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Finding Satisfaction [Satisfaction, Texas 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Diane Leyne

  Lowering her gently, he stood up.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Have to clean up.” He gestured to the remains of his cum that were still smeared on his cock. Jess shocked him by scrambling to her knees.

  “Let me.”

  He wasn’t quite sure if she meant what he hoped she meant. Maybe she was just going to get the washcloth. It didn’t feel right to pray that she wanted to clean his cock with her mouth, but, what the hell. It couldn’t hurt.

  She scrambled to her feet, grinning wickedly, then turned him so that his back was to the bed. Then she shoved him. He let her, of course, falling onto the bed as she spread his thighs and went to her knees between them. He didn’t stay down. He wanted to see this, as he rose up, bracing his upper body on his arms.

  Damn. It was Christmas and his birthday and the Fourth of July, all wrapped up in one, as he watched her pink tongue come out and delicately lick the head of his cock. It was just a tiny lick, almost as if she was nervous. The next lick was more sure, and then she sucked him in her mouth, her tongue moving confidently now, all over his cock, which was no longer totally limp but was far from fully erect. She truly was going to kill him, but he was going to die happy.

  “Take it easy, baby. I’m no kid. It’s going to take me a while to bounce back.”

  She removed her mouth from him only long enough to say, “I’m in no hurry, cowboy. You got somewhere to be?”

  “No, ma’am!”

  “Then just lie back and enjoy.”

  “I’d rather share the fun, if you don’t mind.”

  She looked up at him, puzzled as he came up off the bed, situating her on her side, her mouth at his cock, as he raised her leg over his shoulder and pressed his face against her pussy. Separating her lips with his fingers, he inhaled her heady scent before licking her clit and then sucking it into his mouth. He was rewarded by her moan of pleasure before she took his cock back into her mouth.

  Chapter 8

  Jess reached out to shut off the alarm clock, but it just kept buzzing. She finally forced her eyes open. It took her a second to remember where she was, but when she felt the heavy arm over her waist pulling her back against Cole’s hard body, she remembered. She’d never come so much in such a short period of time. Hell, she’d never thought of herself as multi-orgasmic, but Cole had pulled orgasm after orgasm out of her, including several when he woke her up with his mouth on her pussy at some point late in the night, or maybe it was early in the morning. She wasn’t sure anymore. She just knew she’d had more orgasms than in the normal month. and the last thing she wanted to do was get up and go to work, but she’d made a commitment to Candy.

  It felt so right waking up in Cole’s arms, as if they’d done it a thousand times, and she wanted to do it a thousand more. Was she falling in love? She stiffened as the thought wafted through her brain. She was only passing through. She’d be around for only a week, and once this mess was cleared up, she’d be moving back to Chicago. This was fun, not a prelude to falling in love, she told herself. Get with the program, heart!

  Cole moved, rolling on top of her, and leaned in to kiss her, ignoring the sound of the alarm, and Jess felt another surge of desire.

  “What the hell is that noise?” he grumbled as he started kissing her neck.

  “Alarm clock.”

  “What time is it?”


  “Ugh! Turn it off!”

  “You’ll have to get off me first.”


  He rolled off, his expression like a grumpy toddler who’d been denied his favorite blankie.

  Smothering a grin, she got up and located her pants, shutting off the alarm. But then she heard the whining and it wasn’t Cole. Murphy! Quickly, she donned her clothes and shoved her feet into her boots.

  “What now?”

  “I think Murphy wants to go out and do his business. It’s all part of the joy of being a dog owner.”

  “I’ll have a dog door installed before the sun goes down. He’ll be able to take care of his own needs.”

  “And speaking of needs, he needs to be fed, too.”

  Cole sat up. “I don’t have any dog food in the house. I’ll pick some of that up, too. What’s he like to eat? Besides burgers, of course.”

  “Right now, that’s about it, but I’m trying to convince him that dog food is just fine. I think I’m losing, though.” She walked over and kissed Cole’s cheek. “Come by Candy’s later and I’ll feed you breakfast.”

  “I’d rather have you for breakfast,” he called after her, laughing and groaning at the same time.

  * * * *

  It had been a long morning and Candy had asked her to work the lunch shift again. Murphy was sulking so she’d caved and fed him another burger before the lunch crowd got going. It wasn’t until later that she found out he’d wheedled one out of Candy as well. And then Cole came by for lunch and snuck her dog another burger.

  He hadn’t been alone. Murphy, the two-legged one, had been with him, and she’d been overcome with a case of shyness, looking down at the order pad and practically throwing their food on the table.

  She managed to keep busy with other customers during the rush, but two o’clock came and went and they were still lingering at an outside table, sipping coffee and watching her work while four-legged Murphy lounged at their feet. Finally, she couldn’t avoid them any longer and walked over to their table.


  “Hey. Can you join us for a cup of coffee?”

  “I, uh, I’m working.”

  “Hey, Candy. Can Jess join us for a cup of coffee?”

  “Call it a day, Jess. You’ve been here since five.”

  “But don’t you need me to clean up and then help you get ready for the dinner crowd?”

  She saw Candy’s amused glance at the two cowboys and then at her.

  “Sorry, Jess. You’re on your own. You want to avoid these two, cowgirl up and tell them.”

  Sighing, Jess went and got herself a cup of coffee and then walked back to the table. She could see them doing rock, paper, scissors. Cole was clearly the winner, as he slid over to make room for her beside him and Murphy looked annoyed.

  “But you spent last night with her. Best two out of three?”

  Jess laughed. This was the weirdest situation she’d ever been in. Two hot guys, both wanting to take her out and both seemingly comfortable with her being with the other. She glanced from one to the other. Apparently her thoughts were pretty plain as Murphy laughed and explained.

  “No, we don’t have sex with each other. We’ve known each other for years, but not that way. We do, however, like to share women. In bed. At the same time.”

  “Oh.” Jess sipped her coffee.

  “If you aren’t comfortable with that, we understand. We do. And we don’t want to push you into anything you aren’t ready for or aren’t interested in. But if you want to be with the both of us, either singly or, even better, together, just say the word.”

  “Oh, wow.”

  Jess was speechless. It wasn’t something that happened often. She looked around the restaurant to see if anyone was watching. That’s when she realized something. She hadn’t really been paying attention before. She’d been looking out for Lance or one of his friends, but at several tables, there were two men and a woman. At one table, there were three men and a woman.

  “Yep,” confirmed Cole. “Poly relationships are not uncommon here. I’d like to say they were common, but that would be an exaggeration. But there are enough of them that people don’t really notice anymore. There are also a lot of D/s relationships. Do you know what they are?”

  “You mean Doms and subs?

  “Well, generally Doms and sub would be more accurate.”

  “Uh, yeah, right. Poly.”

  “Whips and chains?” she teased. Then comprehension dawned. “Whips and Spurs.”

  “Yeah, it’s not just a saloon. There’s a private club in the back
for people in the lifestyle. Let us know if you ever want to visit it. We’d be happy to have you come as our guest. And I do mean come!” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively and she laughed, but then she realized that she did want to visit this club with them. Did they want to tie her up? Would they spank her? She swallowed hard and looked from Cole to Murphy.

  “And you two? You are both Doms, right? I thought that Cole was pretty bossy last night, but you are one too, aren’t you Murphy. I know Cole is. He threatened to spank me last night!”

  “For what?” Murphy addressed his comment to Cole.

  “She said she felt a bit slutty for kissing two men.”

  “You say that again, sugar, and I’ll paddle your ass myself. In fact, I’ll get a paddle with your name on it and I’ll use it just for keeping you in line.”

  “Yes, well…” His wicked grin had her leaking cream and dampening her panties.

  “Oh, I’m not asking. I’m telling you what’s going to happen if you put yourself down. We’re both telling you, right, Cole?”

  “Absolutely, sugar.”

  The three of them sipped their coffee in silence for a few minutes, and Jess was grateful for the respite. She’d just had the best, most intense sex of her life with Cole last night, and now Murphy was telling her that he wanted her, too. And Cole was all right with this. More than all right, actually. He wanted to join them both in bed, if she understood them correctly.

  Maybe she was just hallucinating, imagining things from the stress of being on the run.

  While she was thinking things through, Murphy’s phone rang. The conversation was short, and he hung up grinning.

  “That was Owen and Trace. Wildfire’s showing signs of labor. They’ve called Doc Adams. This first stage of labor can take an hour or a day. I need to get back there because once the second stage starts, the baby will be born within thirty minutes if all goes well. It’s her first foal and she’ll be nervous.”

  He swallowed the rest of his coffee and looked at Jess.

  “Want to come watch?”

  Jess did. A lot. But she still wasn’t sure about juggling two men. On one hand, she was only going to be in town a week, tops. On the other hand, she didn’t want to spoil what time she had with her hunky cowboys. Maybe she was being greedy wanting them both. They claimed to be okay with it, and who was she to doubt their word?

  “Stop thinking so hard, baby.” Cole leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Go with Murphy. Enjoy the miracle of birth, and if you happen to squeeze in a few orgasms, I’m good with that.”

  “You aren’t coming?”

  Cole shook his head.

  “Not tonight. Wildfire could be in labor for hours. And Murphy’s going to want some time alone with you.”

  “Damn straight!”

  “And we don’t want to rush you. Clearly, the idea of just dating two men at the same time is freaking you out a bit. I don’t know if you are ready for sex with both of us at once. But make no mistake and let me make this completely clear. We will, one day soon, both fuck your brains out. And if you are a really good girl, we’ll take you to the Whips and Spurs club and give you your first introduction to BDSM. What do you think of that idea?”

  Jess felt her face turn to flame. Damn. Besides orgasms, she’d blushed more in the last couple of days than she had in the months previously.

  “I think the idea”—she started slowly, determined to be completely honest—“turns me on, more than a bit. But, this is just so weird, too.”

  “What part turns you on and what part feels weird?”

  “The thought of being with the two of you at once causes both sets of feelings. Don’t you two get jealous?”

  “Of other guys, sure, but not of each other. There’s something about watching your woman’s face as she’s getting pleasured by the two of you that just turns me on. Maybe it’s the way I was raised. My grandma Rose had two husbands. And Cole had two dads as well as a mother. It’s just the way it is around here.”

  “I thought men liked sex when there were two women and they were the only guy?”

  “That’s a porn fiction. A guy only has one cock. How’s he going to please two women?” asked Murphy, his tone very reasonable.

  Cole continued, “A woman, on the other hand, has the ability to satisfy two men at the same time, and, baby, we can’t wait for the day when you’ll let us both make love to you at the same time.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “We’ll start with one of us in your pussy and one in your mouth, but eventually, we’ll take you one in the pussy and one in the ass. What do you think of that?”

  Jess swallowed hard. She tried to talk, but nothing came out.

  “I think you’ve stolen her powers of speech!” Murphy laughed as he stood up. “Coming, Jess?”

  For a moment, Jess thought he was asking if she was orgasming, and she blushed yet again, her pussy automatically contracting at the thought, and then she realized he was holding out his hand to her. Oh, yeah. Right. He meant coming to the farm to see Wildfire give birth.

  She turned to Cole.

  “Are you really okay with this?”

  “For the last time, and I mean it, Jess. Do not question whether we are okay with sharing you again. I am fine if you go with Murphy. And I’m fine if the two of you have sex. In fact, I encourage it. I want you to get comfortable with Murphy because the next time I take you to my bed, he’s going to be joining us.” He kissed her hard on the mouth and then pushed her from the booth. “Now get going, woman. I have work to do!”

  Chapter 9

  They’d checked on Wildfire when they arrived. The doc had shooed them out saying that he’d call them when the time came, but it was probably a few more hours before stage two started and Murphy was not going to hover over her like an anxious papa, driving the doctor crazy that whole time. Unlike with the cow last week, Wildfire was doing fine and Doc put his foot down, so Murphy decided to take Jess out to the pen on the west side where they were setting up to do some shearing.

  Murphy snuck a glance over at Jess, who was watching furry Murphy romping with some sheep. He only had a couple dozen head. His grandmother had wanted to grow her own wool, so to speak, and his grandfathers could deny her nothing. The whole sheep shearing enterprise hadn’t really gone anywhere. Rose wasn’t all that domestic, but the sheep, or rather their descendants, remained. They were sheared regularly and the wool donated to a women’s craft collective in Kinsdale to make garments for charity.

  Those darned wool farms were more trouble than they were worth, but there was no way his grandfathers or father before him would get rid of them while Rose was alive, and even though she’d been gone for a year, he’d still kept them.

  And now seeing Jess’s expression, he had a feeling he’d be stuck with them a lot longer. Murphy was enjoying himself, too. He had clearly never been close to a sheep before. He had started tentatively approaching and then stepping back, clearly confused, although his blood was telling him that he needed to take charge.

  Murphy had watched for a while, his own dog Ren, a border collie, at his side. Ren hadn’t looked pleased to see the newcomer, but she’d obediently gone to Murphy and watched the clueless intruder. There were other dogs on the farm, but they were out in the south pasture with the main herd of cows. Doggie Murphy had looked at Ren and the sheep and decided that the dog was no threat and the sheep were more interesting and, with a glance at Jess, had gone running into the pen. But now he was stumped as to what to do next.

  Ren, on the other hand, was a well-trained herding dog, a champion, actually, but she was also a pet. After a few minutes, Murphy signalled her, and she went trotting into the pen and right up to other Murphy and sat down.

  Murphy saw Jess tensing, but the two dogs just sniffed one another in that doggie way and then Ren turned to the sheep. It was actually hilarious to watch Murphy watching Ren and then trying to herd the sheep himself.

  He let it go on for half an hour before calling Ren back to him.
Murphy followed, his tongue hanging out as he ran up to Jess, a doggie grin on his face.

  “Time to give the sheep a break. It’s safe out here for the dogs to run lose. Why don’t you let Murphy and Ren go off and do their doggie business and we can go check on Wildfire.”

  After giving Murphy permission and laughing as the two dogs went tearing off around the side of the barn, she turned to Murphy, her expression teasing.

  “Are you sure? Won’t Dr. Adams be annoyed?”

  “Yes he will, but it’s my barn and my horse. We won’t stay long,” he wheedled. “I just want to check on things and then I’ll give you the rest of the tour.” He held out his hand. “Coming?”

  * * * *

  Jess took the proffered hand and let him lead her into the stables where the vet was watching over Wildfire.

  “I was just going to send one of the hands to get you. Looks like things are starting to move quickly. She’s just beginning the transition into stage two. It won’t be long now.”

  For all his anxiety and the vet’s annoyance, which she now realized was just two alpha males sparring, she could see that the two of them worked well together, not that there was much to do. Wildfire might be a first-time mother, but she handled the delivery like a champ, and less than half an hour later, her foal was laying by her side, being anxiously licked by its mother. An hour later, the baby, Flame, was standing by its mother, nursing strongly.

  As they walked out of the stable, Jess found her eyes were filling with tears. The experience had been so profound. Watching new life being born had been a privilege. And watching Murphy hovering so anxiously, so worried and caring for his horse made the whole experience even sweeter. When he knelt beside her, stroking her in reassurance, Jess felt her heart melt. She could fall for this man. Hell, if she was honest with herself, she was almost halfway in love with him, and it wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge.


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