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The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance

Page 37

by David Epstein

  ApoE4 gene and, 254–57

  in boxers and football players, 253–54

  Brand, Elton, 134

  Braverman, Eric, 253

  British Journal of Sports Medicine, 22, 59, 71

  brittle bone disease, 258

  Brown, Jeff, 71–72

  bully whippets, 104

  Cameron, Mike, 3

  Campbell-Brown, Veronica, 161–62, 165

  Campitelli, Guillermo, 21–22, 51

  Camplin, Alisa, 50

  Carter, Jimmy, 218

  Carter, Xavier, 174

  catching skills, and depth perception, 43–44

  cattle raiding theory, 190–91

  Chase, William G., 9–10

  Chelimo, Richard, 207

  chess, 8–10

  Campitelli and Gobet’s study of, 21–23, 51

  chunking theory and, 9–10

  de Groot’s experiments and, 8–9

  range of hours to achieve expertise, 21–23

  childhood, and altitude, 215

  chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 255

  chunking theory, 9–10, 11–12, 14

  Clayton, Jerry, 30

  Coimbra, Erika, 71

  COL1A1 gene, 257–58

  COL5A1 gene, 257–58

  Colby, Brandon, 255

  collagen, 257

  collagen genes (COL1A1 and COL5A1), 257–58

  Collier, Jason, 246

  Collins, Malcolm, 258

  Colvin, Geoff, 19

  COMT gene and variants, 261–63

  cone density, and visual acuity, 39

  congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 62

  contrast sensitivity, 43

  Cooper, Juin, 177

  Cooper, Patrick, 175–85

  Cowgill, Libby, 124–25

  Cowherd, Colin, 130, 131

  CREB1 gene, 85

  cricket, and occlusion test, 11–12

  cross-sectional study, 20

  Cudjoe, Captain, 164, 165, 167

  Cunego, Damiano, 280–81

  Curry, Eddy, 250–51

  CYP2E1 gene, 146–47

  Daniels, Jack, 97–98

  Danish athletes, muscle fiber study of, 111–13

  Darwin, Charles, 64, 230–31, 289

  database of body movements, 12–13, 284–85

  da Vinci, Leonardo, 115, 134

  Davis, Anthony, 134–35

  Dean, Herb, 263

  death, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 242–51

  deCODE Genetics, 149

  de Groot, Adriaan, 8–9

  de la Chapelle, Albert, 57–58, 275–76, 280

  De la Chapelle syndrome, 57–58

  de La Hoya, Oscar, 241

  deliberate practice framework. See 10,000 hours to expertise rule

  depression, 239

  depth perception, 43–44

  distal weight, 197

  Dix, Walter, 174

  dog breeding

  sled dogs (See sled dogs)

  whippets, 103–4, 231

  Dong Fangxiao, 68

  dopamine, 234, 238, 239–40, 261–62


  of female athletes, 69

  gene-doping, 106

  T/E ratio testing, genes conferring immunity to, 148

  DRD4 gene, 7R version of, 239, 240

  Dreger, Alice, 69

  Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 152–53

  Duguay, Ron, 253, 256

  Durandt, Justin, 47–48, 52, 173

  Easteal, Simon, 153

  East Germany, and systematic doping by female athletes, 69

  Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 258

  Elferink-Gemser, Marije, 46–47

  El Guerrouj, Hicham, 121

  Elo, Arpad, 21

  enlarged heart, and HCM, 250

  EPAS1 gene, 212

  EPO (hormone), 214, 274, 276–77

  EPOR gene (erythropoietin receptor gene), 276–77

  Mäntyranta family EPOR mutation, 273–81

  Epstein, David, 86–89

  Ericsson, K. Anders, 16–17, 19, 22, 37, 284

  erythropoietin (EPO), 214, 274, 276–77

  Eskimo body type, 199

  Estil, Frode, 280–81


  Amhara, 212–13

  Oromo (See Oromo runners)

  European Journal of Applied Physiology, 220

  expert athletic performance

  body types and (See body types)

  gene-free model of (See gene-free model of expertise)

  genetics and (See genes/genetics)

  hardware and software paradigm (See hardware and software paradigm)

  height and (See height)

  of Jamaican sprinters (See Jamaican sprinters)

  of Kalenjin runners (See Kalenjin runners)

  malaria and muscle fiber theory (See malaria and muscle fiber theory)

  male/female differences in (See male/female differences in athletic performance)

  muscles and (See muscles)

  nature versus nurture and, 34–37, 282–90

  practice and (See practice)

  skill acquisition and, 34–37

  technological enhancements and, 115

  10,000 hours to expertise rule (See 10,000 hours to expertise rule)

  trainability and (See trainability)

  Extra Mile, The (Reed), 235

  eye movement tracking, 10–11, 13

  Farrow, Damian, 91

  fast-twitch muscle fibers

  and fat burning capacity, 123

  malaria and muscle fiber theory (See malaria and muscle fiber theory)

  muscle growth potential and, 109–13

  sprinting and, 173

  fat, 122–23

  Fetus into Man (Tanner), 126, 136

  field hockey, and occlusion test, 7–8

  Finch, Jennie, 1–4, 12–13

  “The Fire Inside: Bulls center Joakim Noah . . .” (Sports Illustrated article), 283

  Flanagan, Shalane, 215–16

  “flicker,” of pitches, 42

  Foé, Marc-Vivien, 246

  Folland, Jonathan P., 286–87

  follistatin, 105

  football, and brain trauma, 254–55

  Fosbury, Dick, 119

  Foster, Carl, 157

  founder mutations, 275–76

  fractures, 258

  Francis, Stephen, 171

  Frank, Robert H., 114

  Fraser-Pryce, Shelly-Ann, 171–72

  FTO gene, 122–23

  Fuller, Charles, 170

  Garland, Theodore, 233–34

  Garrels, Dee, 102

  Gathers, Hank, 250

  Gavin, Myron, 226

  Gayle, Branford, 170–71

  GDF-8 gene (myostatin gene), 101–4, 106–7

  GEAR study, 84, 108

  Geary, David C., 63–64, 66, 73

  Gebrselassie, Haile, 237

  gene-doping, 106

  gene-free model of expertise, 1–17

  brain automation and, 13–14

  chunking theory and, 9–10, 11–12, 14

  database of body movements and, 12–13

  de Groot’s chess experiments and, 8–9

  eye movement tracking and, 10–11, 13

  occlusion test and, 6–8, 11–12

  practice and (See practice)

  simple reaction time and, 4–5, 6

  10,000 hours to expertise rule (See 10,000 hours to expertise rule)

  Genel, Myron, 58, 70

  general athleticism

  Australian Institute of
Sports (AIS) skeleton experiment and, 48–50

  tennis skill acquisition and, 44–46

  genes/genetics, 53–55, 82–85. See also specific genes

  ApoE gene and variants, 253–57

  body weight, effect on, 122–23

  collagen genes (COL1A1 and COL5A1), 257–58

  CREB1 gene, 85

  hardware and software paradigm (See hardware and software paradigm)

  height and, 136–38

  human genome, sequencing of, 82–83

  injuries and (See injuries)

  Jamaican sprinters, genetic studies of, 166–69

  Kalenjin runners and, 195–99

  malaria and muscle fiber theory (See malaria and muscle fiber theory)

  male/female differences (See male/female differences in athletic performance)

  Mäntyranta family EPOR mutation and, 273–81

  muscles and, 101–9

  pain and (See pain)

  personalized medicine and, 84–85

  race and genetic diversity (See race, and genetic diversity)

  RUNX1 gene, 83–84

  SRY gene, 61, 71, 74

  testing (See genetic testing)

  trainability and, 83–85

  voluntary physical activity and, 238–41

  work ethic, breeding for (See work ethic, breeding for)

  genetic drift, 147

  Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), 251

  Genetic Technologies, 156

  genetic testing

  for ApoE4 gene, 255–57

  collagen gene testing, 258

  for HCM, 248–51

  “injury gene” testing, 258–59

  REVEAL Study of reactions to results of ApoE testing, 257

  sex testing, 56–59, 69–70

  Genghis Khan, 67

  geographic ancestry, DNA identification of, 149

  geography and limb-length differences, 140–41, 175

  GIANT Consortium study, 122–23

  Giles, Brian, 3

  Gknowmix, 258

  Gladwell, Malcolm, 19, 22, 28, 131

  Glaz, Dan, 242–43

  Gleaner, The, 176

  Gledhill, Norman, 90–91

  Gluppe, George S., 90

  Gobet, Fernand, 21–22, 23, 51

  Goldis, Al, 43

  Goldman, David, 262–63, 265

  golf experiment, of McLaughlin, 18–20

  gorillas, 65–66

  Graf, Steffi, 46

  Greely, Hank, 286

  Green, Robert C., 257

  Gretzky, Wayne, 240

  Grimsley, John, 254–55

  Grimsley, Virginia, 254–55

  Groningen talent studies, 46–48, 173

  Gulbin, Jason, 48–49, 54

  Hakulinen, Veikko, 273

  Hall, Ryan, 216

  hardware and software paradigm, 38–55

  depth perception and ability to learn catching skills, 43–44

  deterministic versus predispositional view of genes, 53–55

  early childhood specialization and, 51–53

  skeleton experiment, and general athleticism, 48–50

  speed and, 46–48

  tennis skill acquisition, impact of general athleticism on, 44–46

  visual acuity of baseball players and, 38–43

  Harper, Joanna, 72–73

  Hayes, Chuck, 135

  HCM. See hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

  Hebb, D. O., 264

  height, 128–34, 136–38

  bell curve of, 130–31

  genetics and, 136–38

  identical twin studies and, 136, 137

  increase in twentieth century in, 131

  percentage of seven-footers in NBA, 131–33

  threshold hypothesis of, 131–32



  as adaptation to malaria, 180–82

  in African Americans, 178–79

  Mäntyranta family EPOR mutation and, 273–81

  oxygen saturation of, 211

  HERITAGE Family Study, 79–86, 290

  Hernandez, Keith, 42

  Herrion, Thomas, 246

  HEXA gene, 146

  high jump, 23–33

  Achilles tendon, role of, 32–33

  Holm, Stefan and, 23–29, 31–32

  Thomas, Donald and, 29–31

  Hoar, Melissa, 49

  Holliday, Trindon, 174

  Holm, Johnny, 25, 27, 28, 32

  Holm, Stefan, 23–29, 31–32, 237

  Holway, Francis, 123–24, 125–26

  human genome, sequencing of, 82–83

  Human Genome Project, 84

  Hunter, Gary, 32–33

  Huson, Heather, 232

  hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 242–51, 285–86

  autosomal dominant heredity of, 246–47

  enlarged heart as sign of, 250

  gene mutations identified as causing, 247–48

  prevalence in U.S. population, 245

  testing for, 248–51

  “Ice Novice to Winter Olympian in 14 months” (Bullock et al.), 49

  identical twin studies

  and height, 136, 137

  and voluntary physical activity, 238–39

  Iditarod, 223–24, 228, 229–30

  IGF-1, 105–6

  IGF-1Ea gene, 109

  injuries, 254–59

  brain trauma, and ApoE4 gene, 254–57

  collagen genes and, 257–58

  tendon and ligament injuries, 257–59

  intersex conditions, in Olympics, 70–72

  iron supplements, and severe malaria, 181–82

  Ishikawa, Masaki, 32, 33

  Jackson, Colin, 167

  Jamaican sprinters, 158–74

  genetic studies of, 166–69

  leg-length of, 175

  muscle fiber and, 173

  Pitsiladis’ study of, 158–69

  warrior-slave theory of, 163–66

  youth track programs and, 169–74

  James, LeBron, 130, 134

  Jamnik, Veronica, 90–91

  Japanese junior athletes, study of, 98–99

  Jobs, Steve, 285

  Johnson, Calvin, 173

  Johnson, Glen, 256

  Johnson, Jack, 176

  Johnson, Michael, 166

  Johnson, Ted, 256–57

  Jones, Andrew M., 221

  Jones, Edward, 141

  Jones, Marion, 171

  Jordan, Barry, 255–56, 257

  Jordan, Michael, 51, 130, 132, 283

  Journal of Applied Physiology, 84, 179

  Journal of the National Medical Association, 178

  Juantorena, Alberto, 96

  Juvonen, Eeva, 275

  Kalenjin runners, 186–99

  achievements of, 191–94

  altitude and, 210, 213, 215

  body type and, 196–99

  cattle raiding and, 190–91

  distal weight of, 197

  genetic studies of, 195–99

  KenSAP program and, 186–88, 193–94

  running economy and, 197–98

  socioeconomic factors and, 207–10

  Karl, Coby, 139

  Karros, Eric, 39

  Kastor, Deena, 214

  Keflezighi, Meb, 95–96, 214

  Kelly, James P., 256

  Kemp, Justin, 91

  KenSAP (Kenya Scholar-Athlete Project), 186–88, 193–94

  Kenyan runners, 186–99, 201–3

  Kalenjin runners (See Kalenjin runners)

KenSAP program and, 186–88, 193–94

  socioeconomic factors and, 207–10

  statistical projections of Kenyan runners’ performance, 201–2

  training of, 204–7

  Kidd, Judith, 146

  Kidd, Kenneth, 142–47, 150, 151, 183, 283

  Kimutai, Japhet, 193

  Kinuthia, Ibrahim, 206

  Kipketer, Wilson, 193, 209

  Kiplagat, Evans, 204–5

  Kipnis, Jason, 41

  Kipnis, Mark, 41

  Kiprotich, Stephen, 191

  Kiprugut, Wilson, 189

  Kiptanui, Moses, 206, 209

  Kirschen, David G., 41, 43

  Klawans, Harold, 51

  Kogut, Eileen, 246, 247, 248–49

  Kogut, Joe, 246

  Kogut, Mark, 246

  Korir, Amos, 191–92

  Kosgei, Evans, 194

  Kosgei, Peter, 194

  Krieger, Heidi (Andreas), 69

  Laby, Daniel M., 41, 43

  lactose tolerance, 147–48

  Larmer, Brook, 288

  Larsen, Bob, 214

  Larsen, Henrik, 198

  Lasorda, Tommy, 39–40

  “Late Specialization: The Key to Success in Centimeters, Grams or Seconds (cgs) Sports,” 52

  Latimer, Bruce, 65

  Lee, Se-Jin, 101–3, 104–5

  left-handedness, 64–65

  Le Gallais, Daniel, 183–84

  leg-length. See limb-length

  Lewis, Carl, 115

  Lieberman, Dan, 74

  ligament injuries, 257–59

  Lightfoot, Tim, 239–40


  arm span, of NBA basketball players, 134–35

  geographic differences and, 140–41, 175

  of Jamaican sprinters, 175

  of Kalenjin runners, 196–99

  racial differences and, 138–40

  Lohr, Lane, 29, 30

  Lomong, Lopez, 201

  longitudinal study, 20

  Lost Boys, 200–1

  Mach, Abraham, 200–1

  Mackey, Dick, 225–26

  Mackey, Kathie, 226

  Mackey, Lance, 223–29, 232

  Mackey, Tonya, 225, 227, 229

  Making of Me, The (BBC program), 167

  malaria and muscle fiber theory, 175–85

  fast-twitch muscle fiber increase and, 175–76, 180, 182–84

  iron supplements, and severe malaria, 181–82

  low hemoglobin

  as adaptation to malaria, 180–82

  in African Americans, 178–79

  sickle-cell trait and, 177–81

  Male, Female: The Evolution of Human Sex Differences (Geary), 64

  male/female differences in athletic performance, 56–74

  effect of male hormones in females, 69

  larger number of female than male ancestors and, 66–67

  Martínez-Patiño, female status of, 56–59

  papers suggesting women will outrun men, 59–60

  physical differences between sexes, 64–65


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