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Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance (Tales of the Guardian)

Page 19

by Brianna Merrill

  Alexander glanced up; he knew she was right. “The Governing Five seem to think that all this has something to do with what has happened between us… but I don’t think they are right. Besides, no one will know for sure until The Seer reveals more,” Alexander said, trying to play down the enormity of his words, as though he spoke of something as futile as the weather.

  Emily was caught off guard with his statement and felt like she might faint. She realized now why Alexander had wanted to wait for a more secluded environment.

  “We did this? How could we start a war? Why does what we’ve done matter? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “I don’t understand how something we’ve done could cause such chaos,” Emily said wearily, looking down at her hands. She was beginning to feel a sense of guilt, like she was selfish wanting to be with Alexander. Perhaps her selfishness had somehow disrupted the universe. Now other humans and their lives were involved.

  “Hey,” Alexander said, cupping his hand softly beneath her chin and raising her eyes to meet his. “I may not be certain of many things right now, but I can tell you with complete confidence that we’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve done nothing wrong. Our love is right; it is the most right thing in this world. Nothing will change that. I can feel it, and I know you can, too.” He then leaned forward and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

  His touch always brought warmth to her heart.

  “As long as I have him it will be okay.”

  “Yeah don’t worry Emily. Everything will be fine, it’s not like this is our first rodeo,” Xavier finally spoke up.

  “So does this mean you’ll be gone more?” Emily was beginning to feel that selfishness creep in again. She wanted Alexander by her, he was hers and she was his and she could barely stand the thought of being apart.

  “I don’t think so, at least not for now. I need to stay close to you. Not only because I am supposed to be but really because that is where I want to be,” Alexander said sweetly.

  Emily’s attention was now drawn to an approaching figure. Rob looked slightly annoyed as he made his way to the table. She could see him size Xavier up and knew he would want to know whether she had invited more eligible bachelors.

  “I see we have more guests.” Rob tried to sound polite.

  “Hey there, I’m Xavier,” Xavier said enthusiastically as he stood up and stuck his hand out.

  “Nice to meet you, I’m Rob.” Rob gave a firm but quick handshake. “More friends, Emily?” Rob said directing his attention to her.

  “Well, uumm,” Emily stammered.

  “He’s my friend, actually,” Alexander chimed in. “Xavier is covering for me so that I can have the night off. He just saw us here and came over to say hello.”

  “Oh, I guess the more the merrier.” Rob forced the cheer in his statement.

  Emily felt bad for Rob, she could tell he was quite uncomfortable and she knew that by now he had to be feeling like the odd man out. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, especially because he really was a sweet guy. She wondered if their first and only date was enough to get Rob’s hopes up concerning the two of them. Emily figured that probably qualified as leading him on. Guilt washed over her.

  “Uh, Emily, your father wanted to talk to you, but he can’t get away from the auction table. He asked if I would come get you.”

  “He really can’t get away, huh?” Emily knew very well that it was really just her father’s perception. The event planners didn’t need his help. He just thought they did.

  “You know James. He thinks if he’s not overseeing things they’ll completely fall apart. Do you want me to tell him you can’t come right now?” Rob asked.

  “No, no, that’s fine.” Emily stood up. “I’ll be right back.”

  She weaved her way through the throngs of people to the back corner where her father was waiting.

  The three men watched Emily vanish within the crowd. Leaving them all alone was a gamble on her part, but Xavier quickly took the reins and swiveled in his seat toward Rob.

  “So Rob, how are the pickin’s on Wall Street, slim eh?” Xavier asked.

  “Well, it’s a bear market for sure, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any accounts to manage. There is still a need to buy and sell stock; actually I suggest that now is the time to buy,” Rob responded, interested that Xavier would bring up his line of work.

  Alexander remained silent and let Xavier keep Rob entertained. He didn’t really care for Rob, and since their distaste for each other seemed to be mutual, he figured his insight would not be missed in the current conversation. He kept his focus in the direction that Emily had gone, growing more and more anxious with each passing minute.

  Then as if the room disappeared and a new one was placed before him, Alexander was caught up in a vision.

  He could not make out the environment or the surroundings, only faces. There were five men, all very rough-looking. One face did stand out to him though -a man with a large build who sported a dark bristly beard. The thick hair on his face was trimmed into a jagged design.

  Alexander tried to focus his mind so that he could absorb more details, but could not make out the location. It was pitch black, with only a few overhead florescent lights. Alexander was perplexed; usually the location in his visions was unmistakable. Why would this one be different? Before he could get a clearer picture the vision was gone and the banquet hall was once again in his sight.

  He could again hear the people conversing around him and his attention was snapped toward a burst of laughter from Rob and Xavier. Alexander’s friend looked over to meet his gaze; any hint of humor was quickly doused. Xavier knew what it was like to have a vision and could see the alarm on Alexander’s face.

  “Well, it was good to meet you Rob. Maybe I’ll catch you again some time. I should get back to work,” Xavier said, extending his hand.

  After Rob said his goodbye, Xavier walked off and was quickly out of sight.

  Alexander used the awkward silence between him and Rob as opportunity to excuse himself.

  “I think I need to visit the men’s room,” Alexander stated and then swiftly rose and disappeared in the crowd.

  He found Xavier in a secluded corner. Locating him in the sea of people had not been hard. Guardians could sense one another, especially when they were friends as long as Alexander and Xavier.

  “What’s up Brother? I saw the look, I can tell you had a vision” Xavier said calmly.

  “This vision was different. I was not given an exact location, only faces. There was no time frame either. It just doesn’t make sense.” Alexander rubbed his head in frustration.

  “Has that ever happened before?” Xavier asked, obviously concerned.

  “No.” Alexander gave a quick look around.

  As he scanned the room, in his peripheral sight, he thought he saw a familiar face, a hard-looking man similar to one he had seen in the vision. The man stood about thirty yards from them and was dressed in a server’s uniform. He was staring directly at Alexander with a cold look.

  Alexander turned back to Xavier. “I’m not positive about what I saw but I need to get Emily out of here, fast.”

  “What do you want me to do?” Xavier asked, wanting to help in whatever way he could.

  “Have you seen anything concerning her father?”

  “Nope, he’s good. I am at your service, General.”

  “I want you to do a quick sweep of the elevators and exits looking for anyone who seems like they don’t belong and keep an eye on them. Then meet me down in the parking garage at Emily’s car in fifteen minutes,” Alexander commanded.

  “Yes, sir.” Xavier turned and left.

  Alexander glanced once more in the direction where he had seen the mysterious server, but the man was gone. Alexander made his way back to the table, relieved to see Emily standing there talking with Rob.

  Clearing his throat to announce his presence, he moved in close to Emily.

  “There you are,” sh
e said, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Sorry about that,” Alexander said nervously.

  “Where’s Xavier?” Emily looked over his shoulder, expecting to see Xavier behind him.

  “He had to get back to work.” Alexander was trying to control the urgency he felt building in his tone.

  “Are you okay?” Emily could sense that

  Alexander was flustered.

  “Yeah, I think I just had too much to drink, that’s all. I’m not used to drinking such fine wine. I think I should call it a night,” he lied.

  Rob didn’t hide his surprise. He didn’t think he had seen Alexander drink anything but water that night so he could only have gotten a few sips of wine in when Rob wasn’t watching. “I didn’t take you for a light weight,” Rob said enjoying his opportunity to point out the weak link in Alexander’s statement.

  “Well, I never drink, so I guess I am,” Alexander retorted, a bit cross. He wanted to show Rob what a light weight really was and challenge him to a boxing match. But, he kept himself calm and focused. Now wasn’t the time for a jealous rage.

  Emily sensed something was wrong and so played along. “Rob, would you tell my dad that I went home? I don’t feel comfortable letting Alexander leave by himself. I want to drop him off at his place and then I’ll just go home.”

  “Are you sure? Your dad wouldn’t want you leaving by yourself,” Rob said, trying to come up with a reliable excuse.

  “Well, I won’t be by myself for most of the way. Tell him I’ll call him when I get back to the apartment so he knows I’m safe,” Emily persisted.

  “Whatever you want. Goodnight then.” Rob leaned in to give Emily a hug, and making no acknowledgement whatsoever to Alexander. Rob then turned and stalked off.

  As soon as he was gone Emily faced Alexander.

  “You didn’t drink any wine at dinner,” Emily whispered.

  “We need to get out of here,” Alexander urged.

  Emily’s eyes widened with fear. Alexander’s mannerism was enough to worry her slightly but now she could tell that something was definitely wrong.

  “Let me get my keys.”

  They maneuvered their way through the crowd and out into the open lobby, stopping at the cloakroom to grab her coat and small satin clutch that contained the keys to the car. While they waited for the elevator to the parking garage Emily broke the silence.

  “Why do we have to leave? Am I in danger? Did you see a vision?”

  The elevator bell rang as the doors opened and they stepped in. Once the doors closed Alexander gave his response.

  “I had a vision, although it was not as clear as they usually are. I thought I saw a man in the banquet hall from my vision and I wanted to get you away from him as soon as possible, just to make sure.” He paused briefly, and his eyes softened. “You’re not in danger, Emily, not when I’m around. Remember it’s what I do.” Alexander leaned in and kissed her lips.

  “I know. I believe you,” she said, reaching with her lips for his once more, but the elevator doors opened and the rush of cold air startled her.

  “Where did you park?” Alexander held his hand out for the keys.

  Emily dug through her clutch and then handed them over. “Umm I think it was section E, it’s all the way down and to the right.” Emily pointed in the direction she was describing.

  Her feet were already aching and by the time they got to the end of the garage and turned right, she had to bend over to adjust the frilly strap that was digging into her pinky toe.

  “I hate heals.” She fumbled to get the strap back in place where it wouldn’t pinch, but it was difficult to be bent over in such a position while in a dress that was restricting around her knees.

  Alexander chuckled. “Allow me. Women and their accessories. That is something that in all my existence, I have never understood,” He teased as he bent down.

  He gently supported Emily’s foot and with his other hand popped the strap back into its designated place. He then moved his hand to the back of her calf, gently guiding her leg back to the ground. His hands felt burning hot against Emily’s freezing skin.

  Before they could continue walking, the lights in the parking garage went out except for a few long fluorescent ones directly above their heads. It made the garage extremely dark, and she could only make out the silhouettes of the cars. It felt eerie, as though she and Alexander were being set up for something.

  “Get behind me,” Alexander said. Before Emily could respond he had her pulled in close behind his back.

  She peeked over his broad shoulder to see what had him so alarmed.

  A tall dark figure was walking toward them, joined by four other figures that seemed to pop up from behind various cars. When they reached the area that was better lit, Emily could see the very unfriendly faces.

  She felt every muscle in Alexander’s body flex simultaneously and turn rock hard.

  “This cannot be happening.”

  Emily recalled the conversation they had just had and wondered if these men were ones that qualified as being under the Oppositions influence, they certainly looked like the type—menacing and sallow, barely human.

  Two of the men in the group had on leather jackets that were worn and dingy while the others only wore long stained thermal shirts and sweaters. The man in front looked especially intimidating with an unusual beard that ran the length of his jaw line. He was the one that spoke up.

  “Ah, look fellas, the cute little rich girl came down here to grace us with her presence. What’s wrong princess? Was the caviar not to your liking?” He said in a deep raspy voice. “Or maybe you just wanted to come down here and play with us,” he continued as the four other men fanned out beside him as if on cue. “You’ll get your chance to party, sweetie, right after we take care of your boy here.” The man tossed his head in Alexander’s direction.

  “You won’t touch her!” Alexander’s voice blasted through the darkness. It had the same force Emily remembered hearing that day in the alley.

  Alexander gently pushed Emily an arm’s distance back from him and then briskly pulled off his suit coat, showcasing his large muscles and massive arm span. Emily could see him review each man’s position, calculating his distance. She wasn’t sure how long they stood there. It seemed like forever. She felt herself shrinking into the darkness just waiting for them to attack. But just as she thought they would make their move, Alexander lunged at the closest man who stood on his left.

  His movements were speedy, yet precise, and she knew he hit his target with his first measured blow. The man let out a sickening grunt as Alexander’s fist landed in his gut. The force of the punch brought the man’s head down which was met with Alexander’s elbow as he spun to meet the next attacker. The first man flew to his back as soon as his nose made contact with Alexander’s arm and Emily knew he was taken out.

  The second man, much like the first, was not quick enough to outmaneuver his opponent. As soon as Alexander made contact with the first man’s face he reached both arms back to grab the second man that was coming at his back. With a force that seemed humanly impossible, Alexander grabbed the man by his head, and, swiftly bending at the waist, threw him over his shoulder and onto the ground. He slammed down on the man’s chest with the flat of his foot.

  At that point, the other three men realized that they had to work together and came at Alexander in one coordinated motion. At first, it seemed to Emily like she was watching a lion shake off a bunch of flies. But, she then noticed something shiny glisten in the faint light and her heart dropped.

  Once she saw the metal blade it disappeared. One of the men had plunged it into Alexander’s side. She heard him give a slight grunt, a mild reaction compared to what she expected to hear. She watched as Alexander used his forearm to break the man’s hold on the weapon. With swift precision he pulled the blade out and threw it into the darkness.

  Her mind was racing.

  “I thought Alexander’s body was perfect. How could a kn
ife penetrate, he’s supposed to be immortal?”

  Emily now felt her panic reach a new level; she could see the dark wet splotch forming on Alexander’s shirt. She reached down to take off her shoes. She had to do something. She couldn’t stand back and watch Alexander get stabbed again.

  With shaking fingers, Emily fiddled with the straps to her high heels. Her concentration was failing her. She was continually distracted by the grunts and groans she was hearing, each time feeling the need to look up from what she was doing to make sure Alexander was okay. Every peek revealed Alexander fighting off the reoccurring attacks.

  She looked down, a bit more confident that he would last long enough for her to remove her shoes. She needed some sort of weapon if she were to join the fight. Just as her feet were freed, Emily heard a click. Dread washed over her as she recognized the sound of a gun being cocked.


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