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The Bound Lily

Page 13

by L. L. Chance

“No Mistress,” we both said in unison.

  “Excellent,” she said with a satisfied nod. “Keep to that attitude and we won’t have any problems. Cross me at your own risk. By the way; I don’t usually go to bed before two in the morning, and since it’s not even eleven yet, I guess I’ll need to find something to keep me occupied for the next few hours.”

  I felt my vibrator jump back to life, and since Billy still needed time to recuperate, I was the focus of her attention. She selected a pair of floggers and after testing their heft, began methodically working her way up and down my body with them.

  This really was going to be a long night, and I hoped Billy recovered quickly and often so he could draw her attention away as much as possible.

  Hell Week

  While I had no problems with her plan to get a bun in Sylvia’s oven, I thought Claire’s idea of keeping us occupied and exhausted was overkill. I suspected she only did it because she knew she’d never have another opportunity like this and wanted to make the most of it.

  Sylvia was too focused on the task at hand to notice how hard we were being used, and Claude was a typical guy, which meant he was clueless. That pretty much meant Mistress Claire had a free rein when it came to us, and we were together almost constantly.

  One thing I’ll give her credit for, is I probably learned more about being a submissive in the first week of her stay, than I did in the last several months. With how close we were, Silvia was probably easier on me than was technically proper. Claire didn’t have that problem.

  I still had to spend my mornings taking care of my regular duties, and afternoons usually had a training session with both Sylvia and Mistress Claire, but every evening and late into the night was the three of us in the dungeon. I rarely saw Claude outside of dinner.

  Billy and I even slept in our restraints more often than not, and only industrial strength fatigue made sleep even remotely possible. The quality of our work fell sharply by the end of the week, and while Sylvia or Claude might specify a punishment for our infractions, Mistress Claire never bothered looking for excuses; she did whatever she wanted, and we couldn’t complain.

  Even though we had no respite from her attentions, it wasn’t all bad. She might’ve known more about how to satisfy a partner than either Sylvia or Claude. How to be properly submissive wasn’t the only thing we learned from her, and the sex was incredible.

  I never knew what to expect with her, and while scary, it also meant life was extremely interesting. Today was no exception, and she’d hinted all last night about what a special day she had planned for me, although she annoyingly avoided going into any real details about it.

  As I felt the belts being undone from the leather sleep sack I’d spent the night in, I knew I’d be finding out shortly. The air conditioned room felt cold on my naked and damp skin when she unzipped the sack, giving me goose bumps and causing my nipples to become erect.

  She chuckled when she saw that and gave them a little tweak to ‘help wake me up’ as she liked to put it. She let me take my own shower today, which was a nice change, and there was a delicious smelling breakfast tray waiting for me when I got out.

  I was glad she remembered breakfast this morning, since food was one thing she often overlooked. She didn’t do it out of malice or anything, she just forgot others might be hungry even if she wasn’t, and she neglected her own meals constantly.

  I ate at a leisurely pace, savoring each bite since it was a compilation of all my favorites, and I still had time to spare before Claire returned. When she did, she seemed as giddy as a schoolgirl and could barely contain her impatience in getting me ready.

  The first order of business was a white latex catsuit I’d never seen before. I thought it must be from Claire’s private stock since she had a real thing for latex and would wear it any chance she got, as well as dressing me up in it like I was a kinky bondage doll for her amusement.

  It looked well-made and had zippers at strategic locations, but was almost too small for me to fit into. Rather than using talcum powder to aid in getting it on, she pulled out a bottle of a silicone based lubricant and coated me liberally with it.

  Despite how small it was, I rather liked the feel of it, other than in my feet where it made my toes curl slightly from the lack of space. While getting the bottom half in place and wrinkle free was easy, my upper body was another story.

  Even with a back zipper it was a real stretch, pun intended, to slide my arms into the sleeves and get it over my shoulders. I couldn’t do much to help anymore, since my hands never emerged from the overly long sleeves. It was like a straightjacket.

  Once she was satisfied with the catsuit, she pulled out a black latex half-corset and strapped it tightly in place. It was a really weird model with almost no boning, and the rubber had a lot of give to it. I found I could take an almost full breath if I strained my chest, but the second I relaxed to exhale it snapped back and almost forced the air from my lungs. It wasn’t nearly as tight or restrictive as the ones I usually wore, but I didn’t like it at all.

  Next up was a posture collar, also in black latex. While not as high on the front as some I’d worn, it had larger flanges all around it that kept my head almost completely immobile. It was even a bit of a strain to open my mouth wide enough to accept the bit gag, and a larger ball gag would’ve been impossible at this point.

  She pulled a bottle of latex polish and a cloth out of her ‘goodie bag’ and went over me from head to toe until I practically gleamed. Finally satisfied, she replaced it in the bag and zipped it closed, telling me to go outside to the patio.

  The first thing I saw when I got outside was Billy floating in the pool. At least I assumed it was Billy underneath all that restrictive and inflated latex, not to mention the plastic pool toys that were definitely not used as per the manufacturers recommended specifications.

  It was a pretty bizarre sight and Mistress Claire let me get a closer look since it wasn’t like anything I’d ever seen before. After studying it for a few minutes I determined that while it looked really constricting, I bet it was actually fairly comfortable floating like that. Maybe I’d get to try it someday and find out for sure.

  Sylvia and Claude emerged from the house with a video camera and a tripod, setting it up so it had me centered with floating Billy in the background. The goodie bag landed on the ground next to me with a thunk that both startled me, and reminded me that my outfitting wasn’t yet complete.

  The first thing she did was have me put my arms behind my back and try to grab my elbows. I couldn’t actually grab anything with the straitjacket type sleeves, but it was the position she wanted.

  The extended sleeves were wrapped around to the front and secured to rings on the front of the corset, making it even more like a straitjacket, only reversed. Two belts went around my upper arms and slowly brought them closer together until they began to ache from the strain. The straps at the front were retightened to take up the slack, although they were completely redundant by now.

  Two more straps welded my forearms together, with one final one going around my whole body, just below my breasts. With how many ways my arms were contained, I thought she must’ve learned her technique from a stint in the department of redundancy department.

  Next up was an elaborate harness that wrapped around my head and shoulders. My hair was pulled into a high ponytail and fed through a ring at the top, and two leather flaps stuck outwards on the outside of my eyes, pretty much eliminating my peripheral vision. Combined with the posture collar holding my head firmly in place, my vision was really limited now.

  She pulled up a chair and had me sit for the next step, which was my boots… and what boots they were. I couldn’t see them well, other than they were a glossy black latex and appeared to be about knee-high, with both zippers and buckle straps along the whole length.

  They also strained my foot into what felt like about a six inch heel or worse, and combined with how restrictive the rest of my outfit was, would be
almost impossible to stand in, let alone walk around in. I didn’t even know the half of it until she helped me stand again; the boots had no heels whatsoever!

  They did have a fairly wide platform at the end that gave me more stability than regular high-heel shoes would’ve, but I would’ve fallen on my nose several times if she hadn’t helped me stay upright until I learned how to keep my balance in the silly things. It was a little hard on the toes, but not quite as bad as I initially feared.

  Once I could stand on my own she had me turn for the camera, and I did it with baby steps, unwilling to risk anything bigger unless I had to. Sylvia and Claude applauded either my appearance or my performance, and a small measure of confidence returned.

  While keeping a close watch over me, she had me step in place, lifting each knee up high and holding it for a full second before lowering it back down. I really felt the burn from stretching muscles I didn’t know I had, but I thought I did pretty good overall.

  No sooner had I thought that, she had me start walking around the patio and pool, giving me corrective taps with her riding crop if I went off the line or failed to step high enough. It was definitely a challenge, since each flick of her crop made me want to instinctively jump away from it, which made me come close to falling each time it happened.

  We fell into a routine where she’d have me walk for twenty minutes and then give me five minutes to either sit and rest, or stand under the shower to cool off and get a drink. Now I knew why she’d used latex for my outfit instead of leather which would’ve worked better but been ruined from all the water and sweat.

  After a few rounds like that, she decided to start upping the ante and push my limits even more. The first addition was a set of ben-wa balls that felt very distracting with the way I was forced to walk, and then an oversized butt plug to make things even more challenging.

  Once I got uses to that, she did something diabolically clever; she temporarily took out one ben-wa ball and put a vibrating egg in between them. That brought my distraction level to a whole new world, and maintaining my focus was almost impossible.

  She didn’t stop there, though, and the zippers over my breasts were undone so she could attach nipple clamps connected by a heavy chain that pulled quite harshly if I stepped too hard or too fast. I was really starting to sweat now, and it wasn’t from the afternoon sun.

  She did take pity on me and let me sit a bit more often now, especially when she noticed I was close to cumming. It meant I had to exert considerable control if I was only halfway through a lap, but I managed because I had no other choice.

  Of course she changed the game again once I’d gotten used to her distracting additions by flipping my blinders shut, removing the last little bit of freedom I had left. Losing my sight felt far worse than any of the other things, and she had to use her crop quite frequently to keep me walking straight, with the proper step and posture, all at a speed that kept her happy.

  I had to keep reciting the words ‘trust and obey’ to myself almost like a mantra to keep from panicking, and it eventually started working for me. Once I came to the realization that she was taking every precaution possible to make sure I didn’t get hurt, everything seemed to fall into place for me and I switched from enduring to excelling.

  As a final test, I was led around the grounds with the blinders still blocking my sight and the egg vibrating at full blast. The uneven ground added to the difficulty, but I finished without mishap and heard cheers when we finally returned.

  The most restrictive of my restraints were removed, although the catsuit and internal accessories remained in place, and I was helped into the hot tub to relax my muscles. I saw Billy was gone from the pool when the harness was removed and I could see again, and hoped he was inside fixing some food; I’d worked up a real appetite today and felt like I could eat a horse.

  My arms were stretched out and tied off to the chrome bars used for assistance in getting in and out, and while I initially thought it was a little severe, I found I could relax totally and not have to worry about my head slipping under the water. I let myself go limp once I figured that out, and found myself floating quite comfortably.

  It was so comfortable I actually dozed off briefly, only waking when I felt someone bump into me as they climbed into the tub. It must’ve been Mistress Claire who woke me, since I could see Sylvia and Claude already sitting across from me, and Billy was standing in front of the grill cooking something that smelled like it had lots of garlic.

  “Are you thirsty?” she asked, holding up a bottle of water in one hand, and a glass of white wine in the other.

  “Yes, thank you,” I replied. “Water first please, and then about ten gallons of that wine.”

  “I should beat you for failing to address me proper, but you did very well today and exceeded my expectations, so I think I’ll cut you some slack.”

  “Thank you Mistress.”

  “Plus, Sylvia tells me you haven’t had a day off in over a month, so for the next eight days you’re off limits. Someone new will be filling your role for a while.”

  “What do you mean someone new?” I replied, more than a little confused.

  “Well, not exactly new, but more like different. With you ‘free’ for eight days, Mistress Sylvia decided I’d be taking your place. Starting tomorrow morning, I’ll be on the other side of the whip.”

  Well, well, well… wasn’t that interesting. Both the wine and dinner tasted exceptionally sweet that night.

  The Switch

  I’m not what you’d call a vindictive bitch, but I definitely got a great deal of satisfaction when Sylvia asked for my help in preparing Claire for her first day at the bottom of the pecking order. It’s entirely possible I buckled her gag a notch or two tighter than normal, or laced her corset with a little more strength than strictly required, but that was probably by accident. Yeah right sure.

  I knew I was only on a temporary reprieve from Claire’s domination, so I decided to have as much fun with it while it lasted. I knew anything I did or helped to do to her would have consequences next week, but that was fine by me since she hadn’t been cutting me any slack anyway.

  I’d initially planned to go on a major shopping spree when I got my time off, but there was no way I was going to miss helping Sylvia in the dungeon, especially since she promised to teach me a few things about being a Domme. Claire was going to have a very busy week if I had my way, and unless overruled by Sylvia or Claude, I might not even let her out of the dungeon at all!

  Since she was a true switch, she didn’t complain about the restrictive way we prepared her that first morning, and to be honest, she probably enjoyed having two of us paying attention to her. I finished up her initial bondage with a pair of simple handcuffs and the evil ‘pony’ boots she made me wear yesterday, and escorted her downstairs.

  Speed wise, I was pleased to see she didn’t seem to do much better than I did with the heelless boots, although her balance looked pretty good. Practice I guess. It still took a long time to navigate the stairs, and I had to keep a close watch to make sure she didn’t fall.

  Sylvia was already there when we arrived, and looked pleased with how I’d handled Claire so far. I’d deliberately picked items that could either be removed quickly, like the handcuffs, or could stay on for the duration, like the boots, corset, and gag.

  “I think the first order of business this morning, is to let her rest while we have breakfast. Since she rarely has more than a cup of coffee and a piece of toast, I’m sure she won’t mind waiting here for us to return. Help me put her on the pyramid.”

  The pyramid was a deceptively hard device to endure, and I’d only lasted for about ten minutes the one time she’d put me on it. It was four feet tall with wide sides, and a very narrow and only slightly rounded top. It kept the legs spread wide and all your weight pressed your crotch into the top, which became really painful after a short time. I hoped Claire had good endurance, because she was really going to need it; Sylvia was pullin
g out all the stops today.

  She used thick rubber straps to hold her legs down, stretching them well to make sure they’d be applying constant pressure. A rubber armbinder did the same thing for her upper arms, with yet another rubber strap pulling them upwards behind her back in a very severe strappado.

  Two smaller ones were attached to clover clamps, which kept her nipples straining forwards and down, so any slight movement was immediately telegraphed to her sensitive buds. Despite my desire to get back at Claire, I thought this opening scene was way overboard.

  Sylvia must’ve seen the doubt in my eyes because she gave me a wink and a slight shake of her head to let me know she knew what she was doing. She finished up by blindfolding her and flipping the switch to turn the built-in vibrator on, pulling me out by my arm before I could say anything.

  Rather than going upstairs like I expected, she steered me into Claude’s office next door where breakfast was already waiting for us along with the guys. She put her meal on a TV tray and positioned her chair so she could keep an eye on Claire through the two-way mirror. I’d initially thought it was odd that she’d put Claire in such a predicament and then leave her alone, but I should’ve known better than to second guess her.

  Breakfast was a quiet affair since we didn’t want Claire to know we were next door, although with what she was going through, I doubt she would’ve noticed anyway. Sylvia left her on the pyramid for exactly one hour before returning and releasing her from what had to be a torment of epic proportions by now.

  Claude tried to shoo us out a little sooner since he’d recently took on a new project and was trying to get some work done, but Sylvia was adamant that Claire needed the full hour for maximum effect. I stayed out of it and tried to learn something other than the two of them were grumpy when denied their morning coffee.

  Sylvia opened and closed the dungeon door quietly and went to stand in front of Claire to see how she was holding up. She actually looked a lot better than I would’ve thought, and was even rocking back and forth slightly, despite the pull it was causing on her nipples. She was obviously deep in sub-space right now and feeling no pain.


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