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Mated for Keeps Boxed Set: a BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance (The Lost River Pack)

Page 9

by Alexis Wilde

  Damien shuddered.

  “It’s all right,” Alek said softly. As much for Jackson, for Natalie caught between the brothers, as for Damien. She couldn’t see it, couldn’t turn her head to stare at the yellow that bled into Damien’s pale eyes. Mirror reflections of Alek’s, except he wasn’t as good at reining in his wolf as Alek was.

  They all knew it. None more so than Damien.

  Natalie sucked in a breath, held it as her hands splayed against Alek’s chest. Sweat dampened her flushed skin, tendrils of her dark hair clung to her cheeks. She was wide-eyed, silent but for her panting, perfectly still under the fingers Damien had curled around her throat.

  Fingers that didn’t bite.

  Damien trembled, his wolf eyes sheened with a predatory focus that belied the glaze of lust he fought through.

  “Damien,” Jackson warned, the name packed with leashed intensity. A single warning—it was all Jackson ever gave.

  Natalie bit her lower lip.

  When Nico stepped inside the study, pausing inside the doorjamb, Alek didn’t dare turn his head to look. He held his brother’s eyes, locked heart to heart with the wolf inside.

  Nico surveyed the scene with a gaze as still and pale as diamond snow.

  Jackson took a purposeful step forward.

  Alek cursed silently. His grip on Damien’s neck tightened, forcing a hoarse sound through his brother’s gritted teeth, but he cradled Natalie’s cheek with the other and shot Nico a hard, meaningful stare.

  Their alpha in all but name, Nico understood more about the twins than anyone. He’d never stepped between them, didn’t force Damien’s wolf to calm as he could, but with Natalie caught between them, Alek wasn’t sure he’d lay off this time.

  He desperately needed them to lay off. Damien needed them to lay off.

  Nico tipped his head. Already dressed for the day in worn jeans and a faded sweatshirt with a peeling jersey number on it, he had probably come back from a morning outing and followed the sounds to the study—and the smell. Beside him, Jackson’s hands clenched into fists. The first thrum of power—of raw predatory strength—rippled through the air.

  Damien’s head snapped around. His teeth bared, hand at Natalie’s stomach tightening. He pulled her back hard, fitted himself so tightly to her that she hissed out a breath.

  Not of pain. Not of fear, not entirely.

  But still too rough. Too close to that edge.

  Alek shot Jackson a glare that was as close to challenge as he’d ever gotten.

  Nico’s lips twitched. Silently, he closed one hand around the taller Jackson’s shoulder.

  The intent was clear. Thunder blackened the other man’s scowl, and the air went taut with the frenetic force of his wolf’s anger.

  In answer, Damien forced Natalie’s chin up higher. Forced her back to arch, pressing her breasts against Alek’s chest. It pushed him hard against Alek’s grip, harder than necessary.

  Natalie couldn’t lock down her moan. Alek knew she’d tried, could feel the tension inside her; couldn’t help but feel the way her stomach fluttered against his throbbing cock. She was half turned on. Half confused.

  All but blind with the arousal they could all smell rolling off her skin. Dripping from between her legs, coating Damien’s cock inside her.

  Alek’s thumb smoothed over her cheek. “Nico,” he said through his teeth, as mildly as he could with lust and frustration and certainty riding him hard.

  “Leave them, Jackson.” Nico’s hand fisted in Jackson’s shirt. “Ben’s got news and I need you in on this.”

  “But he could—”

  “Alek will take care of them both,” the shorter man said. His tone remained calm, but Alek heard the command in it. Unlike Jackson, Nico gave more warnings than one. “Trust them. Trust her.”

  He hesitated.

  Damien bent his head, dragged his tongue along the side of Natalie’s neck. It wasn’t entirely sexual. For him, it was as much playing with dinner as anything, but she shuddered in his grasp anyway. Her lashes fluttered. “Alek?”

  “It’s okay,” he soothed, easing his thumb along her jaw. At her lips. “Everything’s okay. We won’t hurt you.”

  Nico was done asking. “Now, Jackson.”

  “Fuck.” The man shook off Nico’s hand, shot Alek a look that he’d have to be blind to miss and stupid to misread, and left the study on a surge of thundering fury.

  Alek got it. He’d protect her.

  He’d protect them all.

  Natalie closed her eyes, her fine brows knitting together. “Oh, God,” she whispered. “I don’t…What do I do?”

  Nico followed Jackson without another word, leaving Alek alone with his brother and the woman caught between them.

  Damien’s teeth closed over the muscle at her shoulder.

  Her eyes squeezed tighter, her full lips parted on a thready gasp.

  Alek’s hand remained tight at his brother’s nape. He knew better than Jackson the limits of Damien’s humanity.

  The things that drove him.

  The guilt that ate at him.

  He knew. But Natalie didn’t. So he dug his nails into his brother’s neck and jerked him hard upright. Damien growled. His features were sharper than moments before, his body harder. Trembling, straining on the cusp between human and wolf.

  If he shifted now, he’d scare Natalie beyond repair.

  Alek let go of Damien only to shift his hold and clamp his fingers around his brother’s throat. Even still, he cradled Natalie’s face gently. “He’s not going to hurt you,” he said again, gaze boring through Damien’s golden fury. “You’re more than we ever thought we’d taste, Natalie. It’s hard on his control.”

  Her eyes opened. Luminous blue. Shimmering and deep.

  Steadier than he expected.

  “You trust him,” she whispered.

  It wasn’t a question, but he answered it anyway. “With everything I am.”

  She licked her lips, wetting them. Torturing him.

  Her nipples rasped against his chest. Her smell flooded his senses, and still, he held back. He had to.

  For Damien, he could do anything.

  Something in her eyes changed. Something he wasn’t sure he knew how to explain. It wasn’t pity. He always expected it, but she didn’t deliver. Not pity, but something softer.

  And stronger.

  His voice caught on the edge of his uncertainty. Died to wonder as she slowly raised her hand, reached beside her head and eased her fingers into Damien’s short hair.

  His brother went still.

  Then trembled when she angled her hips, took him a fraction deeper into her body.

  “Will he do what I say?” she asked huskily.

  “He’ll do what I say,” Alek replied, as truthfully as he could. She deserved that much.

  It didn’t scare her away. Her fingernails scored over Damien’s scalp, light but sharp. He hissed out a breath. “I want him to fuck me,” she whispered. “Just like this, I want him inside me, and I want you in my mouth.”

  Damien gripped Alek’s wrist. “Sasha?”

  A plea.

  A snarl.

  A warning.

  Alek smiled. “You heard her,” he said. “She’s hungry, Dema. For you and me. Will you give her wolf what she wants?”

  Yellow eyes gleamed. “Yes.”

  Natalie let him go, trusted that he wouldn’t let her fall. Damien didn’t. He held her against him, his arms cradling her like he knew how fragile she was.

  But she wasn’t, was she?

  A cock in her pussy. Another in her mouth.

  She wasn’t the first woman they’d taken together, but she was the first werewolf. And werewolves weren’t fragile.

  Natalie leaned her head back against Damien’s shoulder. “I trust you both.”

  Something inside his heart gave. Something locked up so tight, Alek didn’t quite trust himself with it.

  So he plastered over it with lust—with hunger.

; “You heard the lady,” Alek said. He surged to his feet, his cock bobbing with the action. All this concern, and he didn’t even have the decency to go soft. That was some powerful female hormones in the air.

  Or maybe it was just her.

  Damien’s expression shifted to uncertainty. His eyes widened, frantically searched Alek’s over her head. “Is it okay?”

  Natalie answered for them both. “Fuck me, Damien. Hold me up so I don’t fall and make me scream. I want it.” She tipped her head back, pressed her lips to the underside of his jaw.

  Raw panic suffused the sharp lines of his hesitation.

  “It’s okay,” Alek told him, cupping himself. His fingers slid along his hard dick, sticky with the residue of his own arousal.

  Damien rasped out a breath.

  “Don’t let her fall,” Alek said softly.

  Wonder, the same kind that had filled Alek as he searched her stare, filled Damien’s. “I won’t.”

  “I believe you,” she said, and that was all it took.

  Alek knew his twin as well as he knew himself. Could read every angle, every line.

  Every intention.

  She’d rattled him. But she’d also gotten under Damien’s skin in a way he’d never seen anyone do before.

  And for that alone, Alek would love her forever.

  * * *

  Everything that had come before washed away on a wild surge of need. Jackson had helped her control the biological drive of her cycle, but she’d used what reserves she had left in this room. Damien didn’t scare her anymore. Or maybe her wolf was too hungry to run.

  Now it was all she could do to keep from throwing Damien to the floor and riding his cock until he spilled everything he had inside her.

  Maybe it’d be enough.

  Maybe she really, really wanted them both.

  Instead, she let Damien grab her by the waist, holding her against him as Alek stood in front of her, stroking himself in a slow, steady glide.

  Her stomach clenched.

  Her lips parted.

  Fingers slick with his own pre-come, Alek lifted his cock—straight and long, veins blue along the rigid length—and rubbed the very tip of it against her lower lip. She breathed out wordless encouragement. Darted her tongue out to taste the beaded liquid gathered at the divot.

  Alek flinched.

  Damien growled.

  Again, it was as if Damien couldn’t act without his twin’s permission. Natalie strained against him, but he held her waist steady—easy strength keeping her immovable. “Now?” he rasped.

  Alek didn’t wait for her encouragement this time. “Now,” he repeated hoarsely.

  And then it was all Natalie could do to keep from collapsing in a twitching bundle of nerves as Alek’s cock slid between her lips, drove into her mouth just as Damien withdrew almost entirely, leaving her mouth full and her body empty.

  The difference was already too much to bear, and they hadn’t even started yet.

  She moaned around Alek’s rigid flesh. The vibrations thrummed against his hard cock; he hissed out a surprised breath from between his teeth, fisting both hands in her hair. His hips jerked, which had his cock leaping in her mouth, and she thrilled at the sensation. At the taste of his flesh.

  Only to lose her mind when Damien drove himself back into her, hard enough to force her into Alek—to drive his cock into her throat.

  This time, she didn’t moan. She couldn’t. But the sound she made wrapped around him. Her tongue curled around him, even as her sex clamped down on Damien. Both mean groaned in synch, and only now did she hear a difference between them—Alek’s human rasp and Damien’s bestial rumble.

  And her own wolf rose in response. Flicked her ears and lifted her tail and rolled in the smell of them, the heat of them, the driving power of them both as they fucked her in a staggered rhythm that left some part of her full every moment.

  Knowing that, knowing that her sex and her mouth were both being fucked—that Alek’s hands shook in her hair and Damien’s grip on her waist bit—stroked over her like a third pair of hands. Like sandpaper that stripped away her skin, her layers, her flesh until all she knew, all she wanted, was cock. Theirs. Their semen, their groans, their loss of control.

  They were too gentle.

  She wanted something else. Something them.

  Something no one had shown her yet.

  She whimpered, hips pushing back against Damien’s. Alek eased from her mouth, just enough that she could suck in a breath and manage, “More. Please.”

  The twins exchanged a look over her head. Exchanged something more than a look, she thought, because Alek’s expression shifted. Hunger licked at his features, pulled the skin taut over his cheekbones. She couldn’t see Damien, but she didn’t have to. His cock thickened inside her, as if she’d said something to drive him higher. Push him harder.

  “Do it,” Alek said hoarsely.

  “God,” Damien managed by way of answer, but Natalie didn’t get a chance to ask what they meant. He let go of her waist, grabbed her by the forearms and wrenched her arms behind her. It stole her balance, drove her body forward, but he held her hard, arms straight behind her, clamped against his sides as he thrust inside her. The angle changed. The new position stripped her of leverage, left her helpless in Damien’s grasp as his cock drove deeper than she’d ever felt, harder. No mercy.

  No hesitation.

  She opened her mouth as her voice rose on a high, helpless wail.

  And then lost even that when Alek drove his cock inside, filled her mouth, rubbed deep into her throat. She swallowed reflexively, gagged but couldn’t pull herself away—didn’t even want to as Alek gripped the back of her head and pulled her mouth down on him so hard and fast and deep that her nose bumped the thatch of golden hair art the base of his cock.

  Her mind went white.

  Her body went wild.

  Her voice, muffled against Alek’s flesh, fractured.

  Pinned between both brothers, all she could do was hang in Damien’s grip, endure the sweet helplessness they forced on her, and ride the rising tide of her pleasure like a jagged wave.

  Damien threw back his head, howling in a voice only partially human as he thrust into her wet flesh.

  Alek watched him, watched her, held her as gently as he could even as she felt him shaking, felt his cock thicken in her throat. The muscles of his stomach clenched, sharpened to stark relief.

  Her shoulders screamed from the pressure, and she knew Damien’s grip on her forearms would leave bruises for at least an hour, and she didn’t care.

  She couldn’t.

  Her wolf howled in echo of Damien’s triumph.

  Her body pulsed in time with them both.

  And then Alek stripped the last of her thoughts from her. “Give it to her,” he said, each word slurred. Thick. “Now, Dema. Let her take all of you.”


  Damien’s guttural acquiescence ended on a ragged sound as his rhythm faltered. His cock slammed inside her, his hips ground against her backside as he dragged every inch of himself against the rippling channels of her sex. The warm balm of his release flooded her. Nudged some spot inside her she hadn’t known existed and sent her flying over the edge.

  Alek held out until the last second. Waited until her vision went black and her body gave out before sliding his cock from her mouth to let her scream.

  But he wasn’t as giving as that. Wasn’t as patient. Natalie sucked in a breath, her body shaking so hard it was all she could do to remain on her knees. Damien let go of her arms, but wrapped both of his arms around her ribs, hauling her upright. He caught her chin in his hand, rasped something wordless in her ear and forced her mouth open in time for Alek to drive his cock between her trembling lips.

  She was ready.



  “Take him,” Damien ordered, guttural and deep.

  She did. Alek lasted less than a second more in her mouth. His own release floo
ded her tongue, throttled back into a wild sound caught in his chest. His fingers, twisted and shaking, reached for her head.

  Damien grabbed them instead. Pinned them to the side of his neck and held them there as Alek bucked against her, all but doubled over them both from the force of his own orgasm. Pain colored Damien’s grunt, but he held on. Held her pinned between them.

  And she swallowed every drop Alek gave her.

  It tasted different than Jackson’s. Similar in generalities, but sweeter. Thicker.

  Just as satisfying.

  Alek didn’t linger in her mouth. As if he hadn’t realized how tightly he’d gripped Damien’s shoulders, he stiffened, jerked himself back.

  She let him remove himself from her mouth, but she didn’t let him retreat. She caught him by the waistband of his jeans, crumpled around his knees, and said thickly, “Don’t.”

  Maybe they weren’t sure how she’d react. Maybe they were just shy.

  Natalie couldn’t be sure, but she knew this much: they loved each other. Were loyal to a fault.

  And hurt.

  Just another facet of this would-be pack that she was starting to love.

  Damien’s arms came around her again, but this time, he only cradled her as she sagged against him.

  Alek searched her face, his expression caught somewhere between apology and concern. As warm satisfaction stole the strength from her muscles, all she could do was smile.

  His sculpted features softened. “Rest,” he said, reaching down to cup her cheek.

  Damien eased her down to the soft rug, his body a warm counterpoint to the cool air. “We’ve got you,” he murmured, and his voice was once more the identical match to his brother’s. No wolf. No fury.

  Just something that made her think of wonder.

  Alek’s eyes, as icy as they were, no longer made her think of winter. As she allowed herself to fall into sweet lassitude, she couldn’t help but think they carried a message just for her.

  Thank you.

  No. She didn’t need thanks. They’d done more for her than any of Victor’s men had ever managed, and made her feel amazing while doing it. Natalie didn’t know what pack had kicked Damien out, but they were idiots.


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