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The Bound Lily

Page 8

by L. L. Chance

  When I finished the section I’d been working away at off and on all day, I decided I’d earned a short break, and went to the library since it was the closest room with a reclining chair. I figured it would be the easiest to get in and out of with the boned corset limiting my bending, and being able to elevate my feet would feel divine. I’d only meant to sit for a few minutes, but my exhausted body had other plans; I fell almost instantly asleep.

  My White Knight

  I awoke to a gentle shaking of my shoulder, unsure of where I was at first. As the fog cleared, I saw Sylvia’s face in front of mine, looking amused. I tried to ask her what was going on, but was still gagged and barely got a sound out.

  It was a good thing I was still wearing it, because when I tried to move a moment later, I started screaming. My leg and feet muscles, unaccustomed to such a strenuous position from the evil boots, had cramped up and the pain felt like they were plugged into an electrical socket.

  Sylvia’s look of amusement changed to one of worry in an instant when she realized what was wrong. Running over to the intercom, she called for Claude and came right back to start unlacing my boots.

  My body was rigid from the painful cramps, and my calves somehow got even worse when the boots came off. I was sobbing uncontrollably by the time Claude arrived to help, the corset and gag making breathing a chore as my lungs demanded more air, yet couldn’t get it since my nose was starting to plug up.

  Luckily, Claude went straight for the gag and pulled it out with a pop as it went past my teeth. Sylvia finished removing the second boot, and helped hold me up so Claude could get to the corset laces easier. I was breathing easier as soon as the first few rows of laces came undone, and started to calm down almost immediately.

  “Why on Earth did you come here to sleep?” Sylvia demanded.

  “I just meant to sit for a minute or two,” I croaked. My mouth was incredibly dry and aching, despite having worn the easier gag.

  “When you missed dinner, we naturally thought you went to lie down after working so hard all day, but I never imagined you’d still be wearing your uniform. If I hadn’t gone up with a tray and found you missing, you might’ve been here all night like this.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, feeling miserable.

  “We can chew her out later,” Claude interrupted, picking me up. “Let’s get her in the hot tub and work the cramps out of her muscles before things get any worse.”

  He carried me outside like I weighed a fraction of what I really did, Sylvia leading the way and opening doors for us. He didn’t even pause at the edge of the tub, and still fully dressed, went straight in with me. Shit, there went a couple grand worth of clothes.

  Sylvia had changed into comfortable lounging clothes after her session, and took the time to quickly strip them off before hopping in with us. I barely noticed since the water felt like molten lava after my rapid immersion.

  The two of them worked together at removing my uniform, and while wet latex wasn’t the easiest thing to slide over skin, at least the heat made it more pliable. Sylvia held me after I was naked so Claude could get out of his wet garments, and I winced again when I saw him pour water out of his expensive designer shoes.

  His nakedness didn’t bother me this time since I was lost in a world of my own misery, and once he started massaging my legs and feet, didn’t care in the least. Falling asleep like I did was a stupid thing to do, but they took some of the blame onto themselves.

  Neither one knew the other had done the stair trick on me, so I’d gotten much more of a workout than they’d intended. That, coupled with how long her session had lasted, had put me in dire straits indeed, but Claude’s skilled hands were quickly rectifying the situation.

  God, did it ever feel good. He was a true master at it, and between Sylvia working on my back and his hands working up and down my legs, I began to feel human again. Actually, I began to feel like jelly, but that was even better after the cramps and strains.

  Once I could actually move my feet and legs again, Claude took Sylvia’s spot behind me while she went to put together some food and drink for me. He continued the massage where Sylvia left off, which meant he was working around my ribs and chest.

  With the pain mostly gone, his massage seemed to turn from therapeutic to sensual in the blink of an eye, and I simply melted in his arms. I was incredibly turned on from his attention, and as I felt something poking into my butt, knew he felt the same way.

  This almost felt like Déjà-vu, and I wondered if I could be daring enough to do what I’d stopped the last time we were in this situation. They’d both claimed it was a natural reaction, and wanting to return pleasure was perfectly normal.

  After saving me from my own stupidity, it felt like he was my white knight, and don’t knights get rewarded for saving the damsel in distress? I slid a hand into the water behind me, knowing he’d tell me if I was overstepping my boundaries.

  He didn’t say a word when my fingers found his balls and began kneading them gently, although a faint gasp passed his lips when I began stroking his raging hard-on. He must’ve been even more turned on than I was, since I felt him start cumming within a few minutes of my gentle touches.

  He’d just finished when Sylvia returned with a platter, and I immediately felt guilty about what I’d done. This was her husband, for crying out loud. I think she knew what’d happened, but she didn’t say a word. Instead, she sat on the edge of the tub and fed me by hand, giving Claude an occasional tidbit or drink as well.

  Despite my guilt, the long day was catching up to me again, and I started to nod off. They helped me out, dried me off, and Claude once again picked me up and carried me, this time to my room. I felt like a spoiled princess the way he tucked me in for the night, and fell asleep still thinking about my white knight.

  Structured Training

  I was still a little stiff and sore the next morning, but not too bad, all things considered. A long, hot shower helped fix the worst of it, and I emerged feeling much better. I was rubbing my hair dry with a towel and didn’t see her at first, but Sylvia was sitting in my armchair, waiting for me with a stern look on her face.

  “Since someone doesn’t seem to know the proper way to behave as a submissive, I think I’ll need to keep a closer eye on your activities. I think a more structured training regimen is in order.”

  Her words startled me, and I was filled with panic. Shit, she knew what I’d done last night with Claude and was mad. From research I’d done on the internet, I knew a few things that seemed to be standard with submissives, and taking a risk, I hurried over and knelt before her with my head hung low.

  “I suppose that’s a start,” she said, sounding faintly amused. “Let’s get you ready for the morning, and take this one step at a time.”

  I didn’t want to look up, but out of the corner of my eye I saw her go to the last locked wardrobe and start sorting through the contents. She took her time making her selections, often putting something back when a different item caught her eye.

  Hearing her snicker at some of her choices wasn’t doing my nerves any good, but I stayed still and waited like a good little girl. The first thing she came back with was a blindfold, and my heart went into overdrive the moment my sight was taken away.

  “While it’s your job to submit, it’s my job to keep you under proper control at all times, something I’ve been woefully neglecting up to now.”

  Pulling my arms behind my back, I felt and heard the cold steel of handcuffs ratchet shut around my wrists. A moment later I felt something touch my lips, so I opened wide, feeling the now familiar ball slide past my lips. I heard the snick of a lock behind me after the strap was buckled, and knew I’d be wearing it for a while again.

  She helped me to my feet and had me lift one foot at a time so she could slide panties up my legs. They were cold and felt like rubber or latex, and she had to pause to powder my thighs and hips before pulling them any higher.

  Just before getting them in
place, she tapped my inner thighs which I took to mean she wanted me to spread my legs. A moment later I found out why, when I felt a protrusion on the panties press against my labia. She spread my folds to help guide it in, and held it there while she yanked the panties the last bit needed to get them fully in place.

  It made me distinctly uncomfortable to have her so casually fill me without any warning, but I held still, thinking that complaining would only make things worse. I felt a wide collar go over my neck, and unlike the one I wore yesterday, this one had protrusions that forced my chin up and held it in place.

  It was fairly strict and limited my head movement quite a bit, but actually felt a little better than the smaller one since it didn’t dig into my neck. I heard another lock snap shut behind me and a click on the front.

  I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but having her announce that we were ready wasn’t it. I was still naked from the waist up, yet she was pulling me forward by my collar, or more accurately, by the leash she’d clipped to it.

  She grabbed my upper arm to help me down the stairs, and as soon as we’d traversed that obstacle, I felt more cold steel, this time around my ankles. I could now take only steps of around six inches at a time, and it felt like I was about to trip each time I moved my feet. The distracting plug shifted inside me every time I moved and made it even harder.

  I was a little disoriented, but knew we’d entered the kitchen when I felt the cold tile on my bare feet. She guided me into a chair and refastened my handcuffs so they went around a slat in the back, effectively keeping me in place until she decided otherwise.

  “No boots today?” I heard Claude ask, which caused me to jump since I thought we were alone.

  “I thought we’d take her training in a different direction after yesterday. We’ll work her into proper footwear eventually, but not right now.”

  Here I was sitting bound and gagged with my bare boobs on display, and they were talking about shoes? It wasn’t natural. They started a conversation about an upcoming show they’d planned to see, and since I heard noises coming from the stove, I knew Billy was here as well. It was distinctly uncomfortable.

  I began to feel pretty self-conscious sitting here silent and immobile while the morning routine went on around me and without me. My gag was removed once breakfast was served, but the rest of my restraints remained intact. Someone, Claude I think, fed me small bites of an omelet interspersed with sips of coffee or grapefruit juice.

  It was a fairly messy way to eat and I wound up wearing a lot of it. But he kept me clean by licking off anything that spilled. I shuddered whenever his tongue brushed over my breasts, especially when he had to lick grapefruit juice off my right nipple. I couldn’t stop my body from reacting in the predictable way, despite my concerns that Sylvia was right here watching and most likely getting more and more jealous by the moment.

  He finished by planting his lips over mine and giving me a long, deep kiss that left me gasping for air. The ball gag returned before I had a chance to recover, and was buckled tighter than before. I hoped it didn’t mean she was going to work her jealousy out on me with a rougher training session.

  I was released from the chair but not from the cuffs, and was led outside into the hot morning sun. It seemed like we did a lap around the pool, and when we got back to our starting point, I felt her remove the leash from my collar.

  “I think we’ll start with obedience and trust,” she said.

  I heard her walk a few steps away and sit in one of the creaky deck chairs.

  “Walk forward,” she ordered.

  Being blindfolded and not having her guiding me made me nervous and hesitant, but I slowly complied.

  “Faster,” she said, sounding exasperated. “You need to trust me.”

  It was scary, but I picked up the pace a little, causing the steel to dig into my ankles with each hurried step.

  “Stop and turn left. A little more… perfect. Now continue walking forward.”

  She guided me through a whole lap, frequently correcting my direction to ensure I stayed on the proper path. I was sweating from more than the sun and the effort, but followed her instructions immediately to make sure I wouldn’t fall into the pool.

  Being bound and gagged, I’d be helpless if that happened, and if she was truly pissed off, she might be ‘accidentally’ too slow in saving me. No sooner had I thought that, than I caught my foot and stumbled, falling off the edge and into the water with a shriek that was loud despite the gag.

  Screaming was a mistake since it meant that I was underwater when I tried to refill my lungs with air. I was in a full blown panic when I felt strong arms grab me and pull me to the surface. Gasping and choking, three sets of hands pulled me from the pool and laid me out on the hot cobblestones.

  I probably wasn’t in the pool for more than ten seconds or so, but the emotional toll was severe. Still, it made me realize one thing; with how fast they responded, I was never in any real danger. I should’ve trusted them.

  A Surprise Tryst

  Other than my blindfold, all my restraints were removed after my accident, including the rubber panties and their built-in distraction. They let me sit in a lounge chair while I recovered from my scare and I was dried off by three sets of towels at once. With the adrenaline still pumping through my veins and the attention being paid to my entire body at once, my brain suddenly switched gears.

  I went from frightened and confused, to horny and confused. I wasn’t sure it was an improvement, but I found myself unconsciously leaning into their ministrations, especially the ones focused on my breasts and thighs.

  I didn’t know who was touching me where, but couldn’t stop myself from reacting to each caress. It was like my brain went on vacation, leaving only action and reaction. I needed to stop this before it got out of hand and I made Sylvia even angrier, but found myself unable to say a word, even without the gag blocking my speech.

  They thankfully stopped their fluffy Turkish assault before I did something I’d regret, but it was a close thing. My hormones gradually stopped asserting their dominance, but not fast enough, unfortunately. Since I was still out in the scorching sun, they began oiling my skin for protection, and that was way too much for my mind to handle in my current state.

  On a scale of one to ten, my horny-o-meter jumped from about a six to a twelve in a matter of seconds, and I was close to climax from the combined attention they were dishing out. Regretfully, they finished mere seconds before I could pop, leaving me right on the edge and wanting to scream.

  The hands left me alone and I heard the clack of Sylvia’s shoes going away, so I thought they’d left me to relax and enjoy the sun. I began caressing my own body, picking up where they’d left off, but the second my hands strayed too far south I was halted by hands from each side.

  Shit… Sylvia might’ve walked off, but the guys were still here. They put my arms off to the side and I felt their hot skin with the back of my hands. They must’ve put three loungers side by side in order to keep an eye on me.

  “None of that, now,” Claude firmly said. “At this stage you need to earn the right to cum, and you haven’t exactly been a star pupil so far.”

  If that was the case, then with the way things had been going, an orgasm didn’t seem likely anytime in the near future. Dammit… I wanted to cum so bad I could practically taste it. Maybe he’d change his mind if I asked nicely and promised to work harder. Begging for permission would be embarrassing, but right now it’d be worth it.

  “Please Sir, let me have an orgasm,” I said, hardly believing what I was asking. “I’ll do anything if you let me cum.”

  “It seems we have a firecracker on our hands,” he said, as hands from each side began fondling my tits again. “What do you think, Billy? Has she done anything to deserve a reward?”

  “Not from what I’ve seen. So far she’s shown a huge lack of common sense, faint trust, little respect, and only reluctant obedience. If I was in Mistress Sylvia’s shoes, I
’d cane her, not reward her.”

  “You’re probably right,” he agreed. “The first words out of her mouth were those asking for her own pleasure, with no thought at all for anyone else. Heck, she hasn’t even thanked us for jumping in to pull her out of the pool.”

  “Sorry Sir, you’re right Sir. I don’t know what’s happened to my manners. I’m extremely grateful to all of you for watching me so closely, saving me from my own clumsiness, and taking such good care of me afterwards. Please let me give you a reward.”

  Desperate, and knowing my hands were close to the target, I reached out and grabbed both of their cocks through their swim trunks, a little disappointed they were out of direct reach. Still… a few seconds of gentle stroking had the deSired effect, and both men quickly rose to the occasion.

  “How long has it been since Sylvia let you cum, Billy?”

  “Twenty-nine and a half days, but who’s counting,” he answered.

  With how fast he replied, I bet he could’ve been accurate down to the second if he wanted to.

  “Well, since Sylvia’s away putting together the items she needs for this afternoon, why don’t we take care of that. You actually beat me into the water when she fell, and that’s impressive. Tell me little one… are you any good at sucking cock?”

  “I’ve had some experience with it, but not a lot,” I admitted.

  “Well then, I think we’ll need to critique your technique, since oral skills are very important. Sit up.”

  I heard the scrape of their loungers being moved away, and felt hands guiding my legs out to the side until they were draped over the edge of my own. It was a bit awkward and I felt incredibly exposed, but one of them sat in front of me and began teasing my labia, so the position made sense.

  I felt the tip of a penis brush my cheek, and turned towards it, my haste making me bounce it around a bit before being able to trap it between my lips. I tasted his pre-cum, a bit of fresh sweat, and the faint astringency of chlorine from the pool.


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