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Beauty and The Highlander

Page 6

by McQueen, Hildie

  He then looked to the stooped man and his wife. "What are your son's intentions toward the daughter?"

  The woman lifted her head, her eyes bright. A mother defending her son. "He loves her, my Laird. And she, he. They want to marry. But he..." she pointed at the farmer, "he refuses because my Amos has no portion of lands of his own. Not yet."

  "Is that true?" Carrick eyed the first farmer. "If I remember correctly, you have no sons. A son could help you farm more land and care for the harvest. With a son to oversee, you may have not lost half your crops."

  The farmer nodded his shoulders lowering. "Aye. You are correct, my Laird, I did not consider that."

  "Allow the courtship." Carrick motioned to the guard. "Who is next?"

  Chapter Thirteen

  Days later Analise leaned back in her chair, forgotten mending on her lap. She studied the scene out the window. The sun was lowering in the sky, the day almost gone. Another day had passed without her seeing or talking to her husband.

  As laird, he remained busy. Whether caring to the needs of those who came seeking court with him, or riding through the lands overseeing what needed to be done. When he was at the keep he trained with the warriors. Every night he came to their chambers exhausted. His man would help him undress and prepare for bed. Most nights he slept in the adjoining bedroom.

  She missed their short time at Moriag. Although they were never close there, at least they slept in the same bed. Now her life revolved around managing the goings on of the much larger household.

  Moraine kept to her rooms, still dressed in mourning clothes, she would rarely join them for meals. When she did, Analise could not help the feeling of unease. The woman could very well have been the one to poison the laird. To what end other than to stop his mistreatment of her, no one knew. If that was her reason, why did she behave so bitter now? Her face drawn, shrewd eyes burrowing into Analise. Something was amiss.

  Analise decided to walk around to the other side of the second floor to see if any repairs or tidying was needed. She passed Carrick's father's chamber and pushed it open. The sounds of lovemaking caught her ear. She moved back, leaving a sliver of the door open so she could see who it was.

  Broad shoulders slanting to a narrow waist hovered over someone. The hair, same color as Carrick's. Her heart began to pound and she covered her mouth to muffle her gasp. The woman cried out. Moraine.

  Her foot caught as she stepped back and she stumbled, but managed to catch her balance. Analise ran as fast as she could toward her chamber. Thankfully her soft slippers made no noise. Could it be? Why would Carrick share a bed with his father's wife? She rushed to the chamber pot and became ill.

  After rinsing her mouth, she sprinted from the room and down the stairs to the great room. People were beginning to enter for the evening meal. Once she ascertained Carrick was not present she went to the courtyard. One of the lads came to her. "Is there something wrong, milady?"

  "Where is the laird?" She scanned the courtyard not seeing him.

  The lad pointed toward the far side. "I believe he is with the guard, milady. Would you like me to find him?"

  "No, I will find him myself." She had to see with her own eyes that her husband was truly outdoors. Analise attempted to keep from rushing, but in the end she hitched up her skirts and ran.

  Carrick swung his sword up just as his opponent's came down and held it in place as the man pushed against it. The men grunted with the strain. Her husband's opponent caught sight of Analise and lifted his sword. "Milady."

  Her husband turned to her, his hair plastered to his face with perspiration. Analise had never been so glad to see him, but remained still not wanting to near since some of the men continued sparring.

  Carrick took a cloth held out by a lad and wiped his face. Then took a proffered cup and drank water. His eyes on her the entire time. When he walked toward her, she took in the handsome man. Tall, broad-shouldered, his tanned skin telling of the many hours he spent outdoors. His hair was sun streaked and longer, past his shoulders and tied back with a leather strap. Stormy amber eyes left hers and went toward the keep. "Is something amiss, wife?"

  "I must speak to you in private." She lifted a hand to her hair and pushed the windblown tresses behind her ear.

  He nodded. "Of course. Walk with me."

  They walked from the side of the keep through the gates to where an open field full of lush flora took her breath. Lavender grew as far as the eye could see and she could only smile at the sight. "How beautiful. I wish our chambers faced this direction so I could admire this view daily."

  "Aye, it is beautiful." He took her elbow and she yearned to lean into him and feel his strength against her. "Do you still wish to leave?"

  Her eyes jerked to his. "Why would you ask me that?" Analise moved to stand before him. "I do not wish to be where you are not."

  Carrick blinked and his brows joined. "After you suggested it right after we married. I have been waiting for you to bring it up again."

  "I see." Analise wasn't sure if the pain in her chest was an ailment or the breaking of her heart. "In truth, I had not considered it."

  He looked up to the sky. "What did you wish to speak to me about then?"

  "I saw Declan and Moraine together. They are lovers."

  "That explains much. I have kept someone of trust overseeing the preparation of our meals because I do not trust whoever poisoned Father would stop. Now I fear for my brother if he does not marry her. Which he won't."

  "Do you think they killed him?" Analise whispered although they were alone.

  "No. Declan would not go so far. He resents being second born, but only because he won't have his own keep. Father made no concessions for him. But I believe Moraine is capable."

  "What will you do?" Analise placed her hand on his arm noting he stilled, his eyes on hers.

  "I will think on it."

  She let out a breath. Time for the truth. "Carrick, do you wish me to leave so you can have a lover of your preference? If you do, I will."

  "What?" He glowered. "No, I do not wish it. I am pleased at how you manage the household and it is reassuring to know you are in the adjoining chamber even if you never join me in bed."

  "I have been waiting for you to come to me." She placed her palm on his jaw. "I have wanted you to."

  "I will come to you tonight then." He lifted her other hand to his mouth and kissed it. "Then you are not sorry to have married a disfigured man?"

  "Disfigured?" Analise was confused for a moment. "Oh, are you referring to the scar on the side of your face?"

  After an incredulous look, her husband nodded. "Yes." His voice was husky, unsure. "I am disfigured...ugly."

  "Carrick, if not for that scar, you would be too beautiful for words. How could you think yourself ugly? Do you not see how every woman you come across cannot tear her eyes from you? It is not the scar, but your beauty that commands so much attention."

  "I have never heard such words."

  She smiled when his face colored. Her handsome, breathtaking husband was for the first time embarrassed by praise.

  Analise lifted her face to him and he kissed her. At the touch of his lips she let out a sigh. How she'd missed his kisses, his touches.

  His hands circled her waist and pulled Annalise closer, his lips next to her ear. "I am a fool. To think I almost sent you away. Not because I did not want you, but because I wanted you so much it has become unbearable. So many nights I went to your door only to turn away."

  "I don't want adjoining bedrooms, Carrick. I miss sharing the bed with you. We have both been fools."

  "I agree." His laughter rang clear and she joined him.

  "Now," Analise looked back toward the keep. "I suggest after the meal, you bathe. While you do, I will direct the maids to move my clothing and other belongings to your much larger chamber."

  He took her by the waist and lifted her until she rested her hands on his shoulders. Then he turned in a circle. "This is a happy day. I ju
st have one more thing to take care of and then you and I, we will rule over the clan in peace together."

  Analise took in the sight of the land surrounding the keep. "Yes, my love, we will."

  Carrick was drying off after his bath, his man stood beside him handing him cloths. There he remained exquisitely and utterly nude when she entered his chamber. Analise walked to the large wardrobe where her clothes were now placed. Unable to keep from looking at him, she glanced over her shoulder and noted his cock twitched at her perusal. The corner of Carrick's lips twitched and he lifted an eyebrow. It turned out her husband was a consummate flirt. He wrapped a larger cloth around his waist when noticing Erin behind her.

  Her cheeks warmed. She waited for Carrick's man to leave and then for Erin to help her out of her gown. Her back to the room, the cooler temperature hit the skin of her back and made her shiver.

  Heated lips pressed against the base of her neck and she gasped turning her head to see Carrick now stood where Erin had been. He pushed the gown from her shoulders, past her waist to the floor, his arms circling her waist. He traced a trail with his tongue from her ear down to her throat. Analise moaned and lifted her hands to run her fingers through his damp hair. "Make love to me, husband."

  "I have thought of little else since we spoke earlier." He lifted her and carried her to the bed. He stood beside it and dropped the cloth from his waist.

  How glorious he was. Fully male and every delectable inch hers to explore. Analise sat and held her hand out. Carrick took it and came to the edge of the bed then climbed in and lay on his side. His eyes widened when Analise pushed him to his back and slid her hands from his chest to his hips, her fingers sliding across the hard planes. "What are you doing?"

  "Touching you. Every bit of you." She continued her exploration, massaging his skin, pressing her lips on his chest, flicking her tongue across the stiff points. "Mmm." He closed his eyes and kept his arms to his sides allowing her full access to his body.

  Instinct took over and she covered him with her body using her mouth, teeth and lips to suckle, nip and lick different places. She learned where he was most sensitive by his grunts of pleasure and paid extra attention to those spots.

  "I can't take much more without losing my seed," Carrick breathed heavily. He placed his hands on both sides of her face and drew her up to his hungry mouth. "Guide me to you."

  Close to release herself, already dripping wet with need of him, Analise could barely wait to join. She straddled and lowered taking him fully.

  Both let out a moan of pleasure. Carrick took her hips again, lifting and then lowering.

  Analise placed her hands on his chest and took over meeting his thrusts with her own, going faster and faster toward the goal that eluded her, yet seemed so close. She watched as Carrick threw his head back, his full lips parted. Even in the midst of rapture he was striking.

  Finally her surroundings went black, and she let go, falling into the abyss surrounded by his hoarse cries of release.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The morning sun broke through to light the room. Carrick opened his eyes and let out a sigh. The weight of Analise's leg thrown across his own and arm about his waist was a perfect way to awaken. He'd dreamed of mornings such as these.

  Her long golden brown hair was a tangled mess that tumbled over his arm and down her back. A more fetching woman he'd never seen as the one now in his arms. Would be every night until his last breath.

  When she stirred, he held still hoping she'd not move away. Her beautiful sky blue eyes lifted to him and her lips curved. "Oh good, I was afraid it may have been a beautiful dream."

  Carrick kissed her. "’Tis not a dream."

  She wiggled closer. "I am happy then."

  "Are you really?" Carrick could still not understand how it was possible she found him desirable. After so many years of hearing from his father and others how everyone found him an appalling sight, it would take a long time to believe it was not so.

  "I am." Analise kissed his chest. "God has gifted me with a second husband, a handsome man at that, and another chance at a family."

  "Aye, we will have young. And your destiny as the Lady of Gordon keep will be fulfilled. Everything will be as it should."

  She burrowed her brow. "There is one more thing I wish for."

  "What do you wish for, wife? Tell me and I will ensure you have it." Carrick could not fathom what she'd ask.

  "I wish for your heart." Her face flushed a pretty pink shade. "I wish for your love, Carrick. If it were to happen then all will be perfect."

  "Consider it done." He laughed when she huffed and hit him in the chest. "Truly, I already love you, Analise. I love you for seeing past my scars. And for standing by me and accepting all that I am without ever giving up on me."

  "How did you get that scar?"

  "My father cut my face while we sparred when I was about ten years. Mother was so angry with him. They fought bitterly."

  "I don't understand. Is that why he mistreated you so?"

  "No. I remind him of my mother. She never loved him, yet doted on me. That is why he never cared for me."

  "In the end I believe he realized the mistake he made in his treatment of you."

  Carrick shrugged. "It is his burden to carry to the afterlife."

  "You are a good man, Carrick Gordon. I love you."

  Carrick's stomach clenched at her words. "Do you mean it?"

  "Yes, I do." Analise pressed a kiss to his parted lips. "I have since the day I saw you in the courtyard. I could not believe you were the man I'd marry. It was too good to be true."

  "I thought that perhaps you were planning an escape by the way you scanned the surroundings."

  "I was."

  "I am glad you were not successful."

  "As am I."

  "Sire. Do you wish help dressing?" Carrick's man entered and stood with his back to them.

  "No thank you, Liam. I will dress myself and be down shortly. Please tell Declan and Moraine I wish to speak to them after I break my fast."

  His brother and Moraine followed Carrick to the study. He didn't sit, not wanting to be lower than the two people he did not trust. Analise sat in a chair and he went to stand beside it. Without preamble he spoke. "I know you are lovers."

  Moraine's wide eyes flew to Declan who remained without expression. He exhaled, but did not speak. Did not deny it.

  Carrick looked to the woman. "I believe you were the one who poisoned my father. But since I cannot prove it, I will allow you to live. But you must leave immediately."

  "I demand better treatment. I was the laird's wife," Moraine screeched. "Where shall I go?"

  "You can go with Declan for all I care. But you must never step again within the gates of Gordon keep or I will have you beheaded."

  "Where am I to go?" Declan trembled with rage. "You have my word. I had nothing to do with Father being poisoned."

  "Whether you knew or not, by being her lover, I do not trust you to remain here." Carrick understood that he and Declan would never be close, would not be true brothers. They were as different as their parents had been.

  "I will go then. Perhaps our cousins to the north can use my sword arm."

  "I wish you to have Moriag." Carrick watched as a multitude of emotions crossed his brother's face. “Our mother's home? You have always cherished it."

  "Yes, I have. I know you will care for it. The people of that small town need someone to oversee the dealings and protect them when needed. It will be your township now."

  "Why would you do that for me?" Declan's shoulders hunched. Moraine on the other hand perked up, her face alert.

  "Because you are my brother and I love you." Carrick neared and placed a hand on Declan's shoulder. "Father should have given you lands of your own long ago."

  "Brother. I do not deserve this." Declan hugged him and for the first time since childhood, Carrick held his brother in return. "Aye, you do, Declan."

  They moved apart. Declan loo
ked to Moraine and then back to Carrick. "I would like to take a proper wife. Can you choose someone who will be a good match?"

  Carrick looked to Analise then nodded. "Aye, I can, but would prefer you find someone you will love and will love you in return. First, I ask this brother. Take the time to get to know the people of the village. In six months time if you have not met a good match, I will find a good counterpart for you."

  "I must admit I had the ledgers for the keep taken away with Jules. I am sorry for taking them. I was bitter and jealous. When you showed to be a good and fair leader, I sent word for Jules to return. He will arrive on the morrow.” When Carrick nodded, "Thank you, brother, I will do well with what you have entrusted me with." Declan left past a red-faced Moraine without looking at her.

  Moraine lowered her gaze and allowed the guards to lead her from the room. Analise rushed to Carrick and wrapped her arms around his waist. She laid her head on his chest. "You are tenderhearted to allow Moraine to live."

  "Father mistreated her for years. I don't excuse what she did, but I understand it. I think we will not see her again."

  "And your brother?"

  "He will be a good and fair leader. Besides, I need my brother to remain our ally in case something happens to me or we don't have an heir. I want him to experience leadership and be prepared to be laird."

  "Ah. But you see, Laird, you will have an heir in six months."

  It took several seconds for him to understand what she'd said. "A babe? You are with child?"


  Carrick cupped her still flat stomach and fell to his knees. He laid his cheek against it. "My life is complete."

  Her hands rested on his shoulders. He looked up to see her eyes shiny with tears, her lips curved.


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