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Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance (Tales of the Guardian)

Page 11

by Brianna Merrill

  “Actually, Dad, I don’t think I am really up for school today.” Emily sighed.

  “Are you sick to your stomach? Are you hot?” His eyes showed his increasing concern.

  “No, I’m not sick. It’s different than that; you know it’s just one of those days.” Emily knew the right phrase to use. After her mother had died her father had made it clear that if she was feeling emotionally upset and wasn’t up for school he understood, it was just ‘one of those days’.

  “Oh that.” He paused as he recognized the term. “Do you want to talk about anything sweetie?”

  “No, I’m fine. I just need a day to think, you know get away from everything. My mind is just on overload right now.” Emily was telling the truth. She did want to think. Yesterday was a day that had changed her whole outlook on life and there were definitely some things she needed to contemplate. “Actually, I was thinking maybe I could go up to Cooperstown for the day. Is that okay with you?”

  Emily’s father took a deep breath and looked down at the floor, obviously weighing her request. “I don’t like the idea of you being alone, especially if you are feeling…” He let his words trail off and then took another deep breath. “I suppose that’s fine. Just please call me when you get there and then again when you’re headed home, okay?”

  “I will. Don’t worry about me I’m fine, I just want a quiet place to think that’s all.”

  “Okay. Drive safe. I’ve got to get going or I’m going to be late. I love you.” He gave her a tight embrace and quick kiss on the forehead before turning down the hall. “Remember to call me,” he shouted over his shoulder.

  “Love you too,” Emily called out and then quickly shut the door. She glanced around the room for Alexander. She waited a moment giving him a chance to appear. When he didn’t materialize she softly called for him.

  “Alexander?” She waited again but nothing.


  Alexander stood outside the huge double doors that formed the entrance to Eden. It didn’t matter how long he existed, he didn’t believe he would ever grow accustomed to those massive doors. They were absolutely beautiful to look at, with intricate floral carvings on every square inch of their surface. At the same time, they were overwhelming, coming to a sharp arch about forty feet above Alexander’s head.

  There were very few things that ever made him feel weak or small, but for some reason, these doors always did.

  He knew this was coming but he still didn’t feel completely prepared for it. He wasn’t sure how to fully explain himself. When he heard the call resonate within him in the early morning hours he could not deny or run from it. Yet, it was the first time he was hesitant to honor the signal to come to council and face his elders.

  Alexander did not fear the Governing Five, simply because there was no reason to. They were his family, and as close to parents as it could get. They always handled matters with kindness and compassion. Yet Alexander knew he had done something wrong, something that hadn’t been done before. He wondered if the newness of it all could bring about an unpredictable reaction.

  At this point Alexander was only worried about one person, Emily. His concerns stemmed from the question of whether he would be removed as her Guardian. He could easily be reassigned. It would be difficult to see her after that.

  He had never been as happy as he was last night when Emily lay curled up in his arms. He wasn’t ready for all of that to be over. They were the most thrilling and wonderful moments of his existence. He had told Emily everything and she had accepted it, and what’s more, she had said that she loved him, too.

  Countless were the occasions where he had watched people profess their love. Never before had Alexander dreamed it was possible for him to experience what he had only ever witnessed. But yes, it had all happened and he knew things could never be the same for him again.

  Alexander was awakened from his thoughts as the giant doors slowly opened, leaking bright light through the expanding crack. Once there was a wide enough gap, Alexander passed through onto the familiar marble terrace.

  The scene that lay before him was one of tranquility and peace. The beauty was astounding. Humans would not believe their eyes if ever given the opportunity to behold what he now saw. To Alexander it was simply home. It was the one constant in his life; the one place he knew would always be here, never changing. It would always welcome him and give him the needed sense of belonging. It offered a place of refuge for all Guardians, a place where they didn’t have to lurk in the shadows or be invisible. Here was a verifiable utopia.

  A large marble staircase formed a full crescent around the terrace where he stood, leading down into the vast courtyard below. The courtyard was a magnificent garden; the ground was covered in greenery, with foliage and flowers of every variety. All species of trees grew strong and straight from fertile soil covered in thick lush grass. Each tree bore some type of fruit or flower that generously covered every branch.

  Surrounding the courtyard stood massive stone buildings, which resembled ancient Greek architecture. Large white stones lay perfectly stacked upon each other, reaching four and five stories high. Open walkways wrapped completely around each structure and simple arches provided for the windows and doors. The whiteness of the stones would be overwhelming if green vines and colorful flowers did not climb up each wall and pillar.

  Alexander could hear the babbling of the stream that weaved its way through the buildings and garden. Breathing in deeply he could smell the overpowering scent of clean air and flowers. He gave a pleasure-filled sigh as he exhaled. The sights, sounds and scents of this place always comforted him.

  Descending the stairs, Alexander knew exactly where he was supposed to go. In the middle of this magnificent valley stood the Gathering Stone. It was a large circular platform surrounded by huge pillars. Massive beams reached from the columns to the center above, forming a partial roof. That is where the Governing Five would await him.

  Once downstairs and into the courtyard, he kept his gaze on the ground. He did not know how many of the Guardians had heard of what he had done. He wasn’t ready to meet any of their questioning looks.

  He was making his way along the cobblestone path when he heard a familiar voice call out.

  “Alexander! Hey Alexander, wait up!” It was Xavier.

  He stopped and turned toward the sound of his friend’s voice.

  “Hey I was wondering when you were going to show up,” Xavier said with enthusiasm.

  “I am on my way to council. You know I can’t hang around and keep them waiting.” Alexander turned and continued walking.

  Xavier hurried forward and fell in line with Alexander’s long strides. “I know. I just wanted to come with you.”

  Alexander gave a knowing grin. “And why is that?”

  “Oh, come on. This is the first time anything like this has happened, and nothing around here ever changes. It will be exciting to see things shaken up a bit.”

  “I’m so glad I can be a source of entertainment for you.” He knew his friend understood and supported him, so it didn’t bother Alexander to have Xavier along.

  “How many of the others know about this?” Alexander asked with a more serious tone.

  “Just a few here and there; but now that you’ve arrived I think word is spreading fast.”

  “Sounds like it should be an interesting family reunion then,” Alexander wryly joked. He patted his friend on the back, trying to mask how self-conscious he felt.

  They walked the remaining distance in silence. When they reached the Gathering Stone, Xavier gave his friend a quick squeeze on the arm, whispered, “Good luck,” and stepped to the side. He couldn’t go up there with him. Xavier hadn’t been called.

  Alexander slowly climbed the fifteen stairs to the top. When he stepped up onto the polished marble stone he was not surprised to be greeted by four smiling faces. Mathaius, the fifth elder in line, wore a concerned frown.

  The Governing Five stood in front of f
ive large throne-like chairs, carved from wood. Every chair was unique, with designs that represented each council member’s talents.

  On the far left stood Athos. He was The Caller. In the center of his chair was carved a large bird suspended in flight, with wings and feathers reaching all the way down the arms of the chair. It was Athos’ voice the Guardians heard as a whisper in their ear, almost like the soft sweet song of a bird. As soon as any Guardian heard Athos’ voice they felt an overpowering sensation ripple through their bodies and knew they were being called home.

  Beside Athos was Cyrenna. She had the ability to see what each and every Guardian was doing or had done. She monitored the Guardians and watched over them in the present. Any visions that troubled, upset or concerned her were relayed to her fellow council members. Her chair displayed detailed carvings of eyes all over, to represent her ability to see and watch.

  The chair in the center was covered in swords and shields. It belonged to Damarus. He was known as The Trainer. Each Guardian received instruction under his strict supervision before they were permitted to protect a Traveler. Damarus was responsible for teaching them how to do everything from materializing into human form to hand-to-hand combat. He was tough when he trained his pupils and expected perfection. Yet, he was always gentle with the way he handled the Guardians. Out of the three males that made up the five he was viewed by most as the father figure.

  Standing next to Damarus was Aldara. All knew her as The Mother. It was her face Guardians first saw, her voice they first heard. She was a nurturer. Her chair was covered in carvings of flowers. They varied from pictures depicting small seeds and buds to full blossoms. She was there to help the Guardians reach full emotional maturity. Aldara made sure that each Guardian could handle the emotions and dilemmas that could result from moving between two separate worlds. She dealt with love and thoughtfulness; her words were always filled with compassion.

  On the far right was Mathaius. He knew and enforced the laws that governed the Guardian’s way of life. He never hesitated to inform a Guardian when they had not upheld or honored a law even in the slightest degree. The council member had never tried to hide his displeasure with a Guardian who had broken a law. To represent his knowledge and wisdom his chair had open books carved over it.

  Each of the five elders was breathtaking to look upon.

  They all had creamy smooth skin with varying shades of blonde hair. Both females had long blonde locks that reached all the way down to the small of their backs. Cyrenna always kept hers in a neat braid while Aldara let hers flow freely in natural waves. The men’s hair was kept shorter at shoulder length, and Damarus was the only one who pulled his back into a loose ponytail. They all wore emerald-colored robes with gold embroidery depicting the same images that were present on their chairs. Gold sashes accented their trim waistlines and elegantly flowed down the length of their garments to the ground.

  Just as with every Guardian, the Governing Five had green eyes, yet each was still unique and different. Some Guardians had gold or brown specks throughout their eyes while others had more of a pure or bright green color like Alexander’s. A few of them had a very deep olive color, which had an almost grey look to them like Mathaius’. And it was now his eyes that Alexander could feel burning into him.

  “Welcome Alexander, Son of Eden!” Damarus exclaimed as he walked toward Alexander with open arms. It was the usual greeting, the official procedure.

  He embraced Damarus and then turned to bow at each of the other four who responded with respectful nods. Alexander noticed that Aldara gave him an unusually generous smile that made him wonder what she might be thinking.

  Damarus stepped back and now allowed Athos to come forward. “Alexander Son of Eden, you have been called to council. Do you accept and affirm this call?”

  “I accept and affirm that I have been called to council,” he responded while bowing his head once more in Athos’ direction.

  “Do you comply to proceed?” Athos asked, gesturing forward with his hand.

  “Yes,” Alexander responded simply. It was the only response he ever gave. No one said no.

  Athos returned to stand in front of his chair and the Governing Five simultaneously sat down. Except for Aldara. She remained standing. She then opened her arms wide, and beckoned Alexander into them.

  “Aldara,” Mathaius said firmly. He always wished to keep things as controlled and formal as possible.

  “Peace, Mathaius, I only wish to hold Alexander, I have missed him so.” Aldara’s words were gentle as always, her voice was like a beautiful bell chiming in the wind.

  Aldara turned her attention back to Alexander and took the few steps to embrace him. “You have been gone from us long, Son of Eden.”

  Alexander welcomed her embrace. It was like that of a loving mother who wished to rock her child to sleep and it helped him to feel slightly relaxed. He had missed her as well.

  “I am sure you are aware why my absence has been a prolonged one Mother,” Alexander said softly as he smiled over Aldara’s shoulder at Cyrenna. The female elder gave him a loving grin in return.

  “Yes, there is much to discuss.” Aldara released her embrace and once again gave that generous smile. Alexander could sense her excitement.

  Mathaius gave an over-exaggerated clearing of his throat. An obvious signal that he was ready to move on. Aldara made her way back to her chair.

  “Oh Mathaius, you act as though we have a time limit or must keep to a schedule.” Aldara gracefully took a seat.

  “We just might be on some type of time restriction with this situation. Who is to know?” Mathaius responded, letting the frustration flow freely in his voice.

  “Hold your peace Mathaius. We have plenty of time to deal with the matter before us,” Damarus said with complete confidence. “Now then, Alexander, I am sure you are aware of the reason for this council. Cyrenna has seen the events that have taken place over the course of the last few days concerning your conduct with your Traveler.”

  “Pardon me father, her name is Emily,” Alexander stated in a voice just above a whisper.

  Damarus gave a slight chuckle. “Yes, that is her name and in light of recent events I am sure you prefer using her name. I am willing to honor this desire.” He paused for a moment, letting his thoughts settle and then proceeded. “Alexander, I know you are conscious of the choices you have made in your stewardship with Emily. You have broken laws and by doing so, have placed us in an unusual and unprecedented situation.”

  “Many laws,” Mathaius added.

  Damarus held the palm of his left hand up to Mathaius to signal for his silence. “What light can you shed on this predicament? What has changed within you that you would be so willing to cast aside so much of what you have been taught and what has been commanded of us all? Speak and we will hear.”

  Alexander remained silent for a few moments as he tried to organize and gather his thoughts. Now was not the time to sound like a rambling idiot.

  “I love her. It is the only explanation that I can give for my actions.” Alexander saw Aldara’s face light up. She quickly glanced in Cyrenna’s direction and something passed between them.

  “That is impossible Alexander; Guardians do not fall in love with their Travelers. We are different from them. We carry no such capacity. What kind of relationship could you expect to develop from loving a mortal?” Mathaius seemed relieved to finally be able to speak his mind.

  All eyes turned from Mathaius to Alexander expecting his answer. But it was Cyrenna who spoke up instead.

  “Mathaius nothing is impossible. Who are we to place limitations on love? That is not our purpose in this life.” Cyrenna glanced again toward Aldara and they both gave big grins.

  Alexander was now certain that they had a secret or had discussed all of this prior to the counsel. They knew something more.

  “Mathaius does have a point, though, however obscurely he may be in expressing it.” Damarus raised both hands to create silenc
e. “Alexander, what is to happen when Emily grows old? When she passes through her mortal life into the next stage of her existence? You, my son, are immortal. You will remain in your perfected stage of youth forever. Where she goes after her mortal probation on this earth you may not follow. Your work will still be here in this world.” Damarus raised both eyebrows with compassionate concern.

  “I have not given much thought to what will lie ahead in our future. I know that it does not make much sense. However, I cannot deny my feelings any longer. I have struggled with my desires to have someone to love for decades and now I cannot help but feel that I am being given my chance to experience the longings of my heart.” Alexander paused for a moment, contemplating whether he should express his next thoughts. He decided to continue. “Besides we are not completely immortal. We have our weaknesses and I am certainly entitled to my eternal rest as well. Am I not?”

  Aldara had an alarmed look on her face. “Alexander, I do not believe you should reason things out in that manner.”


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