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Finding Satisfaction [Satisfaction, Texas 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Diane Leyne

  She could feel her arousal growing, pushing all her negative thoughts away. This was exactly what she needed, she realized, as she started riding him harder and faster until she could feel him losing control under her. His hands on her hips gripped her harder, and she thought she might have finger-shaped bruises in the morning, but she didn’t care as he pushed his hips up to meet hers and the two of them rode hard towards completion.

  Jess felt the first ripples in her pussy, and she knew that Murphy could feel them, too, as he gripped her more tightly and increased his pace. Now she was just holding tight to his wrists as he drove into her from below, her body bucking wildly over his as she felt like her head would blow off from the intensity of her orgasm.

  Helplessly, she went rigid, clamping down on Murphy’s cock as he pounded into her over and over and over, and then she felt him come deep inside her. A sudden wish that that they didn’t have the condom between them flashed through her brain before one last wave of pleasure rippled through her, and then she collapsed bonelessly onto his chest.

  She felt Murphy withdraw from her carefully, removing the condom and placing it in a tissue before settling her back onto his chest.

  “Sleep now, talk later,” he commanded, and she did.

  * * * *

  Jess looked at her watch. It was three thirty. Almost time to get up for work. She looked down at Murphy, who was sleeping peacefully. Carefully, she edged sideways until she was lying beside him rather than on him. He protested in his sleep, but she petted and soothed him and he settled back down.

  Next, she edged back out of the bed. He grumbled, half asleep, and reached for her.

  “I have to pee!” she whispered, kissing his cheek and then sliding out of the bed.

  He grunted. “Hurry back.” Then his eyes closed and he was snoring lightly again as she edged away.

  It wasn’t until she was downstairs and standing on the porch with Murphy that she remembered that she didn’t have her Jeep with her. She stood on the steps uncertainly. She was more than five miles from town, too far to walk. Maybe if she headed up to the main road she could hitch a ride?

  Sighing, she started down the front walk. It was still dark. She had not thought this out well.

  Just then, she saw some headlights, followed by the sound of a large vehicle. Probably one of the cowboys coming to work, but when it got closer, she realized it was the vet. She watched the SUV pull up by the stable and found herself rushing over.

  “Is something wrong with Wildfire or her baby?”

  “Oh my god. You just took a decade off my life, Jess. No, the horses are fine. I’ve just been out at another ranch for a difficult birth. We lost the baby and almost lost the mother. I just wanted to stop in for a few minutes and remind myself that sometimes it does turn out well.”

  Jess walked with him into the stable, and they both watched silently for a few minutes as mother and child slept peacefully.

  “Well, I have to get home and try to get some shut-eye. I’ve got a full day ahead of me.”

  “Would home be anywhere near Satisfaction? I have the early shift at Candy’s, and I don’t want to wake Murphy up to drive me to town. I wasn’t thinking yesterday. I should have brought my own truck with me.”

  “No problem, Jess. It’s on my way, as a matter of fact.”

  * * * *

  The vet wasn’t in the mood for talking, which suited Jess just fine. She was going to pack up and get out of Satisfaction before Candy got to work. She felt bad, leaving her in the lurch, but it would be worse for everyone if the wrath of Lance came down on the town because she was there. He knew people, bad people, on both sides of the border, and he wouldn’t hesitate to take whatever action he deemed necessary. She knew that now. He wasn’t a cop because he wanted to help people and uphold the law. No, he liked being the law and punishing those he deemed wrongdoers. Of course, he didn’t have the standard definition of wrongdoer. To him, it meant anyone who disagreed with him.

  She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice where they were until the doctor’s SUV stopped and she realized they were in front of Candy’s.

  “Thanks, Doc.” She reached to open the door when his words stopped her.

  “Look, Jess. I know you are new in town, but remember this. We protect our own.”

  “I’m not here to hurt anyone. In fact, I’m just going to pack up and get out of everyone’s way.”

  “No, you misunderstand me. You’ve only been here a short time, but you are one of us now. You’ve made yourself essential to Candy, and anyone with half an eye can see that Cole and Murphy are falling for you. That makes you one of us. You don’t need to run. If you are in some kind of trouble, please, let us help.”

  Jess felt the tears welling up in her eyes, but she dashed them away.

  “Thanks again, Doc, but you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m fine. It’s just time for me to move on. The last thing I want to do is get anyone else involved.” She opened the door and stepped out, but before she could close it, the vet got in a parting shot.

  “Too late. Murphy and Cole are already involved. Me and Candy too.”

  And then he was gone and she was left standing there, contemplating his words. Was she already involved? Of course she was. That’s why she was leaving town. If Lance tracked her down here, he wouldn’t stop at hurting her. He’d hurt everyone who helped her, and she couldn’t allow that.

  She turned to head up the stairs when she heard another vehicle. She pressed back into the shadows, pulling Murphy with her. She realized it was a police car. Dace. She’d met him her first day in town. She waited to see if he would slow down, but he kept up a steady pace and was soon out of sight.

  She let go of the breath she didn’t even realize she was holding and was just starting up the steps when she heard another vehicle coming quickly. Definitely not Lance, she decided, as it peeled into the parking lot, skidding to a halt across three parking spots.

  She laughed as Candy hopped out, and then stopped laughing. She looked frantic.


  “Oh my god, Jess. You nearly gave me a heart attack!”

  “Right back at you, Candy. You scared the heck out of me. You were driving like you were being pursued by the hounds of hell.”

  “Naw, just have to hightail it over to Kinsdale. My sister’s in labor, and my brother-in-law’s posted overseas. He’s due back any day now, but the baby decided not to wait. I was just coming to see if you could look after the breakfast shift for me? Lou Lou and Jorge will be in by five, and between the three of you, you should be fine. And Dilly will be in by eleven to help with lunch. If all goes well, I’ll be back by dinner.”

  “Look, Candy, I…” Jess looked at Candy’s face and saw the fear and excitement and sheer happiness, and she couldn’t do it. “No problem, Candy. I’ll be here as long as you need me. Don’t rush back. We’ll figure out something for dinner even if it’s an all-day breakfast menu. Now git!”

  Candy gave her a quick hug and then handed her a large key ring. “Safe combination is 36-24-36. I’ll call when I have news.”

  And then she was gone and Jess was standing there holding the keys and watching her taillights disappearing in the distance. Maybe the vet was right and she was involved?

  She looked at the keys again and considered the safe. She’d teased Candy about its size before. Candy laughed and shrugged. It had been in place when she bought the diner and she’d never felt the need to change it. Jess pondered. It was big enough, in fact, to safely store a hundred thousand dollars in stolen drug money until she could turn it over to her brother.

  * * * *

  The day passed quickly. At first she worked with one eye on the door, half expecting Murphy to come roaring in to confront her for slipping out, but when she didn’t see him by eight, she decided he wasn’t coming and tried to tell herself that she was relieved. It wasn’t true, of course. She was angry and hurt even though she was the one to walk out on hi

  She didn’t want to see him, she decided by nine, him or his buddy Cole. They were more trouble than they were worth, stupid cowboys, tempting her to fall in love with both of them. She was just here to help Candy, and once Candy was back, she was out of there.

  It was just after three and she was sitting at an outdoor table finally having her own lunch when she heard Murphy bark. Looking up, she saw other Murphy—she was never going to be able to call him Smith—and Cole striding towards her, their faces grim.

  “I guess this isn’t a social call.”

  “Nope.” Murphy didn’t smile. Neither did Cole.

  “I have to hold the fort for Candy. Closing time is seven thirty.”

  “Fine. You can meet us then at the Whips and Spurs. You’d better have a good explanation for what’s going on or we’ll take you to the club and beat it out of you,” threatened Murphy, his face stern.

  “Oh my god, really?”

  “Hell, no. I’m just trying to intimidate you. When we take you to the Whips and Spurs, it will be to fuck your brains out. Of course, we’ll probably redden your ass too, but in an enjoyable way. At least”—he smiled wolfishly at her—“it will be fun for me and Cole.”

  Jess swallowed hard.

  “You and Cole?”

  “Yup, we’ll take you into the back and strip you naked. Then we’ll collar and leash you and lead you over to our favorite piece of equipment, the spanking bench. We’ll strap you down and take turns eating your pussy until you are begging us to fuck you.”

  “Oh, god!”

  “You already said that.” Cole leaned down and kissed her cheek hard. “I take it that the idea turns you on?”

  “Yes!” The word came out almost as a yelp as Cole slapped her ass hard.

  “Fine. Close up at seven thirty. We’ll be here, waiting for you. Then we are going to the club and we’ll strap you down and fuck a confession from you if it takes all night.”

  Jess watched them leave. She wasn’t sure how she was going to concentrate for the rest of the workday. Luckily, the place got busy and before she knew it, it was seven thirty and the men were back. Cole turned the open sign to closed and Murphy tugged off her apron and led her out of the door.

  Chapter 12

  Jess looked up at Cole and Murphy. They were wearing leather pants and nothing else. However, it was more than she was wearing as she knelt before them in a private room at the Whips and Spurs club.

  At least they had taken her to a private room. They’d actually walked her rather quickly through the main club. It had started out as a leisurely tour, but when she wanted to stop and watch each of the couples and triads and one—was it a quadrilateral of one woman and three men?—Murphy and Cole and each taken and arm and hurried her into a back room.

  She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it wasn’t the padded table that was the only piece of furniture in the room, besides two chairs. She could see that it had an overall piece at one end, kind of like what massage tables had and a set of genealogical stirrups at the other end. Yikes!

  Jess watched as Cole adjusted the table to make it shorter. Then Murphy lifted her up on the table. The two of them made short work of attaching the various straps to her body until she couldn’t do anything but wiggle her fingers and toes. Even her head was immobile on that oval massage extension, although she was face up rather than the more traditional face down position.

  She was mortified, though, when both men stood so they could see between her two splayed legs. She was sure that the cream was leaking out of her and she could feel her cheeks turn bright red when Cole reached out and slid a finger through her drenched pussy lips. Damn. She had never been so wet.

  Murphy followed suit, smacking his lips when he licked off her cream.

  Jess moaned. She’d never felt to turned on. She tried to move, and groaned in frustration when the bonds wouldn’t let her move. Murphy reached out and gently touched her clit. It felt swollen and it throbbed with need.


  ”Please what?”

  “Please touch my clit, damn it. I’m so close to coming!”

  “Naughty, naughty. Cole, she said please, but it sounded like an order to me.”

  “It was definitely an order, Murphy. I think she needs to be punished for that.”

  Smack. Oh, god. Murphy slapped her pussy and it just got her hotter. Maybe it he did it again, she’d come.

  “Yes it was an order. Do it! Touch my clit again!”

  Cole slapped her pussy this time and his finger also grazed her clit. Bucking against the bonds, Jess cried out in ecstasy as her climax slammed through her.

  “Damn! She liked that, didn’t she? It seems that we’re definitely going to have a training challenge, but I think I’m up to the task. What about you, Cole?”

  “Oh, I’m definitely up to the task!”

  “You two. Stop talking and one of you fuck me. Please!”

  “Do you think we’d hurt her training if we started off by giving her what she wants?

  “Well, Murphy, it might set things back, but I’m willing to take the chance. What about you?”

  “I’m okay with that, Cole. You want her mouth or her pussy?”

  Jess watched in disbelief as they did rock-paper-scissors and then Cole walked up to where her head was secured to the massage table extension. Carefully he removed the forehead restraint and then manipulated something she couldn’t see and then she felt her head and neck tilting back. What was he doing?

  And then she stopped thinking and started feeling as she felt Murphy’s large cock press inside her pussy even as Cole’s pressed against her lips.

  She tried to suck the bulbous head, but in this position, and distracted as she was by Murphy pounding into her pussy, all she could do was relax her jaw as Cole took advantage of the angle available to him and pressed deeper and deeper into her mouth and then her throat.

  And then she stopped thinking at all and only felt. She felt the friction of Murphy’s cock inside her and his pubic bone rubbing against her swollen clit with every thrust and the movement of Cole’s cock in her mouth.

  She felt another climax ripple through her and with it, she felt the first spurts of Cole’s hot semen down her throat. She found herself clamping down hard on Murphy’s cock and then he was crying out as he too let loose stream after stream of hot cum into the condom he was wearing.

  Exhausted, she fell back onto the table and barely noticed when they unstrapped her and carried her up to her apartment. Vaguely she noted when they got up before the sun, kissing her on each cheek before whispering that they had to be out at the ranch early, but would see her later.

  * * * *

  “What are you two doing here again? I have to work. You are going to get me fired. Candy will be back in a few hours. Come back at five. I can talk then.”

  “Look, Jess. We need to talk now. The lunch crowd is gone. You distracted us yesterday, but not today.”

  “Murphy’s right, Jess. Today we are going to talk. Whatever your problem is, we can help you.”

  “No you can’t. You don’t know what you are getting involved in.”

  “Then tell us!”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “If I could tell you that, I could tell you my problem, moron!” She was practically shouting. Murphy the dog didn’t like it at all, and he moved closer to her side, growling quietly. “Look”—she lowered her voice— “if Candy’s back, then I can get going.”

  “We can’t stop you…” It was Cole this time. His voice was low and he sounded like he was in pain.

  “But I can.”

  All three heads swivelled as Dace walked up to them, his face serious.

  “What are you talking about?” demanded Murphy.

  “Let’s go back to the station and talk, shall we?”

  “Am I under arrest?”

  “Not at the present time.”

  “Can I get my purse?”

  “Dace, what’s this about? We asked for your help.”

  “Murphy, what are you saying? What did you do?”

  “Those calls. I was worried!”


  “Yeah, you got another one the morning when you let me crash at your place. When you got the second one last night, I decided—”

  “We decided,” interjected Cole.

  “We decided to get Dace to help.”

  “You smashed my phone. What could he do?”

  “Well, the SIM card wasn’t broken. We brought it in to him…”

  “Oh my god, you didn’t. Dace, tell me you didn’t call… I have to get out of here. Now, before he gets here.”

  “Who gets here?”

  “Sorry, Jess. It’s an official matter now. I have to bring you back to the station with me.”

  * * * *

  Murphy and Cole sat in the interrogation room at the station with Jess and Dace. They’d refused to leave her no matter what Dace threatened. He’d finally given in, and now the four of them were sitting around the table while Murphy lay at Jess’s feet.

  Murphy Smith kind of figured he should be lying down there, too. He wasn’t sure exactly what went wrong. He’d just wanted to help, but it was clear that things had gotten out of control quickly.

  “Am I under arrest?”

  “No, not right now. We just need to talk.”

  “Then can you take these handcuffs off? My wrists are chafing.”

  “Sure.” Dace readily complied. Murphy reached out to rub her wrists, but she backed away from him and that hurt, but he supposed he deserved it so he channeled it into anger.

  “God damn it, Dace. Does she look like a criminal to you?”

  “Don’t talk stupid, Murphy. What does a criminal look like?” Dace’s calm tone just ratcheted up Murphy’s own feelings of anger and helplessness.


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