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Demon Warriors 3: Rainerio

Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  Rainerio slammed his fist into the mattress as he cried out in anguish. His pain thundered through the room as he lifted his head and shouted to the ceiling. He swung his arm out, knocking everything from the nightstand as he sobbed.

  He had left his mate vulnerable, and now Dillon was paying the ultimate price. His every instinct was telling him to go after Dillon, but he knew he had to let his mate work this out in his head.

  Going to him right now wouldn’t help either of them. Rainerio crawled from the bed, slowly walking to the bathroom.

  He started the shower, climbing in, and prayed the heated spray washed away his pain. He had left a note. How could everything have gone to hell? He had left a damn note.

  Rainerio hung his head as the hot spray ran over his body. His hands clenched at the thought of never holding Dillon in his arms again.

  He had to prove to his mate that he hadn’t just up and left him, not like Dillon thought. Where had the piece of paper gone?

  Rainerio shut the water off and quickly dried his body with the large white towel. He needed to go to Dillon’s room and search for the one piece of evidence that would prove he hadn’t abandoned his mate.

  Rainerio wrapped the towel around his waist, determined to find that note and prove his innocence, and then help his mate find his footing in his new life.

  Chapter Six

  Dillon lifted his lip as he stared at his pointy teeth in the mirror.

  They didn’t look too bad. What angered him was the fact he would have to suck blood for the rest of his life. That was disgusting. His mouth still held the metallic taste from Rainerio.

  He didn’t want to be a vampire. He wanted to be human. Dillon loved being human. His hand lifted, pressing against his chest. He discovered that his heart was still beating. That was a good thing.

  Stepping back from his bathroom mirror, Dillon took in the full view of his upper body. It was paler than before, but it still looked the same.

  The blue of his eyes had been saved. They weren’t black like in the movies. Thank goodness for that. Dillon loved his blue eyes. So the only thing that had really changed was the fact that he was undead and he had sharp canines that helped him drink blood.

  He turned sideways, lifting his arms in the air. Well, he did look a bit thinner, but that was a plus. Dillon walked out of the bathroom as he slammed the door closed behind him.

  The sound ricocheted through the bedroom, giving him a loud reminder that, if he were dead, he wouldn’t have been able to do that.

  He knew deep down that he was grateful to be alive. It had just taken him by surprise when his mind cleared and he was sucking on Panahasi’s damn wrist. The guy was nice…but yuck! He was more embarrassed when he realized he was having sex while others stood by and watched.

  Dillon felt terrible for what he said to Rainerio, but the man shouldn’t have fucked him and left him. He did rescue him though.

  Dillon groaned as he flopped down on his bed. He was so damned confused. He missed Rainerio and hated him at the same time. Left a note, my ass. If the warrior had left a note, why didn’t he find one?

  His head snapped up when he heard a throat clearing. Rainerio stood in his bedroom doorway with a white towel wrapped around his tanned hips. “God, you look scrumptious.” Dillon kicked himself for letting that slip.

  “Do you mind?” Rainerio pointed to his dresser. Dillon shrugged, watching the warrior look around. He opened drawers and rifled through Dillon’s belongings before moving to the side of the dresser and pulling it away from the wall. Rainerio leaned in before settling back on his haunches. He held his hands up, a small piece of paper tucked between his index and middle finger.

  Dillon pushed from his bed, begrudgingly walking closer before snatching the note. He glared at Rainerio before opening the folded paper.

  Had to run. Someone needs the warriors’ help. I’ll be back in your arms before you know it. Your Mate, Rainerio

  Dillon looked up at the warrior and then back at the note. Mate? “I don’t understand.” Dillon stared at the paper, afraid to look at the man kneeling before him.

  “About what?” Rainerio asked gently.

  “What’s a mate?”

  Rainerio crossed his arms over his legs before looking up at Dillon. “It means that you belong to me, and I to you. Fate paired us.”

  His hands began to tremble as the paper became wet with his tears. “I thought you left me.” Dillon sniffed, standing there feeling so alone.

  “I’d never leave you. Even if we weren’t mates, I’m not that cold-hearted.” Rainerio reached his hand out and Dillon moved closer.

  Dillon wiped his eyes as he moved another inch closer. “But I’m a vampire now. Are we still mates?”

  “You could turn into a poodle with two heads, and we would still be mates.”

  Dillon nodded. He glanced around the room, wondering if that were really true. “I don’t want to be a vampire,” he whispered.

  “I had to make a split-second decision, love. I chose you.”

  Rainerio tapped Dillon’s chest with his finger. “No matter what you became, I wanted you in my life for all eternity. I’m sorry if that sounds selfish, but I would make the same choice again if I had to.”

  Dillon shook his head. “That doesn’t sound selfish. I am grateful, I just…I don’t know.” He cried when Rainerio pulled him into those strong arms. Dillon laid his head on Rainerio’s shoulder, wrapping his arms around his neck and holding on for dear life. “Did we really have sex in front of everyone?”

  He could feel his mate’s body shake with laughter as Rainerio pulled back and cupped his face. “I’m afraid so. I didn’t like it either, but you were fed, and that’s the important thing.”

  “Will we have to do it every time I feed? Have other people watch?”

  Rainerio growled, “No. That was a one-time thing. You’d lost too much blood and needed to replenish it. No one is going to see your pretty little ass again.”

  It was Dillon’s turn to growl. “He stuck me with a needle. I hate needles. Make him pay, Rainerio.”

  His mate gave him one short nod, his cocoa-brown eyes turning dark with fury. “He will pay for what he’s done to you.”

  “You’re one hot tamale when you’re vengeful.” Dillon giggled and then remembered his parting words. “About what I said.”

  Rainerio pulled Dillon into his arms as he stood. “Forgotten.”

  Dillon left it alone. Rainerio wasn’t the guilty party here. It was that needle-stabbing bastard who would feel Dillon’s anger. He threw his head back and laughed as Rainerio nibbled at his neck. “You’re tickling me.”

  “I would have missed that laughter most of all.” Rainerio buried his face in Dillon’s neck, inhaling deeply.

  “I told you I would have you in my bed,” Dillon teased as Rainerio sat on the bed.

  “That you did.” Rainerio ran his lips over Dillon’s neck, making him shiver with need. “I’m glad I gave in.”

  “You couldn’t resist my charms. Was it the box of condoms?”

  Rainerio laughed as he hugged Dillon. “That wasn’t the deciding factor, but it went a long way in convincing me.”

  Dillon sighed, wondering what his new life was going to be like.

  Snooke and Chris sat in Panahasi’s living room, waiting for the leader of the demon warriors to tell them why they were there.

  It was Snooke’s uncle that was causing so much trouble. Maybe the leader was going to make him leave. He wouldn’t like it, but he wouldn’t blame him either. Snooke scooted closer to his mate, Kane, as he worried his hands in his lap.

  Kane reached over and stilled his hands, caressing them with his large fingers. Snooke gave him an appreciative smile as he looked back at Panahasi.

  “I brought you up here to let you know what’s been going on.”

  Panahasi sat at the bar, sipping his trademark whiskey as he looked first at Chris, then at Snooke. “As you may know, Dillon was kidnapped and draine
d of nearly all his blood. Prince Christian had to convert him to save him.”

  “We heard,” Chris interjected, “but what does this have to do with us?”

  Panahasi smiled. “Patience, Chris.”

  Now Snooke’s curiosity was really piqued. He sat forward, listening intently.

  “He is different. I wanted you two to see him as he is. If you have any problems with vampires, let me know now.”

  “He’s my friend. I don’t care what he is,” Chris stated.

  “I agree,” Snooke added.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear,” Rainerio said as he walked into the room with Dillon at his side. “He’s my mate, if you didn’t know this already.”

  “Cool.” Snooke smiled at the paler man. If he thought Dillon was lacking sun before, holy crap. But Snooke decided to keep that to himself. It wouldn’t help his friend to hear something like that.

  “You don’t mind?” Dillon looked between the two. “Because if you do, say something now. I don’t want you talking behind my back.”

  “Why would we mind?” Chris asked. “You’re our friend.”

  Snooke noticed Dillon scooting closer to Rainerio. “If you can handle us being demons, we can handle you being a vampire.”

  “I never thought of it that way.” Dillon’s brows furrowed as if in thought. His eyes lit up after a second as a smile crossed his face. “In that case.” Dillon crossed the room, jumping on the couch and attacking Snooke playfully. “I vant to suck yer blood.”

  “Knock it off, fangs.” Snooke laughed as he covered his head.

  “You bite me and I’m going to make you eat garlic.”

  Dillon giggled as he climbed off the couch, the warriors chuckling. Dillon’s face grew serious as he looked over at Panahasi.

  “Can I eat garlic? I hope so. I love it, except when I have to kiss someone.”

  Rainerio growled as he pulled Dillon into his arms, holding him possessively to his chest. “The only person you are going to kiss is me.”

  Snooke smiled at the barbaric display. Kane often acted that way with him, and it was a big turn-on. He could see in Dillon’s blue eyes that it affected him the same way.

  “Do you know why they were trying to steal Dillon’s blood?” Kane asked.

  “I do.” Panahasi nodded. “After a lot of digging and many questions, I found the answer. It seems the same problem is rampant in the human world. According to Alpha Maverick, the drug is called Liquid Wrath. It masks the scent of paranormal creatures while giving them a high. The side effect is extreme aggression.”

  “That must be what Marino injected. He became violent as hell afterward, strong, too,” Hondo said from the couch.

  “I believe so. But the disturbing fact of this drug is that if humans inject it, they die.”

  “Fuck,” Rainerio whispered.

  “The main and most needed component is human blood. That is why humans are coming up missing in the human realm. Marino isn’t taking it from them like a blood bank donation. He’s draining every last drop from them.”

  Snooke became uncomfortable when everyone looked at him. He didn’t have anything to do with how evil his uncle was. He didn’t behave like that and never would. That was one of the reasons Marino had beat him every time he laid eyes on Snooke—that and the fact that he was gay.

  “He won’t have a need for Dillon anymore since the blood that runs through his veins is no longer human. We need to find him quickly though. Marino took two vials with him and still possesses the crystal. He’s lethal right now, holding all the cards.” Panahasi finished as he swallowed the rest of the amber liquid. “Go find him.”

  The warriors left with their mates. Snooke wondered how he was related to Marino. He knew his uncle had some twisted ways of thinking, but he never knew just how evil the man truly was.

  “Look at you.” Peter held his arms wide open as Rainerio and Dillon walked into Jake’s Java. It had been nine days since Dillon had his life changed forever. Rainerio still couldn’t believe he let Dillon talk him into coming back to work.

  His argument was that it wasn’t safe for his mate to be out here, and Dillon’s counterargument was that he was already a vampire, no longer on the “most desired” list.

  “Mine!” Rainerio snapped at Peter.

  The vampire rolled his eyes at Rainerio. “Let me let you in on a little secret. As cute, funny, sexy, witty, sexy—”

  “You said sexy twice,” Rainerio cut in.

  “True, but my point is, he’s not my type. I already have my sights set on someone, so take your growling somewhere else. Dillon is my friend.” Peter gave Dillon a hug, sticking his tongue out at Rainerio.

  Rainerio, feeling spunky, returned the gesture. Now that he knew Peter didn’t have his sights set on his mate, they were cool. There was one other person he needed to make perfectly clear about Dillon’s status. He knew he was being possessive and pissing all over his territory, but Rainerio had almost lost Dillon once. He wasn’t going to take any shit from anyone else.

  He approached Jake, sticking his hand out. “I don’t think we’ve been formerly introduced. I’m Rainerio, Dillon’s mate.”

  Jake’s eyes lit up with merriment as he shook Rainerio’s hand.

  “I’m not a poacher and wasn’t even considering Dillon. I’m Jake.”

  Rainerio felt lighter at heart. He’d misinterpreted both Peter and Jake’s intentions. “Since Dillon is back at work, I need to ask a favor.”

  Jake clapped him on the back as they walked further away from everyone. “No need. I’ll keep a close eye on him. I already watch Chris for Hondo.”

  Rainerio wanted to laugh. All that shit Hondo had talked this morning about how soft Rainerio was becoming and the big badass was having his mate babysat as well. What a shithead.

  “Thanks.” Rainerio gave Jake his personal cell number instead of the number the citizens called when they needed the warriors’ intervention on a more community-wide level. Jake took it and shoved it in his pocket.

  “No problem.”

  Rainerio left the coffeehouse, feeling better about his mate being out in the public eye. Knowing Jake was watching over both of them would help set his mind at ease and let him do his job more efficiently, although a part of him would always worry about Dillon.

  He met up with Hondo and Takeo, following up on a tip they received about Marino. He looked smugly at Hondo as they made their way to Serenity Savings. He wanted to needle the warrior about being soft as well, but he let it be. Rainerio knew how Hondo felt.

  They entered the bank, looking around. Rainerio watched the tellers behind the counter and the various people walking here and there. All seemed normal.

  They received an anonymous tip that Marino’s money was being run through this bank. Rainerio couldn’t believe that the uptight Falcon Harrington would do something to break the law. It wasn’t his style.

  The person who had placed the call wanted to remain anonymous, but Hondo recognized the voice. It was Marino’s little elf boy toy.

  They all wondered, even Snooke, why the elf didn’t just up and shimmer away. If he was so hard-pressed to take Marino down behind his back, why was he still with the bastard?

  Granted, the information helped them out tremendously, but what was the elf getting out of this? Rainerio noticed one of the tellers watching them closely. His eyes darted between the three and then back down at the counter.

  “What is this?” Falcon demanded quietly as he approached them.

  “Whatever you are here for, can’t it wait until after banking hours?”

  “Actually,” Takeo said, returning the same irritated tone, “we’ve come for you. Panahasi would like to have a word with you.”

  Falcon faltered in his step. His eyes darted between the three before smiling at the nosey tellers behind the counter. Falcon nodded and then walked over to a young man dressed exactly like Falcon, only the young man looked out of place in such an expensive suit.

  The guy
seemed more like a jeans and T-shirt kind of person.

  The proprietor of Serenity Savings walked back toward the warriors, a tight smile on his face. “I’m ready.”

  The three followed Falcon to his office. The bank owner turned the lights off, bathing the office in darkness. The warriors had no problem seeing as they grabbed Falcon and walked into Panahasi’s living room. It was the only room they were allowed to enter in the leader’s home unannounced.

  The leader was sitting casually on his sofa, staring over at the large floor-to-ceiling windows that had an amazing view of the city below. Panahasi looked lost in thought as they stood by the bar.

  “I hear you’re helping Marino to filter his money through your bank,” Panahasi said without turning his head. If Rainerio wasn’t misreading his leader’s expression, Panahasi looked melancholy.

  Falcon stiffened, giving an undignified snort. “I would never do such a thing.”

  “That’s not what we were told,” Rainerio snarled. “We were told that Marino is being funded by some anonymous source and that you are helping him hide it in various accounts.”

  “No one is smurfing in my bank!” Falcon shouted at the group.

  His fists curled at his side as he glared at each and every one of them.

  He stood there looking downright pissed. Rainerio would have burst out laughing if the situation wasn’t so serious.

  To see the uptight bank owner ruffled was comical. His nose flared in a flapping motion as his cheeks turned a bright red. The griffin-shifter had been taken out of his usual control.

  “Then I need you to find out who it is, discreetly. I don’t want the person knowing that were on to him. We need a way to trace Marino.”

  “If someone is conducting illegal business in my bank, count on it.” Falcon huffed at Panahasi as he brushed his hands through his dark tresses. He looked like he was trying to gain some of that control back.

  “It’s done.” Panahasi waved a dismissive hand, never once looking their way. Rainerio left Hondo and Takeo to deal with the indignant shifter as he walked to his apartment.


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