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Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance (Tales of the Guardian)

Page 26

by Brianna Merrill

  Emily watched as Alexander bowed his head either to pray or to give himself an encouraging pep talk. But, when he raised his head and their eyes locked, she knew that had not been his purpose.

  “It begins, they are on the property.”

  “Can you see the number more clearly, Brother?”

  Alexander did not turn to meet Xavier’s eyes. Instead he kept them firmly on Emily, waiting for her reaction. “There are close to eighty.”

  Emily gasped. “Eighty…that’s so many…too many.” She shook her head in disbelief.

  The Guardians were clearly outnumbered. It would be as Emily feared. Someone was going to die and it was going to be some of them, maybe even her. She tried to push the thoughts from her mind, but it was impossible at this point and she felt her knees growing weak.

  Alexander rushed to her side and pulled her close, supporting her weight. He stroked her long brown hair a few times and then grabbed her shoulders, moving her to where he could see her eyes.

  “Don’t be frightened, this will end soon and we’re all going to make it.”

  “You’re outnumbered by almost thirty armed men.”

  “Do you believe in me?” Alexander questioned her, hunting her eyes for the answer.


  “Believe in me. There is no force on this earth that will ever be strong enough to keep me from protecting you.” Alexander pulled her back into his embrace giving her a firm kiss on the head.

  Emily felt the anxieties melt away with the touch of his lips. Her body relaxed in his arms. She let her mind wander, envisioning them together, embracing like this at the top of the Eiffel tower. Then it was the two of them in Rome, and then again, on a sunny tropical beach. She longed for them to have the experiences they desired. There was still so much Emily wanted to do with Alexander, so much she needed from him.

  She nuzzled in as close as she could for a few seconds, breathing his scent in deeply.

  The loud pop from a gun being fired snapped Emily out of her trance. She could no longer pretend she was somewhere else.

  There weren’t as many guns firing as Emily had expected.

  “That’s good. Maybe that means the Guardians are getting to their opponents before they’re expecting it.”

  Emily could feel the change in Alexander’s muscles, they were flexed and tense. She knew that he was on guard, ready for the unexpected. There was another gun shot outside, but this time it was closer. In fact it sounded like it came from right outside the front door.

  Alexander swung Emily around to his back as he reached out and caught a bow that Xavier had launched in his direction.

  “Get behind the counter.” Alexander motioned toward the kitchen, but kept his body in the living room facing the front door.

  Emily’s father was quick to obey the command and rushed over to grab Emily. He pulled her behind the kitchen counter and ducked down. His attempt to force her to the floor was futile, Emily wholly resisted. She wanted to see what was going on. She had to keep her eyes on Alexander.

  A deafening thud at the front door made Emily jump. She could hear men shouting outside. She glanced over each and every extra lock and metal plank that were placed on the heavy wooden door.

  Her father continued to pull at her arm. His tugs were more earnest, but stopped when a second loud slam came from the front door. It sounded like a battering ram had hit, causing the dense wood to crack under the assault.

  Prickles rippled down Emily’s spine.

  “They’re going to get in.”

  Her hands squeezed the counter tightly. She felt her fingers grow cold as all the blood was forced from them.

  There was one last smash against the front door and then it came crashing down, off its frame. Small fragments of wood flew in all directions as three men rushed through the entrance that was created.

  Xavier and Alexander sprang into action, immediately leaping upon the men like a team of panthers. Emily glanced at the front door looking for the device that these men must have used to break down the door. She couldn’t find any sort of object, nothing was there except a large figure standing eerily still in the shadows.

  Gunfire made Emily jump as the plaster from a nearby wall exploded. She looked around to see where the bullet came from. She realized it must have been a misfire from a man that now lay on his back, screaming in pain as he held his abnormally bent arm in the air. Xavier had disarmed him and now moved in on a new man who was crossing the threshold.

  Emily snapped her head to the far right to see how Alexander was doing.

  He had already rendered two men unconscious and was in the process of taking on two more that had just entered the house simultaneously. His motions were too quick for Emily to see his every movement. It only took one swift blow from his forearm and an abrupt drive of his knee, and the man that was rushing at him now lay motionless on the ground.

  Alexander spun around catching the second man’s hand in midair. Twisting his opponent’s arm, he gave a hard kick to the man’s chest and the enemy fell to his knees. Alexander finished him off with a hard uppercut to the jaw.

  At this point, Xavier had finished with his attacker and in what seemed like less than a minute, six men were defeated in their attempts to attack those inside the house.

  Everyone’s eyes now went back to the door, waiting to see how many more men would rush in but instead, they saw the large figure standing there watching the fight.

  Xavier did not waste a moment, as he was closest to the door. He leapt into the air, coming down hard, his fist driving into the neck of the stranger. His punch was met with a solid thud as the figure jammed his forearm into Xavier’s chest, throwing him backward.

  The Guardian’s back slammed into the wall revealing a large dent as his body slid down to the floor. He clung to his chest, the pain in his face made it apparent that he was badly injured.

  Emily shrieked.

  “How can that be? There’s no way a human could hurt a Guardian with one punch.”

  As if Emily’s cry was a needed introduction, the tall figure emerged from the shadows and into the illuminated entryway.

  To say that Emily was shocked was a severe understatement.

  The stranger that stood before them was one of the most beautiful people she had ever seen. He was tall, possibly a good two inches taller than Alexander and had a similar build, with a thick burly chest and round defined arms. His skin looked to be as smooth as silk. The strong features on his face were perfectly straight, like they were painted on by a master artist. Long black hair flowed down past his shoulders, glistening in the light as if it had diamonds in each strand.

  Emily glanced at his eyes. They were a large almond shape but what was unique about them was their piercing yellow color. The coloring might have frightened her if not for the fact that his eyes shimmered like they were made with flakes of gold.

  “Yellow eyes. An Ancient One!”

  Emily felt the muscles in her entire body clench and the heat drain from her face.

  The Ancient One took a few more steps into the home, giving a kick to one of the men that lay unconscious on the ground. He had a broad smile on his face and it became clear that these men were only pawns to him. He didn’t care if they were injured or even dead, it made no difference to him. The men that were awake quietly fled the scene, they were injured badly enough that it had obviously doused their determination.

  “Quite impressive.” The man’s voice was low and deep, but rich with sincere praise.

  Alexander adjusted his footing. He kept his arms slightly outstretched, ready to react at any moment. Xavier had gotten to his feet but still held his chest, wincing in pain.

  The Ancient One stepped over another man, glancing down at him in disgust. His eyes darted back to Alexander.

  “I have heard that you are a great warrior. It is a privilege to see you in action for myself.”

  Alexander inched back, repositioning his stance, his fists forming into tight b
alls. He kept his eyes locked on the enemy.

  “Why so tense Alexander? Is this the greeting you give all your brothers?”

  “You are not my brother,” Alexander spat.

  “Oh, but I am, I am. You seem to have been misled when it comes to who is kin and who is not.”

  The Ancient One’s eyes burned deep into Emily, emphasizing who he was referencing with his last words. He glanced back to face Alexander.

  “I am Dante, your real brother. There is no need to be on the defense. I come with no intentions of battle, only a simple invitation. Come now Alexander, talk with me.”

  “You lie! I know your purpose and I am telling you now that you won’t get near her.”

  Dante raised his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side. “The girl? I have no interest in Emily. My purpose for this visit has to do with you and you alone. Humans are mere cattle. We call them Travelers for a reason. This is only one stop along their eternal journey. They are ever changing, shifting, moving. They are not steady and constant like us, Brother. No, I have no interest in humans. I am only interested in what lasts, in that which withstands eternity; not what merely travels through it. You are destined for great things little Brother, magnificent things. Let me show you.” Dante took a step toward Alexander and offered his hand.

  “Why should I believe anything that comes from your mouth? Your kind only knows treachery. You rebelled against the very thing we were created for. There is no honor in that, and certainly no trust.” Alexander grew more rigid with the anger that boiled deep within him. It was bad enough that this Ancient One was present, but it infuriated Alexander that his opponent would blatantly mock him like this.

  “Ahhh, it would seem that you have been the one who was lied to, Alexander. Our purpose is far different than the one you have been tricked into believing. They have suppressed you into thinking that you have one purpose here in this existence, yet there is so much more to it all. You are destined to be a ruler, Alexander, a king of kings. There is so much in store for you, if you will just open your mind to the truth. Let me show you.” The Ancient One’s voice was soothing, friendly.

  Dante was now only inches away from Alexander. He seemed to have the ability to mesmerize everyone in the room. Emily blinked hard, trying to free herself from the trance. The Ancient One had somehow maneuvered himself within striking distance, and yet Alexander did nothing. Neither did Xavier.

  “He must have some power to hypnotize or something.”

  Emily felt eerily relaxed, too relaxed. She wondered if Alexander felt the same.

  “Come, just let me show you for a moment and you will see what truly lies in store for you.” Dante reached his hand toward Alexander.

  Alexander flinched, but then went still as Dante’s giant hand covered his. Both men’s eyes closed simultaneously.

  Emily looked over at Xavier. He stood motionless, as if he too was caught up in the same trance. She could hear her father’s heavy breathing and looked over her shoulder to evaluate his reaction. He seemed just as puzzled and confused as she was.

  Alexander stood motionless for only a few moments. Then his limbs began to give way to small tremors and spasms, his body seemed to be reacting to whatever he was being shown. Emily watched as his brow began to furrow and his face twisted in pain.

  “What on earth is he doing?”

  Emily still felt frozen; she didn’t know what to do.

  Alexander’s face relaxed and as soon as it had begun, it was finished. Dante released his grasp and Alexander opened his eyes.

  “You lie.” Alexander stumbled backward.

  “Why would I lie about that? You know it’s the truth. You have caught glimpses of it yourself. It is reality and it frightens you. No matter what road you take, her fate will be the same.”

  “Enough!” Alexander stabilized himself and repositioned into his fighting stance.

  Xavier was finally alert and aware, and closed in behind Dante.

  “Come with us, Alexander. Join us, and you can ensure these humans safety. You can ensure her safety.” He motioned toward Emily.

  “I would never join you.”

  Emily watched as the two Guardians began to circle Dante. But the ancient one never took his eyes off Alexander. Xavier did not seem to threaten him in the least.

  “The only way to save all that you love and hold dear is to join us and our cause. Think of what it could be like if you joined us. Things would be as they were meant to be. You will be a ruler, a ruler that answers to no law except the one he decrees. No desires would be placed above your own. No fate you cannot change. Only a fool would refuse. “ Dante kept his tone relaxed, although it now carried a slight edge that wasn’t present before. “Make your choice Son of Eden, but know that only one choice will give you what you truly seek!”

  “You’re wrong!” Alexander shook his head.

  Seizing the moment, Xavier leaped from behind, throwing a hard punch to the small of Dante’s back. The Ancient One turned with lightning speed, instant fury in his eyes. He grabbed Xavier’s free hand, enveloping it within his own massive grip. One hard squeeze and the bones in Xavier’s hand popped and cracked. He punched Xavier directly in the jaw and sent him flying with a blunt kick to his already damaged chest. Xavier hit the ground with a sickening thump and lay still and silent.

  Emily screamed in horror.

  Alexander glanced back to determine exactly where Emily and her father were, and then back to where his brother now lay motionless on the floor.

  “It doesn’t have to be like this.” Dante’s voice was filled with heat and frustration, any friendly tone gone.

  “Then leave and I will spare your life.” Alexander moved in closer.

  Dante gave a deep evil-sounding chuckle. “You honestly think you can defeat me? You may be a great warrior, but I am from the very beginning. My strength far surpasses yours. I will finish you quickly.” He then looked directly at Emily. “But as for her, I’ll make it slow and painful. I will let her beg for death.”

  Alexander let out a deafening cry, and then disappeared. In the same second he reappeared directly in front of the Ancient One, raining a blow across his face.

  Dante responded in an equal manner, and the fight became a series of flashes. Each time the two appeared, they were in a new position. Emily could not tell what was going on until Alexander materialized with Dante’s arm locked around his neck.

  Her heart dropped into her stomach and she became absolutely sick. She had never seen Alexander in such a vulnerable position.

  Her father sprang into action, grabbing the bow that lay in front of him. Before Emily could protest, he was over the counter running directly at the fight with the fragile stick in hand.

  There was another series of flashes as Alexander and Dante were using their abilities to change positions and catch the other one off guard. Emily watched as her dad stood confused, unsure of when to strike. The opportunity came when the two appeared to James’s left and the enemy’s back was facing him.

  James raised the bow and then hammered it down across Dante’s shoulders. The staff broke in half as though it was smashed against a pile of bricks. The Ancient One didn’t even flinch as the splinters from the broken wood spewed up and into the air.

  In what looked like one motion, Dante pushed Alexander effortlessly from his grasp, throwing him across the room. Swooping down and while pivoting on the balls of his feet, he grabbed part of the broken staff off the ground and plunged the splintered end straight into her father’s chest.

  There was no way for James to dodge the blow. It had happened too quickly. He dropped to his knees, with a look of complete shock on his face.

  “Nooo!” Emily sprinted over to where her father slowly slumped to the floor.

  She caught him before his face hit the ground, immediately attempting to maneuver him onto his back. She winced as her movements brought a cry of pain from her father.

  “Daddy, no,” Emily pleaded, as she placed h
is head on her lap. She watched as her father’s face turned pale and his body began to shake.

  Dante loomed over them, casting a dark shadow. “See?” He shook his head. “Nothing constant. You’re always changing. Here one minute, gone the next. So weak, so sickeningly fragile.” Disgust oozed from his lips with each word.

  Emily glanced up to meet his glare. This time all she could see was utter hatred in his eyes. Every ounce of his beauty was gone. The only thing visible was darkness. Looking into his eyes was like looking into a hole that had no end, like the crushing abyss of the deepest ocean.


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