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Curse of Atlantis

Page 26

by Petersen, Christopher David

  Descending lower, he watched the apex of the pyramid rise up to meet him. In seconds, he was at eye level with it. A moment later, the apex was far above him.

  Looking down, he kept his eyes on the doorway. As it came up quickly, his heart pounded with anticipation.

  In less than a minute, he watched his feet come in contact with the edge of the open door. The ops officer worked the joystick to help keep him steady. Jack could see inside the doorway now. Mostly dark, he felt apprehension about what lay inside.

  Reaching out his hands, he grabbed the edge of the stone and stepped onto the floor. Instantly, he felt the cable go slack. Moving inside the pyramid, he turned on his flashlight and scanned the corridor around him. Just inside, the door that had once covered the opening lay on its side. Jack pulled out an extra rope and tied it securely to the heavy stone door, then to his own harness.

  Moving to the edge of the doorway, he unclipped the cable and shot the ops officer a "thumbs up" signal. In seconds, the cable was retracted and he was now on his own.

  Jack looked up and watched as Serena nervously stepped to door of the helicopter. Her face told her simple story: fear.

  “It’ll be ok,” Jack yelled up, realizing the futility of his action.

  Without hearing him, Serena knew he was shouting words of encouragement. She smiled down at him and tried to act brave.

  Watching from below, Serena leaned forward as he had done and suddenly, she was suspended in midair by the winch. The ops officer wasted no time and began to lower her. In less than thirty seconds, she was nearly at the entrance.

  Jack leaned against the rope and hung just outside the doorway. As Serena’s feet came within range, Jack grabbed her ankle and began to pull her in. Moments later, with her feet touching the edge of the floor, he grabbed her harness and hauled her through the doorway.

  Scared and disoriented, Serena through her arms around Jack’s neck and held on tightly. Face to face, Jack smiled, then unclipped her from the heavy lowering cable. As he watched it disappear out the door, he felt Serena shaking slightly.

  “I got you. You’re ok. I won’t let go,” Jack said softly.

  “Hold me a minute… I’m scared,” she replied, fear still evident in her eyes.

  “Take as long as you need,” Jack replied slyly.

  “Jack, I wouldn’t think you’d take advantage of a girl when she’s vulnerable.”

  “Should I pretend I’m not enjoying this?” he joked.

  “I really missed your sense of humor,” she said, affectionately.

  With her arms still wrapped around his neck and both staring into each other’s eyes, she leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. Jack’s heart pounded and he kissed her back.

  “Jack, you ok in there?” a voice broke loudly over the radio.

  Serena released her arms and took a step back. Jack immediately grabbed the radio from his pocket and pressed the microphone.

  “Yup, we’re ok. Just getting Serena settled,” Jack said into the handheld device.

  “Ok, we’re ready with Javier. You ready?” the operations officer shouted.

  “I’m ready. I’ll be at the door opening shortly. Lower away,” Jack replied.

  Jack turned and looked forlorn at Serena. He smiled again, the said, “Duty calls.”

  “I’ll just hang out here, if you don’t mind.”

  Almost before he reached the doorway, he saw a pair of feet dangling in the air. As he leaned out from the pyramid, he grabbed Javier’s legs and pulled him in. A moment later, he was standing on the floor of the corridor, panting heavily.

  “Javi, you ok?” Jack asked.

  “In a minute I will be. That was a bit exciting,” he responded. Looking to Serena he asked, “Honey, you ok?”

  “I am now. I think I’m still shaking a bit, though.”

  Jack unclipped Javier from the lowering cable and flung it outside.

  Javier walked over and put his arm around Serena’s shoulder.

  “Three down, one to go,” Javier said, with a smile.

  As with the previous two, Jack stood in the doorway and pulled Burt into the corridor. As he unhooked him from the cable, Burt moved next to Serena and Jack flung the cable out the doorway.

  Pulling his radio from his pocket, he said, “All clear. We’ll radio you when we need a lift back.”

  “Oh boy, can’t wait for that.” Serena complained loudly.

  ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

  The four switched on their flashlights and shined them into darkened corridor. Instantly, the walls came alive with bright and vivid scenes of city life from ancient Atlantis. Like an endless mural, the scene flowed along, displaying men, women, and children enjoying themselves in their daily activities.

  “Happy folks,” Burt said, as he studied the faces of the people.

  “Beautiful city,” Javier responded, examining the architecture.

  Jack and Serena walked together and studied the images as they walked along.

  “Such artwork,” Serena said.

  As they moved deeper into the pyramid, the scenes changed and now the images were of various men and woman posing for their portrait.

  “I wonder who these people are?” Serena asked rhetorically.

  “I wonder if they’re the King’s family members. Maybe he wanted his family watching over him after he died,” Jack guessed.

  “Very good, Jack. That’d be my guess too,” Javier responded.

  Suddenly, Jack stopped and stared. Serena saw it too and fell speechless.

  “Guys, check this out,” Jack said loudly.

  Burt and Javier hurried to Jack’s side and joined in the stare.

  “Any guess who these guys are?” Jack asked, breaking the moment of silence.

  “You’re kidding, right?” Javier asked.

  “My God, either all these people are mythical or these guys are real,” Burt said.

  “No way. They can’t be real,” Serena blurted confidently.

  “Then all the people lining these walls are all mythical gods?” Burt countered.

  “There’s too many of them. I think these guys are real. They have to be,” Jack added.

  “I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but I think you’re right, Jack. Zeus and Poseidon must have been real people,” Javier concurred.

  The four stared up at the walls in front of them. On one side, a full painted portrait of Zeus stood, just like that of the golden statue in the chamber they examined earlier. On the opposite wall, a portrait of Poseidon stood bold and vivid, the detail of his image matching the golden statue right down to his trident.

  “This is stunning,” Burt said aloud. “What I mean to say is, I’m really stunned by all of this.”

  “I’m almost speechless,” Javier said.

  “The implication here is so profound, I find myself questioning my own judgment. If these two ‘gods’ were actually mortals, then who else was mortal? Hercules? Apollo?” Serena speculated.

  “Well, Jesus Christ was mortal,” Jack responded. “Why not Zeus and Poseidon? If you think about it, information was recorded in simpler times back then and by people who believed in the supernatural. Maybe all great rulers were considered gods at one time or another.”

  As quiet flooded the corridor, Jack said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to see what’s lying just around the corner.”

  Jack pointed his flashlight out in front of him. The corridor ended ten feet ahead, then opened to a chamber off to their right. Moving forward, he could see more of the chamber with each step he took. Right behind him, Serena, Javier, and Burt followed closely.

  Suddenly, Jack stopped in his tracks, frozen by sight before him.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” he shouted loudly.

  Impulsively, he ran into the chamber.

  As the other three stepped around the corner, they stopped for a moment and stood motionless, trying to comprehend what their eyes were seeing.

  “Is th
at real?” Serena asked, completely skeptical.

  “It has to be,” Javier said quietly behind her, almost afraid to speak.

  “No one‘s going to believe this,” Burt added.

  “Oh yes they will!” Jack shouted from twenty feet away. “What’re you guys doing over there? Come on over and check this out.”

  The three walked as a group and moved into the chamber. More elaborate murals, delicate carvings of gold, and elaborate stone work adorned the expansive pyramid-shaped room and at its center, stood a large and ornate altar. Resting on its top was a sarcophagus made of crystal. Clear and distinct, the contents inside were perfectly preserved.

  As the three moved to the edge of the crystal coffin, they were mesmerized by sight.

  “Well, there’s no mistaking who the King was, that’s for sure,” Jack said, his voice trembling with excitement.

  “Look at his skin. It looks perfect. Like he died yesterday,” Javier said.

  “How is this possible? How is he not a shriveled up piece of leather?” Serena asked, rhetorically.

  “This coffin must be air tight, like the way the cylinder was with the scrolls. I’m betting he’s also lying in some kind of clear solution. See the bubble in the corner?” Jack pointed out.

  “His hair. I pictured this white haired old man. His hair is brown and he doesn’t look any older than about forty,” Burt said.

  “Look at his physique. He still looks muscular,” Serena noticed.

  “I don’t know about the rest of you, but my favorite part is that damn TRIDENT!” Jack said, boldly. “That’s about the coolest thing ever.”

  “Poseidon… who would have guessed the King of Atlantis was Poseidon. Unbelievable,” Burt said, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Kind of freaks me out just hearing you say that,” Jack responded, half joking.

  “We have to tell someone about this,” Serena said, enthusiastically.

  “You’re right. Darrien,” Jack said, solemnly.

  “Good call, Jack,” Javier nodded. “He deserves to be the first.”

  “Who’s Darrien?” Serena asked.

  “I’ll tell you over dinner,” Jack said.

  “Hmm, after eating crap for a couple of months, dinner sounds awesome,” Serena said.

  “So, is this another appointment,” Jack said, rolling his eyes in feigned disgust.

  “Uh uh… it’s a date,” Serena said with a smile.

  Chapter 21

  Reclining in his chair, Jack sipped his wine and basked in the sun’s setting rays. The quiet outdoor café with its ocean views now had one more attraction for its customer: The Great Pyramid of Atlantis.

  Jack stared off toward the mountainous terrain and marveled at the solid white monolith that had been hidden for seven thousand years. As the sun’s rays cast its orangey glow upon its surface, its massive presence dominated the landscape.

  In the weeks that followed King Poseidon’s discovery, tourism exploded on the small island of Kythira. TV crews and reporters flooded the region, each hoping to report a new angle on the event. Only a lucky few were permitted to enter and report the discovery. As the press conferences became common place, the four responsible: Jack, Javier, Serena, and Burt, suddenly became overnight celebrities. With scheduled appearances booked a year in advance, they could now relax and enjoy life by their own design.

  “More wine?” Serena asked Jack from across the table.

  “Only if you’re trying to take advantage of me,” Jack smiled slyly.

  “Hmm, maybe we better hold off. Wouldn’t want you to get the wrong impression of me,” she said, now placing the carafe back on the top.

  “Just to be clear… in my mind, I have an impression of you taking advantage of me and I like it.”

  Serena was about to respond, then noticed her father and Burt stepping around the corner of the café to join them.

  “Hi, Dad,” she called out. Turning to Jack, she smiled and said quietly, “We’ll continue this conversation later.”

  “Hey guys,” Javier shouted from across the outdoor patio. “Sorry we’re late. We stopped by the hospital to see Darrien.”

  “He’s looking great,” Burt added.

  “I’m sure he loved that. I talked to him this morning. He said he was bored senseless,” Jack responded.

  As Burt and Javier sat down, Javier continued, “Yeah, I got that from him too. I think they’ll be releasing him in a day or so, at least that’s what the doctor told me.”

  “He told me he’s looking forward to being our driver again. It was the most fun he’s ever had in his life… aside from the bullet wound, of course,” Jack said, joking.

  “Well, with the interviews, and scheduled appearances in the future, I’m pretty sure he won’t be needing to drive anyone around for a long while,” Javier said.

  “I made a few phone calls and got the approval to take him up to see Poseidon,” Burt said.

  “I’m glad we were able to see him when we did. That tomb is sealed up tighter than the Vatican,” Jack said.

  “That’s only temporary, Jack. As soon as they build a specially controlled room for his sarcophagus, they’ll move him from the pyramid,” Burt responded.

  “I didn’t hear about that. So, will people be able to view him when they’re done?” Jack asked.

  “I believe so, albeit behind heavy glass. I also overheard a conversation by the Board of Planning. I believe they're considering changing the name of one of these coastal towns to Atlantis and building a mock city around it based on the etchings they found in the King’s chambers,” Burt said.

  “Wow, talk about a boost to an ailing economy,” Serena responded. “Once they build the infrastructure to handle the masses, tourism should be their biggest trade.”

  “Between the city of Atlantis and Poseidon’s pyramid, I suspect they’ll draw more crowds than Egypt, especially with the tours they’re planning,” Burt said.

  “What tours?” Jack asked.

  “From what I’ve been told, they’re planning on building stairs to Poseidon’s tomb and allowing tours, of course that’s only after a thorough search is made and all the ‘curses’ are removed,” Burt said, using his fingers to bracket the word.

  “So you think there’re more booby traps in there?” Serena asked.

  “Actually, not in the chambers we examined already. I think we found all the ‘curses’ in those,” Burt said with a laugh. “But, there is another chamber on the right side that we haven’t entered yet. I can only assume that it’s booby trapped too.”

  “I think I’ll pass on that one, if you don’t mind,” Jack said with a chuckle. “I’ve had enough near-death experiences lately to last me for a while.”

  “I don’t blame you. If the Grecian government hadn’t personally picked me to manage the affairs of the pyramid, I probably would have left that task for someone else,” Burt said.

  “So any guess to what’s in the other chamber?” Serena asked.

  Burt turned and smiled to Javier, then said, “We’ve been speculating on that for days now. What we’re hoping to find is a long shot.”

  “Do you remember the two golden statues in the lower chamber?” Javier asked, now cutting in.

  “Sure, Poseidon and Zeus. How could we ever forget that?” Jack responded.

  “Well, Burt and I are speculating that if they made a golden effigy of both, then there must be sarcophagi of both also.”

  “Another crystal coffin? No way, that’s unbelievable,” Jack said, excitedly.

  “Whoa, Jack. Don’t get too excited. We’re just speculating here. You have to keep in mind it’s just a long shot,” Burt responded.

  “Long shot or not, the idea behind it IS pretty exciting,” Jack replied.

  Javier shot Burt a knowing look, then said, “I’ve seen that look in his eyes before. We better change the subject before it’s too late.”

  Playing along with the joke, Burt said, “It’s already too late. We’ve ignited th
e flame. There’s no stopping him now.”

  Jack was about to respond, when he spotted a news team heading for their table.

  “Uh oh, my spider senses tell me another interview is in our future,” he said, humorously.

  Javier and Burt turned and spotted the smiling faces of the four-member news crew heading their way. Checking his watch, he said, “Ah ha, right on time.”

  “You invited these guys?” Serena asked, somewhat defensive.

  “Don’t worry, Honey, we’ll be taking it outside. They wanted to ask Burt and me some technical questions. I would have invited you two, but I didn’t want to interrupt your dinner,” Javier said.

  “Thanks, Dad,” Serena said simply.

  Burt and Javier excused themselves, stood, and greeted the news crew. As they turned the corner to leave, Serena smiled seductively at Jack.

  “So, where were we… ah yes,” Serena said slyly. Picking up the carafe, she continued, “Would you care for some more wine?”

  “Is this a trick question ‘cuz I’m pretty sure you know what my response is going to be,” Jack teased.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” Serena said softly as she poured.


  Message from the Author:

  Hi, I’m Christopher David Petersen,

  Thank you for your purchase. I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you have the time, I’d greatly appreciate you leaving a review on Amazon.

  If you’d like to contact me personally, please use the email address below:

  For another Adventure/Thriller by Christopher David Petersen, please read the sample chapters below: Tear in Time (tear as in torn)

  Tear in Time:

  TT: Chapter 1

  Chattanooga, Tennessee

  Alton Park region

  June 8th, 2005

  Life and destiny stood for one last moment, perfectly synced in time. Never again would the world see the past as they remembered, as one death would change the world’s destiny forever.


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