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Ruin Her

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Today, though, she had to work since she’d requested extra shifts.

  Her hand shook as she filled the glass she finally found with water. Of course the glass had been in the last cupboard she’d looked in.

  Suddenly, Antonio was there, minus his clothes. His heavily inked body was on display as he’d removed his shirt and pants and stood before her completely naked. Even his cock stood out long and thick, the tip leaking pre-cum. She hated her response to him.

  There was no denying her attraction for this man, but right now, she was determined to stay angry at him.

  He held out a bottle of whiskey. “Will this do?”

  “You think you’re being cute?”

  He smirked.

  She grabbed the bottle from him, finished off her water, and poured out a generous amount of whiskey. Before she could pick up the glass, he swiped it from her, mocking her.

  Tilting the bottle to her lips, she took several long swigs even as her throat burned.

  He wasn’t going to get the better of her.

  She finished drinking and coughed. “I don’t care what kind of woman you’re used to, or what they want from you, or don’t want. This is my life and I don’t want you to screw it up. Please, don’t … don’t do what you did tonight. I don’t want to have to deal with it.”

  “You don’t have to work.” He wasn’t shouting. They had both calmed down. “I’ll take care of you.”

  She took another swig, this time not as long, and certainly not as much. “And if you get bored, what then? What will happen to me when you decide you no longer want me? That I’m too much hard work for you to deal with?”

  “Not going to happen.”

  “Antonio, you’re single. I’m not a fool and clearly you’re a wealthy man, and I’m currently a shiny new toy. I’ve done and seen the whole foster and adoption thing. When it doesn’t work out, you know what they do, they return the kids. It’s not different from dating. Guys and girls see who they want. Sometimes it works out with marriage and the happy endings with a nice family and whatnot. For others, they hate it, put whoever it was they plucked back on the shelf, and move onto the next shiny toy. I like to work. I need to. I can’t have you doing what you did today. I love my jobs.”

  “What makes you believe this is ever going to be over?” he asked.

  “I’m not holding out for marriage or a ring. We’ve known each other less than a week, and so far, you’ve stolen from me and invaded my work. I can keep on going on with the entire list of everything you’ve done, but I’d really just like to know that I’ve got a job.”

  “You’ve got a job. No one would dare fire you.”

  She watched him as he sipped at his whiskey. Not being a big drinker herself, she put the bottle down and stepped close to the counter. She wasn’t removing any of her clothes.

  “I want to take care of you.”

  “We don’t know each other and these things take time. They have to. I don’t know what you do for a living, who you are. I know you’re rich, and it makes me uncomfortable.”

  He chuckled. “My wealth makes you uncomfortable?”

  “Yes. I’m not wealthy. I have a little put aside for emergencies but it wouldn’t even cover one month’s rent on this place. Do you know how scary it is? I don’t want to be seen as a gold-digger, but in these circumstances, I would be. I don’t like being called names. I think I’d rather be in a fight than be called names.”

  “No one will call you anything.” He got to his feet and this time, as he pulled her into his arms, she didn’t fight him.

  “What is it you do, anyway?” She felt him tense and tilted her head back.

  “Why do you want to know?”

  She giggled. “You know, for a hot guy, I’m starting to wonder if you’ve even dated.”

  “I haven’t. Women have thrown themselves at me. I don’t have to work for anything.”

  “That makes total sense. Okay, during a date, you’re supposed to talk. To get to know one another. Usually over coffee or a meal.”

  “How about while I’m fucking you?” he asked, flicking the catch of her bra. She gasped as he cupped her tits, pressing them together as he stroked each nipple with his tongue. She closed her eyes as he removed her skirt.

  She was no longer clothed.

  They were both naked.

  His touch, once again, set her on fire.

  Antonio gripped her hips and made her straddle his lap. His cock was rock-hard, pressing between the lips of her pussy.

  “Okay, I don’t mind.”

  He teased her clit, the smile on his lips more knowing than she wanted to think about. He knew what he was doing to her. Suddenly, he lifted her up and slowly slid her onto his cock. He was still too big and she winced.

  Antonio groaned, slowly rocking within her, using his cock to make her even wetter for him as he took her deeper.

  Her body was no longer her own. He was the one driving her, and she cried out his name, not wanting him to stop.

  “Do you have any idea how much I love fucking your pussy?”


  “I would stay here all day long if I could.”

  She’d gladly be with him as well. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she cupped his face, tilting his head back and kissing him. His hands moved from her hips to her ass, and she took more of him, not caring about the slight pain his penetration caused.

  She wanted it.


  All of him.

  No matter how angry she was, she couldn’t get enough of his dominating ass. He drove her crazy.

  “So, tell me, Antonio, what do you do?” she asked.

  With a grip on her ass, he pulled her down, making her cry out at the sudden sting from his penetration.

  “Do you like that?”


  He lifted her up and fucked her down onto his dick again.

  “Fuck, yes.”

  He did it again, and this time, he leaned forward, sucking on her nipple and forcing her to lean back as he licked her. Her back rested against the bar as he did this. The pain was worth it.

  “I’m in security,” he said between licks and sucks. “I help a lot of people to make sure they don’t get hurt.”

  “Are you in danger?”


  “You’ve got to be lying to me. Someone who’s in security is always in danger.” She tugged at the hairs on the back of his head, forcing him to look at her. She knew she’d surprised him, but she didn’t give a fuck. This was important. “I don’t know how long we’re going to last, but I don’t want anything to happen to you. I happen to like you.”

  “Ellie, I’m the best, and nothing will ever happen to me.”

  He stroked between the cheeks of her ass, touching her anus as she closed her eyes, feeling his cock pulse within her.

  “Do you have any family?” she asked.


  “Not even a brother or sister?”

  “I have no one. I’m alone in this world.”

  She opened her eyes and stared into his intense blue ones. “You’re not alone anymore. You’ve got me. I know what it’s like to be all alone. It sucks.” She cupped his cheek, running her thumb across his lips. “I’ll take care of you.”

  “And I’ll take care of you.”

  He sank his fingers into her hair as she lifted up and down, taking his cock within her. She needed to come so badly. Her anger ebbed out of her, and all that remained was her hungry desire to hear his release, to feel it in her pussy.

  Antonio held her hips and ass, and even her hair, forcing her back down on his cock. Each drive down stabbing his cock deeper within her. It was to the point of pain where she didn’t know how much more she could take, but he held her there, keeping her poised at the precipice of pleasure.

  He wouldn’t let her go or ease off him.

  Her nipples tightened, and he released one of her ass cheeks to stroke her clit.

  “Come for me
, Ellie. Come all over my dick and then I’ll fill your cunt. Come on, baby.”

  She cried out his name. His words striking the right note that as she came, she did so, hard, grinding down on him for more. Within seconds, he joined her, and she felt each pulse as his cock flooded her with his cum. They hadn’t worn a condom, and for now, she really didn’t care.


  Ellie didn’t lose her job, but it had meant he paid a visit to her workplace so the manager and his staff knew not to speak a word of the Giavanni alliance, or anything to do with his bosses or him.

  Antonio was going to great lengths for this woman, and he didn’t understand why. She wasn’t like any other woman he was used to. She didn’t impress easily. His money always made her nervous, and he knew if she ever found out the truth, she wouldn’t be happy.

  “Why couldn’t I just wear my jeans?” Ellie asked, coming out of the bathroom, wearing the red dress he’d purchased for her.

  She stood before him, her long locks pinned up with a few cascading around her face. No makeup, as he preferred her without, and the red, figure-hugging dress he’d seen today as he was dealing with some of Giavanni’s clients who hadn’t paid their bills. All in all, he’d broken seven fingers, two legs, and six arms, and had shot someone in the forehead.

  “Because I want you to wear that.”

  She rolled her eyes, and he couldn’t resist pulling her against him. “You’re telling me you don’t like it?”

  “It’s pretty, but if we’re going to a nightclub, jeans are more my style.”

  “You’re going to the nightclub with me. You’re the one who wanted a date night. This is exactly the kind of date I’d like.”

  “You’re the one who’s always in charge. I get it. I didn’t agree to this, though. With jeans, I can, you know, get away easier.”

  “You’re not going to need to get away.” He held out the shoes he’d also purchased with the dress. “I’ll be by your side and I’ll protect you.”

  “My knight?”

  “That’s what I am.” Everyone else saw him as a monster, someone to be feared, but he rather liked being Ellie’s knight.

  She took the heels from him. “Do you remember me talking to you about Casey?”

  He paused. She’d finally opened up to him over the course of the last couple of nights about her best friend.

  Casey hadn’t been in touch. Ellie had been texting her, wanting to meet up, but Casey was avoiding her.

  He knew why and now he was pissed. No one ignored his woman.

  “Yes, I remember her.”

  “She’s acting weird and believe me, I get her being a bit strange. I’m kind of worried about her. I hate to say this, but she went home with a guy the night I met you. I’m trying not to freak out. I don’t want to phone her parents because they’ll be upset that she’s not playing the proper role they expect of her. They don’t like our friendship. I’m the hired help and their daughter can do better.”

  “You want me to make sure she’s alive?”

  “Yes, please, yes. She always said her parents wouldn’t care if she was alive or dead, and seeing as I haven’t heard from her, I’m worried. I’m trying not to freak out. I know I shouldn’t worry. She’s a grown woman.”

  “You’re her best friend. You’ve got a right to worry.”

  She wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you. I will pay you whatever fee you require.”

  “Kiss me,” he said.


  “Kiss me.”

  She went on her toes, and he was careful not to mess up her hair as he took possession of her mouth. As he slid his tongue inside, she moaned, meeting his with hers, and he tasted her.


  Pulling away, he smiled down at her. “Debt is repaid. I’ll look into it.”

  “Thank you.”

  She kissed him again.

  “Now, let’s go and have some fun before I decide this date night is supposed to be me and you in bed while I fuck every single part of you, mouth, pussy, and ass.”

  Her cheeks went red. “You know, you have a way with words.”

  Taking her hand, he led the way out of their apartment. They’d been together over a week, which was strange because he felt like they’d been together longer.

  She hugged against his side and he watched her in the doors of the elevator.

  Ellie was a breath of fresh air against all the madness of his life. She wouldn’t be able to accept him. They’d watched a couple of gruesome movies over the past few days and she hadn’t been able to look at the television. He did similar actions on a daily basis. His life was the complete opposite of hers, and she couldn’t even stand to watch it.

  After helping her into the car, he moved to the driver’s side and slid in. He turned over the ignition, pulled out of the private parking, and drove toward the club.

  Ellie looked out of the car, and he’d come to see she’d have moments of complete silence. He never knew what was going through her head, but she was the kind of woman to share her thoughts with him, so he was never worried about it.

  Arriving at the club, he parked the car, once again in private parking, and paused when he caught sight of Raphael’s vehicle. He’d kept Ellie away from his world.

  She climbed out of the car and moved to his side. “What is it?”


  Taking her hand, he knew he was going to have to deal with this someway. He’d hoped to be better prepared.

  “Wait, don’t we have to queue?” she asked.

  “I know the managers. I help them from time to time. I’m always first in.”

  A couple of men in the line started to protest, but all it took was one look from him to silence them.

  Ellie was too busy trying to keep up in her heels to notice. They were let through the door into the sensually lit nightclub. This one was more expensive than the place where he’d met Ellie. Also, it had a nice VIP area, which he took her to.

  Date night was going to be good for her. He was determined to make her happy, no matter the cost.

  Chapter Five

  Ellie sat down in the booth that Antonio had booked for them. She noticed how tense he was and didn’t understand it. Why take her out if he wasn’t happy about it? She didn’t need to be impressed. Ordering a pizza, curling up on the sofa, watching some movies, those were awesome and she loved it. His tastes weren’t the same as hers. He also liked hot chocolate, she knew she’d surprised him with her drink, one she really enjoyed.

  The waitress came to take their orders and she noticed the woman’s hand was shaking. Antonio unnerved a lot of people.

  Glancing at her date, she saw he was checking the place out.

  “Is this because of your job?” she asked. “Always making sure everywhere is safe?”

  “Exactly.” He took her hand, kissing her knuckles.

  Pleasure shot through her body and she leaned forward. The privacy of the booth offered them that. Cupping his cheek, she noticed he pulled her hand away, kissing the inside of her wrist, directly over her rose tattoo.

  He’d been surprised about the ink she’d gotten when she left the system. A rose surrounded by thorns. A constant reminder never to trust.

  “I had no idea you’d be coming here, Antonio,” a man said, stopping by their table.

  Ellie pulled away as Antonio stood. “Raphael, it’s good to see you.”

  She watched the two men shake hands. Sitting back, she felt a twisted feeling in the pit of her stomach but didn’t say a word. The waitress came back, drinks in hand, and put them down on the table. Even though Raphael had a woman on his arm, he still pulled the waitress into his arms, gripping her ass and ordering drinks.

  Ellie didn’t like it and tensed up.

  “And who is this you’re with.”

  Standing up, she went to Antonio’s side and held his hand. She noticed he didn’t hold hers back.

  This was all a little confusing. To anyone looking on, she’
d appear to be the one pulling on his arm or hanging off his side. She would never be the kind of woman who stuck around with a man who didn’t want her touch.

  Pulling away from him, she offered a smile. “Ellie.”

  “Ah, Ellie Taylor. It is a pleasure to meet you. My good friend here has told me so much about you.”

  “Really, he hasn’t said a word about you.”

  “Raphael Giavanni.”

  She recognized the name from the nightclub and the apartment building. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She shook his hand and pulled away the moment he tried to kiss her knuckles. “If you’ll excuse me.” She stepped away from the table and made her way out of the VIP section.

  Ellie stopped one of the waitresses to ask where the bathroom was.

  It was rare for a women’s bathroom to be empty, but as she stepped in, she found it was.

  At the sink, she turned the water to cold and splashed some on her face and neck.

  Closing her eyes, she wouldn’t even dare look at her reflection as she knew without a doubt she would hate what she saw. This wasn’t her. This was far from her, and she hated it. Opening her eyes, she finally looked at herself, and yes, the plunging dress. At least there was no makeup. He hadn’t changed that part about her.

  Staring at her reflection, she felt the tears prick her eyes.

  “Why did you walk away?” Antonio said, walking into the bathroom.

  “This is the ladies’ room. You can’t be in here.”

  “I think I’ve proven time and again, I don’t follow bullshit protocol.”

  “No, you do what you want when you want.” She glared at him. “If you can’t stand to be seen with me, why didn’t you let us stay at the apartment? Why bring me to a place your friends are going to be when you don’t want them to know you’ve gone to the gutter with me?” She no longer looked in the mirror but glared right back at him, needing him to see the pain he’d caused her by what he’d done, or not done.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I don’t want to do this. I’m going home.” She took a step toward him but he wouldn’t move. “I’m done.”

  “No, you’re not going anywhere.”


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