a sound or a move that I’ve forbidden and you’ll not only earn more punishment, I’ll deny your pleasure longer than I would have. Do you want that?”

  She’d never seen him so serious. Or freaking hot. In the hushed light, his skin was a deeper copper, his hair impossibly black. He wore his air of authority well, his thickened cock a promise that he’d mount and penetrate her repeatedly before the night ended.

  Alexandra fought dizziness and uncurled her fingers.

  Daniel squeezed them gently, then brushed her hair from her back. “I want your ass higher.”

  She lifted it.

  He pushed his foot against the inside of her ankles, spreading her even more. With one hand on her belly and the other on the small of her back, Daniel tilted Alexandra’s body so her butt was as high as possible. “Remember this position. The next time I’m ready to discipline you, you’ll get into it immediately without me having to say a word. Tell me why that is.”

  Her nipples tightened so much they stung. A pool of warmth settled in her pussy. “So I don’t face more punishment.”

  “That’s right.” He padded to either side of her, then in front and grabbed her belt. Wit
h the buckle in his palm, he wound a bit of its length over his fist, then slapped the free end against his other palm.

  A sharp crack filled the room. She started.

  He murmured, “You misbehaved tonight, didn’t you?”

  Damn, this was amazing. More than Alexandra had bargained for or realized she’d enjoy. “Yes.”

  “Tell me you were wrong to have done that.”

  “I was.”

  “And you need to be punished.”

  God yeah. “I do.”

  “How badly?”

  She answered without pause. “Whatever you think. However much you want.”

  He’d never hurt her. This was a game to tempt and thrill. How was it possible she’d lived without it for so long?

  Daniel ran his fingertips over her jaw, leaving a trail of sensation that comforted and aroused.

  “Look in the mirror,” he ordered. “Watch what happens.”

  It wasn’t easy to obey. Alexandra feared looking awkward or ridiculous.

  She didn’t.

  Daniel had posed her well. Her bound hands, elevated ass, and the faint light dancing over her nudity were quite erotic.

  He propped his foot on the lowest slat of the board and rested his hand on her hip, imprisoning her further. “No trying to avoid the belt. No sounds.”

  Not a one. If she dared disobey, Alexandra knew she’d face the worst…his denial of pleasure. Blood pumped in her ears. She couldn’t snatch enough air. Even so, she shook her head in answer to his command, surrendering to his will, and focused on her reflection in the mirror.

  He swung the belt upward. It arced above his head, the end forming a semicircle. The image lasted for a moment. With lightning speed, the leather came back down and connected with her skin.

  Alexandra jumped. A second later, the burning sting registered. Gritting her teeth, she made no sound. However, her heavy breathing mingled with the noise of the licking flames and driving wind. Just as she was about to curl her fingers into fists, forgetting it wasn’t allowed, the hurt faded into a rush of warmth.

  She swallowed.


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