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Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance (Tales of the Guardian)

Page 9

by Brianna Merrill

  “It was my pleasure. It isn’t often that I get to work on such a rare piece. The sound is magnificent, would you like to hear?” He held out his hands beckoning the violin back into his arms.

  “Yes that would be wonderful.” Emily handed him the instrument.

  The old man gave a few long, slow, strokes to the violin with its bow and a deep rich sound came from the three notes he played.

  Alexander was a silent shadow the entire time. It caught Mr. Hunt and Emily off guard when he spoke up.

  “Do you mind if I ….” Alexander now held out his massive hands.

  The older gentleman carefully handed over the violin, no doubt assessing Alexander’s size, imagining that his sheer touch would crush the newly restored treasure.

  Emily was completely confused. Alexander hadn’t mentioned anything about his ability to play the violin.

  Alexander expertly caressed the violin to his chin and gently held the bow as though he had many times before. His eyes closed as he began to play. The melody that flowed from the instrument could hardly be described. It was smooth, soft and slow. Emily determined if velvet were music that is how it would sound.

  Alexander only played for a minute, and then as if snapping himself out of some other world, he opened his eyes and slowly lowered the violin back into the case.

  If Emily hadn’t been teary-eyed herself she would have been certain that Mr. Hunt’s eyes were wet.

  “I told you it would play beautiful music,” the older man said with complete pride.

  Emily mumbled a “MMMHHMM.” Her eyes never left Alexander. She was still in shock.

  “So now he’s a symphony violinist? Will I ever cease to be amazed?”

  Alexander smiled as he moved back to his former position behind Emily as if what he had just done was no big deal. After the violin was locked safely in its case, Emily paid for it and thanked Mr. Hunt again before leaving.

  As she and Alexander got in the cab, Emily couldn’t contain her thoughts a moment longer.

  “You never said you could play the violin.”

  “Yes, well, it has been a while since I have had one to play.” Alexander gave a sheepish smile.

  “That was so amazing what you played in there. What song was it?”

  “Nothing anyone would know. I learned it from a man I once knew. A man I once guarded.” Alexander seemed hesitant when he spoke; the first time he had acted this reserved since they had met.

  “Was he some sort of composer?” Emily was as curious as a cat. She was determined that now was her time to ask the questions.

  “No, he was a farmer. He played the violin as a hobby. He wrote that song after his wife died giving birth to their child… the baby died shortly after the mother.” Alexander went completely silent as he lowered his eyes. It was obvious that it was a memory that brought back pain.

  “A farmer! Since when does a farmer require a bodyguard? And women and infants dying in labor, that is pretty rare nowadays. The story sounds like something from a hundred years ago.”

  “Were you close with this man?” was all Emily could come up with at the moment; her head was swimming with confusion and questions.

  “Yes, actually I was. For the first time ever, I felt a real connection with someone I guarded. I learned a lot from him.” Alexander was still gazing downward, he was holding back.

  Emily wanted to ask a million more questions but she could tell that it was beginning to cause Alexander some discomfort. Perhaps the conversation would be better in a private setting, not the back of a cab.

  “He wrote a beautiful song. I’m sorry for his loss though, that is terrible.” Emily made an end to the questions for now, but made the decision that she would invite Alexander up to her apartment. If he accepted, she would ask more questions there.

  The remainder of the ride was spent in silence. When they got out of the cab Emily didn’t allow any chance for another immediate goodbye.

  “Would you like to come up to my place?” Emily asked nervously.

  “I would love to. I think we need to talk. I’m sure you have some questions for me.”

  “So he had sensed it after all.”

  Emily began to recite in her mind all the questions she wanted to ask him.

  When they got to her apartment she placed the violin on the kitchen counter and showed Alexander to the living room. It was spacious even for a luxury apartment, it had enough room to not only have an open sitting area but also house Emily’s grand piano. She sat down on the suede couch facing the windows that led out to the terrace. She expected Alexander to take a seat next to her or at least across from her. Instead he remained standing. Alexander seemed still as stone as he looked down at the floor. He was more serious than she had ever seen him. His behavior was beginning to make Emily very nervous. She felt panic rising in her, like this might be the moment when Alexander shattered the perfect image she had of him. It was apparent he had some disturbing news. Emily braced herself.

  “So… what do you want to talk about?” she broke the silence.

  Alexander remained quiet for another moment and then took a deep breath. “I have gone long enough without telling you details about me and my life. Naturally, you’re getting curious.” He gave a slight smile and then continued. “I know there are some things about me that are confusing… For instance the story I told you in the cab. I could see the questions on your face afterward.”

  “Am I that easy to read?” Emily joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Yes, but that is a different subject entirely.” Alexander was like a train, full steam ahead. No joking or light-heartedness could deter him right now. “Explaining the story of the farmer would be a good place to start, and might answer some of your questions.” He looked to Emily for approval and then folding his arms, he went back to watching the floor and began.

  “Quite a while back I was assigned to guard and watch over a man named Edmund Harris. He was a simple farmer who had a fairly large plot of land in South Carolina. When I was first sent to him he was alone and just beginning to build his cotton farm. And though he came from a very prominent and wealthy family he was determined to make a life of his own. He was an exceptionally hard worker and he wanted a sizable production going before he asked for Catherine Campbell’s hand in marriage. It took him almost two years before his farm was up to acceptable standards. As soon as that happened, he married Catherine.”

  “They were a happy couple, very much in love and I enjoyed watching their relationship grow and develop.” Alexander paused to look up at Emily. He expected her to look more confused but her face held more curiosity than confusion, so he continued. “After about three years Catherine became pregnant and the couple prepared for their little baby’s arrival with so much excitement. Their home seemed to be overflowing with joy.”

  “Edmund would spend his time after dinner playing lullabies on his violin. He would kneel closely to Catherine’s round stomach so their baby could hear. Those were happy times for the Harris household.” Alexander paused again but not to check Emily’s reaction. He was fighting to gain control of his emotions. His voice began to crack and tears threatened to roll from his eyes. When he had composed himself he continued.

  “When Catherine went into labor it was too soon but there was no stopping it. It was a difficult labor for her and after she delivered the baby she hemorrhaged. Because the newborn arrived too early his lungs weren’t fully developed. He died only hours after Catherine.” Alexander took another deep breath and looked at Emily, giving her a chance to say something.

  “I’m not sure how this clarifies anything about you. Honestly I think I’m more confused.” Emily bit her lip and shrugged her shoulders.

  Alexander’s eyes were soft yet pleading as they burned into hers. “Catherine and her baby died in September of eighteen ninety-three.”

  Emily began to shake her head. “I…I’m not sure… uuhh…”

  Alexander interrupted her stammering. “Edmu
nd died in nineteen twenty-eight, at which point I was assigned to another family and moved on.”

  Emily gave a half smile and raised her eyebrows in a quizzical expression. “What are you talking about?”

  There was a long silence. After seeing that Alexander was not going to elaborate, Emily narrowed her eyes and her face hardened.

  “So you are trying to tell me that… that… what, you have been around since the eighteen hundreds? I don’t get it. What is that supposed to mean? I…” Her words trailed off and were lost amidst her disbelief. She was speechless.

  “Actually, I have been around for a lot longer than that. I’ve been guarding people since the beginning of the Roman Empire.” Alexander was talking very tenderly now as if that would soften the blow of his news.

  An involuntary chuff escaped Emily’s lips at the lunacy of his words. She stared at him, anger and doubt marring her features. “So…” She couldn’t believe what she was about to ask. “What, you’re some sort of guardian angel?” It was complete nonsense, and the tone of her voice showed her frustration.

  “I am just a Guardian. I’m not an angel. Angels have different responsibilities and duties entirely. We are two separate beings. Guardians are here for the sole purpose to protect and guard their Travelers. We are only to intervene when directed. For the most part we just watch and wait.”

  Emily looked down and tried to process all the information she felt had just assaulted her. “It does explain some things, like his astounding knowledge of history, the way he answered the questions I had asked him…And, why I feel so safe around him. But still this is nuts. He must be nuts. That’s great I have attracted some sort of psycho, some guy who believes he is a guardian that’s here to protect… what was that word…”

  “Travelers?” Emily spoke the word out loud not realizing she had done so until it had left her mouth.

  “It’s the name we use for the humans we protect.”

  She looked away searching for a moment to sort through her thoughts.

  “This is absolute insanity. There is no way this is possible. This is the kind of stuff that’s in movies and books, not in real life. Why would he lie to me? Is there a reason for him to lie to me, with such a bold and exaggerated story?”

  “Alexander, I can’t believe this. It’s so… It’s not possible.” Emily could not push aside all the logic and doubt that was filling her mind. How she wished she could believe his little fairytale were true. But that wasn’t an option. Instead she was now confronted with the problem of deciding how to reason with such a delusional person. Her image of Alexander was dashed to pieces. She was devastated. Up until this moment he had been so perfect.

  “It’s a lot of information, I know. Before I spoke, the world stood as you knew it. Now you are discovering that there is more to everything than you previously knew. I have introduced an unseen and unheard part of this world.”

  “If you’re a Guardian, then what are you doing here with me? Why aren’t you with your, your Traveler?” Emily was expressing her doubts vocally now. She knew she was bound to find a hole in his tale, a way to point out that he was insane, that he needed help.

  “Emily…” Alexander chuckled. “You are my Traveler.”

  Emily had not expected that. Flashes of all the moments she was with Alexander raced through her brain like snapshots from a camera. Her very first memory of Alexander was of him saving her. But this was still all too unreal.

  Alexander could see she was still struggling. “Emily how do you think my timing was so perfect when you were attacked two weeks ago?”

  “Not perfect.” Emily barely whispered as she put her hand to her forehead. She felt a small spark of fear begin to grow. Alexander was not giving in, he really believed what he was saying and there was nothing Emily could say to convince him otherwise.

  Alexander gave a visible grimace. It was obvious that her words had hurt him.

  “I am only allowed to intervene when instructed. It is very precise timing and sadly I was not to help until the moment I did. But do you remember what I said to you in the diner?” He searched for Emily’s eyes.

  She gave no response.

  “I said that experiences, traumatic or not, are usually to teach you something. Your purpose on this earth is to learn and progress and I am not to interfere with the process. Sadly, even when that process can cause you some pain, physically or emotionally. I can only help when it will ensure that you stay on the path you are to take in this life, but I am not to change the course. Sometimes doing something even a split second too early can change the way an event turns out.”

  Alexander moved his feet for the first time, taking a few steps until he was near the couch.

  “Emily, you don’t know how painful it was for me to watch that man attack you. I saw him coming long before you did and I knew his intentions. It was the hardest moment in my existence to just watch and wait for the prompting that would allow me to rip that monster off of you.” Alexander’s voice broke and Emily could hear the rawness of his emotion.

  “You were watching? How long were you there? Why didn’t I see you?” Emily looked back up and into his eyes, searching for sincerity, for honesty, she wanted to believe. No, she absolutely needed to believe.

  “I’ve been watching for a long time. You just don’t see me because you’re not supposed to. For just over two years, I have not left your side. Not once.” He let his words penetrate and then continued. “I was there the night you lost control of your car and slammed into the guardrail.”

  Emily’s eyes went wide, showing her skepticism in what he had just said. “How did you… I never told anyone about that. Not even my father…I… didn’t tell anyone,” Emily said in a vulnerable whisper. Her face was pale; she was completely startled with this new revelation. No one could have known about that night, she was sure of it.

  “What do you think stopped your car from going over the edge? Or I guess I should ask, who do you think stopped your car?” Alexander could sense that something had changed within Emily. She was beginning to believe. He sat down beside her and placed his hands on top of hers.

  There was a long silence, and then Emily finally broke free of her blank stare and spoke up. “It was you? You stopped the car?” Emily slowly shook her head as the memory of that night came flooding back and consumed her mind. “I was headed for the edge at such a frightening speed. When I got out to examine the rail, it had completely broken free of the posts. The rail was not what stopped me, I always knew that much…So it was you then, you saved me.”

  Emily looked straight into Alexander’s greens eyes and in that moment knew that everything he was saying was true. However shocking it all was, it was true.

  “That was only my second night as your Guardian. You sure know how to give a guy a welcoming. I’m not sure anyone has ever needed my help so soon after me being assigned to them.” Alexander smiled, his humor slowly resurfacing. He could tell she completely believed him.

  Emily weighed all the incidents that had happened in her life and whether it seemed like there was divine intervention or not. Alexander had said that he had never left her side.

  “Have I always had a Guardian? They’re always there just watching? All the time? That is so crazy. So not private, really not private at all!”

  “So you said you’re always watching and that you haven’t left my side since you became my Guardian. How come I couldn’t see you then but I can see you now?” Emily could hardly keep up with the questions that began to snowball in her mind. She had a million things to ask Alexander. But a few that she absolutely needed to know at this very moment.

  “I have never tried to explain this to someone before so forgive me if I lack the proper vocabulary. You don’t see me unless I choose for you to see me. Otherwise, I exist as finer matter that is too hard for the human eye to view.”

  In that very moment Alexander completely disappeared, he was gone. Emily jumped and let out a slight shriek when it happened.
She glanced around nervously, but as soon as he had vanished he reappeared and began his conversation exactly where he had left off, without skipping a beat.

  “When I choose, I materialize into a more solid form, a human. We materialize more than people realize. Sometimes when we are to intercede, it requires we have a body; as when I intervened with your attacker. If a mysterious force had beaten up that man it probably would have left you scarred for life. You would hear of millions of freak experiences all the time and people would begin to question things more than they already do. When we act as humans people assume we are just good citizens who coincidently are in the right place at the right time. Just as I’m sure you thought when I saved you.”

  “Yes that makes sense I guess.” Emily felt like each and every nerve within her had large volts of electricity charging through them causing a nervous rhythmic pulse in her body. It was an odd sensation, obviously caused from the shock she’d just experienced watching someone disappear like that. She took a cleansing breath, forcing herself to stay calm and just keep moving forward, like more answers might calm the feeling of displacement and disbelief she was experiencing right now.


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